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BE SAFE: Seatbelts Are For Everyone!
“SAFE is a proven way for schools to increase the number of teens who wear their seat belts every time they get in a vehicle,” said KTSRO Program Coordinator Jenny Lancaster. “With crashes being one of the top causes of injuries and deaths for teens, every seat belt clicked could be a life saved.”
Bennington and Tescott High School’s SAFE Sponsor, Crystal VanCoevern, says it has become a “staple” in both communities. BHS has been a member since 2013 and THS since 2018.
“SAFE has been instrumental in providing positive reminders and support for kids to make good decisions,” VanCoevern said. “With KTSRO, law enforcement entities, and many other people and agencies being so supportive and making SAFE possible, I truly feel that we will continue to inspire young people in making good decisions.”
Over the past 10 years, SAFE has been active in more than 100 high schools, junior high schools, and middle schools across nearly half of the counties in Kansas.
“We started the SAFE program in our SADD club,” said Victoria High School SAFE Sponsor Christie Sander. “The SAFE program has given the students the opportunity to hear impactful speakers and provided resources to help them become empowered to educate their peers. Our students have stepped up to make a difference in our school regarding driver’s safety.”
Once SAFE is implemented at a school, it tends to grow quickly, and sometimes beyond the campus itself. The case was particularly true for Syracuse High School.
“We have had the SAFE program for five years now,” Syracuse SAFE Sponsor Amy Brucker said. “It has been incredible to see our SAFE team members double in that time. The support from our school administration and local sheriff’s department has proved to be valuable. As a group we have not only focused on seat belt usage and safe driving behaviors among students, but the entire community.”
An important aspect that allows SAFE to thrive is the flexibility in the types of clubs that have taken the reins for their school. Any group interested in the well-being of their fellow students can take part. Ranging from Law Club, Robotics Club, FCCLA, SADD, and StuCo, various schools have seen SAFE implemented in a number of ways, but the goals and tactics remain the same.
The program has also grown in its curriculum and now includes an added emphasis on distracted teen driving, something that has become even more of an issue with the number of students possessing a cell phone.
The distracted driving awareness campaign, known as “Just Drive,” provides schools that sign up with a kit containing posters and cards promoting safe driving, a campaign message calendar, and pledge cards.
Just Drive occurs each April, which is National Distracted Driver Awareness Month, and supplies are available to schools that reach out prior to that time.
The Miss Kansas Organization is also an important partner of the SAFE driving campaign.
Particularly, Miss Kansas 2022, Ayanna Hensley, visited schools to speak about the importance of always buckling up and never driving while drowsy.
And while high school students are often stereotyped as being “disengaged,” Maize South has experienced quite the opposite with their SAFE program.
“Building our SAFE program at school is about creating a connected vibe, an atmosphere where it’s safe to show we care about each other,” said SAFE Sponsor Mark Bradshaw. “Students carry that positive community spirit home with them. Last fall, when three seniors had a highway rollover driving home from a game, they emailed me the next day to say how glad they were to have been wearing seatbelts. On prom night, I received multiple Instagram messages: seatbelt selfies from juniors in their suits and dresses. That’s gold.”
With an ever-growing combination of teens on the road and distractions to take their focus away from being attentive in their vehicles, SAFE’s growth across the state is more important than ever before.
“The SAFE Program has definitely impacted the students at Frontenac High School,” said SAFE Sponsor Annie Beasley. “Not only do they enjoy the activities that promote seat belt usage and driving without distractions, but these statistics improve throughout the year. SAFE is truly a great program!”
To find out more visit www.ktsro.org/safe.