Can not y ou see thro ugh th e cry stal poolin g waters to the botto m of the ri ver. Can not y ou see your falle n bro ther at the bottom waiting t o greet you with a dee p familiar voice. Can not y ou feel the sting of t equila dipp ed switch blades cu tting you a t firs t lig ht. Lick your wounds for a whi le, l ick your wo unds. Did not y ou hear the tappi ng of gypsy feet on the cobble st one as eart h’s ch ildre n danced up on her. Did not y ou feel the elect ricit y ride your skin when you creat ed something new. Did not y ou feel eve rythin g wor thwhile in front of yo u melt upon the touch of you r goo dness. How sour it will tas te, bu t how great it w ill be. Did you f ear the cha nging of ti me instead of grasping and enhan cing it. Did you h ave to get drunk to tell yourself the truth. Did you s tand aga inst the western head winds tha t came to sweep your life a way. Poppy see d tea will ease y our p ain boy, dr ink up. Can you u nderstand t hat th ere i s no righte ous path, just the one you pav e with your discretion s. Can y ou be bette r than your earth ly addictio ns and understan d your own prophe cy. Can you u nderstand t hat th is wo rld is fill ed with lollipops and razor blades . Sweet sli cing releas e. No matter what you c an not , or did not do, or what yo u can and d id do, the only thing that reall y matters is who you a re.
By Shane Ax