Tianyi Xie, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Graduate Application

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Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. By Bertrand Arthur William Russell



ONE POEM IN BEIJING Landscape design, Poem and perspective


DIE FOR LIVING A cottage in the tomb, Reflection on death on living


MUSHROOM MAINHEIM Theatre design, The divinity of daily objects


TREE HOUSE FOR CAMP SITE A built work, Using bamboo as material


OTHER WORKS Chinese Ancient Architecture Surveying And Mapping






ONE POEM IN BEIJING Tsinghua 2017 Autumn Optional Studio: City, Architecture and landscape—— rethinking in the Media Era Instructor: Rong Zhou Site: Beijing, China Individual work

"This is the city of Zobeid, where people settle down and look forward to a night of dream reappearance. However, no one saw the woman again, either in their dreams or in their waking hours. The streets in the city are their way to work, and they have nothing to do with the chase in the dream. Even the dreams have been forgotten." We often feel the boringness of modern cities. People are not willing to stay on the streets, and the landscape has not been well designed or used. This is especially true in a city like Beijing, a city controlled by the grand narrative of politics. This design attempts to provide a solution by writing poetries, resembling the dreaming process in the city of Zobeid. Through the collage of verses, materials are provided. A long-axis landscape plan is formed from the perspective of what people see. This strange landscape is a stimulus to people's feelings in response to the catering and change that architecture should make in the media age. Not to make big planning and design from the general map level, but to put more effort to the construction of the scene.

Cuting the poem into pieces and reconstructing it by picturing the scene in mind, Tentions and relationships between words will interact.


In a Station of the Metro --by Ezra Pound




a kind of flower


love and passion












1. Sign, Signifer and Signified Language is a symbolic system, a substitute for real objects.The meaning of the symbol does not depend on the symbol itself, but on the system in which it resides. Literature is meaningless and meaning is constructed.




2."segment relationship" and "association relationship". Saussure pointed out that the relationship in language has two categories: "segment relationship" and "association relationship". A segment relationship refers to a horizontal combination of languages. The association relationship is generated by the psychological association, and the vertical and horizontal aggregation of the words. The two types of relationships revealed by Saussure represent the two axes of vertical and horizontal, which become the coordinates of each language unit in the system.



















sitting silenced

picturing an unjust case

smoking cigerrate.




A broken


The apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black bough.

The debris of the wall

little mushroom's toe grasp


Reform By Reconstructing The Words

lov e

Foundation of Linguistic——Saussure


Darkne present sewa ss







Squirming tentacles roaring

Can't pass!


Late Spring The faces of these Petals on a bough, apparitions in the wet, black crowd. By constructing the poem, fantastic imaginations will be projected in mind.

Poems And Images Use the reformed poem to project image that conveys atmosphere, trying to figure out the matephor of the signifier.

《画》 王维 远看山有色,近听水无声。 春去花还在,人来鸟不惊。 PAINTING WEI WANG Colorful mountain far away could be seen, No water sound be heard nearby. Blooms haven't withered though spring has gone, Birds stay still even someone get closer.

Grandpa The mailbox loves smoking cigerrate.

A Bliss


Friendly Reminder

Ah! Fog! Wind stands still.

Be cautious! The bridge has affair with your drop of drew.

The night give the eyes for the sewers to sing

Metropolis Wang Wei, a representative figure of "There are paintings in poetry and poems in paintings" thoery. He is good at omitting the secondary parts, grasping the main features, capturing the most distinctive features, and taking the most fascinating moment with outstanding performance. The artistic conception of poetry is to be realized through language. All images are also expressions of language. Our understanding of the imagery in poetry is done on the basis of reality and through our own mind. Using the means of association imagination, a picture is formed in one's own mind according to the description of poetry to deepen our understanding of poetry.

splendid oranges have cloudless shadow.

Another Spring The ear is crying with affection, wildflowers condensing.

Leisure Time Kerosene lamp is not willing to go home after work ,waiting for the fleeting dawn.

A Mistake Well stew in soy sauce.

What's more, with the existence of poetry, and according to the content of poetry, it is not simply to depict the poem, but to incorporate the artist's emotions and artistic re-creation. That is to say, poetry blends the meaning of painting, and the infection of poetry deepens the feeling of painting.

A Crime Desperation

Security Guard

The toe of a small mushroom holds the broken wall. Old husband and young wife make people sad.

The cliffs shouted loudly: you could not pass!

A broken vase remains motionless, potraiting a case of injustice Insomnia The bright moon hanging like a mirror, a horse sips tea.

MAGNIFIER OF ABSURDNESS ----People's view and poem what problems exist in the current expression of the urban public space? What theory can be referenced on the narrative and city design both from home and abroad? How to create a narrative urban public space? What should be paid attention to when the narrative expression leads to enchantment and vulgar charm?

Grandiose One-sided pursuit of a patterned surface, lack of human scale, it is difficult to establish a vivid sense of place.

Meaningless Excessive pursuit of simple form so that meaningless, releasing symbols and arranging plots

Discontinuity of the building interface Emptiness lack of facilities, lost memory and culture, emotional imbalance

Sameness The affection of order finally lead to the boring sameness in the open space.

Typical approach fill the gap

More ridiculous practice - zoom in

A Mistake Well stew in soy sauce.

Another Spring The ear is crying with affection, wildflowers condensing.

The mailbox loves smoking cigerrate. Leisure Social Grand Structure


Leisure time Kerosene lamp is not willing to go home after work ,waiting for the fleeting dawn. Metropolis Splendid oranges have cloudless shadow.


Old-fashioned Still

Grandpa The mailbox loves smoking cigerrate.

An image schema is a recurring structure within our cognitive processes which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. Image schemas are formed from our bodily interactions,from linguistic experience, and from historical context. An image schema is a mental pattern that recurrently provides structured understanding of various experiences, and is available for use in metaphor as a source domain to provide an understanding of yet other experiences. In contemporary cognitive linguistics, an image schema is considered an embodied prelinguistic structure of experience that motivates conceptual metaphor mappings. Evidence for image schemas (also called image schemata) is drawn from a number of related disciplines, including work on cross-modal cognition in psychology, from spatial cognition in both linguistics and psychology, cognitive linguistics, and from neuroscience.

Insomnia The bright moon hanging like a mirror, a horse sips tea.

Moving Line Organization

Due to the limitations of the site, it is easy to form a connection between the scenes in the long direction. But the face of the building is in a short direction, so it needs to be combed in a short direction to make the streamline richer. When people move from one point to another, there are more possibilities.

Scene Entry-Ear Cries Under The Illumination Of Street Lights

Wandering Around With River

Get Across The River

The Horse Sips Tea

Swimming in the cave

Relationship Between Scenes

Scatter perspective I tend to the perspective of the chinese painting to express the hole scene of three thousand kilometers.The perspective of Chinese painting is different. The artist's observation point is not fixed in one place, nor is it restricted by the defined field of view. Instead, it is based on the need to move the foothold to observe what is seen in different footholds. Can be organized into their own pictures. This perspective method, called "scattering perspective", is also called "moving viewpoint." Chinese landscape paintings can express the vast realm of “thousands of miles� and it is the result of applying this unique perspective. Therefore, only by adopting the principle of "scattering perspective" of Chinese painting, artists can create long scrolls of tens of meters and more than 100 meters (such as the Qingming Shanghe map) and cannot be achieved by using the "focus perspective method" in Western painting.

DIE FOR LIVING Tsinghua 2018 Autumn Optional Studio: Pre-graduation Design "Close Reading and Form Generating" Studio Director: Lu Fan Location: Norweign Individual work

"No matter how hard I try to forget, there is still something like a misty thing left. And as time goes on, the fog-like things begin to appear in a clear and concise outline. That outline I can resort to language, that is: Death is not the opposite of life, but it is a part of life forever. It was really ordinary after I resorted to the language, but at the time I did not use it as a language, but as a misty thing to feel through the whole body and mind. Whether in the paperweight or in the red and white spheres arranged on the billiard table, there are deaths. And each of us is alive while sucking it into the lungs like inhaling fine dust." The theme of death is the subject that I have never dared to touch, because my life experience is not rich enough to be able to control. But as a pre-graduation design, I think I can try it out as a report. I chose the novel "Norwegian Wood" as a text to interpret. The theme of this novel is the confusion of youth, but the understanding of death and life care is consistent with my values. I can easily bring myself into the context described in the novel, so I can resonate. Based on a careful reading of the novel, I summed up the main node, the fragment of Zhizi's life, how she stepped from life to death, and how she was cared for and cared for by the people around her.

" N O R W E I G A N W O O D " A P L A C E A N D



-On the boundry of Death and LivingThe building is located at the entrance to the cemetery. On the border between life and death, half of it is wrapped in a dead tomb and the other half is open to the living. In the context of life-death-life, the layout of the building and the location of the site use the same containment logic. OSLO

The form of death is unpredictable, but it is always hidden in every corner of life. A person commits suicide, a large part of which is due to innate personality reasons. The death shown by Haruki Murakami is not pain, but relief.

Living Death

Death Living

In the novel, Haruki Murakami uses his life path of five young people to express his attitude towards life. Although life is bitter, people still survive in suffering and save each other from death.

A Cottage In A Cemetery In Norway, many cemeteries are in residential areas, sometimes even in the city centre. A huge chessboard rowing on the squares of wheat and corn: light and darkness, darkness and light. However, people do not feel anything strange, but live quietly and peacefully. There may be burial of their loved ones here. Although they have gone, they have not gone far. They may just be tired and fall asleep quietly. They are not willing to wake them up easily. Sometimes you can see the cemetery workers watering the trees, tired, resting on the wooden bench, sunning, it has long been a part of their lives. Comfort



Space Syntax Relationship Between Characters

Character Relationship

Relationship Between Characters


Image of death

Image of living Kizuki Reiko


The relationship in the novel can be summarized into two words - attraction and pull. Death is a cave that constantly inhales people inward. People are pulling each other and fleeing death.


-EIGHT MENTAL STATE OF NAOKOIt seems that the body is divided into two, and it is like chasing a game with each other. And there is a big pillar with a thick and thick root in the middle, and it is not finished until the left circle and the right circle. And the right words are always owned by another one, I can't catch up with this. Divided into two

We walked down the street as we did last time, just went to a shop to have coffee, then went, and went to eat in the evening, and the road saw a breakup. He still only has a few words, and he is interested in mentioning the life of the pigeons and the situation of the university. It is still fragmented. Walking in the street

Dissatisfied Naoko is dissatisfied with me, presumably because the last time I saw the last time with Mumu, it was me, not her.

Deliberately avoid The unnatural thing of a straight son is that she deliberately avoids contact with several places. Of course, Mu Yue is one of them, but I feel that she is avoiding more than that. There are a few times when he is not willing to deal with it, but he does not bother to chatter with irrelevant details.

Once inside, I become lazy, and afraid to go out. Living here, my mind naturally becomes calm and stable, and I can feel comfortable with my own abnormalities and feel that I have recovered. Even so, don't take me as a heavy burden. I don't want to be the burden of anyone. I can feel your kindness and I am happy about it.

Whenever I was lonely, I spoke to all kinds of people from the darkness in the evening, and those people talk to me. The sound is like the trees blown by night winds. Madness

Peace and stability

Lose the spirit In the past, her kindness in the midst of her beauty, like the sharpness of the blade that made people shudder has gone far , and turned to a unique kind of feeling of cordial comfort.

Relief The child had already made up her mind at the beginning, so the spirit and smiling seemed so healthy. After making up her mind, her mood will become much greater. She began to pack up all the things in the room, and the unwanted things were burned in the oil drums of the yard, including the notebooks and letters written in the diary, all of which given to the torch, even your letter. "She removed all the past, and got a new life."

-EIGHT MENTAL STATE OF NAOKODivided into two It seems that my body is divided into two, playing a chasing a game with each other. There is a big pillar with a thick root in the middle of the room, and it is not finished until the left circle met the right circle. The right words are always owned by another one, who I can't catch up with.

Dissatisfied Naoko is dissatisfied with me, presumably because when the last time Mumu meet someone, it was me, not her.

Walking in the street We walked down the street as we did last time, just went to a shop to have coffee, and then went to eat in the evening, until the road saw a breakup. She still only has a few words, and is interested in mentioning the situation in the university. The description is still fragmented.

Deliberately avoid The unnatural thing of a straight son is that she deliberately avoids contact with several places. Of course, Mu Yue is one of them, but I feel that she is avoiding more than that. There are a few times when he is not willing to deal with it, but he does not bother to chatter with irrelevant details.




Peace and stability Once inside, I am lazy, or afraid to go out. Living here, my mind naturally becomes calm and stable, and I can feel comfortable with my own abnormalities and feel that I have recovered. Even so, don't take me as a heavy burden. I don't want to be the burden of anyone. I feel your kindness and I am happy about it.

Lose the spirit In the past, her kindness in the midst of her beauty, like the sharpness of the blade that made people shudder, has gone far and wide, and turned to a unique kind of feeling of cordial comfort. Quiet.

Madness Whenever I am lonely, I speak to all kinds of people from the darkness in the evening, and those people talk to me, and the sound is like the night wind blowing trees.

Relief The child had already made up her mind at the beginning, so it was so spiritual and smiling that it seemed so healthy. It must be that after making up my mind, my mood will become more and more fun. She began to pack up all the things in the room, and the unwanted things were burned in the oil drums of the yard, including the notebooks and letters written in the diary, all of which helped the torch, even your letter. "Remove all the past, and get a new life."



The child had already made up her mind at the beginning, so it was so spiritual and smiling that it seemed so healthy. It must be that after making up my mind, my mood will become more and more fun. She began to pack up all the things in the room, and the unwanted things were burned in the oil drums of the yard, including the notebooks and letters written in the diary, all of which helped the torch, even your letter. "Remove all the past, and get a new life."

1 2


Plan 1st Floor



Section A


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Living Room Kitchen Dinning Room Studio Tearoom


No matter how hard I try to forget, there is still something like a mist left. As time goes on, the fog-like things begin to appear in a clear and concise outline, which I can resort to language, that is:


Plan 3rd Floor

Death is not the opposite of life, but is a part of life forever. It was really ordinary after I resorted to the language, but at that time I did not have to, as a misty thing can be feel through the whole body and mind. Whether in the paperweight or in the red and white spheres arranged on the billiard table, there are deaths. Each of us is living while sucking it into the lungs like inhaling fine dust.



Plan 2nd Floor





Section B

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Living Room Kitchen Dinning Room Studio Tearoom Bedroom

Four Scenes Of Living The child had already made up her mind at the beginning, so the spirit and smiling seemed so healthy. After making up her mind, her mood will become much greater. She began to pack up all the things in the room, and the unwanted things were burned in the oil drums of the yard, including the notebooks and letters written in the diary, all of which given to the torch, even your letter. "She removed all the past, and got a new life."


Tsinghua 2017 Parameterized summer workshop——Opaque Architecture Instructor: Jesse Reiser + Nanako Umemoto (Architect, Reiser + Umemoto, RUR Architecture, D.P.C.) Site: Mannheim, Germany Group work Team: Tianyi Xie, Shuchen Dong, Yuhao Guan Role in Team: Typological Research, Conceptual Design, Physical Model, Technical Drawings and Architectural Representation

Modernism claims to be “Less is more”, and more layers can be seen from the transparent interface to the building. This so-called ambiguity is a paradox. Because of the desire for purity and clarity, the spatial interface is precisely defined, and unrelated people are forced to stay away from the building. Transparent surfaces allow full visual connection while creating physical separation. Translucent surfaces create partial visual separation with either full or partial physical separation. A frosted or sand-blasted glass wall allows light and some visual clues to communicate while preventing physical connection. A mesh or other type of screen allows slightly more visual information while allow facilitating sound and air movement. This design attempts to resist this so-called ambiguity, using opaque media to break the original interface. Opaque buildings were once thought to be avoided because the opaque interface completely separates the sides, creating physical and visual isolation. Is there a new possibility that makes both physics and sight open to people in specific situations? As a solution, new opaque and inaccurate external interfaces mean more possibilities for space. In this design, choose mushrooms as materials and translate them with gypsum. Understand the structural characteristics of the mushrooms and create a unique theater space in the experiment.



Classicism Visual Separation Physical Separation Framework


Serviced Space

1.Coprinus comatus Coprinus comatus is very thick and does not grow in groups. The array distribution can form a framework.

2.Shiitake Mushroom The back of the mushroom has a very typical texture, the shape is a relatively fixed circle, can be used as an iconic entrance

3.Oyster Mushroom The mushroom grows horizontally and has a large size. It can form a large space for umbrellas and is used as a theater auditorium.

Service Space


Visual Connection Physical Separation

1.Glasses Desire for purity and clarity, desire for shining light, desire for precision, longing for immaterial light, and longing for endless life 2.Not-opened interface 3.Decoration removal Cool and calm, lack of atmosphere 4.Off the ground 5.Worship of industrial products

NEO-Opaque Visual Connection Physical Connection 1.White Concrete Unpretentious, non-reflective, temperature, opaque 2.open interface 3.Adequate Decoration Warm and welcomeing atmosphere 4.On the ground Close relationship with surroundings 5.Worship of Natural Substance

4.On-farm Mushroom Mushrooms are distributed in clusters, each of which is smaller and densely distributed. Can be used to form small service spaces.

Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom On-farm Mushroom Coprinus comatus

Translating with concrete Shiitake Mushroom

The arrangement of mushrooms

The shape of the mushroom itself is not perfect, and the certainty of its shape can make the space formed difficult or unattractive. So the second level, flowing concrete, is needed to help us form the space we need. Place the mushrooms in the model box of the Mannheim Theatre and arrange them according to the rules. Pour the concrete up to form a thin shell, some of which will penetrate into the cracks of the mushroom and flow to the ground to form a column. After the concrete has solidified, carefully remove the mushrooms from the concrete shell with tweezers. The structural properties of the mushroom itself can be compared to the template and the column supporting the template. After the mushrooms are removed, the concrete shell can be self-supporting.We did three experiments to figure out what kind of space a mushroom can form. Finally we found the balance point of positive and negative space.

Put the result under the 3D scanning machine, and we get the result

Three control points that determine the shape of the final theater: 1. Distribution of mushrooms in different forms 2. The degree of viscosity of concrete, the ratio of water to powder 3. The rate at which concrete is poured

-REMAINING OF TEXTUREThe texture of the opposite side of the mushroom can be preserved by the translation of the concrete. The positive and negative spaces and the shell will reflect the original characteristics of the mushroom, and the other side of the mushroom can be seen at the entrance, which is the unique charm of this theater.From the moment people enters from the entrence, they will be impressed by the divine nature of the mushroom.

-FACIAL DIVINITYThe array of mushrooms is lined up, leaving caves that form a colonnade-like void that gives the facade a classical sense.These voids can be used as an entrance or as an exhibition venue for statues or repertoires. This open interface offers many possibilities.


-Ground Floor-

-Second Floor-


-Site Plan-


-POROSITYThe porosity of the building provides a more open public space for the street.Unlike the exquisiteness of modernism, this rough texture is more temperature-sensitive. The final building is able to create a certain similarity with the European street faรงade and blend together on the human point of view.

T R E E H O U S E F O R CAMP SITE Summer 2018 Charity Project Instructor: Jason Tang Site: Dayu Mountain, Hong Kong Group work Team: Tianyi Xie, Bingyu Cheng, Qi Hao Role in Team: Site Analysis, Conceptual Design, Construction, Technical Drawings and Architectural Representation During the internship at Hong Kong Aedas Architects, I was fortunate to participate in the construction of summer campsite of the Hong Kong Charity School, which was funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Funding. It was the last year of this camp, together with the recent death of the principal’s wife, we decided to make a concept of infinite. Time was limited as it has to be built in four days. So we choose bamboo for it can be built in a rapid pace and stands relatively long without stain. We completed the design and accompanied the workers through the whole process of construction, and witness the entire life cycle of that building. The essence of the building in the ground is that the architect is present, combined with the fine and efficient labor of the workers. However, There will always be unknowns. If we don't act as supervisor, or merely give the drawings to them, the final result may not be as good as it should be. The saddest thing is that a group of people don't understand the ideas of another, so that hard work and effort are wasted. Thanks again for this experience, let me know about the essence of nature and understand another group of people who make architecture by hand.


Da Yu

Hong Kong

Da Yu

The introduce of dreaming into the process of design is an absurd relation between materials we have. What we encounter in daytime will reform into another world in The site is located at the southern tip of Daour Yu dreams Island, Hong Kong, with a magnificent sea view.The No introduce roads of dreaming into the process of design is an absurd relation between can be taken from the mainland, making it a tourist materials destination that is inaccessible and undisturbed. The we have. What we encounter in daytime will reform into another world in dreamsThe introduce of only way is to ride a boat from Cheung Chau our Island. The island is densely covered with forrest and rich in tropical landscapes. The Hong Kong Charity School has chosen this place as a summer camp for three years, giving children a chance to get in touch with nature.


Summer Camp

Fixed Classroom

Unconstrained Classroom Morning Classes Break At Noon Afternoon Classes


Teacher Oriented

Optional Reading Student Oriented

The location is located at the southernmost tip of Lantau Island, Hong Kong, with a magnificent sea view. No roads can be taken by boat from Cheung Chau Island, making it a tourist destination that is inaccessible Conventional Subjects Modern Subjects and undisturbed. The island is densely landscaped and rich in tropical landscapes. The Hong Kong Charity School has chosen this place as a summer camp, giving children a chance to get in touch with nature.

Group Activities














The students are about 10-12 years old. They are in a summer school with a completely different course from school education, including many practical classes, tea classes, electronic classes, and architectural classes to help them understand and expand their own interest. The children live together and help each other, and they also need to play in the afternoon break. During the class, the teacher will also choose other venues outside the classroom to match his teaching content.

A Tale of three trees in the courtyard


The introduce of dreaming into the process of design is an absurd relation between materials we have. What wemeters encounter world The yard is about 20 meters by 15 in frontinof daytime the whole will villa. reform There areinto threeanother trees in the yard,inand the shade of the canopy covers the entire space. The middle tree grows strangely. The trunk branches devide from about one meter above the ground, forming a flat land that can be used for our dreams people to pass. A bridge passing through theprocess middle will a very experience. Standing on a branch, children can overlook the sea and feel The introduce of dreaming into the ofbring design is good an absurd relation between blown to the fresh sea breeze. The ground of the yard has a height difference of about 0.5 meters, which requires us to deal with. materials we have. What we encounter in daytime will reform into another world in our dreamsThe introduce of





There are three days of construction time. Five workers work every day and work eight hours a day. They have skilled work experience and a clear division of labor. Some people take the skeleton, some people lay the floor, when they go into the air, they will also improve the work efficiency by leaving a worker to cut bamboo on the ground.

Using eternity as a concept, the first is to hope that children can feel the existence of this definition of infinity. The second is to commemorate the final year of the summer school, I hope his influence can continue to spread. The third is to commemorate the principle's wife who has just passed away. The Mobius ring is a frequently used construction technique, but we hope that this building will not only be used in a clichĂŠ, but also in connection with the venue and meaning.


Bamboo is often used as a building material in southern China. As a scaffold, it can be quickly built or removed. Each worker can build a tenstorey bamboo building every day. Bamboo is hard and flexible, making it an ideal building material.

The entrance to the building is between the two trees, rising from the ground and gradually rising, passing through the middle of the tree rafts in the air, then gradually descending, and finally the exit and entrance merge. The building and the tree are tightly connected, but it does not cause too much pressure to affect the growth of the tree.



2 1.armrest 2. handrail 3.floor file 4.framework 5.structure



In order to save time and control errors, we use modulus in the construction to help the workers locate the bamboo.

Day 1

Use the thickest bamboo to take the skeleton and stretch from the ground to the air.


Day 2

When the basic height is set, the workers begin to determine the handrails and railings.

The workers began to divide their work, and the building was shaped at the top of the head.

Day 3

The building passes through the middle of the tree and begins to enter the symmetrical half.

The last day was very stressful because it was time consuming to lay the floor and handrails.

-COMPLETION AND USAGEA poem written by children

Children React To The Tree House

In this space that symbolizes infinity Can sit and lie down Can rest, can read Can be dazed, can meditate Can talk to classmates Can talk to the group members Can go to class with the teacher Can see aunt’s kitchen Can watch the sun, watch the moon, watch the stars Can listen to the worm, listen to the island, listen to the bay Can be accompanied in the morning Can be friends with mosquitoes Stay in it, you can forget worries Walk on it, you can be happy ——By students

Coexist With Nature The architecture is grinded. It is the solution to the small problems altogether shapes the final appearance of the building. The weather is too hot to endure, but the companionship has enriched my understanding of building constructed by human hands. When designing, the detailed information of the trees were not enough for us to pay attention to the dignity of the tree. However, in the construction process of the earth, the masters need to borrow from the tree to accurately pass a piece of construction from the middle of the trunk and cut the branches at the place where the branches are inserted. This represents the humility of the building. If it is not on site, it will not notice that the tree we chose is a longan tree, which need to spread the seeds through the gaps in the building.

OTHER WORKS Chinese Ancient Architecture Surveying And Mapping The surveying and mapping site is in Kaihua Temple in Gaoping County, Shanxi Province. Kaihua Temple is a temple with three courtyards. We conducted a week of surveying, including 3D scanning modeling with drones, actual measurements inside ancient buildings and drawing of drawing papers, and I was personally responsible for the drawing of building components. After returning to school, we recreated one of the building components.

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开化寺大悲阁北立面理想图 测绘人 制图人 班级 指导教师

谢恬怡 谢恬怡 建42 李路珂 蒋雨彤 、

图纸名称 开化寺大悲阁北立面理想图 打印日期 2017/07/09 图纸编号 KHS-DBG-18

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