Downunder Update 2nd Quarter 2012

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Newsletter of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea 2nd Quarter 2012

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Chairman Half-Time Reort


Australia Day


Tania Constable Breakfast Forum


Sundowner Review


Embassy Update


Aussie Classes at Gapyong High School Austrade Update

9 10-11

Shinhan Bank


Australian Business Asia




BJ Kim Breakfast Forum


EDGE | Publicis Consultants


Stephen Conroy Breakfast Forum


Yeosu Expo Delegation Review


Community Photos

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Designed and printed by 10 Media Address: 10th floor Hannam Building 211 Itaewon-ro, Seoul, 140-893 Phone: 02-3447-1610 •


MESSAGE Chairman

CHAIRMAN’S HALF-TIME REPORT In many sports half-time is when we should take a breather, review and look ahead to what we want to achieve in the second half. Looking over the first half of 2012, AustCham has had “a good couple of quarters” and I’m pleased to provide our own “half time update”. New Members and Sponsors: We welcome Boral (Gold), Chevron (returning Gold), Pure Commerce (Silver) and Tourism Australia (returning Silver),as well as new company and individual members. Engaging with the Australian Government: As ever, AustCham, the Australian Embassy and Austrade continue to work as a cohesive team to promote the Australia-Korea business partnership. AustCham arranged a leading group of Korean (POSCO, KEPCO, STX) and Australian businesses to be presented to Prime Minister Gillard in April. We held a Members’ workshop and made a submission to the White Paper on ‘Australia in the Asian Century,’ led by Dr. Ken Henry. AustCham has been working on joint projects with ministries including Resources & Energy; Broadband and the Digital Economy and the Dept. of Business and Innovation (Vic.). Advocating issues affecting AustCham Members In March, AustCham represented Australia-Korea business interests at the Minerals and Resources bilateral talks. We launched a Digital Economy Taskforce to help Australian

businesses identify partners and opportunities in Korea.

volunteer group to the school to talk about Australia.

We have broaden links with the Korea-Australia Business Council and addressed their membership while in May, 20 AustCham members joined the “Australia National Day” at the 2012 Yeosu Expo.

Coming Home with a Wet Sail We’re planning an active second half as well including: • actively advocating for the Australia-Korea FTA • a major resources event

Policy & Advocacy • more exciting forums with AustCham developed a policy great speakers on the importance of contractual • a great Dancing with the integrity and we continue to Stars event advise the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Foreign Invest• contributing to the Korean ment Advisory Council. community. Interesting and targeted networking events The heart and soul of AustCham is our calendar. In the first half we delivered :

A special word of thanks to Martin Walsh who has delivered

Breakfast Forums on: • Resources and Energy with Tania Constable (Secretary, DRET) • Korean Economic Policy in the New Parliament with Prof. BJ Kim • Digital Economy with Sen. Stephen Conroy (Minister, DBCDE). Social: AustCham kicked off the year with a great Australia Day at the Novotel Ambassador, our regular Sundowners - including a joint Sundowner-Hui with the Kiwi Chamber - and continued to support our community by sponsoring the ANZA Ball. Community: We laid a wreath on behalf of members at the ANZAC Day Dawn Service, provided student scholarships to Gapyoung High School and Harry Lee and Pilar Perez led a

some of AustCham’s signature achievements including the Business Awards and other events. We also welcome Martin’s successor, Brett Cooper (Austrade). I look forward to working with all our members and stakeholders to promote and develop the Australia-Korea business partnership and ensure AustCham fulfills its mission to deliver information, advocacy and networking opportunities.

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Event Review Australia Day

Australia DaY In order to celebrate our national day AustCham Korea and the Novotel Gangnam Hotel hosted 145 members, friends, and those in search of a little piece of summer at the 2012 Australia Day Celebrations held on January 27. AustCham Patron, the Australian Ambassador to Korea H.E. Sam Gerovich, welcomed guests. His Excellency then invited guests to show their appreciation to Mike Brown and his team at the Novotel Gangnam who had organized many wonderful touches that brought home the Aussie-ness of the night. Highlights ranged from the corrugated iron-roofed sheds serving up meat pies from Jester’s Fish & Chips and West Australian wines all the way to the wonderful Chocolate Crackles, Pavlovas and Coconut Ice desserts at the end of the night.

AustCham Patron, the Australian Ambassador to Korea H.E. Sam Gerovich

While members and guests caught up on chat, Tony LeRhodes played classic Aussie Rock. Just before the main Lucky Prize Draw, the band from Gran A gave a rendition of Downunder. The Lucky Draw Prizes came from many sources including Novotel Accor, W.A. Trade and Investment, MLA, Reebok Cross Fit Sentinel Gym, and Blackmores Korea. By all accounts the night was a great success and a very warm way to begin the AustCham year.

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Tania Constable Breakfast Forum

Head of Resources Division Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. On February 22, more than 40 AustCham members and friends gathered at InterContinental Seoul Coex to attend the first breakfast forum for 2012. With the resources and energy being at the heart of the Australia Korea business relationship, Ms. Constable’s presentation and discussion was highly relevant to not only energy and resource practitioners but also the wider business community. During her presentation, Ms. Constable covered several

topics including the Australian Investment Pipeline, the Federal Government’s response to climate change, Resource Taxation, and alternative sources of hydrocarbons. The breakfast forum was well attended by Resource and Energy representatives and served as a good opportunity for them to share their perspectives on the state of play in the industry. The Q&A session was especially useful for many attendees as it focused on not only on the challenges Korean companies face in investing in Australia but also key challenges that all companies face in maximizing their participation in the resources sector.

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EVENT REVIEW 2 Sundowner Reviews

Sundowners On March 16, around forty members and friends gathered at Dominic’s in Hannam-Dong for the first Sundowner of 2012. Kim Rosen’s team provided great eats while guests sampled Peroni beer and some nice Aussie whites and reds. Being the first Sundowners for the year, the event was also an opportunity for members to communicate with the Board of Directors in two ways. First,

through a brief “Town Hall Session”, members asked about the running of the Chamber and the plan for the year ahead. Following that, all attendees were invited to complete a brief survey aimed at collecting ideas for events. Prize giveaways for the night included MLA beef voucher, wine, and a onemonth membership at Reebok CrossFit Sentinel.

On May 18, around thirty members met at Pier 8 in Itaewon for another monthly Sundowners event. Darrel Mahoney produced a great range of Japanese tapas-style treats while members sipped on lovely drinks sponsored by Pieroth Wines and Peroni Beer. Giveaways included bottles of Chandon Brut Sparkling Wine, Peroni beer, meat packs from MLA, and dining prizes for Berlin and Pier 8 restaurants. The grand prize a bottle of Lou’s # 1 Cabernet Sauvignon from Pieroth Wines, won by Stephen Revere of 10 Magazine.

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UPDATE Embassy

Embassy update In March and April, Prime Minister Julia Gillard made her third visit to Korea in less than 18 months as a delegate at the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. During her trip, the Prime Minister visited Gyeseong Catholic Girls’ High School where she addressed the students before participating in a video class between students from the school and students from their sister school – O’Connor Catholic College, Armidale. The interactive class highlighted the benefits Australians can expect to receive once the National Broadband Network is rolled out. The Prime Minister also delivered a keynote address at Yonsei University and took questions from the audience. Members of AustCham participated in the event and some were able to meet the Prime Minister after the presentation.

which was attended by AustCham members as well as the Australian Other Ministerial visitors in the first KANZ speakers and delegation. six months of 2012 included: the Chairman Peter Feltis announced Honourable Greg Combet AM MP, that AustCham would establish a Minister for Climate Change and Digital Economy Taskforce to faciliEnergy Efficiency and Minister for tate the development of business Industry and Innovation; Senator and investment links in the dythe Honourable Stephen Conroy, namic digital sector. The Embassy Minister for Broadband, Commuwelcomes AusCham’s initiative nications and Digital Economy for in supporting the Australia-Korea the Korea-Australia-NZ Broadband digital partnership. Summit (KANZ); and the Honourable Dr Craig Emerson MP, MinisDr. Emerson presided over the ter for Trade and Competitiveness. official opening ceremony of the Australian Pavilion at the Yeosu Senator Conroy presented at 2012 Expo on 26 May 2012. an AustCham breakfast forum,

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Joining him in the opening ceremony were Australian Goodwill Ambassadors Jessica Gomes, Yeojin Bae and Jessica Mauboy. Members of AustCham enjoyed cultural events on 27 May featuring a number of talented Australian performers including Jessica Mauboy. Ms. Mauboy wowed the local crowd and had them dancing in the aisles and clapping in time to her songs. So far, the Australian Pavilion has attracted about 20 percent of the “gate” visitors and is counted as one of the big national pavilion highlights. There is still plenty of time to see the Australian Pavilion with the Expo continuing until 12 August 2012. On World Environment Day (5 June), the Ambassador gave a presentation on Australia’s credentials and leadership on climate change. The Ambassador’s remarks preceded a screening of a short clip of the Australian film “Coral: Rekindling Venus.” During this quarter, we also said goodbye to Defence Attaché Colonel Stephen Beaumont and his family who departed for Australia over the New Year period. We welcomed Captain Brett Dowsing and his wife. We also bade farewell to Gail Banks and welcomed the newest member of our team, Danielle Murphy, in June.


AustCham recently organized a group of six volunteers from Seoul to conduct “Aussie” English classes for two of the intensive/advanced English groups at Gapyong High School. The volunteer English teachers who participated in the day’s activities were: Harry Lee (organizer and driver), Pilar PerezMcKay, Lana Kim (assistant and driver), Peter Claughton, Kyunghee Moon (photographer) and Ian Robert. Peter Underwood supported the event by preparing some Aussie items such as a Driza-Bone, an Akubra hat and furry wombat, platypus and koala toys. The group met up at Sinsa station in Gangnam on Tuesday, May 22nd, and drove in two cars to Gapyong High School to take part in a range of pre-organized activities. After the group was introduced to and welcomed by the high school’s principal over cups of tea, the group was ushered to the school’s refectory for an early lunch before the remaining 1,000 or so students were due to flood the cafeteria. The whole dining experience was

terrific as the volunteers were able to sit with the students from the two English classes and chat informally over a surprisingly good meal. The students were quite nervous to begin with but soon warmed to the cheery smiles and light conversation offered by their visitors. Following lunch, there was a tour of the high school’s museum, where the history and development of the school during the Korean War was meticulously documented and displayed. The group then assembled for photographs with the principal, teachers and students by the school’s memorial of Major General Cleland (who established the school in 1952) and Sergeant Kaiser (the first US fatality in the Korean War whom the school is named after). The group was then taken on a tour of the school’s recently built boarding/dormitory facility before formal classes were to begin with the group of volunteers. There were two classes

– “year 2” (17/18 years old) and “year 3” (19/20 years old). The classes were quite informal due to their small size, and mainly covered topics about Australia (size, population, states/cities names, Aborigines, brief colonial history etc.). The students were even introduced to Vegemite – on fresh bread rolls! Numerous small gifts and souvenirs were also handed out to the students at the conclusion of the short classes. The time, unfortunately, was not long enough for all the lessons and activities that the volunteers had planned, but the experience was a memorable one for volunteers and students alike.

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UPDATE Austrade


Message from Martin Walsh This will be my last contribution to “Downunder Update.” After five years in Seoul, I am departing in early July for a new assignment with Austrade in Taiwan. It has been a pleasure working with members of Austcham and serving on the Austcham Board over these five years. Some highlights over this time include witnessing the

establishment of “Austcham” in 2009 and the two Australian Business Awards (2010 and 2011). I have enjoyed assisting Australian business in Korea and seeing the growth in Australian exports of goods and services to Korea. Merchandise exports grew from A$13.5 billion in the year I arrived to A$ 23.4 billion in 2011 – a clear indication of the growing significance of Korean-to-Australian business. I wish to thank all the Australian firms that my team has partnered with during my time here. I will take with me many positive memories of Korea.

I will be succeeded by Brett Cooper from Austrade in Canberra. Brett is no stranger to Korea, having studied here for three years and completed a Masters of Law at Seoul National University. Prior to joining Austrade, Brett worked for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra as Director of the International Strategy Unit. Brett has experience outside the public sector in consulting, and has also worked for DFAT in both Canberra and the Netherlands.

Future Unlimited Introduces Social Media with Stunning Success Austrade Seoul organised the Australian ELICOS and Working Holiday Event for 19 University English Courses Association (UECA) members at the Kyobo Building Event hall on 26 May 2012. More than 700 prospective students attended the fourhour public event where they received individual counselling from UECA members. Six information seminar sessions consisting of a introduction with Demo training, general working holiday information, internships in Australia, student and working holiday visas and more were also provided. The event was the first of its kind to be Prospective Students enjoying primarily the information sessions promoted via online and social media channels such as the new Austrade education blog (www. which was launched in May 10 | 2nd Quarter 2012

2012 and the new future unlimited website ( On Friday 25 May, Austrade also held the UECA workshop and networking dinner to provide Australian participants with the opportunity to network with representatives from Korean local institutions and colleges to discuss study tour group opportunities, develop valuable contacts and to generate real and productive outcomes.

ing and the Knight review. The event conveyed key Australian Government messages Students meeting directly with that AustraUniversity representatives lia values the contribution agents make to international education and expects them to deliver their services in the most professional and knowledgeable way possible. Participating agents commented the workshop was very helpful in allowing them to better understand the key selling points of Australian education.

Future Unlimited: Agent workshop 2012 Recently, under the Future Unlimited banner, 130 Korea agents undertook two days of intensive training in Seoul, organised by Austrade Seoul with support from Queensland Government Trade and Investment Office and International Education Services (IES). The agent workshop aimed to raise the level of knowledge and professionalism and update agents with new initiatives such as Agent Workshop Group Photo Future Unlimited brand-

UPDATE Austrade

Austrade at the Yeosu World Expo The International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012 opened its doors to the world on May 12 with the theme “The Living Ocean and the Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities”. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade constructed and managed Australia’s national pavilion, while Austrade Seoul took the lead in running six events to capitalise on the commercial opportunities created by the Expo. Australian Marine Industry Seminar Building on the themes of the Expo, a seminar and reception demonstrating Australian capabilities and expertise in the marine boating and marina sectors was held in collaboration with Australian International Marine Export Group (AIMEX) and the Marina Industries Association of Australia (MIAA). Australian Seafood Seminar The Australian seafood and aquaculture industry also held a seminar to showcase Australian technology, systems and protocols which enable Australia to produce, maintain and sustainably develop clean and safe seafood products. Australian Education Competitiveness Seminar Other Austrade events at the Yeosu Expo included the Australian Education Competitiveness Seminar which invited guests from the Korea Association of Deans of International Affairs (KADIA), and key decision makers for international linkages and overseas student programs in Korea. The two hour seminar featured a panel amongst four Australian professors working in Korea and covered the topics of the Australian education system and its advantages and benefits to Korean students. This was then followed by three case studies highlighting successful joint degree programs between Australian and Korean universities. Australian Business Networking Mission – Yeosu Expo To support the Australian National Day at the expo and promote Australian business and networking, Austrade Seoul arranged for over 60 guests from Austcham Korea, Korean Business Guests, The Australian Korea Business Council and representatives from the University English Courses Association to travel down to Yeosu and participate in an Australian Business Networking Lunch attended by over 110 people. Guests on the day enjoyed an Australian themed lunch, networking, a VIP tour of the Australian Pavilion and a special performance by didgeridoo artist Kristian Benton. Tourism Investment Workshop Following these events a two-day tourism investment workshop was held in conjunction with Tourism Australia; promoting Korean investment into the Australian Tourism Industry and related infrastructure. The workshop was an opportunity for potential investors to gain a detailed understanding of the Australian market and project opportunities.

Barry Jenkins and Andrew chapman with Commissioner for Australia, Kevin Nixon at the Australian Pavilion

The Australian Business Networking Mission Lunch

The Australian Business Networking Mission Lunch

More than 200 highly targeted business and community representatives from Korea participated in these events, strengthening the commercial and cooperative relationship between Australia and South Korea.

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Shinhan Bank Advertorial

Excellent Banking Services for International Residents & Foreign Companies in Korea Shinhan Bank is the largest subsidiary of the Shinhan Financial Group. In 2011, Shinhan was the number one-ranked bank in Korea in terms of net income. The bank boasts 20.3 million customers in Korea with more than 900 branches and approximately 8,500 ATMs, and is active in 14 countries around the world. In August 2011, the Shinhan Bank Foreign Customer Department was launched to expand, improve, and promote Shinhan’s banking services for international residents and foreign companies in Korea. Exclusive banking services for international residents and

foreign companies are available at the Shinhan Bank Seoul Global Center. This special global branch is located on the ground floor of the Seoul Finance Center between Gwanghwamun Station (line 5, exit 5) and City Hall Station (lines 1 & 2, exit 4). Customers can also visit their local Shinhan Bank branch and simply call the Shinhan Bank Foreign Language Call Center at 1577-8380 for translation assistance. The Call Center offers services in English, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Viet-

namese, and Thai and is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Below is a comprehensive list of products and services that Shinhan offers international residents and foreign companies in Korea.

Retail Banking:

Business Banking:

✓ Internet banking in 10 languages ✓ 24-hour overseas remittance online ✓ Foreign currency accounts ✓ Competitive foreign exchange rates ✓ Savings and checking accounts ✓ International check and debit cards ✓ Credit cards ✓ Investment options including time deposits, installment accounts, and funds ✓ Loans ✓ Personal consultations ✓ And more!

✓ Employee pension programs ✓ Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) support ✓ Cash management services ✓ Corporate credit cards ✓ Corporate loans ✓ Competitive foreign exchange rates ✓ And more!

Learn more by connecting with us online: Web: Email: Facebook: Shinhan Expat Banking LinkedIn: Shinhan Expat Banking Twitter: ShinhanBankENG 12 | 2nd Quarter 2012

In late September 2011, the Australian Prime Minister JULIA GILLARD announced the commissioning of a White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century. The Government’s vision of the document is that... “It will provide a national blueprint for Australia at a time of transformative economic growth and change in Asia. It will help Australia navigate the Asian Century – to seize the opportunities it offers and to meet the challenges it poses.” Dr. Ken Henry AC, former Secretary of the Treasury, will lead the project. It is the Government’s hope that the project will provide a framework for medium to longer-term policies to increase Australia’s engagement with Asia and maximize the economic and other net benefits of the Asian Century to Australia. The website for the White Paper is In response, AustCham Korea developed a major submission to the White Paper which can be downloaded at news/item/164-australia-in-the-asian-century Our submission was developed through careful consultation with our membership. We received written submissions and convened a workshop to work through the major opportunities that exist for Australian and Korean businesses as well as the challenges that need to be addressed in achieving the full potential of that relationship. Although our submission covered many areas, we made six specific recommendations to the Australian Government: 1. Bring special focus to Asia-related issues through the establishment of a special ministry or similar office, such as a Ministry of Asian Affairs or Special Envoy – Asia (with associated Directorate). 2. Expand links between Australian society and various Asian societies to encourage interac-

tion e.g. a “Sister Schools” program, joint research programs, exchange programs for academics and students between universities and technical schools, encouragement of bi-lateral investment, etc. 3. Identify issues for which Australia can provide knowledge or technology to Asian governments e.g. managing ageing issues or financial sector reforms. 4. Take all steps to ensure that the Australia-Korea FTA is ratified at the earliest opportunity and facilitate its implementation. 5. Along with the AAC Task Force, actively engage with Chambers of Commerce in each Asian country to have a direct line of communication with business and investment interests. 6. Develop ways in which Australia’s capital shortfall can be financed by targeting Asian institutions that have significant capital surpluses and require offshore investment opportunities. AustCham Korea would like to thank the more than forty AustCham Korea members who participated in the above contribution through workshops and written submissions. We would also like to especially thank Graham Dodds and Diana Underwood for facilitating the workshop.

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Almost 400 guests rocked the Casbah at the Moroccan themed ANZA Korea Ball on May 5 , 2012. th

The Grand Hyatt’s ballroom was transformed into an opulent Bedouin silk tent lit by Moroccan lanterns where guests enjoyed the Agility pre-dinner cocktail hour with New Zealand wines, signature cocktails, henna tattoos and jugglers.

auction bids quickly climbed. This, combined with the generosity of corporate sponsorship, enabled ANZA Korea to achieve its fundraising goal!

Presenting sponsor Macquarie Group and cocktail sponsor Agility Logistics ensured fundraising After an entertaining speech got off to a flying start. Chanel by New Zealand Ambassador provided the always-coveted Patrick Rata and Deputy Head of ladies’ table gifts, and Etihad, Mission for the Australian Emalong with the Hyatt Regency bassy Brendan Berne, guests Casablanca, donated the top were treated to a Moroccan raffle prize -- a trip to Casablanca, themed 5-course dinner featurMorocco. Other financial sponing Australian beef courtesy sors included the Small Steps of MLA. Belly dancing and a Foundation, AustCham, the Kiwi Cirque du Soleil style acrobatic Chamber, Standard Chartered performance entertained during Bank, Wilson Parking, Santa Fe, the meal. After (a spectacularly Asian Tigers, the Korean-Austrailluminated) dessert was served, lian Institute and Mediflower. the CEO Band filled the dance floor. DJ Mariya Maderich followed the band, keeping the energy high and the guests moving until 2:00 am. Antipodean accents dominated the crowd of expats and Koreans celebrating ANZA’s biggest social and fundraising event of the year. With proceeds benefiting the Heymyung Children House, an orphanage in Seoul, raffle tickets sold briskly and silent 14 | 2nd Quarter 2012

EVENT REVIEW BJ Kim Breakfast Forum

BJ Kim Breakfast Forum April 12, 2012

In April, AustCham Korea invited Professor Kim Byoung Joo to share his insights on the current economic and political status of South Korea. Professor Kim is a former Policy Counselor and Special Assistant to two Korean Trade Ministers. He sits on a number of Korean Government policy forums and has also given expert testimony to the Korean National Assembly on public affairs legislation and trade policy. Professor Kim graduated from MIT with a Ph.D in International Political Economy and is a regular economic and political commentator on TBS eFM and Arirang TV. The forum was held the day after the parliamentary elections which provided a wonderful opportunity for Prof. Kim to give a cursory analysis of the better than expected results with the better than expected results for the ruling party. Prof Kim shared how he thought these elections

might act as a barometer for the presidential elections in November. Prof. Kim was then able to take a step back and provide some historical perspective on the Korean model for development. Prof. Kim outlined the ‘Iron Triangle’ model formed between a strong National Government, large corporations and state backed banks. This model gave firms such as Samsung, LG (as Lucky GoldStar) and POSCO access to the funds they needed to develop large plants, this in turn generated employment and a major boost to Korean GDP through exports of manufactured goods. After his presentation Prof. Kim and members discussed how the 2012 elections might impact upon foreign businesses operating in Korea and in particular how they might impact the conclusion of the Korea-Australia FTA.

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EDGE | Publicis Consultants Advertorial

This year, AustCham member Edge | Publicis Consultants, a full-service communications and public relations agency, has been actively consulting and providing communications services to three prominent clients at the Yeosu Expo: the Monaco Pavilion, the Monaco Blue Initiative, and ECA2, the French multimedia company behind the Big-O show. The Principality of Monaco has a long history of leading ocean conservation efforts, which is why it decided to participate in this year’s Yeosu Expo with its theme of “The Living Ocean and Coast.” Through the pavilion’s exhibits, Monaco showed its stewardship and dedication to protecting the global environment, including endeavours championed by several organisations based in the principality for protecting and preserving Mediterranean flora and fauna as well as the endangered Monacus seal.

The façade of the Monaco Pavilion at Yeosu Expo

On June 3, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco visited Yeosu for Monaco National Day. The next day he hosted the third edition of the Monaco Blue Initiative forum, which focused on integrated management of marine areas under the theme of “Marine Protected Areas: A Win-Win for Biodiversity and Economic Development.” Over 60 experts from diverse fields shared their views on sustainable marine development at the forum.

H.S.H. Prince Albert II addresses the participants of the 2012 Monaco Blue Initiative at Yeosu Expo 2012

ECA2, a member of the Publicis Groupe, is the chief designer of the Expo’s iconic Big-O Show and has been in charge of planning and management of the show from the initial stage. The Big-O Show tells the story of marine preservation through the journeys of a young girl, and has become a favourite of expo visitors. The show runs twice each evening due to popular demand. The Big-O, central icon of the Yeosu Expo

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EVENT REVIEW Stephen Conroy Breakfast Forum

PARTNERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Breakfast Forum Sen. Stephen Conroy, with

Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy On May 15 AustCham Korea was honored to welcome Sen. Stephen Conroy along with delegates from the KANZ Broadband Summit and the Victorian Government’s Department of Business and Innovation to a very informative and lively breakfast forum on the topic of Broadband Opportunities in Australia and Asia.

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Group, briefed the attendees on the current state of play in key areas of the broadband and digital media markets in Asia. He covered not only The Macquarie Group’s activities, but also the general rate of new technology pick up across Northeast Asia.

In his welcoming remarks from AustCham Chair, Mr. Peter Feltis announced the launch of a Digital Economy Taskforce which will look at ways to maximize opportunities for collaboration between Australian and Korean IT companies.

Second speaker Sen. Conroy took the theme of the first talk and looked at how it impacted the Australian Government’s stated goal to deliver worldclass broadband to Australians. He went through the rollout plan of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and how this would open opportunities for business in Australia.

This breakfast forum also offered a new format. Rather than one speaker followed by a Q&A, the forum had two speakers. First speaker Ben Way, Senior Managing Director at Macquarie

The final stage was a very engaging conversation between Ben, the Senator and the audience around the ideas of opportunities and challenges for IT companies in Asia and Australia.

EVENT REVIEW Korean Australian Alumni Dinner Event Review

AustCham Delegation to Yeosu On Sunday, May 27, AustCham Chairman Peter Feltis led a strong delegation of 35 members to the Yeosu Expo Australia National Day Celebrations. The day was a great success. It not only provided an opportunity for members to visit the Yeosu site but also for excellent networking. The AustCham delegation was able to meet a similar number of delegates from the Australian Korean Business Council, officers and crew of the H.M.A.S Ballarat and many Korean business partners. The Federal Government was represented by Craig Emerson, Minister for Trade and Competitiveness. The Australia Day Celebrations began with the flag raising ceremony and then moved to the main stage where a concert was held to showcase Australian talent. The concert featured modern and traditional music from both Korea and Australia. The performance by Jessica Mauboy was well-received but the scene stealers (again) were the boys from Suade who were able to get the entire audience, Aussie and Korean alike, on their feet with a great mix of Australian and Korean songs. After the concert, delegates moved back to the MVL Hotel for a networking luncheon. The 110 luncheon attendees were welcomed by Mr. Kevin Nixon, head of the 2012 Expo Secretariat, and Peter Feltis. The luncheon was a great chance for AustCham and AKBC delegates to meet many Korean business partners. On the lighter side, a

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quick competition was held to rename the MVL Hotel. Lachlan Dodds won the prize for most original idea. After the lunch, delegates walked back to the Expo site to tour the Australian and other pavilions. The Australian Pavilion is designed to take visitors on a journey exploring Australia’s unique relationship with its coast. The Pavilion has three main parts. The first part houses a striking piece of indigenous artwork. Coupled with music and art from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the space explores Indigenous Australians’ relationship with the ocean. The second stage looks at how modern, contemporary Australia is looking towards building a more environmentally sustainable future. The final exhibit space engages visitors with fun, hands-on experiences. Visitors jump aboard an Aussie surf boat and have their photo taken with three strapping lifesaving kangaroos as they ride a wave into shore and then watch a live video feed of Australia’s amazing Great Barrier Reef. Overall, the day provided delegates with a unique opportunity to see the Yeosu Expo while also promoting the AustraliaKorea business relationship. AustCham would like to thank Austrade for supporting the delegation and congratulate Kevin Nixon and his team for their great work at the pavilion.

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