Insider News December 1, 2011

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Yolanda James, New Owner

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Volume 1 No. 20 DECEMBER 1-15, 2011



City works to make it easier for minority businesses

Govenor Walker Signs “Maddie’s Bill” in Racine Govenor Scott Walker signed a bill at a press conference at the Sixteenth Street Community Oriented Policing House, 1900 16th St. on Wednesday, November 23, 2011. This bill makes all school employees mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. "Maddie's Bill" came as a result of a reported sexual assault last winter of a special needs child, who is enrolled at Olympia Brown Elementary. The reported attacks, which took place at the school, involved inappropriate touching which was allegedly seen by educational assistants but not reported. Jennifer Pichelman, the mother of the abused, attended the press conference and thanked law makers for the bill. According to the Racine Journal Times, she said, "Putting this bill into law today will protect our Continued on page 3

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Photo by Yolanda James

In order to help small-business startups and development, the City of Racine and several other organizations have partnered to introduce the new Launch Box initiative. “Launch Box is an effort to put information that entrepreneurs would need in one central location,” said Mayor John Dickert and others during a press conference at Racine City Hall, 730 Washington Ave. Right: George Stinson, president/CEO of GCA Company and Mayor Dickert sign pledges to work to improve the business climate for small and emerging businesses.

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