Zero love - aiad al khayat

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Library Al - Khayat Electronic to Printing & Publishing

Zero love Poetry

Aiad al Khayat


the author : aiad al khayat the publisher : Library Al - Khayat Electronic to Printing & Publishing

Email : Email : Email : Cover Designer : aiad al khayat


years from old

I hate my self , my eyes no know a black color , in end the book my name and his start in my verb , how self love herself when no love in time past , plants started traveling to sea , and to air , and . death voice from my heart outside and inside from the space no speak with animals ) no speak with ( who no know who a man or woman years from old


How life walks I was A faithful dog What I was a Witch

my identification More precious than ever More expensive than a place end

I have no house No cigarettes and no heels I do not have a golden prison

No wine and no gambling How life walks Do not dance and no sing .


How to bow to beliefs No representation and no hair ?How do I die boring

My shadow disappeared He disappeared flirtatiously When she spoke her palm In the rubble


Animals are shy

I complain of myself on the tree and hunter Jamal denied the ball and drifted to drowning Animals are shy Do you shed dirt to Flowers Just luck has makes wars Of unnecessary circumstances


Madam Madam, I love you When we meet love you for months Ma'am, I'm not that pig I own your heart since colonial times My soul is beating from your soul and your heart


no one

The cause of terrorism The small flower is its great legacy They left the poison him antidote Suffering and tragedy A Tale of a Toddler The request for forgiveness Then he took TB from us No one is above the chair And above the eternal happiness no one


Zero Love I do not have zero or one I haven in Zero Love Evangelized Injured to the shrapnel of good I am not an armchair to judge the shadow of the sword I'm not a lion ruling the tribe


since years

Syrup inside syrup My name is poisoned in my coffee In exile The dust shops Turned To Advertisement first before ads


name my heart i practice witchcraft on my shards I die while my burning I hang inside the curtain of the play I hang on to my voice The land of strangeness was raped in a story and I married a notorious nail stole the diamond necklace traveled to the ocean my life hate myself in black country .and white love and red color and yellow sun and green moon name my heart ŘŒthey plant in my eyes


life is unfair My leader life is unfair The octopus Do not swim in my river And Canary Do not sit beside me What is my fault A monster because I have eaten a bird Or goat Or fish I'm a monster So plant Lumped from my hand


adulterer I am an adulterer And the hands of the actors Turned into effective conditions I went to a witch I complained to him who am I A bad or a good He said You are good He took a thousand dinars And I'm still adulterer He is still a witchp


forgiveness I suffered from blood And from the life of the derogatory The Girl of Heaven And girl of land They wrestle On the seal of Solaiman Human And animal And plant And inanimate And nature Struggling to stay Human Self And classic And realistic And symbolic


why is she no Struggling? I do not know when is she Struggling? When did he become? Realistic, classic, romantic and symbolic To ask for forgiveness when ?


The tomb of love Scattered in bloody water I have witnessed its ambiguity Sometimes silent And sometimes talkative I will give myself to the Lord If it fell into darkness The tomb of her love When he walks in my mind I draw regret


where hope? It grows on my senses You do not know who I am When the bird is awareI am who I am No matter how miserable you areI'm still

Life problems Made of dirt And the moon hates sun They plant a tentIn broken tendons There is none among us

An innocent person where Hope ? I traveled to the ocean to make the world go round to the Hope


the bird fell in the valley has no way to escape since my life ended in darkness


Sun rays Sun rays It rained in the fire Declares her death In the books of the past The light of the bull Declares his death between the blue wave and the black tunnel


under us Our lives Short story From a fake book When do we hate? The white lie the moon don't discuss the sun The reason is simple White lie Cultivated under us


My obsessions in Time of loss 1- cat bloods

She is love me But the sounds from that very Scary Silence , when can we To unite in black world ? , my eyes hate my life and myself , Destiny calls me to drink poison from cat bloods .

2- the night

that the night is writes my love between the black Thread and white in the green book .

3- red moon

the bird sound scary is not sit under the death silence but he drink from me my blood in the red moon .


4- Time of loss

from Your answer cant on To be your disciple for you because my soul in Time of loss


0km I wore the mask after the death of my friend, and I did not visit her before , The sun went to my forgotten fund , Damn to me , why my heart did not cry on her , because between us 0km from the love lost , but my life no name , where are We live ŘŒand the world in big war , we are not know when the end writer write her , but my face apologize to her after the death


The Lost between us I am sit down in the love copybook , But my heart lost in the black moon , my life is black book , where am go , and they are go not to the end , l am going to the start on my yellow blood , They are not sit down in the love copybook , but his heart don’t lost in the black moon , where are we go , and we have not the End and start , fuck we , and you , or my copy book


cheat and hypocrisy the Colorless sea, look for color, in a world not integrated, Destroys the meaning, the letters are always in conflict, tired of them, I am a free ship, not interested in drowning, and The fire has a color, but it is united, I do not know why, is it an integrated world, or is it a body without a soul? , I find myself between them, cheat and hypocrisy , Darkness and light are pervasive but their world incomprehensible , the one , who makes conflicts between them? , perhaps there from that controls them , hey sea, and fire, and darkness, and light, you are my hope , in fight against the wicked king


The green book I killed my family in angry I am not read the green book I am sorry my family I am so sorry


White and black Am I hate my self or love my self ? Don’t know Where am I ? Between the white and the black? I went to the death yesterday My self hate my salf she teachs me the few love in the country I hate my self in the white and the black


Are you love me? I teach her the study of love She teachs me to love my self We are the love My dear I love you Are you love me ? My self death in the new news


Eyes I want to girl friend Teach me blue eyes How does she love me in my green country I have not eyes which love me in my country I want red eyes hate the fruit


The moon The moon in my family He is love me and I am love him He is my life I love you . my moon


I am said I am said love you I am not drink blood the black Thank you . my friend That you love me


The love I am sorry my apple I am not drink the love in language of love my teacher didn't teach me the love I am going to you to teach me the love


no smoker

no smoker love him in my life the losing under their life the losing no smok in having moon and sun I am son the sky and earth I'm not bad or good my name no give my life name and verb and


Character when write smok write before my going to me death


in blue sky

in blue sky If you are miserable or desperate. myself for you in blue sky. How did you meet our symbols


No way I graduated from the bloods big Bear the wings Traveler No way from a return To the beginning


I have been

I have been I Love bacteria She refused me And I am hungry for a year No way for me but I have been As if the book was a written religion Tired of the beloved triple aggression Sunday And Monday And Tuesday And from the Curved triple aggression



Thursday Saturday And from Friday as well I do not know where to reach? Ask my points when I die?


three bodies I missed the absence of snakes three bodies man love himself and woman loath her body and garden from bloods my family


Snakes my heart with her And a quarter of her gram in my heart Snakes Of the wolves of the night emanated from behind the sun



I love you so much Do not forget Our dinner time On the edge of our destiny Do not entertain me How to feed you I want a kiss In the embrace of nature You are Connie And my death You are my doctor and my love


from a slum Hello darling Remember My heart With a woman From a slum


MY DEAR HEART Matt my heart between prisoners Where AM I Going I don't know MY DEAR HEART MYSELF NOT COLOR FOR HER



Iraq You are my heart You are my father. You're a bird in the sky You're my first name. Don't walk away from me I and you From Humans


Introverts page Laugh at me for weep I'm a bird Devoured pork in Introverts page


in blue sky

If you are miserable or desperate. myself for you in blue sky. How did you meet our symbols


Even love Drink the flower In the circle diameter And triangle tendon And square angle And display the rectangle And the size of the cube loved it Much Even love is jealous of me When is the night crescent?


among three sayings Expired among three sayings Dancing is no The killing is yes Alcohol without title I started Located in yellow color To steal my heart In the light of the full moon


the crow and human the crow Occupies my place I close my freedom Dressed the boat He wears my burner And human Become an animal Punishes plants at succession of night and day


Walking to adultery I practice space My life is without pleasure I can not Divide sea into mercenaries On the edge I practice heaven Above every sky Under every sea Between love and hate Eyes tremble from tragedy Night School Walking to adultery false books


rats dog And cat The dog took Invites the votes Kneeling For her And the cat for every Sultan a bottle of alcohol The dog lost himself And the cat lost herself And won death When the rat moves to the virtual world


You elected me I am not a full star in the swamp Book love stems from an examples And the whispers of mankind Numbness bottom beauty You elected me Sultan of Love


from prison I traded my pulse In the palace of my love I have no eyesight To burn myself This path Red-skinned Outcast of the night In the palace of my love She inherited a slave from prison


Fire papers Fire papers in My sour mood she invade the ships' sails Five Tales she said (Silver sails) Wind does not protect my heart When she fell asleep The other girl started drink me


C.V Aiad al khayat

aiad Kareem Mohsen Kazem Al-Khayat An Arab and international poet and writer with Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish poems His father is the great Iraqi poet Karim Mohsen al-Khayyat and his uncle the great Iraqi poet Saadoun al-Khayyat, his uncle the popular poet Jawad al-Shammari, his grandfather the famous journalist tahir Jawad al-Shammari Born: 16/6/1995 in Anbar province, the city of Fallujah spent ten years and then emigrated to the province of Babylon after the US occupation of Iraq and lived in the western Hamza, Al Hussein neighborhood The publication of many literary works in various Iraqi newspapers and magazines and magazines outside of Iraq


Poems years from old How life walks Animals are shy Madam no one Zero Love since years name my heart life is unfair adulterer forgiveness The tomb of love where hope? Sun rays under us My obsessions in Time of loss

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0km The Lost between us

cheat and hypocrisy

The green booK White and black Are you love me? Eyes The moon I am said The love no smoker in blue sky No way I have been three bodies Snakes


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from a slum MY DEAR HEART Iraq Introverts page in blue sky

Even love among three sayings the crow and human

Walking to adultery rats You elected me from prison Fire papers

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