Crestapol 1250LV 樹酯 - Carbon (碳纖維) 、Kevlar(防彈纖維)的應用

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SCOTT BADER (斯高特巴徳) Crestapol®1250 LV 樹脂 在 Carbon (碳纖維) 、Kevlar(防彈纖維)的應用

Crestapol 1250LV

Crestapol 1250LV 是一種低粘度樹脂是適用於閉模, 快速轉注成型(RTM) 、真空灌注過程可在室溫下固 化,並能在注入時真空壓力在1.0 Bar • 優異的機械性能和耐用性,可常溫在後固化時期 • 高溫性能 – TG 131°C / 熱變形溫度109℃

• 兼容碳纖維加固材料和通用粘膠劑 • 產生最小的纖維印和出色的表面光潔度 • 不同固化時間的能力,所以不需要儲備不同的樹脂

Crestapol 1250LV

樹酯性能 熱變形溫度(HDT)





76 MPa




3.28 Gpa


575 (J/m²)



Crestapol 1250LV 層間剪切強度 200GSM UD T700SC fibres 12K tow 50C size ISO 14130 CP 1250LV提供卓越的層間剪切強度, 與耐環境性和性能在溫度 固化時間: 23℃ / 24小時,3小時在80°C 環氧樹脂固化依TDS推薦


61 57




56 45

56 50







21 10



Crestapol 1250LV



原有的強度=測試環境溫度在23°C的條件下 測試在23°C的環境溫度條件下,4週後,+50°鹽霧,-20°C冷凍+60°C乾燥週期 在60°C環境溫度測試

Crystic VE671-03 乙烯基酯樹酯

Crestapol 1250LV 0° 壓縮強度 200GSM UD T700SC fibres 12K tow 50C size ISO 14126 CP 1250LV提供卓越的壓縮性能,優良的纖維界面性能 固化時間: 23℃ / 24小時,3小時在80°C 環氧樹脂固化依TDS推薦

800 700

0°壓縮 應力 (MPa)

600 500



624 572






300 200 100 0

Crestapol 1250LV


原有的強度=測試環境溫度在23°C的條件下 測試在23°C的環境溫度條件下,4週後,+50°鹽霧,-20°C冷凍+60°C乾燥週期


Crystic VE671-03 乙烯基酯樹酯

Crestapol 1250LV 1250LV Crestapol 模式 / 斷裂韌性,GIC

200GSM UD T700SC fibres 12K tow 50C size ISO 15024:2001 DCB test CP 1250LV提供良好的層間剝離強度

固化時間: 23℃ / 24小時,3小時在80°C 環氧樹脂固化依TDS推薦

1100 1000 Gic (J/m²)

1066 950



800 700 655


500 Crestapol 1250LV



Crystic VE671-03 乙烯基酯樹酯

Crestapol 1250LV 410gsm NCF T700SC fibres 12K tow 50C size [0/90/90/0]s ISO 14125


Crestapol®1250LV提供了極好的環境和多軸向織物溫度性能 固化時間: 23℃ / 24小時,3小時在80°C



Crestapol 1250LV


原強度=23°C環境測試乾燥 條件= 4週+ 50°C鹽霧後,在23℃的環境測試,-20℃冷凍及+ 60°C乾燥週期 在60℃的環境下測試


Crystic VE671-03 乙烯基酯樹酯

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 摩托車零部件使用CRYSTIC GC 253PA 膠殼 和CRESTAPOL 1250LV 樹酯 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Exceptional strength and durability Lightweight Excellent bond to carbon or glass High temperature resistance Superb surface finish Rapid cycle times Simple one stage cure profile

Customer Quote We appreciate the quality of laminates made by infusion with CrestapolR 1250LV, especially when it comes to the favourable mechanical properties. After several falls during the race tests, the parts made out of CrestapolR 1250LV did not break. Previously equivalent parts were made by hand from glass/ polyester which meant that they were heavier and as a result broke easily during the same race tests. In addition to the exceptional strength and durability of CrestapolR 1250LV, we also like the transparency of the parts which are made with the clear Gelcoat CrysticR 253PA Juanma Navarro (General Manager)

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 美國 Hell’s Bay Boatworks 使用 CRESTAPOL 1250LV 樹酯 製造小艇 “Scott Bader provided the technical support for Hell’s Bay Boatworks to be confident enough to try these innovative products to build a custom, super strong and light weight poling skiff for a very high profile customer. CrestapolR and Crestomer helped to achieve an approximate 20% reduction in weight to a similarly produced skiff that used conventional laminates and resins. Chris Peterson (owner)

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 Customer Quote 西班牙 Tauro Sport Auto 限量生產跑車車身鈑件 Crestapol 1250LV 樹酯與 Crestabond M1 結構膠

Scott Bader products and especially CrestapolR 1250LV resin used in our Tauro V8 Spider widely outperform our expectations to a level that we have dismissed the possibility of producing our body panels using Carbon prepreg. Pedro Santos, CEO, Tauro

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 Crestapol®1250LV樹脂體系和Crestabond® M1-20在結構膠 製造一個新的碳纖維定制的輪椅。

樹脂體系在過程中真空灌注使用, 結構膠是用來做填充粘結結構縫為不同結構大小 的輪椅部件。

Customer Quote ““Expert support particularly from the in-house chemists. Products that meet our cost and performance requirements.”

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 Prestol Kompozits Ltd 主要工藝採用的是真空灌注熱後固化。 “Customer Quote Prestol Kompozits manufactures all top-level competitive sports equipment, including Olympic canoes and bobsleds. Due to the nature of the equipment and its end use, it is for this reason we need to be able to 100% trust the materials we work with in the long term. We believe, from our experience, that Scott Bader’s CrysticR Gelcoats are the best in the world and we always manage to get the best colours, with a high quality finish due to the easy polishing and very low shrinkage. Our favourite resin to work with is Crystic CrestapolR 1250 LV, which works perfectly with carbon fibre, structural adhesives and all gelcoats. Scott Bader is our favourite company to work with due to its high quality products, technical expertise and after care service. We are proud to use Scott Bader products in our production processes. Oto Dzenis, Prestol Kompozits

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例

在巴黎舉行JEC創新獎得主,一種新的碳纖維複合材料系統開發由 〝英國專業汽車製造商Axon Automotive Ltd 〞。這種 高度創新的汽車骨架使用國際專利Axontex的技術來製造非常輕重量的複合材料具有高強度和剛度的結構梁。 Axon Automotive Ltd 2012年歐洲複合材料展,展出了他們完成的城市汽車,這是一個“B”尺寸的車,其尺寸非常接 近雪鐵龍C1,但一整個骨架僅重50公斤。Scott Bader與Axon Automotive Ltd 獲得了關鍵JEC夥伴關係獎,因為碳纖維 複合材料與 Crestapol 1250LV高性能樹脂。

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 世界拉力賽冠軍的雪鐵龍DS3 Rallycross 600HP 超級汽車輕質Carbon-Kevlar® Crestapol® 1250LV 樹脂複合車身板於〝 愛爾蘭Galway Carbon 〞製造

更換Carbon-Kevlar® 複合材料車身面板 說明: Solberg’s的雪鐵龍DS3 Rallycross超級汽車的新型複合 材料車身面板使用Scott Bader 的高性能Crestapol®1250LV 樹脂加固Carbon-Kevlar® 面料真空注入。

更換Carbon-Kevlar® 複合材料的前保險槓,CarbonKevlar® 複合體面板製造是1.75平方米的前保險槓重量只 有2.17公斤

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例


原選擇由環氧樹脂灌注樹脂,由於 Crestapol®1250LV更快的可加工性,在使用過程 中,可靠的應用程序與性能和更低的成本的組合。

成品雪鐵龍DS3 rallycross超級跑車 總體而言, 1200KG重的雪鐵龍 DS3 減少了 56 kg。

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 Suzuki S1600 拉力錦標賽與 Crestapol®1250LV樹脂 Karbonius是西班牙知名的複合材料部件製造商,創新 Carbon-Kevlar® 成型,加工及設計高品質的 複合材料部件。專門從事汽車行業高端性能改裝車輛,Karbonius製造與定制的碳纖維部件的改裝車 輛,適用於各種頂級的汽車製造商和市場的套件。

“It is a fabulous resin, saving us in weight on the bumpers alone. The parts have lasted 7 races so far, with epoxy resins lasting only 1 race. The resin is easy to infuse, cures quickly and its properties are unbeatable. This is without a doubt the best resin I have used.” Karbonius

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 FAIBER 只使用對於高環境價值的工藝 , RTM 或 真空帶灌注工藝進行生產。 Crestapol 1250LV 被選擇作為替代環氧樹脂為它們的碳纖維救護車結構的製 造。此 SCOTT BADER (斯高特巴德)聚酯丙烯酸酯樹脂技術可經由RTM或 真 空帶灌注輸液過程處理,並允許 FAIBER 縮短生產週期時間,並避免在生產高 性能碳纖維複合材料製品需升高溫度下後固化。 除了這些優點,Crestapol 1250LV 可以和聚酯系統高性能的 Iso-NPG膠殼相 容,這在FAIBER 以前是限制 不能使用的。 Customer Quote Scott Bader has been a supplier to us for more than 20 years and we have always found them to offer high quality products and a high quality service. Finding the new CrestapolR 1250LV product has enabled us to replace the epoxy we have been using in some of our products, which in turn has reduced the process time significantly. Scott Bader with its unique structure with commonwealth ownership, excellent products and its focus on innovation, gives us full long-term confidence where both the product and supplier relationship is concerned. Susanne Svedberg, General Manager

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例 Far-UK Ltd 幫現代氫電車製造碳纖維車體結構 與 Crestapol 1250LV 樹酯 Customer Quote Scott Bader and Axon Automotive have worked

together for more than 4 years on applications of the CrestapolR 1250LV resin and CrestabondR M1-20 adhesives. We are extremely pleased by both the technical excellence of the products and

the support given by Scott Bader. The inherent fast cure characteristics allow the potential for high volume production of these components


Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例

碳纖維皮划艇 4公尺 碳纖維風力葉片應用

英國 PS Surfboards 使用CRESTAPOL 1250LV 樹酯 製造衝浪板

Crestapol 1250LV 實際案例

真空灌注小提琴 盒


使用 Crestapol 1250 LV 樹脂 製造碳纖維商務旅行箱。

Crestapol 1250LV

•優異的機械性能和耐環境性 - 高強度,堅固耐用的結構適合於碳纖維和玻璃纖維 •注入工藝和在室溫下封閉的模具加工 – 生產成本低 •兼容性可與典型的粘合劑和UP膠殼相容

• 一系列的工作時間從一個單一的樹脂可供選擇

Crestapol 樹脂技術允許範圍非常廣泛,可實現平衡性能。 高性能樹脂可專業應用與開發 優良的機械性能和耐環境性碳纖維,具低成本。 一個真正的替代環氧樹脂。

Crestapol 1250LV

歡迎您與我們聯絡 提供專業的諮詢與訂購服務 ! 維 典 國 際 有 限 公 司 Windiam International Ltd. w w w. w i n d i a m i n t l . c o m

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