Newsletter 2015 Welcome to a brief look over 2015 and some of our events run by the Friends of Buchan Country Park. See Inside: Pages 2-3
Fun Dog Show
Pages 4-5
All About Apples Event
Pages 6-7 Wildlife Sightings 2015 Tom Burns, Countryside Ranger Page 8 Christmas Carols New Wildlife Garden Entrance
Art In The Park
Sunday 14th June 2015
A Bit About Us Friends of Buchan Country Park are a group of people who very much enjoy Buchan Country Park and who feel that we would like to promote its use as a beautiful public space. As an independent self-funding body, we aim to promote and support the Environment and Education Service based at Buchan Park in addition to the management of the Park. This is done through annual activities including Art in the Park, Easter Egg hunt, Fun Dog Show, All About Apples and Christmas Carols which all raise funds for the park.
Why not become a member? Membership is only £2 per year and the committee is always looking for new members to join, donate a few hours help at events and contribute to our meetings. Check out our new website which has more photos and news.
As is predictable with Friends of Buchan Country Park events we ran the gauntlet with the weather and just about escaped the rain. We were again supported by Crawley Art Society and a few of their members kindly came along and gave instruction in watercolour and drawing skills to the children who always seem very keen on demonstrating their artistic talents. Various other arty crafty things to do were available for the youngsters to try their hands at ranging from colouring in sheets to card making, leaf art, play dough and making a noughts and crosses game. It was very encouraging to see the children using their imagination and enjoying the creative activities on offer. Outside the pavement chalk art was, as always, extremely popular with plenty of imaginative efforts on display. There is something about chalking on the pavement that I find irresistible, takes me back to my childhood I suppose! Another popular activity was the one were the children were invited to do a picture of ‘MY MUM’ with a number of the drawings not exactly of the flattering kind! All in all a good day, thanks to all who helped and those who came along to take part. Page 1 Join us and help the park, find out more: