“World trade means competition from anywhere; advancing technology encourages cross-industry competition. Consequently, strategic planning must consider who our future competitors will be, not only who is here today.” —Eric Allison The direct competitors of SeaWorld that I chose were mostly aquariums and water parks. Like SeaWorld, they provide people with interactive experiences of visiting marine animals and various water entertainment facilities. Most of the ancillary competitors were large entertainment parks. They compete with SeaWorld in that they also provide people with an interactive experience (with people/wildlife) and various entertainment facilities. People will consider these places when not choosing water entertainment-related activities; The future competitors were based on SeaWorld's new brand missions. From the direction of exhibition halls, interactive museums, marine/sea life rescue organizations, diving camps, the experience of swimming with wild marine animals, marine journals, lectures on oceanography, etc. which aim to provide people with experiences of exploring and interacting with sealife.