In the mornin g I tha nk God for opening my eyes, and I set sail into the golden light of his love. The sunlight has always been my b rother. I al ways long to share a drin k, or too many dr inks to count, with him before he leaves f or the day. His home of the baby blue skies will be f orever nostalgic to dance under, while his thick white sister s ar e always the most beautiful things to admire. With his golden light, however, always reveals tha t bright red hue of chaos in which anything can happen. I could be br ought back to t he b aby blue house of pleasure, or I could be taken swif tly into the dark p ur ples of his cousin that almost make me believe that black is authentic. In the middle of the fake backdrop sits m y sister, illuminating the darkn ess of the night and the actions that follow suit. In the moon light I see all of the r ainbow, For anyt hing could happen under the secrecy of those black night skies. Any shade of the light waves around us could manifest into realit y. Although anything could happen, I know tha t I have con trol over my pa th. I can bask in the golden sunlight of my own soul, I can live in the blue skies of my household, I can leap in to the clouds of a beauty’s bosom, or I could fly into the chaos of the night. Into the endl ess possibilities, into the secrecy, into the dar kness, Into those red hues in which I have come to fall in l ove with.