Embarrassing Moments in Our Life

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Embarrassing Moments in O ur Life It’s understandable that everyo ne does their best to be compo sed and cool wherever they are, but the case is that there is no all-time smooth trail, and some times we could encounter very embarrassing moments out of our intention. And I’ve read m any people’s comments about t heir own awkward incidents, s o I’m gonna list some impressi ve ones in the following, and g ive reasonable solutions to the

m. Tripping in public and getting food stuck between teeth is am ong the most humiliating mom ents. Actually this is also the to p for me, especially getting food stuck between teeth. No o ne could refrain from great lau ghter at sight of the food betwe en your teeth, especially when the food is green vegetables. S o checking your teeth after fini shing dishes could be better to avoid this nightmare.

Getting someone’s name wron g comes at No.2. Life is a jour ney, and we could encounter c ountless “passing travelers”. S o there is no wonder that some of their names could slip from our memory. However, forgetti ng one’s name even getting it wrong is very impolite. When we are in this condition, first w

e should say sorry, and then we could be self-deprecating, whi ch could make others less emb arrassing.

A little bit unexpected, some p eople said that their embarrassi ng moments are incontinence.

At first I don’t get what kind o f issue it is, but then I searched and found that it’s actually ver y serious issue. It is estimated t hat 1 in 4 women over the age of 35 experience some level of urinary incontinence and 1 in 1 0 men are commonly related to prostate issues. As for solution s, I think incontinence underw ear might be better choice, whi ch is a type of reusable underg arment designed to absorb urin e. And some brands such as Icon Undies have done better i

n this field, along with many o ffers in couponbirds. Of course, there are still many other embarrassing moments, a nd I think the good thing is tha t once the awkwardness clears the little things that throw us c ould eventually be looked back on and laughed about. So just l augh them over.

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