C e l l u l a r p r e fa b r i ca te d h o u ses fo r c o n str u cti o n s i te
Most of the prefabricated houses for construction site are lack of humanity, functions and favorable interior environment. We hopefully have a point of new type's temporary prefabricated houses and will focuses on environment quality and humanity.
Ventilation and Cooling
Buoya ncy-Dri ve n Venti l a ti on pri nci pl e
Space structure
wo o d
pl ug-i n
Wall selection
o r d i n a ry
p e g b o a rd
i ro n n e t
w i n do w
do o r
Shape Features According to the size of dierent hinterland can be arranged in various shapes.There are also solid, multi-faceted and changeable features .
Identity system
Night lighting
L E D st rip g u id e doorp l at e l amp i de nt i ďŹ c at i on
Main space
m e e ti ng
k i tche n / din in g
Space unit The space requirements of sites will be systematic and divided into dienrent units. Those dierent space could be combined together.
1 . Consult ing plans
Additional space
2 . F r ei g h t a n d pac k a g i n g
l au nd ry
3. T he use of sp ac e
l ounge r oom
lavator y
4 . Dismant ling and Re cycling
Design concept The design is based on a hexagon, which changes into a modular site space. It presents the diversity, communication and privacy of the space, emphasizing the quality of the environment, improving work eďŹƒciency, physical recovery and mental recovery.