Dorothy's Portfolio 2015_1

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Por tfolio 陳 思 朵( S zu-To CH EN) / Do ro thy Ch en 元 智 大學資訊傳播學系- 數位媒 體 設 計 組 / Information C o mm uni cati o n -D i g i ta l Med i a D es i g n Yu a n Ze Uni ve rsi ty, C hung- Li , Ta i wa n c h occydollco l ate@gma i l .com

Por tfolio 陳 思 朵 (S zu - To C H E N ) / D o ro t hy C h en 元 智 大 學 資 訊 傳 播 學 系 -數 位 媒 體 設 計 組 / I nfor m ation Co m m u n i catio n - D i g i ta l M ed i a D es i g n Yu a n Ze Un i ve rs i t y, C h u n g - L i , Ta i wa n c h oc c yd o l l co l ate@ g m a i l .co m

Contents 關於陳思朵/

About Dorothy P,03 Logo設計/

Logo Design P,07 APP介面設計/

APP User Interface Design P,15 雜誌編輯/

Magazine Editing


Graphic Design P,27 平面設計/





Graduation Work P,39 3D建模/

3D Modeling

P,49 插畫創作/




About Dorothy

Dorothy Chen / 陳思朵(Szu-To CHEN) 元智大學資訊傳播學系-數位媒體設計組 / B.A. in Information Communication-Digital Media Design, June, 2013. Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taiwan

Academic Experiences 2014.11

Second Place (team work) - UI Design and Graphic Design “SKUROMOTO - Campus Electric Vehicle System Application”, MediaTek- Wearable and Internet Of Things Device Competition


Illustration Solo Exhibition "From here, between my ear and my collar bone"

2014.2 – 2014.4

Art Director ”And soon the Darkness”, 2014 Kaohsiung Film Festival


“Facebook : A New Platform for Taiwanese Illustrator/Author”, paper presented at The 2013 Taipei International Conference on Animation and New Media


Second Place (team work) - UI Design and Graphic Design “POLAR - Flexible Electric Price APP”, National Competition of Information & Communication Technologies Application and Smart Electron Projects


Screenwriter “Journey”, Graduation MV


Semifinalist (team work) “ViViday”, 2012 Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Live Action

2012.7 – 2012.9

Art Editor Intern Unitas Publishing Co., Taipei


First Place (team work) “Hybrid Clean-energy Power-supply Framework”, 2012 YZU Patent PLAY Creative Short Film Competition


Third Place (team work) “Fuel Cell Module Compatible With A Dry Cell”, 2012 YZU Patent PLAY Creative Short Film Competition


First Place (team work) YZU 6th Creative Week Creative Short Film Competition

2012.4 – 2014.2

Research Assistant

2009.9 – 2010.2

Winner Yuan Ze University Yu-Ziang Scholarships


Logo Design

YZU POLAR / Flexible Electric Price APP Create a polar bear as a mascot of the system, use smooth line and cute feature to make users feel comfortable.

PENTAGON / Team of Graduation Work Our team is composed of ďŹ ve people as a pentagon which is composed of ďŹ ve sides, each side is important, everyone is indispensable.

Dorothy Chen / Personal Porfolio The hedgehog, a symbolism of myself, is surrounded with the things in my daily life, as a meaning of “inspiration is in our ordinary living�.

SKURO MOTO / Campus Electric Vehicle System Application SKURO is the assonance of squirrel, which is often seen in campus, symbolize the nimble characteristic of the electric Vehicle. 以校園中常出現的松鼠作為吉祥物,象徵其輕巧靈活的特性。

頸項間 / Personal Illustration & Literature Facebook Fan Page The pithy line corresponds to the style of the illustrations. Some missing part of the Chinese character symbolize the imaginary space for the audiences.

愛情方程式 / Yuan Ze University Reading Room Propaganda Short Film 《愛情方程式》means “Love Equation”. It is a romance story between the students who are studying in equation.


APP User Interface Design

Current electric price POLAR’s expression will change with the differant electric price

Next hour electric price Button - Instant electric price Button - About POLAR

Button - 24hr estimation

Button - Map of saving energy

YZU POLAR / Flexible Electric Price APP This is an App helping users saving energy. By telling users the current electric price and the estimation price within 24 hours, helping users using electricity at off-peak hours. To attract users, the mascot POLAR is designed as a cute, emotional polar bear which expression will change according to the electric price fluctuation.

Name of the vehicle spot and the Botton - Choosing one person or

number of available vehicles and

two person, also can view the

charging boxes

information of this spot

price of this vehicle Shows the remain power of vehicle

Button - Renting vehicle

Button - Returning vehicle

Button - Instructions

Button - Mileage estimate

SKURO MOTO / Campus Electric Vehicle System Application This is an App of electric vehicle renting system. It is very convenient that renting and returning process can be completed by this App on your phone. SKURO is the assonance of squirrel, symbolize the nimble characteristic of the electric vehicle.

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