Newsletter Spring 2019 - Rosemary & Co Artists' Brushes

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The Finest Quality Handmade Artists’ Brushes

‘‘ It’s not just a brush, it’s an experience. A ritual. It’s life changing and it’s your life.’’

OUR quarterly NEWSLETTER filled with INTERVIEWS & TIPS for your ENJOYMENT

Spring 2019

The RICHARD SCHMID Set Available Online at ROSEMARY & CO SET CONTAINS (ALL LONG HANDLES): Series 99. Pointed Pure Sable, Sizes: 0, 1, 3 (Standard Handle) Series 77. Pure Sable Brights, Sizes: 6, 10, 14, 16 Series 279. Masters Choice Long Flats, Size: 8 Series 278. Masters Choice Long Filberts, Sizes: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Series 91. Pure Sable Filbert, Size: 6 Classic Short Flat, Size: 12 Series 274. Masters Choice Flats, Sizes: 4, 6


£203 $225

+44 1535 632666

“ESKIMOS have 100 WORDS for SNOW, because it is IMPORTANT to THEM.”


hat a way to start 2019! We have the honour of interviewing maestro and dear friend, Richard Schmid and his wife who is in her own right a fantastic artist, Nancy Guzik. We thought it would be fitting to feature many of Richard and Nancy’s close friends throughout this issue, whom many are friends of the painting group Richard established, namely The Putney Painters. We are excited to launch some new ranges, bring people up to speed with our new Smart Points system online and also tell you about the amazing opportunity we were given to take our brushes to Pixar Studios in San Francisco. We have got another great line up of workshops here in Yorkshire this summer. Be sure to head to the website and get yourself signed up! As has been the case in the past, I’m so thankful and genuinely honoured that they sell out each time! As with my quote above about snow, the same could be said for love, and for art. We are excited to meet, serve and paint with you all this year. Thank you, as always, to all who contributed to this newsletter. Best wishes, Symi

SIGN UP for a COPY of OUR NEWSLETTER Sign up for a free online copy of our newsletter at: Or if you would like a hard copy posted please email your address to:

Do YOU run an ART group, ATELIER, or SCHOOL? If you’d like us to send enough copies of the newsletter for your students we are happy to do so. Get in touch! The same goes if you’d like us to visit.

WANT to get INVOLVED? If you’d like to be involved with the quarterly newsletter, we’d love to hear from you. We’re always looking for fun stories to feature, brushes to be reviewed, books to be read and so on. Get in touch and you could see your name amongst these pages.

KEEP in TOUCH by FOLLOWING us ON... FACEBOOK: Rosemary & Co Artists Brushes TWITTER: rosemaryandco INSTAGRAM: rosemarybrushes YOUTUBE: Rosemary & Co Artists’ Brushes

Rosemary & Co Artists’ Brushes Ltd, Carr Head Hall, Carr Head Lane, Cowling, Yorkshire, England, BD22 0LD.

Symi Jackson, Sales & Marketing Director. Above painting courtesy of Jeremy Lipking.

UK: 01535 632666 Int’l: +44 1535 632666 E & OE

W: E:


We LOVE to HEAR from YOU




Making MARKS with the MASTERS Choice




ART with a National TREASURE

















COVER IMAGE ‘Rosemary’ by Richard Schmid. 16 x 16, Oil on linen.


Featured MASTER Richard SCHMID


The ART of Brush MAKING




BRUSH Reviews & whats NEW




MAKING Brushes for the MASTER


The IVORY Extra LONG Flats



We LOVE to HEAR from YOU Dear Rosemary & Co I was always interested in art from a very young age and loved to draw and paint. I would often disappear into my room and immerge later with an artwork. Later on, in high school I didn’t think it was possible to make a living out of art so I went and studied illustration and art. From there I became an illustrator and for many years worked freelance, illustrating for many companies and publishers. I also became involved in teaching illustration. After much encouragement from the painting staff I eventually entered a prominent Australian art award in 2015. To my amazement I won the award, and since then I have and given up illustration and painted instead. I discovered Rosemary & Co brushes last year and purchased a few and was immediately taken by them, after trialling them I bought lots of them and replaced nearly all I had. I use Eclipse flats and Eclipse combers in my landscape work, they have a delicate touch and also just the right amount of snap, and they’re great. In my portrait and more conceptual work, I often use softer brushes, namely Ebony, Masters Choice and sables, all of which, I have found amazing. I use the sables more when I need crisp edges, precise detail and highly meticulous blending. I also found Rosemary's red sable range just as good, if not better than other brands Kolinsky Sables. When I need delicate gradients in mainly highlight areas I use the Ebony range. I love the Ebony's ability to lay down colour and blend without removing any paint at all; this is due to its softer snap which gives me great control. When I use the Masters Choice range they have a bit more snap than the Ebony’ and are perfect for when I need wet in wet blending. I love all my new brushes and won’t buy from anywhere else now, due to the workmanship, quality and the great price of Rosemary & Co brushes. Warren Crossett Thank you for getting in touch Warren, your £40 gift voucher is in the post. If you would like to be picked out of the hat for the next quarters gift voucher, please send us your letters.

Rosemary & Co



We are honoured to have Richard Schmid as our Masters of the Feature this quarter. What a treat! Grab a coffee, sit down and enjoy!


osemary first met Richard in 2009 at Alexey Steele's studio in California. The event she was about to exhibit at would change the path of Rosemary & Co as we knew it. Imagine, 15 artists, all in one studio, Rosemary's first trip to America in many years and the daunting task of showing her brushes at a weekend with the Masters in San Diego. In attendance was Richard Schmid, Jeremy Lipking, Alexey Steele, Tony Pro, Morgan Weistling, Rose Frantzen, Scott Burdick, Ryan Brown, Logan Maxwell, Joseph Todorvitch, Michelle Dunaway, and Aaron Westerberg to name a few. 06

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Richard Schmid was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1934. His earliest artistic influence came from his maternal grandfather, Julian Oates, an architectural sculptor. Richard’s initial training in landscape painting began at the age of twelve with the Chicago painter Gianni Cilfone. Subsequent studies in anatomy and figure drawing allowed his entrance at eighteen into the American Academy of Art in Chicago where he continued into the full range of classical techniques under William H. Mosby. William H. Mosby, a graduate of the Belgian Royal Academy in Brussels and the Superior Institute in Antwerp, was a technical expert on European and American realism.

Studies with him involved working exclusively from life, at first using the conceptual and technical methods of the Flemish, Dutch, and Spanish masters, and eventually all of the late 19th century European and American painters. Throughout his career, which saw fifty one-man shows, Richard Schmid has promoted art education through his books, articles, workshops, seminars, and television presentations. He travels widely for his subjects, and currently lives in New Hampshire with his wife, the painter Nancy Guzik. Richard holds a Doctorate in Fine Art and is a recipient of The John Singer Sargent Medal for Lifetime Achievement. Since the publication of his landmark book on landscape painting in 2009, Richard has been involved in two major projects. The first, in 2011, was a very large painting of Abbotsford House, the manor home of Sir Walter Scott in Scotland, which won a viewing and praise from HRM Queen Elizabeth during grand re-opening ceremonies of the house and visitors centre. The second project, begun in 2011, was the new expanded edition of Alla Prima, Alla Prima II, completed in 2013, and now in its second printing. Additionally, exhibitions of Richard’s art were mounted at the National Academy of Science on Cape Cod, and Wellesley College in Boston. Throughout his distinguished career as a painter, author, and teacher, Richard Schmid has been a candid spokesman for what is known as the Grand Manner - a certain mingling of virtuosity and unrestrained joy in art.

Richard continues to paint, write and enjoy life with his wife, the painter Nancy Guzik, in the bucolic setting of their New Hampshire home. Rosemary & Co


“Always use the best materials and tools you can possibly afford.” WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE FOR SOMEONE JUST STARTING OUT PAINTING? My best advice to someone starting out in the painting world, is to use only the best materials. Artists who are just starting out are not familiar with art materials that are available and when they go to an art store they are usually at the mercy of the sales person who might be just trying to move out certain products. I say to students to please buy the best tools you can, because when you are in the learning process you do not want to deal with poorly made brushes. Remember, that while your skills will ultimately determine the success of your work, cheap materials will make your task more difficult. 08

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Always use the best materials and tools you can possibly afford, and they will certainly pay for themselves. I want the best brushes possible when I paint so this is why I use handmade Rosemary Brushes. I know I can always count on them no matter what I paint. WHAT ADVICE WOULD I GIVE TO SOMEBODY WANTING TO LEARN THE SKILLS OF PAINTING? ​It helps to work under somebody who is a pretty good painter and there are now some very good painters teaching. If you are looking at a painting group, look at the leader of the group and see how competent that person is, because if they are, they are likely to give you good information.

If they are not competent, and they just acquired a good name or something, which does happen, they can’t really help you that much, beyond very basic stuff with your materials. They, beyond that, probably do not know the finer points of painting. ​I would also say everyone should have a copy of my book, Alla Prima II: Everything I Know About Painting and More, Expanded Edition, it belongs in every artists’ library.

the light changes. Even on an overcast day the same limited time is probably available. In painting a person, I have to consider the model and the comfort of the model, and how long they can sit and still look alert, and not sleepy. Time is a big factor. So, the short amount of time I have is another reason why I use the best quality brushes, which of course are Rosemary Brushes. Everything needs to work well.

WHAT SUBJECT DO YOU ENJOY PAINTING YOURSELF? It would depend on what type of mood I was in at the time. Sometimes I am into painting people and sometimes I am into getting out in the fresh air and painting landscapes. Other times I like the leisure and longer time span that is available in doing a still life. In outdoor painting I am limited to three or three and a half hours of working time before

Both Richard and Nancy have brush sets with us. We spent a lot of time together trying to put together brush sets that they both believe and stand by. For more information, please visit our website and search Richard Schmid or Nancy Guzik. Images courtesy of Richard Schmid. Please visit Richard's website at: Rosemary & Co


When FRIENDS become FAMILY through brushes! By Kathy Anderson

In 2001 Kathy was invited to join Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik's Putney Painters, which began a period of intense focus and rapid growth.

Visit Kathy Anderson's website at: 10

Rosemary & Co


will never forget the day sitting in Putney Painters when Richard Schmid pulled out these beautiful brushes and said ‘you have got to try these brushes, they are the highest quality I have ever seen’. I immediately thought they must be very expensive, coming from England and all, but was amazed to find out how reasonable they were. Since that day I have amassed a huge collection as I keep trying new series and adding new favourites.    I will be having a new brush bundle coming out soon where I have tried to give a sampling of these favourites, along with brief descriptions of how I choose to use each one. Besides loving the quality so much, having a relationship with a business like Rosemary & Co who have created loyal friendships around the world because of their hands on treatment of all customers is a rare find in this impersonal business climate that is so common.

Making MARKS with the MASTERS CHOICE By Scott Burdick

Scott Burdick has been painting with his mentor, Richard Schmid for many years, dating back to their time together at the Palette and Chisel in Chicago.

Visit Scott Burdick and his wife Sue Lyon's website at:


love to paint thick and I also love to paint thin‌ with this brush I can do both. It has the strength to hold enough paint, and with the long filberts the paint glides with ease and precision. Here I am using a dabbing technique with a clean dry filbert Masters Choice series 278 to soften and blend the thicker paint I applied with a Masters Choice short flat series 274. I like to use these two brushes together, one for applying relatively thick paint and the other that is clean and dry to soften edges afterward. This is a variation of a technique I first saw Richard Schmid use, though not on very thick paint the way I do. I prefer brushes that have a stiff yet flexible feel. This allows the application of bold areas alongside very delicate and diffused areas. The Master Choice series allows me a wide variety of techniques with only a few brushes. This is one of my go to brushes especially when I am travelling and I need to cut down the number of brushes I bring. Rosemary & Co


ROSEMARY & CO Master WORKSHOPS 5th - 9 th June, 2019, Lori PUTNAM Join us for 5 days of Plein Air painting on the East Coast of Yorkshire. We will be outdoors painting in Staithes, Runswick Bay and Whitby. Last year’s workshop sold out so quickly! Don’t miss this coastal workshop!

Spaces are limited! Sign up now at:



always put Sable brushes on my supply list when I teach both Oil Painting and Drawing. I hate to say that most of the time the students in my classes do not come with the brushes I have on my list. So, when I go around to help them, they are not able to get the same effects that I get in my demo. I end up carrying my Rosemary Sable brushes with me when I help the students so they can see the effects that are possible. I want to make it easy for people - seriously, you do not have to spend a fortune - just a few of the right brushes will make life easier, especially for a portrait artist.

By Susan Lyon

One brush that I use a lot to soften edges and make transitions blend nicely in my drawings is the Pure Red Sable Series 7320, size 3/8". The hair on this brush is perfect for that gentle touch I need - especially when working with charcoal, since it is such a sensitive creature. Using your finger can be too harsh and take too much off, while using a paper stump can push the charcoal into the paper too deeply. I suggest trying to delicately touch the paper with this super-soft long-haired Red Sable. You will fall in love with the effect. One area on my portrait drawings that are particularly suited to this brush are the lips.

The lips are the softest part of the face since they are pliable muscles in constant movement, and the softer you make them, the better and more life like they look. I use this brush to loosen edges, not only the top and bottom edges, but the left and right sides as well. The mouth recedes away from you as it curves around the face toward the ears if you do not soften the lips in that direction, the lips will look flat like a shelf rather than a part of the curve of the face. Images courtesy of Susan Lyon. To see Susan's work please visit: Rosemary & Co


{The ART of BRUSH Making } DEVELOPING the new YELISEYEV Sword Liner By Symi Jackson

Working with watercolour artist, Vladislav Yeliseyev has been an honour. Here is how we created a new range of brushes...


hen I met Vladislav Yeliseyev I thought, ‘What a cool guy!’. And cool he is indeed. We hit it off right away. Honestly, I think he knew I wanted to help him with his brush quest to make a brush he needed, just a little bit thinner, sharper and longer than the 100’s of others he has tried. As with many artists, there is always a brush that you trim, taper or wear down to just the perfect brush. The problem with this? It can take a long time to create, and can be very expensive if you cut it too much. As I told a lady once, the hairs do not grow back on our brushes. She was shocked! 14

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Making brushes for Vlad has been no mean feat, and rightly so. As a professional painter, there’s no time to mess around with your tools. You need them to perform as expected and as trusted to do so. Vlad was very particular with the nylon we used, the taper of the sword and the fine edge that it would be able to perform. You can see how imperative this is for the kind of work he and his students work towards. I have to tell you, there is something refreshing about going to Plein Air events and bumping into watercolourists! I have the challenge, especially in the States of letting folks know, that we do indeed make

watercolour brushes, and in fact in the UK we are better known for these! There is usually a gasp - and then a look of confusion! From talking with Vlad it was clear he knew many of England’s Master watercolourists, and indeed, proudly, he knew they used our watercolour brushes and had been doing so for some thirty odd years. He was intrigued to see if we could make exactly what he was looking for.

“Making brushes for Vlad has been no mean feat, and rightly so.” After many prototypes back and forth over the pond, we have finally created the Yeliseyev Sword Liner in three different sizes. They are made from a white taklon synthetic fibre and placed on a very stylish 5’’ handle. The handle has a varnished black finish and a silver pad printed signature. The balance of the handle is something that took us quite some time to perfect to make this brush not only look professional, but feel and act professional too. This handle and silver style print is a whole new look for us, and one we are very proud of. As I am writing this, Vlad will be out somewhere no doubt test driving his new range! He is an absolute pleasure to work with, and I hope you will go and follow his work! Vladislav wrote a few words. “While working with Rosemary Brushes, I noticed they have excellent paint compiling quality. I require a lot of use at the tip of the brush for fine work during my process and Rosemary's brushes never disappoint at anything I ask them to do. I love the way they always stay in shape during colour

application as well. That gives me excellent control of the brushstroke and they perform exactly what I am asking them to do. They remind me of my BMW on the highway. Precise and excellent control at any speed. I can say exactly the same about their oil and acrylic brushes. Rosemary Brushes is all about quality of craftsmanship but there is something else. I feel they are made by talented people who really care and understand what is required to create a painting. Most importantly, they know how to make the brush a tool and become an extension of the artist's body and soul.” To view Vladislav's brushes visit our site and search: Vladislav Yeliseyev. Images courtesy of Vladislav Yeliseyev. To see Vladislav's work please visit: Rosemary & Co




first met Schmid back in 2003, but I can not remember a time when I didn’t know about his art. I had attended his retrospective at the Gilcrease Museum in the mid 1980's as an early teen with my parents. I remember being blown away by what he was able to make paint do. In 2003, I had been out of art school for about 8 years and I was working as a Creative Director for MGM Studios working in the DVD formats for the studio releases. I remember at the time watching Richard’s VHS demonstrations and thinking that I could not tell the difference in some of his colours on his palette because of the low quality of the VHS format. So I decided I would reach out to his publicist, Kristen Thies, and I offered to help them put his videos on DVD for free just so I can see them better for studying. I did not think anything would come of it but I got a phone call back from the man himself and I was like Ralph Kramden trying to talk to him on the phone... “Homina, homina, homina...” 16

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He invited me to Brattleboro, Vermont to paint with his group, the Putney Painters, and it was an amazing experience. I was the first kid from Southern California from our art group that had such an opportunity and it was wonderful. I remember everything about that first visit in his kitchen and his advice to me about my work. I will never forget the words, “your work is a self portrait of you.” I still live by that today and learned so much from his books although I do not paint in that manner much these days. I still do the occasional Alla Prima painting as demos and I love the process but my creative process has evolved with many things I have seen and experienced and the way I want to say things with art. Richard Schmid is a one of a kind, from a great generation of artists that I learned from and I respect so much. A national treasure! Lunga vita al maestro! Images courtesy of Tony Pro. To see Tony's work please visit:



ony was born in Castleford, West Yorkshire in 1948, the birthplace of Henry Moore. Son of a coal miner, he won a scholarship to the local grammar school before going on to study Fine Art at Hull College of Art. Over the years we had bumped into each other at various events and exhibitions. I do not know if it was our Yorkshire accents that made us so fond of each other, or our quirky senses of humour? Either way, Tony was a friend, and of course, a fantastic painter to boot. Tony was bold with his strokes, expressive with his thoughts; contemplative. His love for the Yorkshire countryside and landscape was portrayed through many of his paintings. He spent a lot of time

fishing and walking throughout the Dales when he was a youngster, so he knew the land well. When trying to find the words to write this, I went through our emails with each other to reminisce. I found this line at the end of one of his emails to me, “Luv ya, squeeze ya, and lots of love to your gorgeous mam.� This was a typical sign off from my friend. It is with great sadness that we have to say goodbye too soon. Tony, may your brush stay in your hand and paint stay on your clothes up in heaven. With lots of love from Symi, Rosemary and everyone at Rosemary & Co. All donations are being made to The Maytree Respite Centre who offer a short term stay to people who are at risk of suicide. If you would like info about donating, please contact me. Rosemary & Co


PLANS for our NEW WORKSHOP By Rosemary Thompson

After almost two years of contesting with English Heritage about planning permission for our new workshop, I was allowed to speak.


y passion for Georgian architecture goes back to being a young girl when I would go horse riding for a local neighbour who had become disabled and could ride no longer. In order for her to keep her horse I would ride him everyday and muck him out. She happened to live in a Georgian rectory and I would look at the building in awe and fantasise about owning a Georgian building one day. Fast forward 40 years and here I am. My passion for art started around the same age whilst most other girls remember their first boyfriend I remember buying my first painting. I would go fly fishing with my brother, he would fish and I would paint and then blame my tools for the poor quality of my art work. I also made his flys. 18

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It was one day he announced, “Stop blaming your tools, if you can make flys why can't you make brushes?”. “Hmmm...” I thought, “I wonder if...”. I have strived to give artists the quality and craftsmanship in my brushes that I wanted from that day on the river bank. We not only supply the world's leading masters but we pride ourselves on supplying artists no matter their level. A recent customer, Prince Phillip, will also be enjoying my brushes but I doubt to get much repeat business at the age of 97 (sorry, Sir!). I wanted to combine my three greatest loves, Georgian architecture, Art & gardening. So what more perfect way than to live and work at this beautiful period property.

To enable my company to grow I seek to build in the garden. I believe at Carr Head Hall it has to be Georgian, hence the design for the proposed new building. This will enable us to continue what we are doing, namely making brushes and hosting artist's painting workshops for at least six weeks of the year. I am confident I am putting Yorkshire on the map. Inviting International Master painters from around the world esteemed as today's Rembrandt's & Picasso's to teach, they attract crowds of students, many of those being international. Every workshop we have hosted has sold out. I can guarantee, without our workshops, visiting Yorkshire for many of those would still be a dream. We have hosted students from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Dubai and many European countries and of course local artists as far as Bingley! I truly appreciate English Heritage and all they do, but alas I feel sometimes we have to remind ourselves this is the 21st century and whilst it is beautifully romantic to travel by horse and carriage, it is more practical and much quicker to get there by car. The house I live in was built for a gentleman named William Wainman, what would think if he could look down on all we are doing at Carr Head Hall today. I would like to think he would agree, I have the same vision he did all those years ago. To create something beautiful, to preserve something timeless and to maintain his dream. I have ran my own company since being 19 years old and I do not have or want the privilege of hiding behind a clip board.

While the planning department have some eighteen pages of report for you to peruse, it seems unfair I only have five minute to offer you my thoughts and counter response. I recently visited Highgrove which is very similar to my home both in architecture and HRH's vision, which is spookily similar to mine. Prince Charles has created a wonderful, and tasteful experience there and I wonder if he had the same hurdles to jump as I? To visitors, Carr Head Hall is an hour, a day, a week of Georgian nostalgia. To me it is 24/7. I love and breathe my beautiful home, I am passionate about every detail, every aspect of the house and the gardens. Every day I remind myself of that little girl who had a dream, who had a wish, a forecast and a goal. I have got there. I sincerely hope I can continue my path of growing my company, proudly handmaking artists brushes in Yorkshire and by welcoming thousands more people over many years to come, in a place I am blessed to call home. Five minutes goes so quickly, and so thank you again for this opportunity to speak. Since delivering this speech, the planning permission was granted by all 13 of the 13 councillors around the table that day. It is with sheer joy, pride and gumption that we can start building our new workshop, which we hope to be moved into and welcoming the general public to for the Summer of 2022. Image courtesy of Barrie Birch. We look forward to welcoming you in 2022! Rosemary & Co


ROBERT HAYNES Signature SETS By Rosemary Thompson


obert is a self-taught international sugarcraft teacher, based in London. He established the Sugar Flower Studio in London, UK in 2006. Robert regularly travels the globe teaching masterclasses on the art of sugar flowers. I first met Robert a few years ago and could not help but be captivated by him. He is truly mesmerising, his passion for his art and attention to detail is unquestionable. I was delighted when Robert asked me to design a specific range of bespoke brushes. The design, balance and perfected taper of each brush was key, even down to the silk like feel of the ‘Taklon’ we used which was another essential dynamic to have very soft 20

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fibered bristles, needed for the application of edible coloured dusts onto extremely delicate sugar work. Fashioned on a beautiful charcoal grey handle with coordinating ferrule, I think we achieved Robert's wish. “Anyone who knows me, will convey my quest for perfection in all that I do. Rosemary has surpassed all my expectations designing these incredibly professional and beautifully bespoke brush sets. They are an utter joy to use and provide me with confidence in recreating the beauty of Mother Nature herself, into an edible art form.” - Robert Haynes 2019 To view Roberts 3 brush sets visit our website and search: Robert Haynes.

SERIES 2100; Large ‘SPALTER’ HOG Bristle By Rosemary Thompson

“If you PAINT BIG you WILL LOVE these!”


ntroducing our new ‘Spalter’ range or to use an old name ‘Mottler’. Our Series 2100 have been created using the best quality hog bristle which gives the softness required for creating subtle strié effects (strié is the French word used to describe dragging a dry brush through wet paint thereby giving a broken line effect). This brush can also be used for faux finishing, softening glazes and stains as well as a great tool with shellac. I designed the 2100’s specifically to tackle a large canvas after many of our artists have decided to go bigger! For those of you who have been painting big for years, here you go!

I know that Fresco and theatre scenery painters particularly depend on these wider brushes for large areas that need covering fast. The 2100’s are suitable for all media but more popular with oils and acrylics due to the bristle being most durable for these mediums. We have taken the best quality hog bristle and inserted it into stainless steel ferrules which are glued and pinned on to a matt black beaver tail handle for the perfect balance and feel in the artist's hand. If you PAINT BIG you WILL LOVE these! To view these on our website search: 2100, Mottler, or Spalter. Rosemary & Co


MAKING FRIENDS for LIFE through ART By Daniel J. Keys

During his teenage years, Keys discovered the work of Richard Schmid, who became a close friend and a mentor.


was introduced to Rosemary & Co. Brushes through my friend and mentor, celebrated artist Richard Schmid.

After lamenting the poor quality of the brushes we were using at the time, but unable to find decent replacements Stateside that would produce the desired effects, he eventually discovered the fine products of the small brush manufacturer in Yorkshire. And what a find! All of the characteristics we were looking for in a necessary tool, but also an excellently made product using only the finest materials available. It is a dynamic combination, resulting in longer lasting brushes that can be faithfully counted on. The kicker of course has also been the discovery of the lovely souls behind the brushes: Rosemary, Symi, and all their staff have become like family to us all. 22

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Their remarkable spirit of excellence extends not only to their brush making, but also their commendable business practices, and their love of life and art. My favourite brushes at the moment are the Eclipse Extra Long Combers, and Pure Sable Brights series 77. The Comber brushes best replicate the effects of a former brush of choice that no longer exists, and allows for loose and feathery strokes. The Sables produce a strong and refined mark, sort of squared-off and bold and very precise. Both have become irreplaceable for producing my current works. It is difficult to imagine a painting experience (at least, not a pleasurable one) without them in hand. Images courtesy of Daniel J. Keys. To see Daniel's work please visit:






atercolour has been a passion of Billy's for some years now. She fell into botanical painting by chance, but has since written 3 best selling hardback “how to” books including “Watercolour Flower Portraits” and “Watercolour Fruit and Vegetable Portraits”.



enezia is a self taught painter though has studied classical technique with many of todays top representational painters including: Colleen Barry, Daniel Sprick, Michael Klein, and Jeff Hein. He is certainly one for you to watch and collect from! alexjvenezia

stevao is a Brazilian painter and has a degree in Graphic Design in the School of Architecture and Design on PUCPR. He has studied artistic anatomy focusing on drawing and painting and regularly attends live drawings in the Praxis Curitba Group.



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TWITTER: Rosemary&Co rosemaryandco

INSTAGRAM: rosemary brushes

YOUTUBE: Rosemary & Co Artists’ Brushes

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{ONE of the BEST days EVER} ROSEMARY BRUSHES visits CALIFORNIA By Symi Jackson


think it is fair to say I’ve given so many brush demonstrations I have lost count, but giving a brush demonstration to the artists, creatives and illustrators at the Pixar Studios in California is a day I will never forget! When one is given the opportunity to give a demonstration at such a prestigious (and let’s face it just so cool!) establishment, without thinking you say YES! Well, I did just that, only I did not realise that Pixar was based in San Francisco, some 8 hours from where I was going to 24

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be the night before at the wonderful Kline Academy in downtown Los Angeles. I drove through the night to ensure I got there first thing in the morning, ready and eager to show the folks of Pixar how our brushes are made. It is always difficult to try and allow people to visualise our usual set up when I am on the road. A little artistic licence is needed, but I do try and show how we make the brushes, discuss the different shapes and hairs, the process of brush making and of course we always go into detail about the best ways to clean your brushes.

In truth, I thought I would be thrilled if just a handful of people could come and see the demo and it would be really cool to just say hi. I was totally overwhelmed when was welcomed by over 40 animators and illustrators with a constant stream of artists flowing throughout my time there. I did not think the folks of Pixar would have heard about our brushes… let alone go totally crazy for them! Little old us, from Yorkshire in England! If I could bottle the feeling of pride I had that day up and sprinkle it over our staff at the workshop I would do.

Above: Symi on the booth at LPAPA and with Tia Kratter of Pixar. There is no better feeling than that! I can honestly say we must be doing something right! A huge thank you to Daniel J. Keys for putting me in touch with the most brilliant host, Tia Kratter. For all you did for me throughout the day Tia, thank you. The private tour of the studios was beyond exciting too, of course! Whilst in California I spent some time at the Laguna Plein Air Painters Annual Event. It is such a beautiful place, and really it is a painters paradise. LPAPA is so well organised and as always, Rosemary, Melanie and Toni made me very welcome.

A huge thank you to all of their team for the efforts they make each year for both myself, the other (select few) vendors and the hoards of phenomenal painters.

“Giving a brush demonstration at Pixar Studios is a day I'll never forget” I was able to pop by and spend the afternoon with my friend, Cheryl Kline, of the Kline Academy. That afternoon was something else! We thought it might be busy with us launching Cheryl’s new brushes we have created, The “Kline Cloud 9” range. However, in truth I felt like the crowds of

folks who came to the booth that day acted as though they had never seen brushes in their lives before! Such a fantastic feeling! I also swung by the folks at the California Art Club and gave my annual brush making demonstration there too. To all who make me feel so welcome on these trips, thank you, so very much. Some times I have the best job in the world! At the end of a two week trip like this I leave feeling on a high! Exhausted, but on a high. It is really quite something to witness how we are welcomed not just in America, but all over the world. To our customers: Thank you so very much. Rosemary & Co


MAKING BRUSHES for the MASTER By Rosemary Thompson

When you become close friends with Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik, it is hard not to count your blessings each day.


feel I have known Richard a lifetime, he is a special person and just makes you feel comfortable in his company.

At one of my first ever USA events I was there solo and he wandered along to make me feel so welcome to the States. I could not believe “The Maestro” would take time to do this, to single me out and say Hi and thank you for travelling to attend the event. Now I know him well this should not be a surprise as it is a typical thing he would do. I feel truly blessed to call this man my friend. He is not just one of the 21st centuries Masters but he is going to leave a legacy of artwork and knowledge. Richard never ceases to amaze me at how passionate he is in passing on that knowledge, of sharing his life times techniques and tips. I have watched him paint on many occasions 26

Rosemary & Co

and sometimes really close up, it is then you realise how skilful he is, through his famous squinting eyes (yep, he invented the squint) he paints magic, he captivates a subject and immortalizes it on to the canvas. If you walk into a room and there are dozens of works of art, you will always spot a “Richard”, they are something quite special! I'm blessed to own an original painting, my portrait. He made me look rather good (artistic license they call it). I remember flying out to Vermont and the “Putney Painters” especially for the occasion. Was I excited, kind of and terrified too. How on earth could he make me look good ? Within minutes Richard has the skill of allowing you to relax and forget why you are even there. We had a wonderful day full of laughter and art.

“Richard never ceases to amaze me at how passionate he is in passing on that knowledge, of sharing his life times techniques and tips.” Another time Symi and I flew out to celebrate his 80th birthday. We attended a wonderful birthday dinner and following dessert it was time for Richard to be presented with his cards. I have never seen so many. Artists had sent their love and best wishes from every corner of the world, quite literally thousands of them. I believe he paced himself and took a whole year every day to open and read through them all, even answering most where he could contact folks... that is the man we call Richard Schmid. At Rosemary and Co we are honoured to supply both Richard and Nancy with their brushes, their love of art is infectious. Not in my wildest dreams as a young woman starting out in the world of making brushes did I ever expect to even meet him let alone supply him. That first meeting way back when he took some samples from

my booth and within only a matter of minutes being the main liner at the event, he was on stage demonstrating with them, smiling and telling his audience he loved Rosemary's brushes... he endorsed the brushes and the rest is history I think they say. Through art and our brushes, I made a friend for life. Someone who is the best, the most knowledgeable, the kindest and the funniest. We laugh together as when I make a wacky brush for no other reason than to see if it works, I send some to him. He picks them up and says “what the heck am I to paint with this?” My reply - you will think of something! Thank you Richard and Nancy for all you do for Rosemary & Co, for Symi and for me. You are the best and it is special in my heart calling you a friend. Rosemary & Co


INTRODUCING the IVORY Extra LONG Flats By Rosemary Thompson

When Quang Ho knocks on the door and asks you to make a new brush line for him, you do it!


t seems a long time ago I created the ‘Ivory’ range of brushes. Artists wanted an oil brush that retained it's shape, had just enough spring and were easy to clean... oh and they had to last! Fast forward to now and I thought we had made every shape and size needed BUT there is always one... and his name is Quang Ho.

As always it is a pleasure to watch you paint and now we have this new shape available I'm guessing others will get why you asked me to make them! They allow that “extra” flow, just enough retention and spring. All you could want from a chisel shaped brush and more. Available on both long handles and the shorter ones suitable for your pochade box!

Quang wanted a brush to achieve fine shapes in his work. “I think these will be essential” said Quang. So from there I went back to the drawing board and the sample making table and tapped away. I believe the x-long flats will become a best seller for us, after all, we pleased Quang and that was my goal. Thank you Quang for your patience untill I got it right and for your excitement now I have.

Since launching the Ivory Extra Long flats in December, we have been inundated with artists asking us to make these brushes in the Evergreen range. They are now available on our website too.


Rosemary & Co

To view the Ivory and Evergreen Extra Long Flats visit our website and search: Extra Long Flats.

{What's NEW on YOUTUBE} WHAT to LOOK OUT for this YEAR




Search on YouTube for: Angela Fehr (

Search on YouTube for: Jason Morgan - Wildlife Art (

Search on YouTube for: Andrew Tischler (




ngela is a watercolour artist and instructor. She teaches online and locally. Through her channel, Angela shares her light bulb moments, helping you increase your confidence and loosen your style in watercolours. Her process is both very fragmented and intuitive and she has a passion to help you paint with joy!

verything to do with wildlife! Jason is a professional wildlife artist who shows some great videos teaching crucial elements and details that take you from a beginner, to novice, to advanced. Jason provides copyright free new reference photos too. If you are into wildlife he is definitely worth following!

ndrew has a great channel which he discusses portraits with presence, landscapes with depth, seascapes with dynamic energy, dramatic still lives and animals with light and three dimensions. Andrew also goes in great depth about brush techniques, mediums, varnishing, glazing and more. Very informative!

Rosemary & Co


MY LIFE with MY ROSEMARY BRUSHES By Stephanie Birdsall

Stephanie is a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America, a Master of the Pastel Society of America and a Putney Painter.


simply cannot live without my Rosemary brushes. They are always the first thing I pack as I consider them irreplaceable! My favourites are some sort of long flat, the Ivory, or Evergreen or Eclipse. I love the versatility of being able to make a thin line or a fat juicy stroke, layer lightly or pile it on. I spend a lot of time in my classes demonstrating brush strokes. These brushes are life changing for the painter that does not have them! I’m enormously grateful to Rosemary and Co, I think these brushes have made such a contribution to the world of painting. 30

Rosemary & Co

WHAT IS YOUR GO-TO BRUSH? My go-to brush is the Ivory Long Flat, on the long handle. I like to stand back from my painting and I think it has a great balance/sweet spot on the handle. I love to use it when I am doing my initial block in on my canvas. It makes beautiful strokes. I think of it as being a lyrical brush. It is the most versatile for me in that it makes a long narrow stroke or can make a fully loaded, weighted stroke. The Ivory brushes were my first of the Rosemary and Co brushes. I have them in every size. I use the Evergreens further in to the painting. It is capable of a more delicate and precise stroke. The Eclipse Extra Long Comber makes the most beautiful soft edge.

WHAT TIPS CAN YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T KNOW WHICH BRUSHES TO GET? There are a couple of ways to figure out brush sets... one would be to watch someone you admire paint, either in person or video. The Rosemary and Co brush sets are another great way because the decision has already been made. I like to have similar size brushes in my sets but different kinds so that my students really get an opportunity to experiment. I do a lot of brush exercises in my classes, particularly with those newer artists whom are just starting to know what a brush will do. It is a “wow” learning time! One has to know how to use a brush and what it does to make a great painting! They are the painter's tools! YOU'RE TEACHING A WORKSHOP IN YORKSHIRE THIS SUMMER, ARE YOU EXCITED? I am so thrilled to be teaching at the beautiful home of Rosemary and Co brushes, this coming June! From the photos I have seen, it looks like a little bit of heaven on earth. I love the softer light that England has and can not wait to paint in the gardens, that Rosemary, a master gardener has planted. There is nothing I enjoy more, than spending the entire day painting and talking painting! And I love teaching! I have not been to Yorkshire but from all I have seen, I think there is an overwhelming selection of beautiful things to paint. And I’m so looking forward to spending time with my dear friends, Rosemary and Symi!!! Excited?!!! I can not wait! What do I do if I never want to leave Yorkshire?! Thank you, Rosemary and Symi for this amazing opportunity!

We are looking forward to welcoming Stephanie teaching a workshop in 2019 For more info please visit: To see Stephanie’s work please visit Rosemary & Co


UPCOMING EVENTS this YEAR See you there


MARCH 31ST - APRIL 4TH The Representational Art Conference 450 E Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001, USA. For more information visit:

MAY 12TH - 16TH Forgotten Coast - Plein Air South Forgotten Coast, 314 Reid Avenue, Port Saint Joe, FL 32456, USA. For more information visit:

APRIL 24TH - 28TH Plein Air Convention & Expo The Hilton, Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA. For more information visit:

JULY 11TH - 14TH Patchings Art Festival Oxton Road, Calverton Nottinghamshire, NG14 6NU, England, UK. For more information visit:

APRIL 25TH - 28TH The Art of the Portrait Conference Grand Hyatt Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA. For more information visit:

JULY 24TH - 27TH Urban Sktechers Symposium Zuiderkerk, 72 Zuiderkerkhof, 1011 WB Amsterdam, Netherlands. For more information visit:

MAY 6TH - 10TH Oil Painters of America Illume Gallery of Fine Art, 29 West 200 North, Saint George, UT 84770, USA. For more information visit:

OCTOBER 5TH - 13TH Laguna Plein Air Painters Festival of The Arts, 650 Laguna Canyon Rd, California, 92651, USA. For more information visit:

Rosemary & Co

BUYING the BEST brushes you can AFFORD By Carol Arnold

Carol Arnold is a member of Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik's Putney Painters located in Putney, Vermont.


rushes are one of the most essential tools I have as an artist and it's important for me to use the highest quality brushes I can afford, which is why I always use Rosemary and Co brushes. I did not realise the importance of this until I started painting with Richard Schmid, Nancy Guzik and the Putney Painters. I quickly learned that using the best professional supplies will prevent a lot of frustration and unproductive painting time. Alla Prima is an exciting way to paint for me because it takes a high level of concentration and it is done in one or two days (sometimes longer for me).  I love the energy it requires and the wet into wet approach using my Rosemary brushes, helps achieve great effects. The landscape above, “Autumn Morning” was painted at the edge of the apple orchard at the home of the Putney Painters, Village Arts of Putney, VT. It was painted in one day, along

with a few hours of careful and thoughtful final details added at home in the studio using the small sable brushes. If you look closely you can see a wide variety of brush strokes creating an interesting variety of soft and hard edges throughout the painting. The masters choice brushes hold lots of paint and are superb for creating those soft edges. Rosemary brushes are affordable and expertly made. I recommend them to all my students. My personal brush set is available for sale at You can read more about my choices and why I chose them on the website. I am truly grateful for my mentors, Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik who are continuously giving to the art world and for introducing me to such incredibly wonderful people like Rosemary and Symi. Images courtesy of Carol Arnold. To see Carol's work please visit Rosemary & Co


{You ASKED, we ANSWERED} MY VOUCHER CODE WILL NOT WORK ONLINE? PLEASE HELP ME! Firstly, the code on your voucher is case sensitive. Secondly, make sure you are putting lower and upper case letters in the correct place. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact us! WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SERIES 32 AND THE ROTARY TREE BRUSH? There are few differences between our series 32 Tree & Texture and Rotary Tree brushes. Firstly series 32 is made of natural badger blends in a shape of filbert with a 45-degree angle to help with a stippling motion. The Rotary Tree brushes on the other hand, are made of soft yet springy sable blend - this brush is constructed into a circular form and is hollow inside, once loaded it can be used on it's sides to create more organic halfmoon brush marks. The 32's due to being coarser will be much better at creating stippling effect and textures on your foliage it can also be used with a dryer paint where the Rotary Tree will be softer and will create a more subtle fuller mark. 34

Rosemary & Co

I WANT TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR LONG HANDLE (L/H) AND SHORT HANDLE (S/H)? All of the brush handle sizes are approximate, and they do not include the ferrule. Our standard/short handles are approximately 7-inches and the longer handles are approximately 11-12 inches. Do not forget the hair length for certain brushes is longer (e.g. Riggers & Egberts) so that would make them a longer length in total too. I BOUGHT A TRAVEL BRUSH FROM YOU, BUT I CANNOT GET IT BACK IN THE LID? This is a great question! The beauty of the travel brush cases is that there should be a hole in the end of the cap. This allows the brush to breathe when you put it back in the case allowing it to be the ultimate on-the-go brush. You can put this brush back in the case wet, and the next time you go to it, it will be dry, without going mouldy. Please view your frequently asked questions on our blog, for more information: Or contact us if you have any questions.



By Symi Jackson

s a company, we think it is important to try and give back. Now, arguably, we already give back a lot as we firmly believe we offer the best brushes in the world, at the best price with the best customer service. Actually, our brushes like-for-like are usually 50-60% cheaper than the shops. However, I sat down with Mum over a year ago and thought, how can we let our customers earn more? I wanted a loyalty scheme that paid our customers back and would allow you to spend the points on your future orders. So many of these loyalty schemes and promotions out there are in my opinion, useless, and I wanted to make sure ours was worth your time, and mine! I've based our new Smart Points on a 4% pay-back scheme. For every ÂŁ1 you spend, you will be rewarded 4 Smart Points. There will be bonus points on certain brushes throughout the year and you will receive 250 points when

you sign up. I thought it would be nice to gift every single one of our customers ÂŁ5 for their birthday once you have signed up, a small token from us really. Earning points could not be easier as you'll start earning the minute you spend online. You will be able to view how many points you have in your cart and over time, you will be able to use them against future orders. At the moment, it might be a little more difficult for us to add your points to telephone orders, but we are working on that. One thing I must mention, the Smart Points are a different idea than our new affiliate programme. If you are a teacher, or a school and you would like to know more about our affiliate programme, please email me directly. In the meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy all there is to offer with the new website and the new Smart Points. Head to our website and get yourself signed up. To sign up to our Smart Points today visit: Rosemary & Co



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