Avon and Somerset Victim Services 2015

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putting victims first a new approach for support services



MESSAGE FROM PCC SUE MOUNTSTEVENS Putting the victim at the heart of everything we do has been a priority of mine since day one. Campaigning for the role of Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), local people told me of their experiences as victims, with the police and with the criminal justice system. As your PCC I listened and feel compelled to ensure all victims have access to the level of support they need to help put them back in control if they have been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour (ASB). As a victim you are subject to an ordeal, through no fault of your own, yet which can result in life changing circumstances and memories you may struggle to forget. That is what makes protecting those who are vulnerable, intimidated and persistently targeted so important and why putting victims first is the focus for Avon and Somerset. It is with this aim in mind that Lighthouse was created and throughout the past year, the Integrated Victim Care Team has already supported over 25,000 people. It’s been a long journey to get to where we’ve got to today but the vision has always been to be there, offering tailored help and support for victims. This is very much the focus of Lighthouse and all of the victim services, who are there for victims from the moment they report a crime or ASB right through to the end of the process. It is only by offering this bespoke service can we truly be there for victims throughout their journey and recovery. Looking forward, partnership working will continue to be a crucial element and in forming a truly integrated approach to victim care. However, I know that working side-by-side victims are already receiving tailored support, putting them back in control and helping them to cope and recover. In our joined up approach to delivering services we can all be fierce advocates for all victims.

FEW WORDS FROM MARC HOLE Head of Commissioning and Partnerships About 18 months ago when we were designing the services we wanted to put in place to support victims of crime and anti-social behaviour it was hard to imagine such ambitions ever becoming reality. So it is fantastic to see such a range of services now in place, covering the whole of Avon and Somerset. Obviously we don’t want people to become victims but it is very reassuring to know that if they do there are a whole host of dedicated staff and volunteers across such a wide range of organisations who are able and willing to provide support to our most vulnerable people.

AUG 2014

Avon and Somerset Victim Services Commissioning Plan

Lighthouse services go-live

Revised victims Code of Practice


Ministry of Justice transferred responsibility for commissioning local victim services in Avon and Somerset to Avon and Somerset PCC Sue Mountstevens

OCT 2014

Avon and Somerset Integrated Victims Strategy

OCT 2013

FEB 2014

Avon and Somerset Victim Needs Assessment

Election of Police and Crime Commissioners

FEB 2014

MAY 2013

Ministry of Justice Commissioning Framework

OCT 2014


NOV 2012

Getting it Right for Victims and Witnesses Government consultation

Victims of crime and anti-social behaviour benefit from enhanced help and support with newly commissioned services.

APR 2015

JAN 2012


PROVIDED BY AVON AND SOMERSET In 2014 the way victim and witness services were provided was completely reviewed. Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens and Avon and Somerset Constabulary set up a Project Board to expand on the findings of existing research, regarding the ‘victim’s journey’ through the criminal justice system. Local victims were consulted with to establish their needs, experiences and hear their suggestions for how the service should be shaped. Lighthouse offers and enhanced service to vulnerable, intimidated or persistently targeted victims of crime and anti-social behaviour and victims of serious crime. The Lighthouse teams are based at three hubs in Keynsham, Bristol and Bridgwater to ensure that each victim receives the tailored support and service they need, locally.

I would like to thank you for your concern and to say how comforting it is to know that such an empathetic follow up services such as yours is in existence. Victim of assault supported by Lighthouse.

On average Lighthouse deal with 200 referrals a day across the three hubs, which accounts for about 52% of all crime and incidents recorded. Lighthouse has a number of multi-agency partners co-located at the hubs to help provide quick access to specialist support for the most vulnerable victims. This includes: Restorative Justice Coordinators, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and Victim Support amongst other agencies.

WWW.LIGHTHOUSEVICTIMCARE.ORG | Call 101 or in an emergency dial 999

EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICE PROVIDED BY VICTIM SUPPORT Victim Support have been brilliant – I can’t thank them enough. The empathy and understanding I got from the person that I talked to, they seemed to be able to not only take my side but also to offer practical solutions to the emotional state I was in.

Victim Support is a national charity supporting anyone affected by crime. As an independent charity, services users can talk to Victim Support whether or not they have reported the crime to the police. Victim Support has been running for over 40 years and launched in Bristol in 1974.

Victim, supported by Victim Support.

Whether a victim wants ongoing support, a one off chat, information about what is available to them or some security; they will be listed to, understood, believed and valued.

Victim Support provides emotional and practical support, advocacy, information and signposting to help victims cope with and ultimately recover from the impact of crime. The service is free and confidential.

The service is available to anyone affected by crime or anti-social behaviour, regardless of when it happened or whether they reported it to the police.

Victim Commissioner Baroness Newlove visiting the Bristol Lighthouse hub.

Victim Support are co-located with Lighthouse across Avon and Somerset and many referrals come direct from the Lighthouse teams. Self-referrals are also welcome and there is an Independent Service office based at Aztec West in Bristol.

WWW.VICTIMSUPPORT.ORG.UK | Local victim care team: 0300 303 1972

ADULTS’ ADVOCACY SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE CARE FORUM WITH SEAP AND SARI AVoice provides independent advocacy for vulnerable adults and adults with additional needs associated with their cultural background or identity that have been affected by crime or anti-social behaviour across Avon and Somerset. AVoice advocates for anyone over 18 years with mental health issues, learning difficulties, physical difficulties, problems associated with old age, social exclusion or isolation. AVoice also advocates for anyone over 18 years affected by issues related to culture and identity, in particular race, sexual orientation, religion and belief.


AVoice will assist victims whether or not they have reported a crime to the police.

Thank you for your help, it’s great to know that a service like yours exists out there, it’s made a big difference to my client. Support worker

A referral was received from Lighthouse in April. The referral involved a victim of serious assault and was referred to AVoice due to having a learning disability. Within a day of receiving the referral an AVoice advocate had made contact with the designated person of contact, in this case the victim’s support worker. Together the advocate and the victim, with the support worker, were able to explore the options that were available. AVoice liaised with the criminal justice system (including Lighthouse), explained the victims’ rights, supported the victim to make an informed decision about the next steps with the case and signposted to counselling services. Both the victim and the support worker told the advocate that they were thankful for the personalised face to face service they had received. They were both able to ask questions of the criminal justice system and provided with information.

WWW.THECAREFORUM.ORG | T: 0800 254 0777 | E: avoice@thecareforum.org.uk


Mike Rees, Service Leader

Young Victims’ Service is for people under 18 years of age (and up to 25 for those with additional needs) who need help and support following crime or anti-social behaviour against them across Avon and Somerset. The staff, referred to as Young Victims’ Advocates, receive referrals based upon the local authority areas that young person lives in. They then contact the young person and unless indicated otherwise, their parent/carer and discuss the best way forward for that individual. Young Victim’s Advocates can meet with young people in person, at home, school or other suitable community venue or they can offer support via telephone, email, Facebook or text according to the young person’s preference.


We are delighted to be working with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver this new Service for Young Victims of crime or anti-social behaviour in Avon and Somerset. We look forward to strengthening our links with Lighthouse Victim and Witness Care and building more partnerships with agencies across the force area to benefit young people.

After their home was burgled, a young victim contacted the service on the recommendation of Lighthouse. The 11 year old victim was struggling to cope with the aftermath of a stranger having been through the family home and was experiencing fear, particularly at night. A Young Victims’ Advocate spent time listening and understanding exactly what the young person’s concerns were. Over their next few meetings they spent time reflecting on what it is like to feel safe, practicing relaxation techniques to reduce feelings of panic, and they made a ‘dream catcher’ both as a positive activity and to visualise sending away the night fears. The young victims’ mother contacted the Young Victims’ Service and said that since the services’ involvement her child seemed happier and calmer and is beginning to relax at home again.

WWW.YOUNGVICTIMS.ORG.UK | T: 01275 884488 | E: help@youngvictims.org.uk

INDEPENDENT SEXUAL VIOLENCE ADVISORS (ISVAS) PROVIDED BY SAFELINK Safe Link provides emotional and practical help and support to victims of rape and sexual assault; working to increase resilience ensuring victims cope and recover from the crime committed against them. The service is for men, women and children who have been victim of rape or sexual assault. The incidents can be current or not-current and the service is available whether victims report to the police or not. The team is made up of multiple individuals including a team manager and ISVAs supporting adults, young people and children. The service is fully integrated into the Avon and Somerset network of victims’ services working with Lighthouse, SARSAS and the Bridge. ISVAs are part-based and work alongside with Lighthouse and Police Protect teams in the Bristol, Keynsham and Somerset hubs.

The ISVAs are absolutely essential, and I think this is finally being recognised nationally and we are extremely fortunate to have such excellent ones locally. Avon and Somerset Police Officer

Being supported to go to court and get justice was comforting because I knew he couldn’t hurt me or anyone else again. Victim supported by SafeLink

PCC Sue Mountstevens with the ISVA team

T: 0333 3231543 | E: safe.link@nextlinkhousing.co.uk

MODERN SLAVERY SUPPORT SERVICE (PILOT) PROVIDED BY UNSEEN UK It is great that the PCC is taking trafficking and slavery seriously. It is very much a hidden crime and would be easy to ignore and brush under the carpet. By having it as part her strategic plan and by making funding available Sue has clearly shown that Avon and Somerset will not tolerate the exploitation of people in our force area Kate Garbers, Managing Director

Unseen was set up in 2007 in response to the realisation of how wide spread the problem of trafficking was in the UK and worldwide. Unseen’s aim is to work towards a world without slavery with a focus on three main areas: supporting survivors and potential victims of slavery, equipping stakeholders and influencing systematic changes. The commissioned service will provide the following functions: Delivery of training to frontline organisation and Lighthouse Victim Care Officers Assistance to identify potential victims of trafficking Provide support to other organisations and Lighthouse hubs Quantify and identify levels of trafficking in the region Provide direct support to potential victims The training and support regarding access to services for potential victims of trafficking will be provided for all agencies working with vulnerable people across Avon and Somerset. The service supports men and women via a Support Worker who is able to provide up to 12 hours support a week while the person is waiting for a decision on their trafficking situation.



AVON AND SOMERSET RESTORATIVE PARTNERSHIP Shaping the future of Restorative Justice

Delivering best practice Restorative Justice to meet the needs of the victims we support. Making things right instead of being resigned to what has gone wrong.

Developing access to restorative justice at every stage of the criminal justice process has always been PCC Sue Mountstevens’ aim.

Restorative justice allows the voice of the victim to be heard, helping them to reach closure that cannot be found in sentencing alone. Sue Mountstevens Following funding from the Ministry of Justice to build capacity and fund restorative justice services, work began with partners to strengthen provision and design a restorative justice delivery model to inform commissioned services. The development of victim-led restorative justice in Avon and Somerset plays a significant part in transforming services for victims through Lighthouse integrated victim care. To find out more about how restorative justice could help you or to speak to one of our restorative justice coordinators please contact: restorativejustice@ avonandsomerset.police.uk












The PCC also supports various other victim support services through her community safety fund and the Commissioner’s Community Action Fund, such as Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), local support groups and counselling. For more information visit the PCC’s website.

The PCC co-commissions The Bridge - Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) along with NHS England. The Bridge offer medical care, emotional and psychological support and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted. The specialist team is available for anyone living in South Gloucestershire, Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset. They also offer information to friends and family who believe some they know has been affected by sexual assault. For more information you can call the Bridge for free and confidential advice on 0117 3426999 or visit www.thebridgecanhelp.org.uk

Arrest Intervention Referral Service (AIRS) supports individuals at the point of arrest whose offending is linked to substance misuse. PCC Sue Mountstevens has commissioned Swanswell to deliver the services and more information can be found on the PCC’s website.





Avon and Somerset Constabulary


Victims who are vulnerable, intimidated, persistently targeted or experience serious crime will be offered practical and emotional support and guided through the criminal justice process by specially-trained staff. The service has teams made up of both police staff and independent support workers and volunteers.

Victim Support

£296,973 pa contract, 3 years +1

Emotional and practical support for victims of crime and ASB, available both to those who report to the Police and those who do not.

The Care Forum (lead) working with SEAP and SARI

£329,467.42pa grant, 3 years +1

Specialist advocacy support for victims of crime or ASB who require enhanced support relating to mental health, learning difficulties, physical disabilities, problems associated with isolation, race, religion, or sexuality. Available both to those who report to the Police and those who do not.

Young Victims’ Service (owned and managed by North Somerset Youth Offending Service)

£165,000 pa grant, 3 years +1

Specialist advocacy support for young victims of crime and ASB up to the age of 18 and victims of crime and ASB aged 18-25 where additional needs are identified. Available both to those who report to the Police and those who do not.

£194,580 pa contract, 3 years +1

Specialist advocacy support for victims of rape and sexual assault. Available both to those who report to the Police and those who do not.

Safelink (Missing Link)

Unseen UK

£39,854 1 year grant

Specialist support service focusing on the needs of victims of modern slavery before engaging in nationally commissioned services as well as the period after that support ends. Available both to those who report to the Police and those who do not. One year pilot to be evaluated.

Valley Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 8JJ e: pcc@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk t: 01275 816377 /AandSPCC



www.lighthousevictimcare.org @LighthouseVWC

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