Newsletter - October

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OCTOBER 2013 | issue 01

Commissioner’s Community Action Fund

Re-shaping the future


PCC’s Pride Awards

PCC Police Public Forum Next stop Bath


PCC’s Pride AwArds rewArding outstAnding PeoPle

Welcome …to my first newsletter.

Many people achieve great things and go above and beyond what is expected of them to make things happen in their community or organisation. Much of this work goes unnoticed but Police & Crime Commissioner sue Mountstevens wants to highlight outstanding people in the PCC’s Pride Awards. If you know of someone who fits this description, nominate them today. Police & Crime Commis sioner sue Mountstevens

You can nominate online at

The highlight for me over the past 11 months has been meeting people, whether that be a local project or meeting domestic violence survivors at a refuge. However heart breaking or uplifting the circumstances, it has been humbling hearing and listening to residents about their experiences with the police or the criminal justice services. Listening has continued at the various forums I have hosted for business crime, rural crime and public events. It’s important to me that the police are accessible and accountable to local people. A lot has happened since I was elected last November and it’s been quite a journey. I knew this role would be an interesting and varied one but it’s a real privilege to do this job. I look forward to meeting many more of you and hearing about the fantastic work you are doing in your communities.

Sue Mountstevens Police & Crime Commissioner

Have your say! Sue Mountstevens wants residents to have their say on how much they are prepared to pay towards policing next year. The Commissioner has been carrying out consultation on the policing part of the council tax since May, to ensure the views of residents are considered when making her decision regarding next year’s budget. Sue said: “It’s really important that residents tell me what they would be prepared to contribute towards policing. For the past three years the policing part of the council tax has been frozen. Now I have difficult decisions to make I need to be sure that I have heard from as many local people as possible before I make them. “There is a balancing act to do between making sure the Constabulary are sufficiently resourced to concentrate on the things that matter to you and not burdening already over-stretched residents with higher household bills.”

You pay £168 per yr

You can freeze

Ms Mountstevens has also spoken with over 1000 residents while visiting various events across the summer where extensive budget consultation has taken place. The budget consultation involves the completion of an on-line questionnaire at www. Copies will also be sent to local authority and other public buildings, including libraries. For further information or to request a copy of the survey please call 01275 816377. The consultation period will run from now until November 15th 2013.

Increase 6 3.3 by 2%, £ per yr

Or up to 0 6.8 10%, £1 y r e p r

Your choice?

independent residents panel Volunteers were welcomed by Sue for the first Independent Residents’ Panel meeting to look at police complaints. The first panel meeting, which took place at Police Headquarters, Portishead, followed a comprehensive training day in August where the volunteers met with Kevan Rowland, Deputy Head of Professional Standards for the Constabulary and Kathryn Palmer, Public Contacts and Standards Officer for the Office of the PCC.

von “I want everyone in A e th and somerset to have dence highest levels of confi in the Police” Sue said: “I am delighted with the level of interest that we received from residents to be involved with the panel. “I want everyone in Avon and Somerset to have the highest levels of confidence in the Police. This is why I set up the Independent Residents’ Panel to look at police complaints and I will publish their reports.”

To find out more about the Independent Residents’ Panel visit

Commissioner’s Community Action Fund Local communities and voluntary organisations across Avon and Somerset have received over £80,000 as part of Sue Mountstevens’ Community Action Fund. So far, 26 projects ranging from supporting homeless veterans, tackling human trafficking, working with young people who are at an increased risk of offending to preventing disablist hate crime and providing counselling services for sexual violence victims have received funding. Sue said: “I have been captivated by the variety of the applications and astounded to hear of the wonderful work that you carry out day-to-day in your local communities for local people.”

Projects awarded so far Bristol Ablaze (business volunteering opportunities for young people), Bristol and Avon Chinese Women’s Group, South Bristol Youth Project, Knowle West Health Association, the Southville Community Development Association. Chair of the Police Community Trust Bea Salter said: “Working together with local communities we can ensure that a large number of diverse schemes in Avon and Somerset are supported in prospering within their communities.” If you are part of a local group or organisation that could benefit from funding to tackle the Commissioner’s priorities please visit the website.

B&NES Time Bank Plus (youth project to reduce ASB), Mentoring Plus.

South Gloucestershire Oldland Youth Club Support Group, South Gloucestershire Disability Equality Network, Alabare Care Centres (support for homeless veterans), Creative Youth Network.

North Somerset Women’s Project, Lighthouse at Weston (support for those who are vulnerable in the night time economy), The Coles Shed (sensory garden for disadvantaged young people), Yatton Youth Club, Congresbury Skate Park, Weston-superMare and Clevedon YMCA.

Somerset Archies Xtra (youth project in Langport), Somerset West Business Against Crime, The Minehead Hope Centre Trust (young people affected by addiction), 10 Communities Youth.

Delivering the Plan The first results since the introduction of Sue’s Police and Crime Plan show improvements in performance by Avon and Somerset Police. The Plan’s priority areas, anti-social PLAN burglary, domestic and behaviour, tackling E AND CRIME POLIC 017 2013-2 sexual violence and victim satisfaction show SUPPORTING YOU TO improvements from April to June 2013 FE BE SA AND to this time last year. compared


Since PCC Sue Mountstevens launched the Plan the Government announced another further cut to police funding, on top of £40 million savings already found since 2010.

Sue said: “This is a really promising start by the Constabulary. Obviously these results capture just a small window but it’s good to be able to share with residents how the police are doing.

and …I think by being open gives it honest with residents how us all a better sense of … we can work together

“I don’t think we should shy away from the areas that need improving. I think by being open and honest with residents it gives us all a better sense of how we can work together to make our communities even safer and encourage people to report crimes.

June’s announcement signaled a £14m funding gap for Avon and Somerset over the next two years and Sue says she remains committed to improving policing for local people.

Consultation draft

“Burglary will continue to be a focus. Around 30 per cent of all burglaries could have been avoided, because burglars got in through open windows or unlocked doors. I am keen that we all do what we can to avoid opportunist thieves.”

public confidence

Satisfaction: Victim

87.4 %


83.9 %

pcc priorities

450 fewer burglaries

38.6 % ASB cases fully resolved

13.1% burglary

7 % sexual

detection rate

Sue Mountstevens is committed to listening to all voices within the community and to the varied nature of local policing needs and as such has established Forums to specifically discuss these crime types.

She added: “I have no doubt that it’s going to be a tough job over the next two years. You can only go on cutting for so long. I will be working very closely with the Chief Constable. We will both be watching performance and making sure that the service residents receive does not suffer as a result of fewer resources.”

Results so Far


Business and Rural Crime Forums

offences increased

30.4 % sexual

offences detection rate

440 fewer

Sue said: “I have found that members of the business and rural communities have a real desire to engage with the police and share best practice where appropriate to tackle both commercial and rural crime. “I understand some of the challenges that businesses and farmers face and I feel that coming together to discuss these specific problems at a strategic level can prevent these crimes in these areas from happening. “The feedback that I have received from these Forums has been encouraging and emphasises that they are a good opportunity for the police and myself to meet with people and have those discussions.”

domestic violence incidents reported

Reporting of sexual and domestic violence remains a priority for the PCC and work is underway with the police and partners to increase people’s confidence to report.

more info at

For more information about the Business and Rural Crime Forums visit

NEWS IN BRIEF Volunteer Police Cadets

Road Safety Summit Following residents concerns regarding Road Safety, Sue has decided to host a Road Safety Summit where residents can raise issues such as speed cameras, speed enforcement, cyclists etc. The first Road Safety Summit will be held at City Hall, Bristol on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 4pm.

Victim Commissioning The Constabulary are always looking for young people to sign up to become a Volunteer Police Cadet. To find out if there are any vacancies in your area visit

Over 500 nominations were received for this year’s Neighbourhood Policing Awards. We would like to thank everyone that took the time to nominate. You can find out more about the Awards at www.

Consultation on custody services and the structure of the police on-line now.

From October 2014, Police and Crime Commissioners will be responsible for commissioning local victim services. Earlier this year, we hosted a Victim Roundtable Event to bring together local partners to share information about the changes and inform planning at this early stage of preparations.

Speaking in her latest blog, PCC Sue Mountstevens talked about the importance of communities coming together, working as one to make our neighbourhoods safer Sue said: “As a resident and your PCC I feel that we should all look out for one another and stand against criminals and for them to know that criminal behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated in our communities. “There are some fantastic groups in Avon and Somerset which help communities be more vigilant, helping the police and residents work together in tackling crime. By joining in a united approach, together we can make our local areas safe.”

Photo courtesy of The Gazette Series of Sue at the Thornbury Speed Watch


“It’s imperative that local residents get the opportunity to become involved with community groups … There are many local groups across the Force area; Neighbourhood, Rural, Farm, House and Community Speed Watches who look after property and reduce crime through the sharing of intelligence between the community and the police. If you would like to join your local watch please call 101 or visit

PUBLIC AND FRONT LINE FIRST The way Avon and Somerset Police operates is changing and the Constabulary have launched a wide-ranging consultation on plans to re-shape the structure of the force and the way it works. Senior officers were briefed of emerging proposals for a renewed operating model, which will include looking at the outsourcing of custody and service provision amongst other things. A period of internal and external consultation and discussion will now take place before the new operating model is finally agreed on 23rd December. PCC Sue Mountstevens said: “It is really important to me that policing reflects local needs and I would encourage everyone to have their say on the consultation about what service the public should expect from the Constabulary.” You can complete the survey online at www.consultation. or for hardcopies email custodyfeedback@

PUBLIC FORUMS Residents across Avon and Somerset have the opportunity to put their questions to Sue and Chief Constable Nick Gargan at Public Forums which are taking place across the force area. To date Sue and Nick have visited Frome in Somerset, Horfield in Bristol and Kingswood in South Gloucestershire and the next Public Forum is due to take place in Bath on Wednesday, November 27, 2013. Councillors, local agency staff, volunteers and residents and are invited to attend the question and answer session where topics such as Neighbourhood Watch, Community Speed Watch, PCSO’s anti-social behaviour are discussed. Sue said: “It’s important to me that I make the Constabulary and myself as accessible as possible and these public forums seem to be successfully facilitating that. Chief Constable Nick Gargan said: “Forums like this are a great

opportunity for me to listen to what residents have got to say about policing and the issues that affect them.” The next Public Forum will be held at The Guildhall in Bath between 7pm and 9pm on November 27. To make sure a seat is reserved for you please email or call 01275 816377. You can also tweet your questions to @AandSPCC using the hash tag #YPCCYV

Meet the champions Alice Jones en Violence Against Wom n pio am and Children Ch

Daniel Howitt Burglary Champion

Sue’s priorities Sue believes you have the right to be safe and feel safe in your community and working together with the police, other local agencies, service users and local residents is pledging to: Reduce the impact that anti-social behaviour has in our communities. Tackle domestic and sexual violence, particularly towards women and children


Prevent and reduce burglary and fear or burglary in your area.

Amy Hurst Youth Champion

Joanna Coulon Victims Champion

Marc Hole Champion Anti-Social Behaviour



Ensure victims are at the heart of the criminal justice system. You can read more about the Commissioner’s priorities in the Police and Crime Plan.

KEY DATES October 22nd South Gloucestershire Out and About Community Day 24th Neighbourhood Policing Awards, Cadbury House, Congresbury 29th Somerset East Out and About Community Day

Awarding silent stars Inspirational local people were the first recipients of Sue Mountstevens ‘PCC Pride Awards’ at a ceremony at Police Headquarters, Portishead this summer.

6th PCC/CC Bristol District Day

26th Somerset West Out and About Community Day

Many people achieve great things above and beyond what is expect to make things happen in their co or organisation.

21st Safer Bristol 27th South West Regional PCCs Meeting

Much of this work goes unnoticed & Crime Commissioner sue Mou wants to highlight outstanding peo PCC’s Pride Awards.

27th PCC Police Public Forum - Bath 28th PCC Pride Awards


11th Police and Crime Panel 11th Road Safety Summit 12th Somerset Local Safeguarding Children Board, Annual Conference 2013 12th Chief Constable’s Awards Ceremony 13th Joint Audit Committee 16th North Somerset Council Older People Champions Group 25th Christmas Day 26th Boxing Day To find out where PCC Sue Mountstevens will be please visit the Events Calendar on the website


rewArding ou

22nd P CC One Year in Office Anniversary

10th North Somerset Out and About Community Day


PCC’s Pri


3rd PCC/CC South Gloucestershire District Day


Six silent stars were recognised for their contributions to their local communities, work which included supporting and mentoring young people and keeping the streets safer as part of a Community Speed Watch or Neighbourhood Watch group. Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “I feel privileged in my role as Police and Crime Commissioner to meet some extraordinary people who achieve great things or go above and beyond what is expected without any recognition at all. Their dedication and commitment to their communities is exemplary and their efforts are hugely appreciated across Avon and Somerset.” Nominees were invited to Police Headquarters, Portishead where they were presented with a certificate by PCC Sue Mountstevens. Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) John Long was also present at the ceremony.

If you know of someone who fits Afterwards, thedescription, Commissionernominate and DCC them today joined winners for some lunch before being taken on a tour of the Force Service Centre, where ‘101’ and ‘999’ calls are taken. Winner of a PCC Pride Award, Arran Bees, Lead of Positive Activities and Engagement Worker said: “I was over the moon to hear I had been nominated and I’m over-whelmed to be recognised for what I do. However it’s easy to go above and beyond when you love what you do.”

You can nom

If you would like to nominate someone for somerset-pcc.g the PCC’s Pridewww.a Awardsvonand visit People are encouraged to put names forward as nominations for the PCC’s Pride Awards are open all year round and decisions will be made quarterly. The next PCC Pride Awards is due to take place on Thursday, November 28, 2013.

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Valley Road, Portishead Bristol BS20 8JJ



Call 01275 816377 You can also email the PCC at

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