Design About what I want to give to the world ・Design is to follow your heart. ・Design is to redefine things and achieve the goal in an creative way. ·Design is to know the beauty and sorrow aroundyou and create a better world.
跟著心走 Follow your heart
Daisn dc o sv eo rr rto wh e inbe aouutry li fe .
Education Kaouhsuiung Municipal Kaouhsuiung Senior High School National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Experience 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 11 2 0 11
+886 910659060
KSHS Mass Communication club - School DJ NTUST REV Winter Storm Party - Activity Planing Staff NTUST Freshmen Wellcome Party - Duty Officer
NTUST Designers’ Week - Activity Planing Staff NTUST Film Production Club - Vice President
2012 - 2013 2013
Scenario Lab - Intern NTUST Yodex Design Exhibition - Participant 5% Design Action Workshop - Participant NTHU Design Thinking Workshop - Participant
Service Design Lab Christmas Party - Chief Coordinator Asian Smart Living International School - Participant Open HCI Workshop - Teaching Assistant Maokong Local Practice Project - Director of Tea Culture subproject
CID & IDSFC Forum and Congerence - Presenter Maokong Crossing Universities Cultrue Creative Program - Director User Experience & Service Design Innovation Workshop - Participant Future Light: International Design Workshop - Participant World Innovative Service Enabler Workshop - Teaching Assistant Maokong Tea Culture Experience Workshop - Teaching Assistant TMU Sevice Design Workshop - Teaching Assistant
Award 2012
Brands christmas tree design competition - Gold
NTHU Design Thinking Workshop Best concept
5% Design Action Workshop Best implementation
Skills ID
C4D Keyshot
Interest NTUST Modern Dance Club NTUST Deaprtment of Commercial and industrial Basketball Team NTUST Deaprtment of Commercial and industrial Volleyball Team
Personality Making contact with people I love to make contact with people. During college, I find out that I can get along with others easily and perk up an exciting atmosphere. I especially enjoy the moment of popping up great idea after discussion and the process of cooperating with each other.
Determined I am also committed to what I want to accomplish. At the time when smart phone were still not that common and the trend of riding bicycle around Taiwan just began, my friends and I arranged the journey and trained by ourselves and eventually made the trip despite all the laugher and hardship.
Having conversation with myself In my spare time, I join the modern dance club. The way that modern dance expresses emotion and concept is more abstract and it allow me to have a deeper conversation with the audience, codancers, and myself.
Teamwork I join the volleyball and basketball team in our department. Volleyball and basketball make me understand the importance of teamwork and practice, and it can always ease my stress.
?! Be Skeptical
For The Real World
Story Lover
Sometimes we all forget to question things. And I have to keep remind me to be suspicious about things that I am used to.
D e s i g n i s a b o u t redefining. It always suprises me when we can look from a different perspective.
I am tired of making things to look cool and simply incresing pleasure. The unfair distribution, climate change and so on are now serious issues. I hope I can do more.
I love to listen to stories. When people talk about their passion, their dreams and their difficulties, it makes me feel conected to reality.
User Experience I am also interested in user experience and I am an intern of Scenario Lab, a design consultant company that specializes in using scenario as a method to do user research. I learned h o w t o d o i n t e r v i e w, d a t a a n a l y s i s and how to arrange a workshop. User research is a way that I can understand more about people and it make me feel excited when I find the behavior and mindset is beyond my expectation.
Interaction Design
About design
Interactive design, the lecture I took in college, broadened my definition of design. I was fascinated by the idea of
Service Design I am now studying master degree in i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n a t N a t i o n a l Ta i w a n
the connection between movement and form, the effect that when something is out of users’ expectation, and a design to create a debate.
University of Science and Technology and have joined the Service Design Lab. The concept of designing the
Social Design
experience with a holistic view is what
Design for society and the concept of
attracts me. I have learned some basic
social enterprise shade a light on how
concepts and tools of service design
to create a better world and I think it
and have implemented in Maokong
has become one of the motivations to
local practice project.
study desig n.
Professor Sung, Tung-Jung Teacher Chang, Che-Chao
Co-designer: Tsai, Ya-Tien Cheng, Fu-Chu Li, Chieh-Ting Wang, Li-Jung
design research, stakeholder relationship construction forum and workshop planing, propaganda design concept development, prototyping
About Maokong M a o k o n g i s a c t u a l l y w h a t Ta i w a n e s e aborigines called pothole, a unique terrain cause by strong spiral of rivers. Maokong is called the garden of Ta i p e i , a n d i s f a m o u s f o r i t ' s t e a , Ti kuan yin. People used to drink tea along with the fantastic night scenery of Taipei. However, due to the constrain of law, the lifestyle changes, and so on, it seems that for Maokong to become an international spot, it has faced many difficulties.
1) head of district 2) director of Maokong gondola 3) director of farmers' association 4) teahouse managers
To u n d e r s t a n d t h e s i t u a t i o n , w e interviewed some managers of teahouses, the head of district and the director of farmer ’ association.
Interview outline 1. What is the difficulty to develop Maokong sustainably? 2. What kind of role do you think that NTUST Service Design Lab can play in Maokong? 3. What kind of role do you think you can play in Maokong? 4. How to develop sustainably in Maokong? 5. What vision do you have in Maokong?
Stakeholder forum In order to make all the stakeholders to discuss together and demonstrate the determination of our team, we held the stakeholder forum in the Maukong gondola center. It is a great opportunityAs a result, the head of district, Chang, Chia-Nan, was elected to the person in charge from Maokong.
Problem Lack of deep travel It seems that gondola has become the most popular spot. However, tourists don't have many chose to have a deeper travel.
Constrain of law Due to the law to conservate soil and water, it is prohibit to make any constuction. And the complex land assets has make the situation worse. The worries of wondering the temporary business registration will be invalid.
Messy information The information of the bus is a mess. tourist don't know which bus is to leave and which is to go around. Toursit also don't know what spots can they get to by bus.
Mascot without local feature There were to many mascots in Maokong, and none of them can represent the local feature. Maokong has nothing to do with cat, despite Maokong has a word meas cat in Chinese.
Gondola changes the way peolpe travel Gondola become the main transportati on for turi st, and for the teahouses which are far alway from the gondola statiion got no business.
The change of tea culture The life style has change. Modern people are to busy to make tea in traditional way. Young teens are used to drink tea from beverage shops. There aren't many chances to learn about traditional tea culture.
We split into three s u b - p r o j e c t s . And I become the director of the tea culture sub-prjoect.
Tea Cultrue
Tour Bus
Maokong Susutainable workshop We held a workshop for all the stakeholders related to the three sub-projects, including the manger of Shin Bus, director of Maokong gondola, head of distric and designer of our team. We used brain storming with sitimulus cards to think of new ideas.
Stimulus cards Since many stakeholders are not design background, we developed the stimulus cards to help them. stakeholder cards X9 tourist cards X8 tea culture cards X7 scenery cards X7 technology cards X19
Group 1 - Shin Bus In the phase of defining the key issue, they focued on how to connect with Maokong Gondola. They highlighted on problems about the unclear infomation of the bus and lacking of
identity to
differentiate from ordinary buses. They came up with ideas of redesigning the bus stops, maps and creating an app to deliver clear infomation. They also think of repainting the buses with themes that changed with different seasons.
Group 2 - Maokong Gondola
Group 3 - Tea Culture
They focused on how to make it more
The main issues were to held some
interesting while taking the gondola. It is great to have guidance about local stories, history and scenery. The idea is to have audio guidance and QR code for tourists to scan and discover some stories. They also want to create a scenario for tourists to take pictures.
activities relatied to tea and guide tourist to scenery arond Maokong. They came up with the idea of having a festival of tea. During the period of the tea festival, tourists can tell a story to have a free cup of tea, and they will held tea competition and forum to teach tea knowledge.
Future plan - Shin Bus
Future plan - Maokong Gondola
Future plan - Tea Culture
Dream of the second generation teahouse manager Due to life style changing of the young gernaration, less and less teenagers are coming to Maokong to enjoy making tea with beautiful scenery. It seems that teens don't really understand the beauty of traditional tea culture. A s t h e t i m e g o e s b y, s o m e o f t h e teahouses were take over by young generation also. Compare their parents, they are more familiar with the Internet and have notice the power of creativity. Their dreams are to revitalize tea culture. After the research interview, some of the young generation teahouse managers have become our friends. Having the some goal of creating something new to make teenagers to feel interesting in tea culture, three teahouses have consolidated a league with our help.
Chou, Chieh-Chang
Chang, Li-Chieh
Chang, Kai-Sheng
About YYtea YYtea was found in 1989, and is the second teahouse founded in Maokong. It's feature is to have seats combine with nature environment, and is the only teathouse that open 24 hours a day withou any limitation of time for stay.
"Tea is the media that conects each other. It makes the distance of hearts closer."
~ Chang, Li-Chieh
Experiement W e c o - c r e a t e w i t h t h e m a n a g e r, and we believe that it is a special moment for people to get together and have a cup of tea. So we want to create a souvenir for customers to DIY. We tried to microwave the leaves after making tea to form a shape as a souvenir. However, it is very easy to disintergrate.
Tea Bookmark Tea shorten the distance of each other. It is a moment to memorize, since it is one of the kind. Costomers can turn the leaves that left after making tea into a souveir throuh simple DIY. Simply microwaves the leaves and mill them, customers can use this kind of unique material to create a book mark. Every time you are reading a book, the smell of the tea book mark may probably remind you the moment with each other. During the project, we explere the meaning of tea and co-create with the manager. In the end, We become friends.
About CCtea CCtea is famous for it's creative dishes made with tea and the beautiful night s c e n a r y. T h e f a t h e r o f t h e m a n a g e r i s good at physiognomy, and he likes to chat with customers. However, sometimes he is too busy. It is impossible to help all the customers.
"Each kind of tea has it's own personality. Drinking tea is a way to understand yourself."
~ Chang, Kai-Sheng
Prototyping We discuss with the manager and h i s f a t h e r. I t i s t h e m a n g e r w h o came up the the idea to make a book that customers can create some faces and it can tell you what kink of person you are and what kind of tea may suit you. The manager's father give us a book about physiognomy. We kept tring to make the cutomer to use it easily.
Physiognomy Card When you start to understand tea, you also start to understand yourself. Each kind of tea has it's own personality. It has unique appearance, smell, and taste. Through the physiognomy card, you get to know yourself better. Customers can chose the stickers and face card that suit them the most to create a tradtional physiognomy card. They can also draw on it to make it more interesting. After they fininsh the card, they can look at the book on the table to find out what kind of tea we recommand. While discussing desgin concept, the manager's father kept also do the physiognomy for us. It is fascinating to combine tea with physiongnomy.
About LYtea At first, Lytea simply wants to give free tea for the climbers to Maokong. While more and more climbers compliment thier tea and tell them to open theri own teahouse, Lytea was founded. Since they are Christian, they want to deliver blessing to all the cutomers to the teahouse.
"Tea is a media to deliver our blessing. We care about you, even if we don't know each other. " ~ Chou, Chieh-Chang
Prototyping We wanted not just to deliver blessing to cutsomer to LYtea, but also make them to deliver their own blessing to their friends. We wished give different meanings to different kind of tea andto design teabags with cards to write on. It is difficault to make the structure of the teabag strong while having all the function.
Blessing teabag Tea is a media to express care and love. Tr a n s f o r m e d f r o m t h e t r a d t i o n a l c u l t r u e of tea appreciation, blessing teabag extend the spirit of care. LYtea not only care about the customers, but also make them to express their own feeling to their friends and lovers. Ti kuan yin tea - blessing for heath pouchong tea - bleesing for academic Sijichun tea - bleesing for love Jinxuan tea - bleesing for wealth There are four kinds of bleesing. Customer can write on the cards attached to teabags. While their friends and lover drink the tea, it is like the blessing has merge with them indside their bodies. I n t h e c a s e c a s e o f LY t e a , w e g e t b a c k the initial spirit of founding the teahouse.
Maokong local practice presentation To i n s p i r e a n d c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h l o c a l people and other stakeholders, we held a presentation to demonstrate the outcome. Participants including teahouse managers, the head of district, manager of Maokong gondola, manager of Shin bus, and e m p l o y e e o f Ta i p e i c i t y o f c o m m e r c e . They are willing to see some innovation service that can be implement. After all the hardwork, we have earned the trust of some key stakeholders. In the future, there are more oppotunities for us to cooperate and give full play of our design albility.
MEMENTO Adviser:
Professor Tang, Hsuan-Hui
Co-designer: Wang, Po-Hao
Chen, Kuo-Wei Li, Min-Che Chou, Hsuan-Ting
design research,concept development UI design, photography
Problem Finding
Through photo taking, film shooting,
1. Lots of our memory are store in
sound recording, we hope to keep the
computers now. Is there a better way to
precious moment in our lives, hope we
review those memories?
won't forget those which belong to us in our life journey, and better to be vivid in
2. How can a person share the story, the
o u r m i n d . To u c h i n g h u m a n p s y c h o l o g y
emotion bondage to the souvenirs which
and behaving, we're interested in learning
is significant to him/herself?
from it, and also how we can apply it in a design, through combining technologies, and the imagination of the near future we have.
50G 70G
Research interview Through interviews, we hope to understand how people recall memories and their feelings while recalling it, seeking out deeper demands on memory reviewing and the chances where we, as designers, can provide a better solution.
Outline: 1. Ask the user to bring the most memorable object and share the story of it. 2. Where does this object usually be placed? 3. How often do you recall memories through this object? 4. How do you usually record you memories? 5. Is there any statement or proposition you want to make while recording? 6. What do you usually do when you are in a bad mood? in a good mood? 7. When is the last time you share memories with others? 8. In what kind of situation you share the memories? and in what kind of mood?
Discovery ・She wants to tell the others where she is now when she is in a special location. She will write down the location on the photos, in case she forgot where they were taken. ・She likes to take photos with people in it. ・The photo of the midnight sun is meaningful to her, despite we seen it as a usual photo of sunset. ・Post cards made her think of the smell and taste of the food. ・Many memories are emotional. ・Journal: (1):drawing + words (She think it is inconvenient to use photos.) (2):She record both good and bad mood. ・Beautiful photos are more likely to recall to her. ・What strikes her is the experience, not the photos. ・She will watch those photos when she is bored. ・She wanted to record people, even if they were just a small part of the journey.
Concept developement We try to connect the digital memory with realobject to create a new way for people record and share their stories.
Final concept Connecting digital memories to real objects, the smartphone app can transform digital memories, such as photos, videos, sounds, into RFID tags which can be attach on related obje cts. No w, yo u’r e not only pr es enting souve n i rs to y o u r friends as gifts, but also sharing your experiences with them
Customer journey 1.
Take photos, videos, sound records
P u s h t h e g e n e r a t o r, t h e n t a k e o u t
with mobile app.
one NFC sticker.
Select digital media that you wish to Stick the NFC sticker to the souvenir.
connect to the souvenir. Then gently touch the sticker with you phone.
Yo u r f r i e n d c a n n o w s e e m e m o r i s Presnet the souvenir to your friend.
you shared with their smart phone through the NFC function.
Graphical User Interface
Organize your memories into albums and give them names.
Capture precious moment in photos, videos, and also sound records.
Through NFC, you can see memories that are stored on souvenirs
Select photos, videos, and sound records you wish to connect to souvenirs, then gently touch the sticker with your phone. Memories will be stored on the sticker through NFC.
APP flow Tutorial
prev photo
next prev photo photo
next photo
Camera Album
Preset camera
wait of 1 second
NFC detect
prev photo
next prev photo photo
next photo
Link the digital and real world. A new way to share your story.
Teacher Liao, Chun-Hao
Co-designer: Yang, Ya-Chu Cheng, Yu-Ting
design research, concept development Graphic design photography
Slappa is a papper radio, people can easily assemble it. With two batteries, you can turn on the radio and role the wheel on the top to c h o s e d i f f e r e n t c h a n e l s . Yo u c a n cutomize it by writing down your favorite chanel on the paper board.
Prassla is a traditional mobile phoe that you can assemble it easily. You can install one bettery and push the button on the back to turn it on. It also has some space for you to write donw the phone numbers of your beloved onw.
Knaka is a web-cam made of paper. Assembling it easily and insert the USB port into you computer, you can now have a vedio conversation with others. The sucker allows you to stick on the screen and can be adjust the position easily.
PALM DOLL Co-designer: Yang, Ya-Chu
concept developement prototyping photography
Concept P a l m d o l l i s a g l o v e - l i k e t o y, w h i c h y o u can use velcro to create your unique c h a r a c t e r. P a r e n t s c a n D I Y w i t h t h e i r k i s t o g e t h e r, t h e n s t a r t a c t i n g t h r o u g h different kinds of hand gesture.
Gesture People can use different kinds of g e s t u r e t o c r e a t e d i ff e r e n t k i n d s o f charachter. It is a good way to make kids practice to do some art work and practice their hands movements. Parents can tell a story with more interaction and interests with kids.
Storage Kids can put the accessories they made back in to the gloves. It has a string to tie up after you put in the accessories. And inside the palm doll, it has a place for kids to write their name.
Concept Using only two peice of wood to form a c h a i r. I w a n t t o c r e a t e a c h a i r t h a t is comfortable in the studio and it's interesting to initiate a conversation while haveing visiters. I did some prototyping to adjust the form to make it looks more smoothly and the more comfortable to sit.