Delivering the ambitions of the Police and Crime Plan Quarter 3 – 2013/14 1
Priorities of the Avon and Somerset
Police and Crime Plan 2013-17
It is our vision that local residents will have even higher levels of trust and confidence in their police‌. Public Confidence Trajectory
Public confidence in policing fell during 2012, but has been increasing steadily throughout 2013. We are on track to becoming a top ten national performer by 2017 (79%), however, achieving this ambition remains a significant challenge. 3
Overall satisfaction rates among victims of crime remain strong in Avon and Somerset compared to other Police Force areas
Aiming for 87% by the end of this year and 87.4% in 2017
Satisfaction rates: •remain strongest in B&NES (93%) •have fallen from 90% to 82% in North Somerset in the last year and are currently below the aspiration for the year in this area
Police and Crime Plan Aim
Avon and Somerset currently has the 9th highest rate of victim satisfaction in England and Wales and is on track to achieve a top 10 national position (88%) by 2017. Satisfaction levels have increased most notably in Bristol and BaNES.
ASB cases successfully resolved have increased, but satisfaction levels amongst victims of anti-social behaviour have levelled off‌
Aiming for 83% by the end of this year and 87% in 2017
Police and Crime Plan Aim
Satisfaction rates amongst victims of ASB has levelled off at around 80% and improvements are required in order to meet the 2013/14 milestone. The proportion of ASB cases fully resolved has increased throughout the year to 40%. 5
Reported sexual offences have increased and reported domestic violence is also steadily increasing Trend in reported domestic violence (crimes and incidents)
Work is underway to •identify the factors driving this recent increase •promote third party reporting •improve recording practices in this area
The Commissioner has set the aspiration to increase confidence amongst victims of domestic and sexual violence to report their victimisation. Serious sexual offence detection rates have fallen from 34% to 29% this year, although a proportion of new cases are progressing through the criminal justice system 6
Burglary rates continue to reduce, while burglary detections have seen an sustained improvement Burglary offences – rolling 12 month trend
Performance in this area continues to exceeded the ambition for the year. Avon and Somerset now has the 14th lowest burglary rate nationally and 11th highest detection rate. There have been around 1,400 fewer victims of burglary compared to the same period last year.
How are we doing so far this year? Performing well The number of burglaries continues to fall in line with the ambition for this year, with 1,441 fewer victims so far A larger proportion of burglary offences are resulting in suspects being detected for their crimes, with detections having risen from 11.6 % to 13.7% Confidence to report serious sexual offences and domestic abuse is increasing
Areas for improvement ASB satisfaction rates have levelled off at around 80% and are now falling short of the aspiration for the year. The serious sexual offence detection rate has slipped from 14th to 20th highest nationally. This is partly due to increases in reporting and a high proportion of cases currently under investigation. 8
Find Out More If you want more information about how we are performing you can:Visit our websites at Visit for more detailed information about crime and crime and criminal justice in your area 9