Your Choice Black Angus Bull Sale

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Sout H S H adow Know How 167K

We lead off the catalogued lots with a Diamond son to represent our 60th Anniversary. Herd bull presence, hairy, long spined with an exceptional foot. Power and performance oriented with a sound structure. Weaned off at 846 lbs with no creep. Dam is long bodied, deep, and easy fleshing, with good milk flow and very docile. 133Z son to DoLittle Angus. She is also Maternal GD to Justified 9K (pg 14) and Shooter 135K (pg 20). We are calving our first Know How daughters this year. We are very pleased with them and they all have exceptional udder’s and feet. 205 Index: 108, 365 Index: 127, Life: 115

Top EPDs: 5% WW, 1% YW

Boundary Know How 74K

Long and smooth, wide toped from heart girth to pins. Round muscle pattern down in through his lower quarter. Dam 209G has one daughter in herd.

205 Index: 109, 365 Index: 101, Life: 105

Top EPDs: 20% WW, 10% YW, 25% MCE

§ 5 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Know How Sire Group
MGD: Akita 223B DAM: Akita 209G
74K Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 TSN Order Of Duty 73C BOUNDARY AKITA 209G Boundary Akita 223B MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 R B Active Duty 0010X Gambles Lady 2197 SSA 68S Right Way 134X DLD Akita 914W EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 0.0 3.2 61 113 9.0 22
DLD 74K 2255498 01/14/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 288 87 706 1123 830 1085 2.60
MGGD: Diamond 4T MAT Bro: Tomboy 90B
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -1.0 4.6 71 146 8.0 26
DAM: Diamond 133Z
SSA 167K 2255469 01/27/2022 Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 Sitz Upward 307R Elite SSA DIAMOND 133Z Elite SSA Diamond 925W MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M SSA 109L In Focus 8T SSA Diamond 4T 167K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 281 99 714 1235 846 1165 3.26

Boundary Know How 131K

Know How stamps his progeny with consistency, especially with foot quality. No exception with this guy. Long ribbed and still has that depth through the heart girth and width across hooks and pins. Dam is a smaller, long ribbed, feminine cow, with ideal udder structure. Sons to Calvin Weinberger, Cross C Cattle, Andy Johnson, and two daughters in herd.

205 Index: 101, 365 Index: 118, Life: 108

Top EPDS: 15% YW, 10% MCE

Big long framed, very docile fella. Big scrotal. If you like some growth in your calves he will fit the bill, weaned off at 898 lbs on Oct 3 adjusted to 762. Twin to another bull. Big volume, deep bodied cow that is well balanced. Sons to: Wrangler Ridge Ranch, Dave Hanson, Justin Hassett, one bull in herd, one daughter in herd and one daughter to Arndt Ent.

§ 6 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Know How Sire Group
Joyce 31Z
44K Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 B C Matrix 4132 DLD JOYCE 31Z SSA Joyce 109T MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 O C C Emblazon 854E CAF Pure Pride EXT 99 South Shadow Rain Man 2M Jay EN Dee Joyce 32G EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.5 2.4 50 100 7.0 22 Boundary K now H ow 44K DLD 44K 2256152 01/09/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 275 80 762 1127 898 1170 2.29 MAT Sister: 63F MAT Brother:
Eileen 229C EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 4.0 2.1 58 11111.0 22
Resource 109G DAM:
DLD 131K 2255506 01/21/2022 Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 SSA 104 Freedom 92U BOUNDARY EILEEN 229C SSA Eileen 126X MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 TC Freedom 104 Elite South Shadow Akita 21L SSA 109 In Focus 35U SSA Eileen 879U 131K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 7 283 84 656 1145 796 1095 3.05

Sout H S H adow K now H ow 42 K SSA 42K 2255431 01/09/2022

Our top gaining bull on feed with a 365 day index of 130. Long, deep and smooth, strong topped and impressive when you get behind, also very sound structured and has an excellent foot. His Dam is big bodied, a high producer with strong maternal traits, an awesome udder and added performance. 113A sons to WCR Angus, Justin Hassett, Howard Bock, with one of two daughters bringing Shooter 257K (pg 20) for your appraisal.

365 Index: 130, Life: 111

Top EPDs: 8% YW, 6% MCE

§ 7 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Know How Sire Group
12N DAM:
113A EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 1.7 56 12012.0 22
MGD: Ruby 20S MGGD: Ruby
Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite SOUTH SHADOW RUBY 113A SSA Ruby 20S Elite MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly Of Conanga 16 South Shadow Bando 24M South Shadow Ruby 12N 42K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 9 283 88 639 1176 806 1135 3.36

DAM: Akita 904W

Boundary Know How 78K

MGD: Akita 69T

MAT Brother: Upshot 75J

Comes from a cow that people notice when they tour, and for good reason. Ideal in phenotype and genotype, designated elite/premier dam since 2015, average ratio 105, also attests to her longevity. Not much I could tell you that I would change about this cow. If you’re looking for replacement females and males that have the ability to put some money in your pocket, this guy should do it. Long, smooth, and balanced in his profile, with a square frame to hold it. High selling bull in 2012 to Anhorn Angus, and other sons to Cody and Nora Shock, Cypress Farming, 40 Mile Grazing, Casey Gordon, and one son and 4 daughters retained.

365 Index: 106

Top EPDS: 25% CE, 15% BW, 20% HPG, 3% MCE

Recommended for heifers. Long and square made just like the other Know How sons, this guy is smaller framed than his counter parts. Another cow that has stood the test of time, and gravity hasn’t taken a hold of udder structure either. One son to Flying T Land and Cattle, and three daughters in herd, one with a son in the sale 202K (pg 28).

365 Index: 110, Life: 102

Top EPDs: 15% CE and BW, 10% HPG, 6% MCE

§ 8 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Know How Sire Group
MAT Sis: 231E DAM: Errolline 47Z
176K Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 S A V Bismarck 5682 Elite BOUNDARY ERROLLINE 47Z SSA Errolline 937W
Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 G A R Grid Maker
A V Abigale 0451
New Elixir 4R SSA Errolline 5T EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 8.0 0.3 50 102 12 19
176K DLD 176K 2255515 01/29/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 286 82 635 1087 748 1025 2.83
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 7.0 0.5 55 102 13 23
DLD 78K 2255499 01/15/2022 Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite DLD AKITA 904W Elite DLD Akita 69T MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 Sitz Traveler 8180 Elite S A V Emulous 8145 SSAP Future Elixir 31R DLD Akita 25P 78K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 13 282 80 682 1062 712 1045 2.38

DAM: Errolline 46Z

MGD: Errolline 1R

KNOW HOW EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 1.2 55 113 13.0 22

Hoover No Doubt MOGCK Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 Mytty In Focus Elite SSAP Errolline 1R

Recommended for heifers. A really nice made bull, balanced, smooth, clean front with natural muscling. Dam 84C is very long bodied, thick, and easy fleshing with a good foot. 84C son to Cross C Cattle. MGD 814U is Elite.

365 Index: 116, Life: 106

Sout H SH adow K now H ow 136K SSA 136K 2255456 01/22/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 7 278 80 647 1125 782 1075 2.98

BLKCP Empress Ellston L265

Connealy Thunder


SSAP Errolline 1R

MOGCK Bullseye

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen Storm 8504 BLKCP Empress Ellston J120

Baldridge Kaboom

Parka Of Conanga 241 F A R Krugerrand 410H South Shadow Errolline 11F EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 3.0 2.2 56 110 13.0 19

Thick, masculine, deep ribbed, and soft made. Exceptional feet and skeletal structure from the ground up. Dam stands on a perfect foot and has a very nice udder, she is visually impressive, stout, deep, thick, but very feminine fronted. Sons to Dave Hanson, Howard Bock, Murray Lake Colony and 10 Mile Ranch. MGD 1R produced 13 calves with every daughter put into herd.

365 Index: 113, Life: 105 Top EPDs: 15% YW, 3% MCE

EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 2.8 55 110 10.0 22

Hoover No Doubt


BLKCP Empress Ellston L265


Connealy Thunder


SSAP Joyce 18R Elite

MOGCK Bullseye


BLKCP Empress

Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce

§ 9 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Know How Sire Group
MGD: Errolline 814U DAM: Errolline 84C
Top EPDs: 10% YW, 3% MCE HOOVER
136K BLKCP Empress Ellston L265 Connealy Thunder SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 84C SSA Errolline 814U Premier
120K Hoover No Doubt HOOVER KNOW HOW
H SH adow K n ow How 120K SSA 120K 2255453 01/19/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 283 90 661 1125 806 1090 2.90
K243 KCF
MGD: Joyce 18R
DAM: Joyce 94E
Thick, masculine, with a bold rib, wide based, fantastic hair, soft made and smooth, performance and growth. Dam is feminine and deep bodied with one son to Southern Cross Ranch. MGD 18R was in our flush program and raised the reference sire Resource 122H. She is an Elite cow, as is her dam 25K.
Top EPDs: 15% YW, 15% MCE
Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Sydgen
Ellston J120
25K Elite
SSA 113K 2255448 01/18/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 282 95 681 1102 832 1090 2.63
S out H SH adow K now H ow 113 K

DAM: Diamond 42E

MGD: Diamond 38C

MAT Bro: Settler 128G

Recommended for heifers. This bull is as smooth as you can make one. Has balance of rib, muscle, length and a square hip. He’s goodnatured and sound. A low birth weight bull with performance and growth in a well balanced EPD profile. His Dam 42E has depth, thickness and a level udder attachment. A son to Ethan David. Her sister has a feature bull in Justified 69K (pg 15). 42E’s GDam, 53S, raised her 15 natural calf, a keeper heifer, last year.

205 Index: 105, 365 Index: 128, Life: 115

Top EPDs: 15% CE, 15% BW, 15% WW, 10% YW, 6% MCE

Recommended for heifers. An attractive stout, clean, smooth bull, with a masculine look. Offering calving ease with a real short gestation of 273 days. (CAA bases on a 282 average) Dam 84B consistently has lower birth weight progeny. She is very moderate in frame and easy fleshing. A son to Wilfley Holdings.

Top EPDs: 10% CE, 6% BW, 6% MCE

§ 10 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Innovation Sire Group
MGD: Errolline 7L DAM: Errolline 84B
76K Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 DLD Density 8Z SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 84B SSA Errolline 156Z Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 329 674 S A V 004 Density 4336 Elite DLD Akita 25P SSA 109 In Focus 35U South Shadow Errolline 7L Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 9.0 -0.8 41 64 12.0 23 Sout H SH adow innovation 76K adow SSA 76K 2255440 01/14/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 8 273 75 577 913 716 922 2.10
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 8.0 0.2 63 114 12.0 24
SSA 114K 2255451 01/19/2022 Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 Shipwheel Chinook SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 42E South Shadow Diamond 38C Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 H A Image Maker 0415 Elite Apex Eriskay 5506 S A V Resource 1441 Elite SSA Diamond 53S 114K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 278 77 674 1203 826 1150 3.31
Sout H S H adow i nnovation 114K

This bull is long made, deep middle, lots of guts. He is quiet, big boned and with a big foot and a large scrotal. Has growth, doability, and performance, with an actual WW of 960 lbs. Our top indexing bull, with no creep and an actual YW of 1285 lbs. His Dam 113D is a Density daughter who had a lot of friends at the angus tour this summer. She has exceptional length, thickness and depth of body. She has perfect leg structure and foot and a bang on of an udder. Just a note; some of these Innovation calves may have bigger birth weights, but when you study the skeletal length, which justifies the few more pounds at birth, that extra rib aligns with heavier weaning weights. 205 Index: 115, 365 Index: 129, Life: 120 Top EPDs: 25% YW, 20% MILK

innovation 109K

A long bodied, sound footed bull who has a laid back disposition. Dam 93Y has had 10 calves, MGD, 10M; 12 calves and and GGD 74E; 13 calves. Both 10M and 74E hold Elite status. If you focus on longevity, maternal, and soundness here’s a bull to look for in the pen. 93Y sons to: Wayne Bowyer, Rocky Top Ranch, Rod Nelson Farms, and Cobrett Farms. 205 Index: 116, 365 Index: 119, Life: 107 Top EPDs: 24% CE, 25% YW, 20% MCE, 4% MILK

§ 11 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Innovation Sire Group
MGD: Joyce 10M DAM: Joyce 93Y
109K Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 Connealy Thunder SSA JOYCE 93Y South Shadow Joyce 10M Elite Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 Ankonian Elixir 100 Jay En Dee Joyce 74E Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -3.0 3.6 53 103 7.0 27 Sout H SH adow
SSA 109K 2255449 01/18/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 11 277 98 662 1154 774 1075 3.07 MGD: Errolline 7Z MGGD: Errolline 807U DAM: Errolline 113D EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 0.0 4.2 72 128 7.0 26
Sout H S H adow i nnovation 27K
Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 S A V 004 Density 4336 Elite SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 113D SSA Errolline 7Z Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 7238 Connealy Thunder SSA Errolline 807U 27K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 6 280 99 753 1283 960 1285 3.32
SSA 27K 2255429 01/06/2022

DAM: Diamond Mist 124D

MGD: Diamond Mist 3Z

MAT Brother: Upshot 46J

DAM: Errolline 138D

MGD: Errolline 5T

Bigger framed bull that has extra rib and depth so progeny should have some extra pounds. Smooth and balanced in his makeup. Dam is a moderate framed cow with lots of milk. She’s had 4 excellent sons, the first 3 selling to Cody and Nora Shock, NA Bar Cattle, Bar C Ranch. She has an excellent uddered, milky daughter with a feature son in the sale 29K (pg 17).


Sale Videos

Well balanced, attractive, sound structured with added length. Dam 138D is deep-bodied, easy fleshing and structurally sound. Two daughters in herd. Top 10% MCE

§ 12 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
Innovation Sire Group
206K Connealy
MAR Final Kahuna
Early Sunset
SSA Errolline 5T Connealy
S A V Final Answer
Early Sunset Lady
Mytty In
SSAP Errolline
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 4.0 1.5 47 84 11.0 22 Sout H SH
SSA 206K 2255482 02/06/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 6 280 88 642 1044 734 980 2.51
Tom Boy
Pammy Of Conanga 194
0035 Elite
Kahuna Precision 328 674
Sunset Tommy Boy 8W
Ann 110W
Focus Elite
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 3.1 54 96 10.0 24
15% MCE
i nnovation 41K DLD 41K 2255495 01/09/2022 Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 Early Sunset Tom Boy BOUNDARY DIAMOND MIST 124D DLD Diamond Mist 3Z Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 Early Sunset Tommy Boy 8W Early Sunset Lady Ann 110W Sitz Upward 307R Elite DLD Diamond Mist 869U 41K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 6 282 95 665 1093 838 1100 2.67

DAM: Eileen 127Z

MAT Bro: New Frontier 148F

A moderate, easy fleshing, thick made, hairy Innovation son. He is complete in his skeleton, good footed and docile. His dam 76X is a very feminine matriarch in our herd and had her 12th calf this mid-Feb. For her age, she still has a pretty good udder, lots of milk, and great feet. Her first son, Gridiron 98Z was kept to cover our registered herd. 76X sons to: Randy Jahnke, Sunny Slope Cattle, Horton Land and Cattle and Freemen Iwasiuk 205 Index: 105

SH adow innovation

He is a bull to admire for his hair coat, added length and he is impressive on the move with a long, free stride on a good foot. If you want more stretch in your calves, which adds more pounds, take a look here. He has an actual WW of 874 lbs. Dam 144Z, an Elite cow, is long-made, stretchy and a heavy milker with a sound foot. She had two daughters sell through this sale to Shady Creek Angus and Burnett Angus. 144Z sons to: Rick and Rachel Bauer and Howard Bock. 205 Index: 107 Top EPDs: 25% WW, 20% MILK

Sout H SH adow innovation 169K



This bull has extreme length through his hip, middle and front extension which probably attributed to his birth weight. He is a true performance bull with style and presence. Sound in his structure, he moves freely on a set of good feet and legs. Dam 127Z is a larger framed, feminine, Bismarck daughter with great feet and a good supply of milk. Sons to: Arndt Ent., Tony and Carolyn Leismeister and a daughter to Tannas Ranches.

365 Index: 110 Top EPDs: 20% WW, 20% YW

§ 13 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
Innovation Sire Group
MAT Bro: Gridiron 98Z DAM: Akita 76X
157K Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 F V 20K King 308M SSA AKITA 76X South Shadow Akita 31N Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 Rafter S Ronan Tex 20K Queen 362E DMM Dynasty 03G Jay En Dee Pride 14-89E Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 2.6 47 80 6.0 25 Sout H SHadow innovation 157K SSA 157K 2255466 01/25/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 12 283 87687 1041 788 1005 2.21
MAT Bro: Resource 10H DAM: Errolline 144Z
63K Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 MAR Final Kahuna 856 SSA 109 In Focus 35U SSA ERROLLINE 144Z Premier SSAP Errolline 57R Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 Mytty In Focus Elite SSAP Eileen 42P South Shadow Pine Drive 10K South Shadow Errolline 7L Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -2.0 3.0 59 87 6.0 27
SSA 63K 2255436 01/13/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 278 94 702 1022 874 1070 2.00
MAR Final Kahuna
SSA Eileen
Reflection Pearl Pammy Of Conanga 194 S A V Final Answer 0035 Elite MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 Big Sky DLD Right Way 68S SSAP Eileen 20R EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -6.0 4.8 61 108 4.0 22
856 S
V Bismarck 5682
986W Connealy
SSA 169K 2255468 01/27/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 281 105 634 1087 748 1025 2.83

Recommended for heifers.A massive, very docile, smooth-made son of Justified with tremendous length of body. His short gestation with only a 67 lb birth weight and an actual WW of 818 lbs shows the tremendous growth he possesses; Calving ease and performance with a -2.6 BW to +117 YW EPD spread. We expect a great future for his stout-made, easy fleshing Dam 131G; with Elite sires of Resource and Upward along with her Elite Dam. She ought to put a lot of beef into the industry. 9K’s MGD 133Z is still in production (167K/pg 5) and has produced many top end progeny. The maternal sister to Dam is another standout and produced feature bull 135K (pg 20) 205 Index: 105, 365 Index: 116, Life: 109

Top EPDs: 1% CE, 1% BW, 15% WW, 7% YW, 15% MCE, 15% MILK

§ 14 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Justified Sire Group Dam’s MAT Sister: Diamond 97F Dam’s MAT Bro: Duty 126E DAM: Diamond 131G EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 14.0 -2.5 64 121 10.0 28
SSA 9K 2255423 01/01/2022 Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 131G SSA Diamond 133Z Elite Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Sitz Upward 307R Elite SSA Diamond 925W 9K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 275 67 665 1142 818 1110 2.98
Sout H S H adow Ju S tified 9K

Recommended for heifers.Low birth weight, deep ribbed, thick topped, clean fronted, masculine and very docile. With his good growth #s, his progeny shall fit in with the drafts from your main cow herd. Dam 161H is feminine tank, first calf heifer with a good udder. 161H’s sister has a feature bull in Innovation 114K (pg 10). She also has another first calving (Know How) sister in 2023. 205 Index: 110, 365 Index: 108, Life: 109

Top EPDs: 9% CE 4% BW 15% WW 10% YW 20% MILK

§ 15 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Justified Sire Group
161H MAT Bro:
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 10.0 -1.1 63 113 8.0 27
MGGD: Diamond 53S
DAM: Diamond 161H
Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 Mohnen Success 187 SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 161H South Shadow Diamond 38C Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 S A V Seedstock 4838 Mohnen Jilt 1968 S A V Resource 1441 Elite SSA Diamond 53S 69K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 284 71 699 1145 782 1055 2.79
Sout H S H adow Ju S tified 69K
SSA 69K 2290796 01/13/2022

Recommended for heifers. Masculine made with a balanced, thick topped, deep-made frame, and tremendous hair. Performance plus: 69 lb birth weight with a -0.6 BW EPD and a 205 Index of 108 and a 365 Day Index of 121, these Justified calves are high calibre, calving-ease studs for your first calf heifers and can stay with you and cover your cow herd next. Dam 179H, is a very feminine angular female representing two of our walking sires that left awesome udders.

205 Index: 108, 365 Index: 121, Life: 113

Top EPDs: 9% CE, 10% BW, 25% WW, 25% YW 15% MCE, 15% MILK

§ 16 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Justified Sire Group
Errolline 54C Dam’s MAT Sis: Errolline 61G DAM: Errolline 179H EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 10.0 -0.3 59 10510.0 28
H S H adow Ju S tified 40K SSA 40K 2290808 01/09/2022 Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 Early Sunset Settler 66E SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 179H South Shadow Errolline 54C Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 GVC Settler 004X Early Sunset Matilda 19B Elite SSA 104 Freedom 92U SSA Errolline 908W 40K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 276 69 680 1181 768 1075 3.13

Recommended for heifers. Stout, easy fleshing, and wide hipped, but still smooth shouldered. Big footed, smaller framed, with that traditional angus head. 29K attracted a lot of attention by visitors this summer. Low birth weight of 74 lbs and a gestation of only 277 days but a WW Ratio of 106, so this fella has some performance. Dam and grandam are heavy milking and moderate framed. Grandam has a son in the sale 41K (pg 12).

Recommended for heifers. Well balanced with a smooth shoulder, and that classic angus skull. Started with a low 74 lbs birth weight and low gestation of only 276 days, but good performance.



§ 17 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGGD: Akita 35Z DAM: Akita 60H
18K Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 Musgrave Black Loch BOUNDARY AKITA 60H Boundary Akita 147C Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 Musgrave Foundation MCTAL Lady Barbara 1448-963 Shipwheel Chinook DLD Akita 35Z EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 11.0 -1.1 56 99 9.0 30 Boundary J u S tified 18K DLD 18K 2290800 01/04/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 275 74 686 1081 788 1030 2.47
Bro to Dam:
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 13.0 -2.7 52 90 13.0 27
205 Index: 108 Top
HPG, 25%
Justified Sire Group MGD: Diamond Mist 124D MAT
100H DAM: Diamond Mist 41G
205 Index: 108 Top EPDs: 2% CE, 1% BW, 3% MCE, 20% MILK Boundary Ju S tified 29K DLD 29K 2255493 01/07/2022 Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 Musgrave Aviator BOUNDARY DIAMOND MIST 41G Boundary Diamond Mist 124D Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 Koupals B&B Identity MCTAL Forever Lady 1429-138 Early Sunset Tom Boy DLD Diamond Mist 3Z 29K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 27474 676 1061 814 1050 2.41

DAM: Ruby 48X

MAT Sister: Ruby 59A

Recommended for heifers. Smooth shoulder and long haired. Good blend of calving ease and still good growth. As it always goes once you find a good bull usually he is dead or no longer on the market, the Thunder females are real cows that pump out the good ones. Grandam has a son in the sale 85K (pg 21).

365 Index: 124, Life: 106

Top EPDs: 20% BW, 15% YW, 3% HPG, 20% MILK

KG EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 3.0 2.2 76 131 5.0 31

55K Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 GVC Settler 004X Early Sunset Matilda 19B Elite S A V Resource 1441 Elite DLD Dyna 980W Elite

Longer bodied bull with some growth. Balanced and big nutted. Dam is a young female coming along nice and should be a good producer well into the future. He ranked number one for WW, indexing 125. Dam has a sister with a son in the sale 85K (pg 21).

205 Index: 125, 365 Index: 112, Life: 119

1443 Boundary Ju S tified 55K DLD 55K 2265327 01/11/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 283 86 796 1256 908 1190 2.88

Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED

KG Miss

Duff New Attraction




SSA 24K 2255428 01/05/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 12 278 84 603 1135 734 1060 3.33

§ 18 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
Justified Sire Group
MGD: Dyna 36F DAM: Dyna 118H
Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023 KG Miss Magic 1443 Connealy Thunder BOUNDARY DYNA 118H Boundary Dyna 36F Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 Musgrave Aviator Boundary Dyna 170D EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 0.8 57 109 7.0 27
DLD 39K 2290801 01/09/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 277 80 615 1127 680 994 3.20
Boundary Ju S tified 39K
MGGD: Dyna 980W DAM: Dyna 214H
Connealy Judgment KG JUSTIFIED 3023
Miss Magic
Top EPDs: 2% WW, 3% YW, 7% HPG, 4% MILK Early Sunset Settler 66E BOUNDARY DYNA 214H Boundary Dyna 170D
Moderate birth weight, smooth made, easy fleshing with a deep rib, thick top and remarkable hair. One of the higher gainers in the bull pen. Dam 48X is clean fronted, feminine, is an easy-keeper and still holding all this together at a ripe age of thirteen.
365 Index: 129, Life: 107
Early Sunset Ruby
Top EPDs: 25% BW, 15% MILK Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite Entrine Of Conanga 9876 Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 O C C Genesis 872G O C C Dixie Erica 814G Early Sunset Hightime 113D Early Sunset Ruby 44D Elite
24K EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 1.0 46 87 3.0 28
Magic 1443
Sout H S H adow Ju S tified 24K

Shooter 31H Sire Group

Boundary 31H S H ooter 212K

Balanced, long, and deep. Bigger framed with tremendous hair coat. Dam is larger framed cow with great heel depth and shape. She had sons sell to Les Sloan, and Darvin Mason and 2 daughters retained in herd, one with a son in the sale 149K (below).

Top EPDs: 15% BW, 25% MCE

Sale Videos

Boundary 31H SHooter 149K

S A V Short Cut 6088


Proper foot and head on this guy. Super attractive, pear-shaped dam, with a tight udder, tiny teats, and bigger frame. Easy fleshing cow. She had a son sell to F-R Angus. Grandam has a feature son in the sale 212K (above). 149K had good performance, with a WW ratio of 107 but with a gestation of only 279 days, birth weight of 82 lbs, and his phenotype, we feel he’ll work well on well grown heifers and 2-year-olds.

205 Index: 107 Top 15% BW EPD

§ 19 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGD: Atalanta 616D
DAM: Atalanta 102G
FRL Atalanta 616D
A V Cutting Edge 4857
A V Emblynette
KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Merit 2065Z FRL Atalanta 823U EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 0.4 55 93 8.0 26
Rose 11E S
V Resource 1441 Elite
DLD 149K 2255509 01/24/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3- 82 688 1063 780 1010 2.35
MAT Brother: Windy 96F MAT Brother: Windy 262J DAM: Atalanta 616D EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 5.0 0.4 50 83 9.0 25
DLD 212K 2255519 02/09/2022 S A V Short Cut 6088 PERROT SHOOTER 31H Bar-E-L Rose 11E Merit 2065Z FRL ATALANTA 616D FRL Atalanta 823U S A V Cutting Edge 4857 S A V Emblynette 7415 KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C Beverly Hills Visa 734 Merit Socialite 6104 Dwajo Image Maker 21R FRL Atalanta 626S 212K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 6 284 81 659 1037 746 978 2.37

Shooter 31H Sire Group

A good natured, sound structured, and masculine, eye appealing bull with a real angus look. Proud in his presence and carries himself with an attractive front end and smooth shoulder. Gets out and moves like a herd bull should. Deep and hairy, the icing on the cake might be the cow family backing him up. Dam is moderate framed, easy-doing, very maternal with good milk production. Flip back to the first lot of the catalogue to see 135K’s Grand Dam’s son, 167K (pg 5), then slide on over to page 14 take in his Dam’s sister’s lot as 9K. 205

105 Top 15% MILK EPD

Soggy, deep ribbed, and solid on all corners. The youngest bull in sale, with an end of March birth date. Dam is massive, with a deep body and good feet. The GD 113A features a son in 42K (pg 7).


15% CE, 15% BW

§ 20 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MAT Bro: 4137 EXT 112J
DAM: Ruby 94F
South Shadow Ruby 113A S A V Cutting Edge 4857 S A V Emblynette 7415 KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Consensus 7229 Elite SSA Ruby 20S Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 8.0 0.2 49 88 8.0 24
SSA 257K 2290787 03/21/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 4- 84 661 1075 620 874 2.59
257K S A V Short Cut 6088
Rose 11E
V Resource 1441 Elite
S H adow 31H SHooter
257K MAT Bro: Titlest 14G MGGD: Diamond 925W
Diamond 50D EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 4.0 1.8 51 89 8.0 28
SSA 135K 2265298
S A V Short Cut 6088 PERROT SHOOTER 31H Bar-E-L Rose 11E Early Sunset Tom Boy SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 50D SSA Diamond 133Z Elite S A V Cutting Edge 4857 S A V Emblynette 7415 KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C Early Sunset Tommy Boy 8W Early Sunset Lady Ann 110W Sitz Upward 307R Elite SSA Diamond 925W 135K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 6- 89 684 1074 826 1065 2.44
Sout H S H adow 31H S H ooter 135K

Shooter 31H Sire Group

Real clean front third, and a masculine fella. Strong heal depth and straight claw angle. Heavy haired with a round, deep hip. Dam is a larger framed, powerful cow. The Granddam, 137Y, has an Upshot son in 84K (pg 23).


25% CE, 15% BW

Sale Videos

Deep ribbed and extra long bodied, with a heavy coat of hair. Bigger framed, and huge performance numbers with ratios of 112 WW, 118 YW, and 114 LIFE. 85K should add some major pounds to his calf crop. He and dam attracted a lot attention on the angus tour this summer. She has a daughter with a son in the sale 39K (pg 18).

205 Index: 112, 365 Index: 118, Life: 114

Top EPDs: 9% WW, 10% YW, 15% MILK

§ 21 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MAT Sister: 118H DAM: Dyna 36F
85K S
PERROT SHOOTER 31H Bar-E-L Rose 11E Musgrave Aviator BOUNDARY DYNA 36F Boundary Dyna 170D S A V Cutting Edge 4857 S A V Emblynette 7415 KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C Koupals B&B Identity Mcatl Forever Lady 1429-138 S A V Resource 1441 Elite DLD Dyna 980W Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -1.0 3.0 68 117 5 28 Boundary
DLD 85K 2255502 01/16/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 4 281 99 736 1224 886 1185 3.05
A V Short Cut 6088
31H SHooter 85K
Ruby 137Y MAT Brother to Dam: 68G DAM: Ruby 70E EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 7.0 0.3 49 84 6.0 26
Boundar y 31H S H ooter 16K DLD 16K 2255492 01/03/2022 S A V Short Cut 6088 PERROT SHOOTER 31H Bar-E-L Rose 11E SSA Gridiron 98Z BOUNDARY RUBY 70E DLD Ruby 137Y S A V Cutting Edge 4857 S A V Emblynette 7415 KG Solution 0018 KBJ Rose 251C JS Gridiron 5 SSA Akita 76X B C Matrix 4132 SSA Ruby 844U 16K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 278 87 634 1041 8161065 2.54

This bull has presence and style along with being long spined, deep-middled, including a clean front with added extension. He has an actual birth weight of 88 lbs and at weaning 960 lbs-posted a 117 205 day Index. Dam 154B is a thick, long and easy fleshing, EXT daughter with a sweet udder and Elite status.

205 Index: 117

Top EPDs: 25% WW, 15% milk.

Sale Videos

§ 22 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Upshot Sire Group
Akita 31N MAT Bro: Resource 191J DAM: Akita 154B EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 2.0 2.8 59 101 7.0 28
Sout H S H adow u p SH ot 31K SSA 31K 2255430 01/07/2022 Sitz Upward 307R Elite EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020 N Bar Emulation EXT Elite SOUTH SHADOW AKITA 154B Elite South Shadow Akita 31N Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Primrose 2424 DMM Dynasty 03G Jay EN Dee Pride 14-89E Elite 31K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 8 277 88 753 1153 960 1205 2.50

Boundary u p SH ot 84K

A real powerhouse here, ranked 2nd heaviest for WW and indexed 117 WW, 119 YW, 117 LIFE. Larger frame that has that extra length of rib, but still has a strong top line. Dam is one that people notice, very smooth shoulder that blends into her deep wide heart girth. She raises the top ones every year, either bull or female. Her son 68G was the 2nd high seller in 2020 to Flying T Land and Cattle, another son to Rick & Rachel Bauer and two daughters in herd, one with a feature son in the sale 16K (pg 21).

205 Index: 117, 365 Index: 119, Life: 117

Top EPDs: 10% WW, 5% YW, 20% MILK

§ 23 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Upshot Sire Group
MGD: Ruby 844U MAT Sister: 70E
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 2.0 3.9 67 126 5.0 27
DAM: Ruby 137Y
DLD 84K 2255501 01/16/2022 Sitz Upward 307R Elite EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020 B C Matrix 4132 DLD RUBY 137Y SSA Ruby 844U Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 O C C Emblazon 854E CAF Pure Pride EXT 99 SSAP New Elixir 4R SSA Ruby 70S 84K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 11 281 96 760 1252 904 1205 3.07

Boundary u p SH ot 101K

He has the look and the numbers to match. Real balanced and smooth from front to back, but still has that wide strong top that carries right through his hip. Wide based on strong leg bone structure. Stems back to the great 25P cow that is the grandam of 78K (pg 8). Very strong female makers in this pedigree. 101K has an impressive phenotype and the numbers to match indexing 107 WW, 122 YW, and 113 LIFE. Phenotype, numbers, cow family. 101K is the whole package.

205 Index: 107, 365 Index: 122, Life: 113

Top EPDs: 10% WW, 6% YW

Another bigger framed guy to add some pounds to a calf crop. Granddam 1C is a model cow, designated Elite/Premier and ratio of 106 on six calves. Dam is following close in her footsteps. Great grandam is a Premier female as well. Dam had a son sell to Mark Rogers.

205 Index: 107, 365 Index: 108, Life: 107

Top EPDs: 15% WW, 10% YW.

§ 24 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGD: Eileen 1C DAM: Eileen 101F
170K Sitz Upward 307R Elite EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite BOUNDARY EILEEN 101F Boundary Eileen 1C Elite Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 B/R New Design 036 Elite White Fence Pride H1 S A V Resource 1441 Elite Boundary Eileen 60Z Premier EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 4.1 63 116 7.0 24 Boundary u p SH ot 170K DLD 170K 2255514 01/27/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 4 283 95 701 1147 812 1085 2.79 Upshot Sire Group
MAT Bro to Dam: 186H DAM: Akita 132F EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 3.5 65 124 4.0 24
MGD: Akita 223B
DLD 101K 2255503 01/17/2022 Sitz Upward 307R Elite EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020 S A V Resource 1441 Elite BOUNDARY AKITA 132F Boundary Akita 223B Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 SSA 68S Right Way 134X DLD Akita 914W 101K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 4 277 94 702 1205 842 1150 3.14


u p


Recommended for heifers. Smaller framed bull with a lot of thickness from front to back, in a smooth, hairy, easy fleshing, package. Cow is also built on the same ideal phenotype that she consistently has passed on to her progeny. She’s had sons sell to Justin Hassett, with two to John Watson.

10% CE, 10% BW, 6% MCE. Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M ISU Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 Woodhill Commander 143L-132N Big Sky Diamond Mist 61R 205K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 8 278 83 581 983 664 910 2.51


§ 25 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Upshot Sire Group
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 9.0 0.1 39 74 12.0 23
MAT Brother: Stunner 58H
Bro: Chinook 1D
Top 205K DLD 205K 2255517 02/06/2022 Sitz Upward 307R Elite EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR Barbara T020 Connealy Thunder BOUNDARY DIAMOND MIST 64B DLD Diamond Mist 869U
Sale Videos

Sout H S H adow Succe SS 161K

Ruby 120E

Recommended for heifers. From the way this very docile guy is built, his BW and MCE trait EPDs and a 78 pound birth weight one would have to say he is a heifer bull candidate. His clean front, smooth muscle and long body look the part. He stands on a solid structure and foot with a strong top line. Dam 120E is a moderate framed, feminine, excellent uddered, Wrath 9C daughter. GD 103A delivered her ninth calf in January and GGD, respectfully had eleven calves; four being producing daughters. 365 Index: 110

Top EPDs: 25% BW, 10% MCE

Recommended for heifers. Calving ease specialist with a 66 lb birth weight. Small skulled with exceptional smoothness, a good foot and calm disposition. His Net Worth dam is moderate in frame, feminine and an easy keeper with exceptional udder quality.


10% CE, 5%BW, 15% MCE, 20% MILK

§ 26 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGD: Eileen 992W DAM: Eileen 63E
17K S A V Seedstock 4838 MOHNEN SUCCESS 187 Mohnen Jilt 1968 S A V Net Worth 4200 Elite PRAIRIE PRIDE EILEEN 63E SSA Eileen 992W S A V Registry 2831 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Thunder Mohnen Jilt 910 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2410 SSAP Rain ON 35R South Shadow Eileen 2N EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 9.0 -0.9 48 88 10.0 27 p rairie p ride Succe SS 17K NPP 17K 2265222 01/04/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 275 66 563 978 726 980 2.59 Success Sire Group
MGD: Ruby 103A MGGD: Ruby 29T
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.0 0.9 53 102 11.0 23
161K 2255463
S A V Seedstock 4838 MOHNEN SUCCESS 187 Mohnen Jilt 1968 Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A SOUTH SHADOW RUBY 120E South Shadow Ruby 103A S A V Registry 2831 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Thunder Mohnen Jilt 910 Remitall F Rage 9A Diamond T Bardolierlass 210’07 Connealy Thunder SSA Ruby 29T 161K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 282 78 588 1042 702 9802.84

MGD: Dyna 200B

205 Index: 107


111K A A R Ten X 7008 S A EXAR RESISTOL 3710B Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A BOUNDARY DYNA 153G Boundary Dyna 200B Mytty In Focus Elite A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Remitall F Rage 9A Diamond T Bardolierlass 210-07 SSA 104 Freedom 92U DLD Dyna 980W Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 9.0 1.1 49 88 12.0 21 Boundary r e S i S tol 111K DLD 111K 2255504 01/19/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 280 74 607 1047 694 964 2.76



Recommended for heifers. We have used Reign with great success on 1st calvers. This bull is a very complete, well balanced Reign son. Deep-bodied, long, has a small skull while obtaining impressive 205 and 365 day ratios. Performance with a look and presence that is hard to not like. Dam 167H is on the upper end of moderately framed with good udder structure and she is backed by the maternal Eileen cow family. The Thunder / Upward combination of the Dam’s bottom side ensures calving ease while not giving up growth.

205 Index: 113, 365 Index: 120, Life: 116

§ 27 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST Resistol/Reign Sire Group
MGD: Eileen 62Z MGGD: Eileen 36L
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 5.0 1.8 67 122 8.0 26
DAM: Eileen 167H
SSA 94K 2290805 01/16/2022 Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V REIGN 6845 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Thunder SOUTH SHADOW EILEEN 167H SSA Eileen 62Z O C C Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka
Top EPDs: 10% WW, 7% YW 94K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 274 77 718 1214 796 1100 3.10
adow r eign 94K
Of Conanga 241 Sitz Upward 307R Elite South Shadow Eileen 36L
DAM: Dyna 153G Recommended for heifers. Smooth shoulder through to his middle third. Thick haired, strong, solid foot, also a smaller framed bull. Birth weight of only 74 lbs but Ratio of 107 WW so 111K’s calves should come easy but grow.
10% CE, 10% WW, 15% YW, 10% MILK

Reign Sire Group

Long, hairy, and big scrotal. Has very good feet and legs. His moderate sized Dam is feminine, angular and easy-keeping with a well put together udder. GD, 74A has achieved elite status with an average ratio of 109 on eight calves. She had a stout Shooter calf but January 17th last year must have been a tough one… he and another stout Shooter are earless; way to much bull to cull, they will get put to work here. Top EPDs: 20% WW, 20% YW

Longer, moderate framed, bull that is thick, with lots of hair. Dam is a tank, is easy keeping and good uddered as they come. Grandam has a son in the sale 176K (pg 8).

§ 28 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGD: Diamond 74A DAM: Diamond 67E
45K Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V REIGN 6845 S A V Blackcap May 4136 TSN Order Of Duty 73C SOUTH SHADOW DIAMOND 67E South Shadow Diamond 74A Elite O C C Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 R B Active Duty 0010X Gambles Lady 2197 Sitz Upward 307R Elite SSA Diamond 4T EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 3.0 3.3 61 107 5.0 24 Sout H S H adow r eign 45K SSA 45K 2255432 01/10/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 277 89 611 1066 766 1045 2.85
202K Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V REIGN 6845 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A BOUNDARY ERROLLINE 80F Boundary Errolline 47Z O C C Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 Remitall F Rage 9A Diamodn T Bardolierlass 210’07 S A V Bismarck 5682 Elite SSA Errolline 937W EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 5.0 2.2 48 86 8.0 20 Boundary r eign 202K DLD 202K 2255516 02/05/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 4 287 86 597 966 892 666 2.31 MGD: Errolline 47Z DAM: Errolline 80F

Long, balanced, smooth made, sound in his structure, lots of growth and performance in a bit bigger frame. Dam 100C is a big, deep, longmade Resource daughter who has yet to give us a daughter. Sons to: Manyberries Creek Ranching, Horton Land and Cattle, and Sandhills Cattle.

205 Index: 109, 365 Index: 106, Life: 108 Top EPDs: 15% WW, 10% YW



S A V 004 Density 4336 Elite BRUIN TORQUE 5261 Falcon Blackbird 6071

Sitz Upward 307R Elite SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 63Z SSA Errolline 55T




Extra length and bone, square hipped, strong topped. An athletic bull with good growth and performance. His Upward sired Dam, 63Z, is a long, deepbodied, powerful cow with good udder quality dropping her 10th calf this year and finally gave us a heifer in 2021. Sons to Sandhills Cattle, Brett Bock , Allen and Lynne Frank, 101230401 Saskatchewan Ltd, and Homestead Angus plus a Resource son that covered our commercial herd. +Top EPDs: 25% CE, 20% YW, 20% MILK

§ 29 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
Torque Sire Group
MGD: Eileen 60S DAM: Eileen 100C
93K S A V 004 Density 4336 Elite BRUIN TORQUE 5261 Falcon Blackbird 6071 S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW EILEEN 100C SSA Eileen 60S S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 7238 Connealy Dateline Elite Vermilion Blackbird 5044 Rita 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 South Shadow Bando 24M South Shadow Eileen 20N Elite EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 1.0 3.6 64 116 4.0 26 Sout H S H adow t orque 93K SSA 93K 2255442 01/16/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 7 282 95 716 1153 882 1150 2.73
S A V May
Connealy Dateline
Vermilion Blackbird
Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M B C Matrix 4132 SOuth Shadow Errolline 42N EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 7.0 1.8 53 108 8.0 27
AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 280 82 633 1056 746 1005 2.64
Sout H S H adow t orque 178K
SSA 178K
MGD: Errolline 55T DAM: Errolline 63Z

DAM: Akita 198H

Trapper/Stunner Sire Group

Boundary trapper 159K

MGD: Akita 194D

Thick, masculine, and deep through out. Dam’s body is made for longevity and production, smaller easy fleshing frame, and balanced from front third to back third. Sons to Cody and Nora Schock, Dennis and Robin Lietz, and 5 daughters in herd.


Sale Videos

Boundary Stunner 73K

LD Capitalist 316


Mcatl Blackbird 831-1378

Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A




Capitalist 028

Dixie Erica 2053 Mcatl Pure Product 903-55 Mcatl Blackbird 1378-573 Remitall F Rage 9A Diamond



Smaller frame, angus head and smooth shoulder tied into a long middle third.

205 Index: 112

Top EPDs: 10% WW, 15% YW, 10% MILK


§ 30 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
DLD Akita
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -1.0 3.7 67 111 1.0 29
T Bardolierlass
DLD 73K 2290798 01/14/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 2 28181 718 1101 800 1035 2.40
MGD: Akita 69X MAT Sister: Akita
DAM: Akita 35Z EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -1.0 3.1 57 104 4.0 23
Top 25%
DLD 159K 2255512 01/25/2022 Paintrock Mountain Man PAINTROCK TRAPPER Emulous Of Paintrock 93-9 Connealy Thunder DLD AKITA 35Z DLD Akita 69X Kesslers Frontman R001 Enchantress Of PR 3635 Isaacs Alliance 7161 Paintrock Emulous 446-6 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 Duff Encore 702 DLD Akita 8S 159K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 10 282 96 681 1110 812 1075 2.68

Sout H S H adow r e S ource 75K SSA 75K 2274201 01/14/2022

ET calf. A moderate framed bull that is sound footed, wide based, and square hipped. 75K is a power bull that is thick made with an excellent top line and muscle shape. Dam is a flawless Timberwolf daughter that Darby and Sarah purchased as a high seller out the Forsyth Ranch dispersal. She is a long, well-balanced cow, with as close to perfect udder and feet as you can get for a 12 year old cow. Flush sisters will all be going back into their herd along with two natural born females. Her only other son since purchase went to Tony and Carolyn Leismeister.


§ 31 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
SIRE: Resource 1441 MAT Bro: EXT
DAM: Idol 24Y EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 6.5 1.4 56 101 6.5 21
Resource Sire Group
25% CE
Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V RESOURCE 1441 Elite S A V Blackcap May 4136 Mc Cumber Timberwolf 8153 LOOKOUT IDOL 24Y Lookout Idol 3U R R Rito 707 Ideal 3407 Of 1418 076 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397 LT Timberwolf 5014 Miss Wix 2022 HC Mc Cumber Mytty In Focus Elite Fairmac Idol 48S 75K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 11 - 90 649 1116 804 1090 2.92

Resource 122H Sire Group

Easy-doing, soft made, sound structured with lots of muscle shape - here’s a bull that will sire performance plus add good maternal qualities to his offspring as well. These Resource 122H siblings are all very good bulls with a ton of consistency, yet with subtle differences. 157E, a Download daughter is deep-bodied, easydoing with excellent udder quality. 197K shares the same GGD (Ruby 12N) as 179K on the next page

Sale Videos

A complete Resource 122H son with length, depth and muscle shape. His strong maternal value is qualified by his paternal GD and GGDs: Joyce 18R and Joyce 25K, both Elite Dams. 117K’s Dam, 72G is a sound structured, good Thunder daughter from the influential Errolline family. 72G son to Rocky Hills Cattle.

§ 32 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGGD: Errolline 28Y
DAM: Errolline 72G
117K S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW RESOURCE 122H SSAP Joyce 18R Elite Connealy Thunder SOUTH SHADOW ERROLLINE 72G South Shadow Errolline 66E Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce 25K Elite Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka Of Conanga 241 South Shadow 6Y Tomboy 130B SSA Errolline 28Y EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 4.0 2.0 48 88 8.0 24 Sout H SH adow 122H r e S ource 117K SSA 117K 2255450 01/19/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 279 83 669 1018 770 984 2.18
MAT SIS: Ruby 169G MGD: Ruby 98X
EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -1.0 4.2 48 88 5.0 21
DAM: Ruby 157E
S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW RESOURCE 122H SSAP Joyce 18R Elite Baldridge Download Z013 SOUTH SHADOW RUBY 157E SSA Ruby 98X Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce 25K Elite Baldridge Waylon W34 Baldridge Blossom U51 Duff Encore 702 South Shadow Ruby 12N 197K AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 5 284 101 683 1078 788 1030 2.47
Sout H S H adow 122H r e S ource 197
SSA 197K 2255480 02/03/2022

Resource 122H Sire Group

Well balanced and attractive made with strong maternal value. Sound structured from the ground up. Longevity in his Dam 254G’s cow family. The Rubys have excellent udder quality and display maternal strength in their breed character and profile. The Elite GD, 972 produced 11 calves and 12N, the GGD, produced 14 calves. Closely related to 197K on the previous page.

Displays excellent length throughout his sound structure. Boasts maternal greatness with 7 Elite animals showing within the first three generations. His Dam is a maternal sister to 136K (p 9) and shares the same GGD: (Errolline 1R) as 120K, also on pg 9. 158G son to Homestead Angus.

EPDs: 25% CE, 15% MCE



The baby of this sire group. He’s two months younger than the oldest. 249K is comparable in his makeup and phenotype of his paternal siblings. These 122H calves do not lack for hair. His young Dam 146G does not lack eye-appeal or capacity as a deep-sided Wrath daughter.

§ 33 § Your Choice Bull Sale Monday, April 3, 2023 • 1 pm CST
MGD: Ruby 972W DAM: Ruby 254G
179K S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW RESOURCE 122H SSAP Joyce 18R Elite Wiwa Creek Bull 619-16 SOUTH SHADOW RUBY 254G SSA Ruby 972W Elite Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce 25K Elite Town N Country Bodacious 8B Wiwa Creek Evergreen 343’13 S A V Net Worth 4200 Elite South Shadow Ruby 12N EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK -4.0 5.7 43 83 5.0 20 Sout H SHadow 122H r e S ource 179K SSA 179K 2255471 01/29/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 288 92 591 1013 648 906 2.63
MAT Bro: Stunner 48J DAM: Errolline 158G
188K S A V Resource 1441 Elite SOUTH SHADOW RESOURCE 122H SSAP Joyce 18R Elite
158G SSA Errolline 814U Premier Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce 25K Elite S A V 004 Density 4336 Elite Falcon Blackbird 6071 Mytty In Focus Elite SSAP Errolline 1R EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 7.0 1.3 49 89 10 22 Sout H SH adow 122H r e S ource 188K SSA 188K 2255476 01/31/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 283 79 660 1022 728 9502.27
Pride 43B DAM:
Briun Torque 5261 SOUTH
Pride 146G
249K S A V Resource 1441 Elite
Joyce 18R Elite Diamond T Wrath 1509-GR 9A
Shadow Pride 43B Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Blackcap May 4136 B/R New Frontier 095 Elite South Shadow Joyce 25K Elite Remitall F Rage 9A Diamond T Bardolierlass 210’07 Shipwheel Chinook SSA Pride 90Z EPDs CE BWWWYWMCEMILK 2.0 3.2 49 87 8.0 19
SSA 249K 2265306 03/11/2022 AODGEST Actual BW ADJ. 205 ADJ. 365 108 Day Test / Actual Weights Oct 3 WW Jan 9 YW Test ADG 3 288 85 663 1091 628 890 2.67
H SH adow 122H r e S ource 249K

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