Yate PCC-Police Public Forum - Local Policing Area presentation

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Local Policing Area Presentation 3 December 2014 Area Commander Caroline Peters


Our Service Promise Engage with our partners and public to tackle crime and anti social behaviour ‘Listen to ensure we tackle the issues that matter the most’


Changes in Avon and Somerset Constabulary The new operating model Changes that will improve policing for the local community: What does this mean for you?

le ill be availab w e rc u o s e R oundaries = b a re a s s ro ac onse quicker resp

f ilution o d o n e ill b There w mmitment to ing our co od polic o h r u o Neighb

Merged neighbourhood and patrol teams to work the same rolling shift pattern

Shift patterns have been amended to increase resource availability at peaks of demand


Neighbourhoods will retain their ident ity and focus

Each beat will still retain its dedicated beat managers and PCSOs

Crime Reduction Recordings of crime across a 10 year period

There has been a significant drop in all crimes since 2004 to the present day


Satisfaction Customer satisfaction – November 2013 – October 2014

Total victims of crime that were satisfied with their whole experience. Achieved – 9 out of 10 people

Crime and ASB satisfaction over the past year

(12 month rolling)

Victims of ASB, 8 out of 10 are satisfied with their whole experience


ASB The police and communities have a joint responsibility to tackle ASB, and as such we have adopted an integrated approach to perpetrator/offender management and victim care

We Wehave have improved improved from fromfully fully resolving resolving 35.4% 35.4%ofofASB ASB cases casestoto 58.2% 58.2%

The Thenew newASB ASB Dispersal Dispersal Powers Powerswent went live on the live on the20th 20th October October



Domestic Abuse • • • • •

Priority Attendance Victim Focus Live Intelligence Tasking Body Cams Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPN) • Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO) • Outstanding Suspect Management • Recognising and Managing Risk

• • • • • • • • •

Priority Attendance Victim Focus Live Intelligence Tasking Predictive Analytics Golden Hour Preventative measures Impact Offender Management Burglary Trends Outstanding Suspect Management


Putting Victims First

Lighthouse victim and witness care - new support services for victims Guiding you through the criminal justice service A brand new emotional support service for victims of crime and anti-social behaviour. • All victims will still be updated during the course of the investigation. • Additional support will be provided by Lighthouse to our most vulnerable, persistently targeted or intimidated victims. • Victims can self refer to Lighthouse if they want.


Latest Updates Co

Rural crime

afety – Road s eed watch ity sp mm u n

Police Ca

New PFI sites

dets Neighbourhood watch

Independent Advisory Groups

Mobile Data

Community trigger


Increased reporting abuse

of Domestic

Operation Tonic 2014 •

First Op Tonic completed by the Special Constabulary • 215 vehicles stopped • 21 roadside breath tests conducted • 10/11 VDRS tickets issued • 1 arrest for positive roadside test • 1 intel report for drugs

The TheNeighbourhood NeighbourhoodPolicing Policingteam: team: •Distributing •Distributingdrink/drive drink/driveposters posterstotopubs pubsand and councils councilsand andthrough throughsocial socialmedia. media. •South •SouthGlos Glosroad roadsafety safetyteam teamare aredeploying deployingtheir their ‘drunk ‘drunksimulator’ simulator’with withthe theNeighbourhood NeighbourhoodPolicing Policing team teamaround arounddifferent differentlocations locations


Leading up to Christmas we have many tonic checks lined up to help keep the roads safe

Misuse of drugs – Operation Rebus •• AAsix sixmonth monthIntelligence-led Intelligence-ledinvestigation investigationinto intodrugs drugssupply supplyand andpossession possession across acrossYate Yateand andChipping ChippingSodbury Sodbury •• 18 18people peoplearrested arrestedduring duringaatwo twoday dayoperation operation •• Class ClassAAand andBBdrugs drugswere wereseized, seized,including includingwhat what isisbelieved believedto tobe becocaine cocaine •• ‘Thank ‘Thankyou’ you’to tothe thepublic publicwho whohave havesupported supportedthe the Police Policeand andprovided providedvital vitalinformation informationabout aboutpeople people and andproperties propertiesbelieved believedlinked linkedto todrugs drugsother other criminality. criminality.


Neighbourhood Policing Awards Dedicated officers, staff and volunteers were rewarded for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe. North East area Neighbourhood beat team – Thornbury/Alveston

PCSO Ian Taylor – Cadbury Heath/Oldland ‘Ian is a real asset to the community he serves, going the extra mile time and time again. Not only is he well known in the community, he was instrumental in setting up a Dreamscheme on his beat’

PC Natalie Draper – Thornbury

DC Celia White –Emersons Green Outstanding Customer Service award


‘Natalie is very knowledgeable of the people and the area, working tirelessly to ensure there is a visible policing presence. She is a true ambassador for the police force.’

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