Keynsham PCC-Police Public Forum - Local Policing Area presentation

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Local Policing Area Presentation 5th February 2015 Area Commander Caroline Peters


Our Service Promise Engage with our partners and public to tackle crime and anti social behaviour ‘Listen to ensure we tackle the issues that matter the most’


Changes in Avon and Somerset Constabulary The new operating model Changes that will improve policing for the local community: What does this mean for you?

le ill be availab w e rc u o s e R oundaries = b a re a s s ro ac onse quicker resp

f ilution o d o n e ill b There w mmitment to ing our co od polic o h r u o Neighb

Merged neighbourhood and patrol teams to work the same rolling shift pattern

Shift patterns have been amended to increase resource availability at peaks of demand


Neighbourhoods will retain their ident ity and focus

Each beat will still retain its dedicated beat managers and PCSOs

Crime Reduction There has been a significant drop in all crimes since 2004 to the present day


Satisfaction Customer satisfaction – January 2014 – December 2014

Total victims of crime that were satisfied with their whole experience Achieved – 9 out of 10 people

Crime and ASB satisfaction over the past year

(12 month rolling)

Victims of ASB, 9 out of 10 are satisfied with their whole experience


ASB The police and communities have a joint responsibility to tackle ASB, and as such we have adopted an integrated approach to perpetrator/offender management and victim care

We Wehave have improved improved from fromfully fully resolving resolving 46.2% 46.2%ofofASB ASB cases casestoto 59.1% 59.1%

The Thenew newASB ASB Dispersal Dispersal Powers Powerswent went live on the live on the20th 20th October October



Domestic Abuse • • • • •

Priority Attendance Victim Focus Live Intelligence Tasking Body Cams Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPN) • Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO) • Outstanding Suspect Management • Recognising and Managing Risk

• • • • • • • • •

Priority Attendance Victim Focus Live Intelligence Tasking Predictive Analytics Golden Hour Preventative measures Impact Offender Management Burglary Trends Outstanding Suspect Management


Putting Victims First

Lighthouse victim and witness care - new support services for victims Guiding you through the criminal justice service A brand new emotional support service for victims of crime and anti-social behaviour. • All victims will still be updated during the course of the investigation. • Additional support will be provided by Lighthouse to our most vulnerable, persistently targeted or intimidated victims. • Victims can self refer to Lighthouse if they want.


Latest Updates Police Ca

dets Increased reporting abuse

of Domestic

Independent Advisory Groups

Keynsham Police Centre Police s Building in BANES

af et y – Road s eed watch nity sp u m m Co

Community trigger


Rural crime

Road Safety Plan

•• Operation OperationTonic Tonic •• Drink Drink&&Drug DrugDrive DriveStop StopCheck CheckOperations OperationsB&NES B&NESand andSouth SouthGlos Glos •• B&NES B&NESCycle CycleSafety SafetyOperation Operation •• 22++Lane Laneoperation, operation,A4174, A4174,South SouthGlos Glos •• District DistrictRoad RoadSafety SafetyFocus FocusWeek Week •• Road RoadSafety SafetyEducation EducationWeek Week--B&NES B&NESand andSouth SouthGlos Glos •• Community CommunitySpeedwatch SpeedwatchOperations Operations •• Child ChildCar CarSeat SeatEnforcement Enforcement •• Multi MultiAgency Agency--Road RoadSafety SafetyRoadshow, Roadshow,B&NES B&NES •• School SchoolRoad RoadSafety SafetyPatrols, Patrols,South SouthGlos Glosand andB&NES B&NES


Awards and Recognition Dedicated officers, staff and volunteers were rewarded for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe.

Brioney Evans – BANES Sapphire Shoferpoor – South Glos Police Cadets of the year

S/Sgt David Hayward – Bath Special Officer of the year


PCSO Rob Hendra – Radstock Police Support Volunteer of the year

Awards and Recognition Dedicated officers, staff and volunteers were rewarded for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe. Two Bath Police Community Support Officers are to be recommended for a Royal Humane Society award for helping to save the life of cyclist who’d suffered a suspected heart attack. Paul King and Howard Wilton were on patrol on Sunday afternoon, when they came across the rider lying unconscious on the verge in Lansdown Lane. They took over from members of the public who were giving first aid and together gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR, for around ten minutes until a paramedic and then an ambulance crew arrived and took him to the Royal United Hospital.


Awards and Recognition Dedicated officers, staff and volunteers were rewarded for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe.

The quick action of three Bath police officers saved a woman from being swept away by the cold waters of the River Avon. The woman, aged in her 20s, was discovered clinging onto a small island in the river close to Pulteney Weir around 6am on Tuesday January 27th 2015. Three Bath police officers were first in the scene and managed to hold on to the woman until the fire service arrived. Bath Chief Inspector Norman Pascal has praised the actions of Inspector Damian Morley, Sergeant Andy Gussey and PC Dan Arthur.


Awards and Recognition Dedicated officers, staff and volunteers were rewarded for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe.

On the 13th November 2014 Police were called in relation to a couple of confused cygnets in Bath city centre. PC Andy Abbott put coloured cones around one that wouldn’t move from the middle of the road and the two PCSOs put blankets over the birds and carried them back to the river.


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