Performance against the Police and Crime Plan - 31 January 2017

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Performance January 2017

Evaluation and Performance Measures Assurance or scrutiny of the Police and Crime Plan and the impact it has is carried out at a number of difference levels. Information presented here is the quantitative performance measures applied to assess delivery against each priority. OVERALL ASSESSMENT INFORMATION

The result of the 2016 HMIC Effectiveness inspection has not yet been published. The 2015 inspection rating was ‘requires improvement’.

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • Understand the demand facing organisations, ensuring that they are able to use this information to effectively resource their work • Organisations work together to provide integrated services and share information and intelligence to provide an effective victim-centred response • Take a preventative approach and raise awareness of these crimes to challenge perpetrators and give victims confidence to report • Ensure the provision of services to enable victims to cope and recover • Delivery high quality effective public sector services that are well-informed, victim-centres where appropriate, with a focus on early intervention • Tackle the dangerous offenders who perpetrate these crimes to reduce future harm

Measuring how well the police and support services are protecting the most vulnerable from harm comes from speaking to victims. Which means that comments and narrative reports will form the context for evaluation rather than statistics.

MEASURES: • The latest “Vulnerable Victim Survey” – shows that satisfaction is declining and there is a need for services to improve their communications including giving practical advice, and to provide regular updates to victims.

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • The police are accessible and responsive when needed • Local priorities are addressed • Improve crime prevention and reduce reoffending • Increase community involvement to deliver the Police and Crime Plan • Victims are satisfied with the service they have received

The amount of phone calls which are abandoned by callers is currently low for both 999 and 101. Throughout January the 101 abandonment rate was below 5%. The challenge will be to sustain this through a seasonal increases in calls, such as a rise in calls through the summer months. MEASURES: • 999 and 101 telephone lines abandoned rate

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • The police are accessible and responsive when needed • Local priorities are addressed • Improve crime prevention and reduce reoffending • Increase community involvement to deliver the Police and Crime Plan • Victims are satisfied with the service they have received

MEASURES: • Public Confidence 73% of people express confidence in the police in Avon and Somerset – though the trend for public confidence is one that is falling. • Active Citizenship A telephone survey carried out on 3000 people a year shows that currently about 9% of people are likely to be involved in community activity that would support policing activity for example involvement in Neighbourhood Watches, Community SpeedWatches, or as police volunteers.

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • The police are accessible and responsive when needed • Local priorities are addressed • Improve crime prevention and reduce reoffending • Increase community involvement to deliver the Police and Crime Plan • Victims are satisfied with the service they have received

This is an area which ‘requires improvement’ by the Constabulary. Many victims are satisified however victims of violent crime and burglary feel let down by the police and are not as satisfied as other victims. Victims of hate crime are increasingly more satisfied with 82% of victims reporting overall satisfaction in December. MEASURES: • Victim Satisfaction

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • Diverse communities will be engaged, well-understood and represented in the workforce • Technology will support officers and staff in their roles • All victims, witnesses, suspects and detainees will be treated fairly and respectfully • The working environment within the Constabulary will be fair, respectful, equitable and one where people flourish, allowing the best possible delivery of services to our communities. • The Constabulary will consistently accurately record crime, believing victims when they report crimes • The complaint handling process will be reformed to be more customer-focussed.

MEASURES include: • Workforce representativeness statistics

Employee engagement survey

Perception of having tools and resources to do the job

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • Diverse communities will be engaged, well-understood and represented in the workforce • Technology will support officers and staff in their roles • All victims, witnesses, suspects and detainees will be treated fairly and respectfully • The working environment within the Constabulary will be fair, respectful, equitable and one where people flourish, allowing the best possible delivery of services to our communities. • The Constabulary will consistently accurately record crime, believing victims when they report crimes • The complaint handling process will be reformed to be more customer-focussed.

Complaints of incivility which include being rude, impolite or offensive have been declining since 2015 however they have recently increased.

OBJECTIVES under this priority: • Work more closely with other police forces to drive efficiencies, enabling reinvestment in areas of growing demand • Transform the local criminal justice service in order to make it speedy, effective and improve the experience of victims • Encourage and support emergency service collaboration • Work with Local Authority Leaders, strengthening effective partnerships to intervene earlier and build safer, stronger and more cohesive communities • Strengthen opportunities for residents to interact with the police and get further involved in supporting policing.

Measuring how the Constabulary and partners are performing against this priority relies in some areas to speaking to victims about their experience. Assurance will also centre on narrative reports that set out progress around collaboration. More outcomes will be reported when the PCC’s criminal justice transformation project is complete. More details coming soon.

MEASURES: Positive outcomes This chart shows the trend for the results which would be considered positive for the victim e.g. offender charged.

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