08742 Living January 2015

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january 2015

Happy Trails

A Travel Journal

“PG" Parental Guidance

Staying Home

A retrospective of a former resident

New Year’s Resolutions

A simple way to accomplish your goals

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1/12/15 12:50 PM

Subscribe ubscribe to 08742 Living v ng the vi the magazine, ma magazin ine, ne e, now…it’s n ow…it’s s

Do you want to receive 08742 Living, for FREE every month? This local friendly magazine is all about Point Pleasant Beach, Point Pleasant Boro and Bay Head. Writers, contributors, photos, editing is all done right here by local residents who know this area better than any other media available to you. 08742 Living is a free publication…and it always will be! Email us at sdejacimo@gmail.com, or message us at facebook.com/08742 living to subscribe.

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It’s that easy. We won’t put you on an e-mail list or ask you any questions. We’ll just send you the magazine…every month. We want you to get the magazine and read it. It’s just that simple. No strings attached.

08742 Living is: Steve De Jacimo-Owner and editor Travis Short-Design and layout Matt Connelly-Writer and Vice Principal Maureen Whelan-Writer and Occupational Therapist Christy A. Schmidt Hetzel-Writer, Lawyer and Life Coach Jordan Noe-Local Writer Jen Malpass-Local photography and Elementary Educator Advertorial contributors: Ernest Caponegro-I and E Insurance Agency Arlene Joseph Cardone-Maverick Funding Chris Grenda, ESQ.-Grenda Law Typhoon Media LLC 2218 Mahoney Drive Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742 732-239-1482 Facebook.com/08742living DISCLAIMER: Typhoon Media, LLC and 08742 Living have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this magazine is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. It is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this magazine before relying on it.

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Christy A. Schmidt Hetzel is an attorney, business consultant and coach. She spends her free time teaching, writing and taking long walks on the beach

Staying Home

by Christy Schmidt-Hetzel Copyright 2014. Christy A. Schmidt Hetzel. All rights reserved.

n November 5, 2012, I sat at my desk in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, staring at my computer in horror as I scanned through photos and video of the Sandy devastated Jersey Shore. Opening the Facebook photo of the Mantoloking Bridge set my life back on course. As shocking as it was, it opened a fissure in my mind and all I could think was: That is my home. I should be home. Why am I here when I should be there?

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My office mates looked over my shoulder, curious but unaffected: The photos were not of their home town, their friends, or their families. They were emotionally disconnected. They had never walked down Bridge Avenue with a Mueller’s pastry in one hand and a deposit for Manasquan Savings in the other. They had never rode a bike over that Mantoloking Bridge, feeling the cool breeze and warm, summer sun on their bodies. They had never watched their son play quads in the Marching Panther Band – or stood at the finish line for their son to finish a Panther Cross Country Meet. They had never dug their toes in the sand after an incredible meal at the Tiki Bar or Frankie’s. Or a refreshing meal at Surf Taco. My holiday tradition was to practically buy-out the Bay Head Cheese Shop. And there it was. Engulfed by the ocean I loved. My mind spun with memories and my heart exploded with emotions. What about events at the Point Pleasant Shell in the park? Or parades on Bridge Avenue? Shopping in town – especially on Bay Ave.

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I tried to explain this to my Okie coworkers – but all they knew was “Jersey Shore” from television. Point Pleasant was not their home. It was mine. The Jersey Shore was not in their hearts – but it was mine. I know the experience was beyond traumatizing – and many of my friends are still waiting for permits or insurance money. Others are still rebuilding their businesses. My thought at that time: I should be there. That afternoon in 2012, after I tried to help as best as I could from 1300 miles away, I immediately started planning to return to New Jersey – where I have reestablished my business and where I spend lots of time patronizing all those businesses and visiting all those places I so missed and under-appreciated while I was here so many years ago. I spend lots of time with the people I left, to whom I returned, and whom I love. I left Point in 2010. I returned to the Jersey Shore in 2013. More wise for the wear. So, use my experience and take a look around you. Appreciate our quaint little place on this planet – which has its problems – but which has so much charm, so many great things to do and see, and so many wonderful d befriend. Show people to meet and the Beach, the Boro ro and Bayhead a st at Cookie Lady’s. little love. Breakfast o have a Rita’s. s.. Dinner at Forte. Go tt. Go see Take your boat out. e a Point Boro home game (any sport – GO PANTHERS!) Go for a run on the e boardwalk. ake our And never, ever take en little slice of heaven for granted.

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FOR THE LOVE OF BEER by M b Matt ttt C Connelly ll

n his recently-published book “The Craft Beer Revolution,” Brooklyn Brewery co-founder Steve Hindy explains how he and several other ambitious brewers transformed the beer drinking culture in this country. If you think calling the current beer climate “revolutionary” is an overstatement, take notice of the fact that there are currently over 2,700 breweries operating in the United States; when Hindy opened Brooklyn Brewery in 1987, there were just over 100. Point Pleasant has certainly taken notice of the craft beer “revolution,” with local bars and liquor store shelves diversifying their selections exponentially over the last few years. “Owning a craft beer bar in Point Pleasant Beach allows us to reach out to a specific clientele that appreciates good taste and quality ingredients,” says Chadd Smith, co-owner of the Firefly Lounge at the White Sands. “There is a thirst for better quality brews and enjoying craft beer allows you to explore all kinds of ingredients from all over the country or even world in a pint glass.” With a 13-tap rotation and extensive bottle list highlighting some of the best beers in the world, the Firefly Lounge is…

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Jamie Tierney, resident beer expert at Gerard’s Wine and Spirits, reiterates that the consumer interest in all different types of beer is driving the market. “Great beer comes in many forms, from simple but tasty pilsners and pale ales to overly deep bourbon barrel aged stouts and Belgian strong ales; they just serve different purposes and different people.” More importantly, Tierney says, is that he has access to these beers that didn’t exist 10 years ago. “Whether you're into stuff from the West Coast, a fancy imported craft, or just something local, Point Pleasant has it all right now. If you're looking for it, we can find. There's no limit to what's available to you at this time.” In this column I will profile the many different ways that craft beer culture is thriving in Point Pleasant. From our local bars and liquor stores to the local breweries and home-brewers to the local festivals and events, we’ll look at it all…For the Love of Beer

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Take the Plunge with Gotts and the RAT nce again Gotts is taking on the Atlantic for a good cause!

On January 1st he attended the 12th Annual Sons of Ireland Polar Bear Plunge at Convention Hall in Asbury Park. The proceeds went to 180 Turning Lives Around, Boys & Girls Club of Asbury Park, The Samaritan Center of the Jersey Shore, and Family Promise of Monmouth County. You may have missed Gotts's cameo, but never fear you can still freeze your tail off for a good cause (and attend a party afterwards). Gotts has yet to participate in a trio of plunges. The AOH Plunge for Catholic Education on Sunday, January 11th at McLoone's Pier House in Long Branch. The schools retain 100% of the money collected. The plunge is at 1pm and the party is until 3pm. The LADACIN Network's Annual Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, January 17th at Legget's Sand Bar in Manasquan. The LADACIN Network is a non-profit agency that provides for people with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities. The plunge is at 12:30pm and the party is at 1pm. Finally, the Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, February 21st on Seaside Beach. The plunge is at 1pm and lunch is at 1:15pm. Visit www.wrat.com/PolarPlunge2015.aspx for more information.

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Travel log by Jack cckk B Bridges riid dge d ge ess To me, traveling is a way of relaxing, taking it all in, and experiencing a new part of the country or the world. I get excited to go and I have blast when I am away. I think “staycations” have their merit, but they don’t do it for me. The adventure part of a vacation is the best. You just never know what you might encounter along the way. New cultures, new landscapes, new people, new experiences. To me, discovering all these new things is the reward for working hard everyday. I like to drive. So I drive a lot to various parts of the country. I have also driven almost the entire country of Italy. Driving in Italy was interesting to say the least. If you’ve been, you know. Otherwise, it’s very hard to explain their driving acumen. Which, there is none of. I find it more interesting of a trip when I drive. I get to stop off at any point, hang out, see parts of America that you may not encounter otherwise. I’ve driven across the USA a couple of times. It’s a great trip. There are so many nooks and crannies in this great country to find. Rt. 66, small towns, great charm, and super nice people. Everyone should experience that drive at least once in their lives. My brother-in-law actually made it all the way to Alaska. I am still quite envious of this bold move. Alaska. It just seems so far away…like the North Pole or something. The West is the best! Or, so they say. On a trip from Los Angeles, I saw cattle crossings in Utah, stopped off in Vail, CO. for lunch, and sat around the rocks along the Colorado River basin. And I was only a few states into my trip. The touristy stuff never thrills me. The biggest ball of yarn and all that stuff seems so minuscule to mountain ranges and our expansive National Parks. Nature’s beauty always outweighs some man made tourist attraction in my eyes. Plus, nature tends to be free of charge, and we can all relate to that! Next up…skiing in upstate New York.

Happy trails!

Christy Schmidt Hetzel, Esq. is a local attorney who focuses on business, real estate and estate law. See more at: www.cschmidtlaw.com. Reach out to her at: 732-903-7875. Make sure you ask about the FREE business workshops: Intellectual property, formation, marketing, business funding, business plans and vision

Jan_2015.indd 6

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...parental guidance


by Maureen Whelan

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hen I first thought about writing an article that would be helpful to parents I was heading in the direction of picky eaters, behavior issues and general concerns with development. But as I sit here I am reminded of some recent events. On my first day of summer break with my four kids this year; my 5 year old daughter started with what we thought was a stomach virus. A week later with little relief from the symptoms, after multiple visits to the pediatrician and phone calls to friends, I took her to the ER. She had several tests and finally the CT scan revealed a ruptured appendix. My heart ached with guilt that I didn’t take her in sooner, that she was in pain, and that we were so close to something really devastating. She was admitted and we began a long week IV fluids and additional tests. And then I was overwhelmed with the thought of how we were going to handle it all. I was scheduled to drive my son and friends to surf camp this week and get my 2 other daughters to their activities. I didn’t get to do food shopping yet for my family. Who will stay with them? I knew that I needed to be with my daughter in the hospital. And then suddenly as those thoughts entered into my head I was flooded with texts from neighbors, family and friends with offers to help. Thank you Jackie and Alicia for getting the boys to camp. Thank you to the Connelly, Brouder, and Williams families for the delicious meals! Thank you Audrey, Darlene, Barb, and Pat for your gift and meals. Thank you Lauren, Jackie and Sally for taking the kids! Thank you Mom for everything! We were fortunate in so many ways that week. Fortunate that our daughter pulled through without complications, fortunate that our doctors and nurses at Jersey Shore Medical Center provided such wonderful care, and so very fortunate to have such thoughtful friends, co-workers and neighbors. So to all my fellow parents, here is my first bit of advice to you.....

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Take care of yourself and take care of others when you can, you never know when you will be the one in need. Make time to maintain your own support network. Relationships with friends and family need to be nourished so they can withstand stress. Be thankful that you live in the neighborhood you do. If you are reading this then you are one of the lucky ones. 08742 has some of the best people on earth, and I am proud to call it home!

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to 2015. Have you made your “New Year’s Resolutions?â€? Like most of us, you make resolutions each year. According to the University of Scranton in the January 2014 issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the top ten 2014 resolutions were: 1.To lose weight 2.To get organized 3.To spend less and save more 4.To enjoy life to the fullest 7R VWD\ ÇŒW DQG KHDOWK\ 6.To learn something exciting 7.To quit smoking 8.To help others in their dreams 9. To fall in love 10. To spend more time with family However, according to the same research only 8% of those who make resolutions actually achieve those resolutions! Which raises the question: Will 2015 be the year you reach ALL your goals and make your dreams a reality? Let me introduce you to a concept: Get a coach. I know I personally have quite a goal list for this year - and know I will reach every goal. Why? Because I have a coach who holds me accountable. I have a coach who listens to me and helps me through my garbage and over my barriers - and helps me get to the next level. Deepak Chopra said, “Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone.â€? So, where is your coach? CFO Magazine stated: “Coaches have the ability to view things from afar – in what some call ‘helicopter vision’ – and to shed new OLJKW RQ GLÇŽFXOW VLWXDWLRQV 2IWHQ WKH\ FDQ DFW DV D VRXQGLQJ ERDUG through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, and motivate.â€? Remember: Coaching is not therapy - coaches do not ruminate over the past and prescribe you medication to make you forget about the issues and feel better for just the moment. A coach focuses on your taking action, holds you accountable and helps you with follow-through. A coach helps you CHANGE, EVOLVE and move FORWARD. 7KLV \HDU IRU H[DPSOH 0ROO\ ZDV KDYLQJ D GLÇŽFXOW WLPH KDQGOLQJ KHU GULQNLQJ SUREOHP Ĺž DQG LW ZDV VWDUWLQJ WR HÇ‹HFW KHU OLIH DQG KHU choices. In two coaching sessions, after years of “therapy,â€? Molly conquered her habit completely and has started to exercise and eat healthily. Another example: Tom’s* business was faltering. He had lost his drive and his passion. In a few coaching sessions, he was able to turn his business around and is now entering a new niche – and earning income he had never imagined he could earn. Karen* and her nuclear family have been at odds for several years ÇŒJKWLQJ DQJU\ H[FKDQJHV ORWV RI FU\LQJ DQG IUXVWUDWLRQ Ĺž WKURXJK coaching, within three months, they are communicating in healthy ways, have resolved their arguments – and have found the love and closeness they all desired but could not achieve without the support from their coach.

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The New Year is the perfect time to get a coach and resolve issues like: Ũ <RX DUH VWUHVVHG DOO WKH WLPH Ũ <RX QHYHU KDYH WLPH IRU WKH WKLQJV \RX UHDOO\ ORYH WR GR Ũ <RX KDYH ZDQWHG WR JHW KHDOWK\ ORVH ZHLJKW JHW EDFN WR WKH exercise program‌ Ũ <RX KDYH ZDQWHG WR UHVROYH WKDW IDPLO\ LVVXH Ĺž WKDW FRQWLQXRXV ÇŒJKW RU ZRUVH WKDW EURNHQ UHODWLRQVKLSĹŠ Ũ <RX DUH XQVDWLVÇŒHG LQ \RXU FDUHHU DQG ZDQW WR PDNH D FKDQJH Ũ <RXU ZDQW WR VWDUW \RXU RZQ EXVLQHVV Ũ <RX KDYH D EXVLQHVV DQG ZDQW WR WDNH LW WR WKH QH[W OHYHO Ũ <RX KDYH WULHG HYHU\WKLQJĹŠEXW VWLOO IHHO EDGO\ DERXW \RXUVHOI DQG your mistakes. Ũ <RX KDYH WKDW KDELW RU WKDW IHDU \RX MXVW FDQQRW VKDNH We all have a list a goals – some generally stay on our list for years; some are those New Year’s Resolutions. Think of coaching this way: Like years before, 2015 has a “default future:â€? One where you make those resolutions...and do not meet them as planned. Or you meet them partially. Or you meet them with a lot of struggle. How about this time, you live a "created future?" For 2015, dream big - and achieve! Think about December 2013...you made all those New Year's Resolutions. How many did you attain? So...it is time to take action: Reach out to schedule a powerful FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK D FHUWLÇŒHG FRDFK ,Q P\ SUDFWLFH ZH WDNH DQ hour to have a powerful conversation, review your goals and challenges - and then you decide if coaching is right for you. In the meanwhile...here's a fun little TED Talk to make your day and start your successful year. Shawn Achor is an expert in Positive Psychology - and he will make your day with this short talk: http://youtu.be/fLJsdqxnZb0 &KULVW\ 6FKPLGW LV D SURIHVVRU FHUWLÇŒHG OLIH FRDFK DQG PHGLDWRU with over 20 years of coaching and consulting experience. She is WUDLQHG LQ 6WUDWHJLF ,QWHUYHQWLRQ LV D FHUWLÇŒHG FKDNUD PDQLIHVWLQJ FRXQVHORU DQG D FHUWLÇŒHG .HLUVH\ 7HPSHUDPHQW FRQVXOWDQW +HU FRPSDQ\ $QVX] //& RÇ‹HUV RQH RQ RQH FRDFKLQJ KHDOWK FRDFKing, business consulting, and empowering workshops to help you become your ideal self and live your dream life! Give her a call at: 732-903-7884. * Names have been changed – but the stories are real! The results are not typical; each client’s situation is particular to them and requires a strong commitment on his or her part to make lasting changes.

1/12/15 12:52 PM

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Preparation for the Mortgage Application

by Arlene Joseph Cardone



years; this ere you Or uggle. dream s ful DQ d ay and tive

ith the mortgage rates are still at prevailing lows, there is no better time than the present to think about the dream of home ownership. Owning your own home is very exciting and probably the largest purchase you will ever make in your life. Preparing your credit and finances are key elements in the beginning process of the mortgage application.

Senior Mortgage Consultant NMLS # 68360 Maverick Funding Corp. NMLS #7706 1182 Fischer Boulevard Toms River, NJ 08753 Phone: (732) 341-7585

One of the first things to do is to try to pay off as much of your debt as possible. This may seem difficult since you are saving money for your down payment. However, if you are carrying too much debt, you may not qualify for a mortgage. Let’s look at credit card debt. Try to keep your credit card balances under the 50% mark of their limit. For example, if you have a $3,000 credit limit, try not to carry more than a $1,500 balance on the card. High balances will adversely affect your credit score. If you currently rent, be sure that you are paying your rent with a check. You will need copies of twelve months of cancelled rent checks. If you are not a renter and live with family, that is also acceptable. Do not make other major purchases such as a new car, boat or motorcycle. Having payments on any of these may prevent you from qualifying for a mortgage. Pay all of your bills on time. Save money from every paycheck, even if it is a small amount. When you are ready, you can call us for a free pre-qualification. Ask for Arlene at 732-822-4467@ Maverick Funding. We are here to help!

DWRU She is HVWLQJ +HU FRDFKp you all at:

818 Beaver Dam Road Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 732-295-0090

results nd ting

1012 12 2 Cox Cro Road Toms River, NJ 08755 732-914-2273 1450 Route 88 West Brick, NJ 08724 732-458-2273

State Licensed ~~ Ages 6 weeks and up ~~ Small Class Sizes Age Appropriate Academic Curriculum CPR & First Aid Certified Staff Open Year Round 6:30am -6:00pm ~~ Music & Movement Classes Owner/Director On-Site

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February 6th is our Installation Dinner, at Martell’s honoring: Point Lobster Company – Business of the Year Joe Introna (of Joe Leones) – Humanitarian of the year Mackenzie Malpass – Youth Volunteer of the Year Rita Pertuko, Ocean First Bank – Sponsor of the Year




Beers on the Boards – March 21st 2015 – at Martell’s Tiki Bar Call the Chamber office for more information and tickets at 732-899-2424.


4 5 Catholic Community of


C H La

406 Forman Avenue Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 732-892-0049 Pastor: Rev. Robert Benko, OFM Conv.

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30,9:00.10:30 AM and 12 PM


Jan_2015.indd 10

291 Herbertsville Road, Brick, NJ 08724

(732) 903-7875

1/12/15 12:52 PM

Legal Ease by Christopher J. Grenda, Esq. column that simplifies areas of the legal industry for every day consumption. This month’s topic - Five Legal Terms Everyone Should Know: Lawyers and others in the legal industry have their own language. Oftentimes legal professionals forget that while we deal with legal terms on a daily basis, our clients and others involved in the legal system are often hearing commonly used legal terms for the first time. Therefore, I have provided simplified explanations for five legal terms that everyone should know:

1. Plaintiff: A Plaintiff is the person who brings a lawsuit. In a civil case, the plaintiff is the one who seeks to recover damages for a wrong committed by a defendant. In a criminal matter, there is no plaintiff, but rather a Prosecutor. In a criminal case, it is a representative of the government who acts as the prosecutor. Criminal cases involve crimes against society rather than a private party.

2. Defendant: The Defendant is the person defending himself/herself in a criminal case or civil law suit (the person who is being sued).

3. Discovery (discovery process): Each State has various statutes and court rules that permit both sides of a case to file certain requests in court requesting the other side to furnish all relevant information about the case. This information is evidence in the case and called Discovery – attorneys discover information that the other side has about the case.

4. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal case. Commonly defined that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

5. Credibility: Credibility refers to the ability to appear truthful, believable, and trustworthy when a witness is testifying to their side of the story. Christopher J. Grenda, Esq. is an attorney with offices in Toms River, New Jersey. Mr. Grenda holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in History/Pre-Law from Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina and a Juris Doctorate (JD) from Thomas M. Cooley Law in Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Grenda is a former municipal prosecutor who handled multiple towns throughout Ocean and Monmouth

DWI/DUI, Criminal Law, Expungements, Real Estate, Estate Plan, Landlord-Tenant 2 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, NJ 08753 Phone-848-223-7769 Fax-732-612-1065

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Business & Pleasure Never the twain shall meet by Christy Schmidt Hetzel

ttention Entrepreneurs! One of the most serious problems I have found with my business clients is the inability to keep business and personal finances separate all the time, every time. For example, my client Mr. Smith owns a small virtual retail store which he operates out of his residence. Mr. Smith, however, has a difficult time separating his operating expenses and personal expenses. What part of the phone bill is personal? What part of the property taxes are business related? Worst of all, Mr. Smith uses his personal account to pay for business items – and his business account to pay for personal items. I discovered this during Mr. Smith’s divorce – where his business bank account showed a payment for his daughter’s dance lessons! Not only is this a bookkeeping disaster – making it very hard to track business expenses – but under an IRS audit, or worse, the eyes of a vengeful ex-wife, the question of what is business and what is personal becomes blurred. The fact is, this is the number one reason the IRS will come knocking on a small business’ door. The IRS sees someone spending “businessâ€? funds on groceries as someone with a hobby – and a hobby is not a bona fide business. Even if you have formed an entity and are a serious business, mixing business and personal funds can pierce that entity “veilâ€? – deeming all the money and assets that would have been protected under that entity as owned personally by you. If your business is sued, the court could find no “businessâ€? actually exists. Additionally, it does not look very professional to meet with a vendor and take out a personal check. For your protection: Ĺś 2SHQ D EXVLQHVV DFFRXQW ZKHUHLQ \RX GHSRVLW DOO EXVLQHVV LQFRPH Ĺś 3D\ DOO EXVLQHVV H[SHQVHV IURP WKDW DFFRXQW Ĺś ,I \RX XVH D FKDUJH FDUG RSHQ D EXVLQHVV FKDUJH 'R QRW XVH WKDW FDUG IRU DQ\ SHUVRQDO transactions. Ĺś ,I \RX KDSSHQ WR XVH \RXU SHUVRQDO FUHGLW FDUG IRU D EXVLQHVV SXUSRVH Âą OLNH D OXQFK ZLWK D client – present the receipt to the business for reimbursement from that business account. Ĺś $VN \RXU DFFRXQWDQW WR DVVLVW \RX LQ SUHSDULQJ DQG NHHSLQJ \RXU ERRNV 0RVW accountants will recommend small-business bookkeeping software, like QuickBooks. Ĺś 1HYHU HYHU QHYHU GHSRVLW EXVLQHVV LQFRPH LQWR D SHUVRQDO DFFRXQW The idea is to never mix business and pleasure – for your bank accounts! Christy Schmidt Hetzel, Esq. is a local attorney who focuses on business, real estate and estate law. See more at: www.cschmidtlaw.com. Reach out to her at: 732-903-7875. Make sure you ask about the FREE business workshops: Intellectual property, formation, marketing, business funding, business plans and vision

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