Cambridge is one of the most unequal cities in the UK, and Cambridge University in particular is connected to a host of powerful networks: from providing research to arms companies, to pushing for the destruction of workers' pension schemes.
As student activists, we've seen the need to challenge this and build movements that push for a better future. To do this, we know that activist groups need to share information and skills, to explain key issues and to spread knowledge. But we've also seen what happens with the high turnover of students: when student activists leave, and successive generations of students have to find their way without a base to build on. We've seen what happens when a small group of activists burn out because their movements aren't broad enough to share the workload.
We want to change that, starting where we are.
To do this, we've produced a Disorientation Guide.
This is particularly targeted at incoming students, introducing them to various aspects of social movements in Cambridge a