Cognitive Hypnotherapy A Unique Approach

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“I would highly recommend seeing Helen to anyone who would like to change their circumstances for the better but is unsure of the next step.” Kate - Coaching

“Helen made it easy for me to open up & express feelings I hadn’t even shared with myself. A tough, inescapable pit of desperation became a stepping-stone to self-belief and happiness.” Phil - Confidence & Self Esteem

“Helen was always available to talk to and I am in no doubt that without her compassion and genuine kindness, I would not have been able to move on as quickly as I did. I will always be grateful to Helen for all her support and would have no hesitation in visiting her again or recommending her.” Bernie - Phobia

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Introduction Your life is the creation of your mind Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a unique approach which differs from the more traditional approach that other hypnotherapists may take. We base our model on ideas taken from cognitive theory, Positive Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Gestalt and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). This means that we do not advocate just one approach when we are dealing with problems. As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist I recognise in all my clients that their previous experiences which have led them to having certain issues in the present are all unique. Therefore, I am able to use the flexibility of the model of Cognitive Hypnotherapy to create a tailored programme specifically for you and your needs. One of the principles of Cognitive Hypnotherapy is that 90% of all behaviour is directed by our unconscious rather than our conscious mind. Have you ever found yourself arriving at your destination in the car and having no memory of your journey there? Your unconscious was in charge of the driving during that journey. Responses to emotions are housed in the unconscious mind.

This is why sometimes you may feel an emotion such as fear, and want to but not know how to get rid of that feeling. The unconscious is there to protect you. When it is faced with a piece of information it searches back until it finds a match. If the unconscious finds a negative match it will do all it can to protect you from that perceived danger. But sometimes the unconscious gets it wrong and tries to protect you from a danger that is no longer present, if indeed it ever was. During hypnotherapy trance is elicited so that you can your their unconscious to help re-programme it to stop acting compulsively and then be able to start to create the future world that you want to live in. In this publication we explore my treatment of issues surrounding confidence, public speaking, sports performance and weight loss, however this is by no means a finite list of the areas that can be covered in my sessions. From my practice in Hove, Sussex, I also see clients regarding issues around fertility, stress, phobias and many other areas. Visit my website at to find out more information or to get in touch to discuss your needs.

Helen Day

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Confidence We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot. Confidence is the greatest single asset we can possess. When we feel confident in ourselves we can achieve anything. Yet many of us are blighted at certain times in our life with a lack of confidence when faced with a particular situation. Some common areas where people can experience this lack of confidence can be found in: • Relationships • Exams • Driving Tests • Job Interviews

Working together we can tailor an approach that can explore: • Removing self beliefs which may be contributing to your lack of confidence • Relaxation techniques to help you deal with situations that you find challenging to be in • How to use a number of strategies that will allow you to become more and more comfortable in any given situation • How to boost your overall confidence in yourself and your abilities

• Public speaking • Overcoming shyness • Speech making • Auditions • Public appearances However this list is not exhaustive. Whatever area you find yourself lacking in confidence in Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help.

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Public Speaking “It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” - Mark Twain It is an interesting fact that people’s fear of speaking in public is higher than even their fear of death it would seem. In other words at a funeral most would rather be in the coffin than reading the eulogy! The fear of public speaking is indeed one of the most common fear and prevents many from achieving their potential. However with the help of Cognitive Hypnotherapy you can overcome these fears Public speaking can encompass every type of public speech from work presentations, front of room training, assemblies, auditions, TV appearances to delivering a best man’s speech. Those who suffer from anxiety at the thoughts of public speaking often report feeling of nervous, feeling as if they are having a panic attack, suffering from their minds going blank, not knowing where to start, feeling stupid, experiencing a racing heartbeat, dizziness and breathing problems to name but a few.

Alongside being a trained actor and experienced trainer, as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist I can help you overcome your worries and anxieties and together we can work on: • Moving past unhelpful beliefs that are holding you back from performing to your best ability • Increase your confidence in front of an audience • Understand how to achieve rapport with your audience • Give you the skills and mind-set to present yourself in an assured, confident manner • Combat your fears and phobias connected to speaking in public. - 7

Sports Performance “Shut up legs, do what I tell you to do!” – Jens Voigt, pro cyclist So what sets successful athletes apart from their competition? Research suggests that successful sports performance has more to do with mental abilities than physical abilities. Therefore the successful athlete is more often able to control their state of mind which prevents them from under performing or letting nerves get in the way. The human brain has far more control over strength, speed, flexibility and co-ordination than most people think. The brain cannot actually distinguish between an actual act or simply imagining that act. Why? Simply put these two activities of movement and imagination are neurologically similar.

You may be familiar with the term autogenic training for sports athletes. Hypnotherapy is essentially the same thing. Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help: • Improve your confidence and selfbelief • Improve your motivation • Access deep relaxation to aid visualising success • Help overcome competition nerves • Improve concentration • Overcome any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your best.

To perform an act requires the brain to fire the right sequences and combinations of neurons that control movement. When you imagine the same act it will activate almost the same group of neurons and therefore simply visualising the act will therefore improve them in the same way.

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Weight Loss The groundwork of all happiness is health Most people know that weight loss occurs when you reduce your calorific intake and you increase how often you exercise. Research shows that over half of us have dieted at some point in our lives and at any given time more than one in four adults in the UK are trying to lose weight most of the time. That means a staggering 13 million people are effectively on a permanent diet. However for many, time and time again, they have found that they eventually resume their old eating habits and eventually regain all the weight they have lost and in many cases gain even more weight. Over the years we have been bombarded with the latest fads from the dieting world. It can be argued that they all can work for a period of time. But the reason they don’t work permanently is that no diet regime ever addresses the root cause as to why the individual is overeating in the first place.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy can do just this. By using a variety of tools and techniques together we can uncover the any emotional events that may be at the root of unhealthy eating habits. Once this has been done Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help: • Help you feel more relaxed about food and more able in managing your weight • Help you recognise when you are full so you no longer want to overeat and you can begin to think positively about new eating habits • Create different attitudes towards food. - 11

Helen Day is a fully qualified Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner based in Hove, East Sussex. Find out more about Helen at

All content Š 2014 Helen Day

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