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Bulgarian cuisine Bulgarian cuisinevaried, easy, moderately spicy-is the image of the country itself. You can taste the soul of the mountains and the sea, together with Middle-Eastern touch. As for cooking methods, Bulgarians since Antiquity have preferred dishes stewed, baked, boiled or prepared in clay pots. Grilling over real charcoal (not briquettes) is also extremely po-pular, making meats incredibly tender.The dishes are prepared using natural products which to a great extend brings the unique taste of the Bulgarian meals.
Българска кухня Българската кухня - разнообразна, приятна и умерено пикантна - пресъздава образа и на самата страна. Можеш да се докоснеш до духа на планината и морето, заедно с полъха на Близкия изток. Що се отнася до методите на готвене, българите още от Античността са предпочитали задушени, печени, варени или ястия, приготвени в глинени съдове. Изключително популярно е и печенето на скара върху дървени въглища (не брикети), което прави месото много крехко. Ястията се приготвят основно от природни продукти, което до голяма степен носи уникалния вкус на българската храна.
Spanish Recipies Spanish Gastronomy is inside Mediterranean diet. Like happen in the mostly countries the Spanish gastronomy is very different from one region to another, but all of them have similar characteristic such us: The use of olive oil in both raw and fried. Use the sauce as a base in preparing meals. The use of garlic and onions as main condiments . The custom of drinking wine during meals. The accompaniment with bread in most meals. To eat salads, especially in summer or as a side dish. To eat fruit or dairy products like dessert. Sweets and cakes are used for special days or celebrations
La Gastronomía de España La Gastronomía de España está englobada en la equilibrada dieta mediterránea. Al igual que ocurre en la mayoría de países, la gastronomía de España es muy diferente de una región a otra; aunque se mantienen rasgos comunes y característicos, entre los cuales se pueden resaltar El uso del aceite de oliva como grasa culinaria por excelencia, tanto en crudo como en frituras. La utilización del sofrito como base en la preparación de abundantes platos. El empleo de ajo y cebolla como primordiales condimentos. La costumbre de tomar vino durante las comidas. El acompañamiento con pan en la gran mayoría de las comidas.
Macedonian Cuisine Macedonian cuisine, an aspect of Balkan cuisine, is the traditional cuisine of the Macedonia. It reflects Mediterranean and Middle Eastern influences and shares characteristics of other Balkan cuisines. The relatively warm climate of the country provides excellent growth conditions for a variety of vegetables, herbs and fruits. Macedonian cuisine is also noted for the diversity and quality of its dairy products, wines, and local alcoholic beverages, such as rakija.
Македонска кујна
Македонската кујна е репрезентативна кујна за Балканот, со турски, грчки и блискоисточни влијанија, како и, во помала мера италијански, медитерански и унгарски влијанија. Заради релативно топлата клима која дозволува одлични услови за растење на разни зеленчуци, овошја, зачини и билки, македонската кујна е особено разновидна. Македонската кујна е исто така позната по разновидноста и количеството на млечни производи и локални алкохолни пијалаци како разни вина, ракии и мастика.
Czech cuisine Czech cuisine (Czech: česká kuchyně) has both influenced and been influenced by the cuisines of surrounding countries. Many of the cakes and pastries that are popular in Central Europe originated within the Czech lands. Contemporary Czech cuisine is more meat-based than in previous periods; the current abundance of farmable meat has enriched its presence in regional cuisine. Traditionally, meat has been reserved for once-weekly consumption, typically on weekends. The body of Czech meals typically consists of two or more courses; the first course is traditionally soup, the second course is the main dish, and the third course can include supplementary courses, such as dessert or compote (kompot). In Czech cuisine, thick soups and many kinds of sauces, both based on stewed or cooked vegetables and meats, often with cream, as well as baked meats with natural sauces (gravies), are popular dishes.
Česká kuchyně Česká kuchyně je specifickým typem kuchyně středoevropské. Jsou pro ni typické hustší polévky se zavářkou a mnoho druhů omáček s dušeným masem, v obou případech se základem vařené či dušené zeleniny, často se smetanou, a pečená masa s přírodními omáčkami. Mnoho druhů koláčů a pečiva, které jsou populární ve střední Evropě, pochází z české kuchyně. Česko má bohatou nabídku polních plodin, ovoce, zeleniny, ryb i zvěře. Podle toho je také pestrý český jídelníček. V Česku je také rozšířen sběr hub, které jsou poměrně častou přísadou jídel. České menu se obvykle skládá ze dvou nebo více chodů - prvním je tradičně polévka, druhým hlavní jídlo, a doplňkovými chody pak dezert, kompot nebo zeleninový salát.
Polish cuisine Polish cuisine is a style of cooking and food preparation originating in or widely popular in Poland. Polish cuisine has evolved over the centuries to become very eclectic due to Poland's history. Polish cuisine shares many similarities with other Slavic countries, especially Russian and Ukrainian and a lesser grade, Czech and Slovak cuisines. It has also been widely influenced by other Central European cuisines, namely German, Austrian and Hungarian cuisines as well as Jewish French, Turkish and Italian culinary traditions.[3] It is rich in meat, especially pork, chicken and beef (depending on the region), winter vegetables (cabbage in the dish bigos), and herbs It is also characteristic in its use of various kinds of noodles the most notable of which are kluski as well as cereals (grains) such as kasha (from the Polish word kasza). Generally speaking, Polish cuisine is hearty and uses a lot of cream and eggs. The traditional dishes are often demanding in preparation. Many Poles allow themselves a generous amount of time to serve and enjoy their festive meals, especially Christmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter breakfast which could take a number of days to prepare in their entirety.
Kuchnia polska Kuchnia polska – na kształtowanie się swoistych cech kuchni polskiej miały wpływ przemiany historyczne. Na przestrzeni dziejów kuchnia polska ulegała wpływom i zmianom regionalnym, zwłaszcza że tereny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej historycznie zamieszkiwała zmieniająca się mozaika narodów. W efekcie silne są kulinarne wpływy wschodnie (tatarsko-tureckie, wcześniej mongolskie), rusińskie, niemieckie, francuskie, włoskie i żydowskie. Najpopularniejsze polskie potrawy to pierogi, kasza, kluski, gołąbki, kotlet schabowy, kotlet mielony, bigos, galareta mięsna, golonka, zupy (żurek, kapuśniak, krupnik, barszcz czerwony, rosół, zupa pomidorowa, zupa ogórkowa, zupa grzybowa, zupa grochowa, chłodnik), potrawy z kapusty i ziemniaków, pieczywo (chleb żytni, pszenny), ciasta, warzywa, owoce (jabłka, gruszki, rozmaite jagody, porzeczki), ser biały, jak i wszelkiego rodzaju mięsa (głównie wieprzowina, drób i wołowina) rozmaicie przygotowane, oraz w mniejszym stopniu ryby morskie i słodkowodne.
Portuguese cuisine When we speak of typical flavors and dishes we are also speaking of evolutionary passages, of diachronic transformations that go on uniting tradition and innovation, along with the learning processes, because the taste is also educated, since innate gourmets do not exist… Food habits are deeply influenced by the agricultural and the religious calendars, because the festivities, fairs and pilgrimages influence the local cuisine. In Penafiel the most typical dishes are the goatling baked with rice in the oven, the stew, the fried or "escabeche" (preserve made with vinegar, onion and spices) alewife, and the lamprey a la bordalesa or in blood rice, all accompanied by the excellent regional green wine. As for desserts, the fair's sweets are the most consumed ones, especially the "bolinhos de amor", the "pão-de-ló", the "rotten bread", the "rosquilhos", the "toys" or Saint Gonçalo's sweets. Penafiel's original sweets are, however, best represented by the "dry soup", the "sweet sarrabulho" and Saint Martinho pies, exquisite delicacies to locals and visitors alike, the latter exclusive to Penafiel...
Cozinha Portuguesa Quando falamos de pratos típicos estamos a falar de evolução, de transformações diacrônicas que vão unir a tradição e inovação, juntamente com os processos de aprendizagem, porque o gosto se educa, ... Os hábitos alimentares são profundamente influenciados pela agricultura e pelos calendários religiosos, porque as festas, feiras e romarias influenciam a culinária local. Em Penafiel, os pratos mais típicos são o cabrito assado com arroz de forno, o cozido, o sável frito ou de "escabeche" (preservar com cebola, vinagre e especiarias) e a lampreia à bordalesa ou em arroz, tudo acompanhado pelo excelente vinho verde da região.
Romanian cuisine
Romanian cuisine is a diverse blend of different dishes from several traditions with which it has come into contact, but it also maintains its own character. It has been greatly influenced by Ottoman cuisine, while it also includes influences from the cuisines of other neighbours, including German, Serbian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian cuisine. There are quite a few different types of dishes, which are sometimes included under a generic term; for example, the category ciorbă includes a wide range of soups with a characteristic sour taste. These may be meat and vegetable soups, tripe (ciorbă de burtă) and calf foot soups, or fish soups, all of which are soured by lemon juice, sauerkraut juice, vinegar, or borș (traditionally made from bran). The category țuică (plum brandy) is a generic name for a strong alcoholic spirit in Romania, while in other countries, every flavour has a different name.
Bucătăria românească Bucătăria tradițională românească este denumirea pe care o poartă rezultatul sintetizării, în timp, a gusturilor și obiceiurilor gastronomice specifice poporului român. Ea este diversă, cuprinde nenumărate obiceiuri și tradiții culinare, mâncăruri specifice, împreună cu obiceiuri provenite prin intersectarea culturii gastronomice cu tradiții ale altor popoare, cu care poporul român a intrat în contact dealungul istoriei. Bucătăria românească cuprinde atât bucate de zi cu zi cât și preparate speciale de sărbătoare. Poporul român fiind creștin încă de la începuturile formării sale, Bucătăria românească cuprinde numeroase bucate de praznic rânduite în funcție de anotimpul și sărbătoarea pomenită. Bucatele românești
Tarator (soup) is a traditional Bulgarian soup. It's served cold and is very refreshing on hot summer days. Ingredients: 1 cucumber 1 cup of yoghurt Some dill Several walnuts Salt, vegetable oil and water Preparation: 1. Grate or finely chop the cucumber(s) and place in a large bowl. 2. Add ground walnuts and finely chopped fresh dill. 3. Pour in the yoghurt. 4. Then gradually add water - the thickness is down to taste. 5. Finally, add the vegetable oil.
Таратор (супа) е традиционна българска супа. Сервира се студена и е много освежаваща през горещите летни дни. Съставки: 1 краставица 1 чаша кисело мляко малко копър няколко ореха сол, растително масло и вода Начин на приготвяне: 1. Настържете или нарежете на дребно краставица и я поставете в голяма купа. 2. Добавете смлени орехи и ситно нарязан пресен копър. 3. Прибавете киселото мляко. 4. След това постепенно добавете вода – гъстотата е според вкуса. 5. Накрая добавете растително масло.
Gazpacho Ingredients: 10 oz of bread
1 cucumber
21 oz of tomato
7 tablespoons of oil
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of vinegar
2 onions
1 1/2 tablespoon of water
2 red and green peppers
Preparation: 1. In a plastic bowl mix the chopped onion, the chopped tomato, the chopped red and green peppers, the oil, the vinegar, garlic, and the soaked bread, mash it with the mixer and add very cold water to mix everything. 2. Add salt and strain it. 3. Keep it in the fridge until served. Presentation: Serve in four individual dishes. Usually accompanied by tomato, cucumber, green pepper, onion and bread, all finely diced. Everyone can serve themselves according to taste.
Gazpacho Ingredientes 100 gr de pan
1 pepino (opcional)
1 kg de tomates rojos
7 cucharadas de aceite
2 dientes de ajo
2 pimientos rojos y verdes
2 cebollas
2 cucharadas de vinagre
1 1/2 cucharada de agua
Preparación: 1. En un recipiente de plástico mezclar la cebolla picada, el tomate picado, los pimientos rojos y verdes picados, el aceite, el vinagre, el ajo y el pan remojado. Triturarlo con la batidora y añadir agua muy fría para mezclar todo. 2. Añadir sal y colar. 3. Guárdelo en el refrigerador hasta que se sirva. Presentación: Servir en cuatro platos individuales. Suele acompañarse de tomate, pepino, pimiento verde, cebolla y pan, todo finamente picado. Todo el mundo puede servirse al gusto.
Garlic sauce Ingredients: 1 head garlic salt as needed 5 tablespoons oil or more 3 tablespoons vinegar 400 ml of lukewarm water 2-3 small hot peppers some milk or yogurt optionally parsley Preparation: Clean garlic and wash. Put it in a wooden bowl for pureeing garlic or in a blender, but it is much better in a wooden bowl, it gets a special taste. Add salt. Mix until you get a smooth mixture as mayonnaise. Add the oil and mix to unify. Gradually add vinegar and mix all. Add the lukewarm water and stir well. Add some milk or yogurt. Add hot peppers and finely chopped parsley. Состојки:
1 глава лук Сол како што е потребно 5 лажици масло или повеќе 3 лажици оцет 400 мл млака вода 2-3 мали лути пиперки млеко или јогурт опционално магдонос Начин на подготовка: Чиста лук и миење. Стави ја во дрвен сад за pureeing лук или во блендер, но тоа е многу подобро во дрвен сад, тој добива посебен вкус. Додадете сол. Се меша додека не се добие мазна смеса мајонез. Додадете масло и се меша да се обединат. Постепено додадете оцет и се меша сите. Додадете млака вода и добро промешајте. Додадете малку млеко или јогурт. Додај топла пиперки и ситно сецкан магдонос.
Potato Soup Ingredients: 1 parsnip mushrooms, 1-2 cups 4-6 potatoes, cubed, raw 6 garlic cloves 6-8 cups water 1 tbsp celery root spice 1/4 cup dried mushrooms, chopped chopped bacon, about 1/2 cup 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup water 1.4 cup marjoram salt and pepper to tast 1 bunch chives, chopped Preparation: Slice the parsnip into small ½ inch pieces, on an angle, and then chop mushrooms and potatoes into small cubes as well. Grate 6 garlic cloves, and then put it all into a pot with about 6-8 cups of water (the pot was half full) and add in chopped bacon. Add 1tbsp of celery root spice and ¼ cup of dried mushrooms, chopped. After about 45 minutes, add a roux of sunflower oil and flour whisked in (about 1/2 cup each), Season the soup further with marjoram – about ¼ cup, and salt and pepper. Add another cup or so of water to the soup. Cook the soup in total for about 1.5 hrs.
Bramborová polévka Suroviny 10 dkg másla nebo Hery 2 lžíce hladké mouky 1 kostka masoxu nebo dom. vývar 4 brambory zeleninu do polévky Sůl, majoránka, bobkový list Česnek, dle chuti houby
Postup přípravy receptu Z másla a mouky připravíme jíšku. Ve vodě povaříme brambory, zeleninu, masox, nebo vývar. Polévku zahustíme jíškou, přidáme majoránku, sůl a bobkový list. Chvíli povaříme a nakonec přidáme zeleninu.
Scrambled eggs with zucchini and chanterelles Ingredients: 4 eggs 1/2 zucchini, cut into thin slices large handful of chanterelles, large cut in half 50 grams of sausage, cut into thin slices 1 small onion, finely diced 50 g of grated mozzarella 1 tablespoon butter 1/3 cup milk or cream pepper, salt Preparation: In a medium bowl, whisk eggs with milk or cream. Place the butter in the medium pan over medium heat, add sausage, onions and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then, add the zucchini with mushrooms and cook until softened. Reduce the heat to low, add the egg mixture, cook until they are scrambled to your liking, next stir in the mozzarella. Season with salt and pepper and serve with toasts.
Jajecznica z cukinią i kurkami
Składniki: 4 jajka 1/2 cukinii, pokrojonej w cienkie plasterki duża garść oczyszczonych kurek, większe przekrojone na połówki 50 g kiełbasy pokrojonej w cienkie plasterki 1 mała cebula, drobno posiekana 50 g startej mozzarelli 1 łyżka masła 1/3 szklanki mleka lub śmietanki pieprz, sól
Przygotowanie: W średniej miseczce roztrzep jajka z mlekiem lub śmietanką. Na średniej patelni rozgrzej na średnim ogniu masło, wrzuć kiełbasę, cebulę i podsmaż przez 2-3 minuty. Następnie dodaj cukinię wraz z kurkami i smaż aż zmiękną. Zmniejsz ogień do bardzo małego, wlej mieszankę jajeczną, smaż aż się zetną i wmieszaj mozzarellę. Dopraw solą i pieprzem i podawaj z chrupiącymi tostami.
Corn Bread We use to eat it with sausage or pepperoni, olives, … Ingredients: 1 kg of corn flour sifted 1 kg of wheat flour without yeast 1250 ml water 1 1/2 tablespoon salt 16 g of baker's yeast Preparation: Put 650 ml of water on the cooker until it is boiled. Then blanch the corn flour with the water you have already boiled. Stir with a wooden spoon so that you will be able to knead the dough without burning your hands. The shape the dough into a ball and let it rest for about an hour covered with a towel. After the hour, put the remaining water (it must be tepid by the time) in a bowl, add some salt to it and break the baker`s yeast . Gather the ball of corn flour with the water and slowly start adding the flour. Knead it and let it rest for 45 minutes. When the dough is ready divide it into separate bowls, which have some flour on the inside so that the dough wont`s stick to the bowl, and give the shape you want. Take it to the oven at 200 ºC for about an hour.
Broa de Milho Para acompanhar salpicão, chouriço, azeitonas, … Ingredientes: 1 kg de farinha de milho peneirada 1 kg de farinha trigo sem fermento 1250 ml água 1 1/2 colher de sopa de sal 16 g de fermento de padeiro Preparação: Põe-se 650ml de água ao lume até ferver. A seguir escalda-se a farinha de milho com essa água. Mexe-se com uma colher de pau para não queimar as mãos e quando se puder suportar a temperatura da massa amassa-se com as mãos e forma-se uma bola que se deixa a repousar durante 1 hora com um pano tapada.
Salata de Boeuf
Ingredients: 4 chicken thighs (or 1 pound of beef) 4-5 carrots 1 parsnip root 1 parsley root 1 celery root ( 1/2 for a large root) 7-8 large sour pickles 1 potato mayonnaise a pinch of salt horseradish mustard
Preparation: Boil the vegetables and the meat in the soup, and remove. Cut the meat, the potato, the carrots, parsnip, parsley, the celery root and the pickles into very small cubes. Mix everything and add just enough mayonnaise to bind the ingredients together. Put into a serving bowl, cover with a very thin mayonnaise layer. You can decorate with olives and fine slices of red peppers.
Carne de vită Salata Ingrediente: Mod de preparare: 4 pulpe de pui (sau 1 lira de carne de Se fierb legumele și carnea în supă, vită) și se îndepărtează. 4-5 morcovi Se taie carnea, cartofi, morcovi, 1 păstârnac rădăcină păstârnac, pătrunjel, rădăcină de 1 pătrunjel rădăcină țelină și murături în cuburi foarte mici. 1 radacina de telina Se amestecă totul și se adaugă doar 7-8 mari muraturi acru suficient pentru a lega maioneza in1 cartof gredientele. maioneză Pune intr-un castron de servire, se putina sare, muștar hrean acoperă cu un strat foarte subțire de maioneză. Puteți decora cu măsline și felii fine de ardei roșu.
Stuffed Pepper is a very popular dish.These stuffed peppers are stuffed with a mixture of white cheese, breadcrumbs and eggs. The use of yellow, red and green peppers makes such a beautiful presentation. Ingredients: Six peppers White cheese – 200g Breadcrumbs 2 eggs Black pepper Preparation:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Cut the handle of pepper and remove the pepper seeds. Crumble the bread and mix it with the cheese, eggs and black pepper. Fill up the peppers with the mixture and lay on in the dish. Roast it 20min.
Пълнен пипер е много популярено ястие.Този вид пълнен пипер е със смес от сирене, хлебни трохи и яйца. Използването на жълт, червен и зелен пипер помага за по-доброто представяне на ястието. Съставки: Шест чушки Бялото сирене - 200гр Хлебни трохи 2 яйца Черен пипер Начин на приготвяне: 1. Отрежете дръжката на пипера и махнете на семената. 2. Натрошете хляба и го смесете със сиренето, яйцата и черния пипер. 3. Напълнете чушките със сместа и ги поставете в тава. 4. Печете 20мин.
Bread Pudding Ingredients: Ingredients for 4 people: 1 l of milk olive oil ½ kg of sugar 8 eggs Slices of bread for 'torrijas' Preparation: 1. Cut a large loaf of bread for 'torrijas' in fairly thick slices (you can also use special ready sliced bread). 2. Mix the milk and sugar in a deep bowl. 3. Beat the eggs in a separate dish. Dip the slices of bread in the sugared milk and eggs and fry in a pan with boiling oil until golden brown. Then drain well. Presentation Place the 'torrijas' on a serving dish .It is also traditional to add the sugared milk to the serving dish so that the 'torrijas' soak it up and become more spongy.
Torrijas Madrileñas Ingredientes Ingredientes para 4 personas: 1 l de leche Aceite de oliva ½ Kg. de azúcar 8 huevos Rebanadas de pan para torrijas Preparación: 1. Cortar una barra grande de pan de torrijas en rebanadas más bien gruesas (también sirve el pan de molde especial). 2. En un plato hondo mezclar la leche y el azúcar. En otro, batir los huevos. 3. En una sartén con aceite hirviendo freír las rebanadas de pan, previamente pasadas por la leche azucarada y por el huevo batido, hasta que queden bien doradas. Luego escurrirlas bien. Presentacion: Colocar las torrijas en una fuente. Es también habitual añadir el resto de la leche azucarada a la fuente, de modo que las torrijas se empapen bien y queden más esponjosas.
SHIRDEN - STUFFED LAMB'S STOMACH Ingredients: 500 g veal 500 g pork 500 g lamb 4-5 pieces of shirden 1 onion 3 cloves garlic 4-5 dried peppers ½ tablespoon paprika spices: salt, pepper, pimento 150 g rice 150 g of olive oil 250 ml water 100 ml beer
min. Before the end of frying, add finely chopped onion and fry another 5 minutes. Then add finely chopped dried peppers, finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, paprika and pimento. Remove the pot from fire and add washed rice. Put two handfuls of the mixture in each shirden and some liquid from the pot where the meat fried. Close each shirden with a toothpick. Arrange in an earthenware pot, pour beer and halfway water. Put a little red pepper, pour oil and pierce each Preparation: shirden with toothpick couple of times so they won't crack during baking. Cut meat in small pieces (1,5 cm) and Bake in an oven at 180 C for 90 min. wash with water. Put some oil in a pot, add meat and fry for about 30 Состојки: 500 гр телешко месо 500 г свинско месо 500 г јагнешко 4-5 парчиња ширден 1 кромид 3 чешниња лук 4-5 суви пиперки ½ лажица црвен пипер зачини: сол, бибер, pimento 150 г ориз 150 гр маслиново масло 250 ml вода 100 мл пиво Начин на подготовка: Намалување на месо во мали парчиња (1,5 см) и измијте со вода. Ставете малку масло во тенџере, додадете месо и пржете околу 30 мин. Пред крајот на
пржење, додадете ситно сецкан кромид и пржете уште 5 минути. Потоа додадете ситно сецкани суви пиперки, ситно сецкан лук, сол, црн пипер, црвен пипер и pimento. Отстранете ја тавата од оган и додадете изми ориз. Ставете две заграби на смесата во секој ширден и малку течност од тенџерето каде што месото пржи. Затвори секоја ширден со чепкалка за заби. Организира во земјена тава, се прелива пиво и половина вода. Ставете малку црвен пипер, се прелива нафта и пирс секој ширден со чепкалка за заби неколку пати, па тие нема да попуштат за време на печење. Се пече во рерна на 180 C за 90 мин.
CZECH GOULASH Ingredients: 4 tablespoons oil for frying 5 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon ground sweet paprika 3 pieces of onion 1 teaspoon marjoram 1 teaspoon ground hot pepper 750 g beef 1 teaspoon ground cumin Preparation: Warm the oil in a large pot on medium heat. Add the onion and garlic. Add the beef and allow it to brown on the outside. Add paprika and stir till meat is covered. Add flour and tomato paste just until the juice is soaked up then add water to cover meat with some extra. Make sure to mix the flour in well to remove all lumps. Add in salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer on low for about two hours. The sauce will gradually thicken and meat will become tender and fall apart. Once the sauce is thick and meat is tender it is ready to serve.
Skvělý hovězí guláš Ingredience 4 lžíce sádlo na smažení 5 stroužků česnek 1 lžička mletá sladká paprika 3 ks cibule 1 lžička majoránka 1 lžička mletá pálivá paprika 750 g hovězí přední 1 lžička drcený kmín
a opepříme jej, přidáme kmín. Základ podlijeme vodou, důkladně promícháme a dusíme v papiňáku. Přibližně za 30 minut máme maso měkké. Přidáme vroucí vodu s rozpuštěným masoxem a dále povaříme již odkryté. Do vařícího se guláše přidáme předem přichystanou jíšku. Přidáme lisovaný česnek a majoránku. Hovězí guláš podáváme s houskovým knedlíkem. Guláš můžeme ozdobit Postup přípravy receptu jemně krájenou cibulkou na kolečka. Na rozpuštěném sádle v papiňáku Celkové množství podle tohoto recepnecháme zesklovatět nadrobno nakrá- tu uspokojí i větší rodinu, uvaříme až jenou cibulku, přidáme sladkou pap- 2,5 l guláše. riku a půl minutky osmahneme. Přidáme na kostky nakrájené maso a opékáme, dokud se nezatáhne. Když pronikavě voní a pouští šťávu, osolíme
Polish hunter's stew Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 kg sauerkraut 1/2 kg of white cabbage 1 kg of meat (pork, beef, poultry) 30 dag smoked bacon 30 grams of sausage 5 grams of dried mushrooms 10 grams of dried plums, pitted tablespoons jam 4 bay leaves allspice salt pepper
Preparation Cut pork and onion into small pieces. Fry in oil. Put fried meat & onion into a pot, add small amount of water and simmer for 30 minutes. Cut cabbage into small pieces. To the boiling meat and onion add: cabbage, diced bacon, vegetables, whole bay leaves and allspice. Boil the whole mixture until cabbage is soft. Season your bigos with salt, pepper and a little sugar. Before serving add sausages (kielbasa) to the pot to make them warm. Chop dill and sprinkle bigos served on plates (or serve chopped dill on a separate saucer).
Sposób przygotowania
1 i 1/2 kg kapusty kwaszonej 1/2 kg kapusty białej 1 kg mięs (schab, wołowina, drób) 30 dag boczku wędzonego 30 dag kiełbasy 5 dag suszonych grzybów 10 dag śliwek suszonych bez pestek lub 2 łyżki powideł 4 liście laurowe ziele angielskie jagody jałowca sól, pieprz
Boczek pokrój w kostkę, włóż do garnka, dodaj kapustę białą, wlej nieco wrzątku, przypraw i gotuj. Osobno gotuj kapustę kwaszoną z przyprawami. Dołóż mięso obsmażone na oleju. Miękkie mięso wyjmij i pokrój w kostkę. Oba rodzaje kapusty wymieszaj, dodaj mięso, uprzednio ugotowane grzyby, śliwki, przypraw do smaku, gotuj jeszcze dwukrotnie.
Goatling baked with race in the oven Ingredients: 1 leg of goatling Salt and pepper 4 garlic cloves 2 tbsp. ground pepper
1,5 dl white wine 2 onions 2 ripe tomatoes Potatoes 80 g margarine
Preparation: Season the leg of lamb with salt, pepper, minced garlic, ground pepper and white wine, marinate for two hours (in my opinion it is better to leave it overnight so that it gains flavor). Cut the onions and the tomato wedges and arrange on a platter of oven. Place the meat on top and drizzle with the marinade. Peel the potatoes and cut them to pieces (rinse to remove the gum). Place them around the meat and season them with salt. Pour spoon full of margarine on the ingredients on the dish and take them all into the heated oven to bake at 200° for 45 minutes. Be careful to occasionally baste the meat with the sauce to avoid getting it dry. Transfer the food to a serving plate and serve it on a table garnished with sprigs of fresh rosemary. NOTE: Before seasoning the leg of the goatling, give it some cuts in order for the sauce to penetrate the meat.
Cabrito assado com arroz de forno Ingredientes: 1 perna de cabrito Sal e pimenta 4 dentes de alho 2 colheres de sopa de pimentão
1,5 dl vinho branco 2 cebolas 2 tomates maduros
Preparação: Tempere a perna de cabrito com sal, pimenta, alhos picados, massa de pimentão e vinho branco, deixe marinar por duas horas (de preferência de um dia para o outro). Corte as cebolas e o tomate aos gomos e disponha numa travessa de forno. Coloque por cima a carne e regue com a marinada. Descasque as batatas e corte-as aos pedaços (passe por água, para tirar a goma).
Mamaliga (Polenta)
Ingredients: 4 cups water 1 pound ground cornmeal (a courser version will make a more traditional mamaliga) 1 teaspoon salt Preparation: Bring to boil the water in a large pot with the salt, then simmer and pour with a steady stream the cornmeal. Stir constantly for about 20 minutes with a wooden spoon, until you notice that the mamaliga breaks away easily
from the sides of the pot. The cooked mamaliga should be thick enough to stay in place on a wooden plate. Traditionally, mamaliga is cut with a string, but modern cooks will most probably use a knife. Serve in a deep bowl with warm milk, or sour cream. You can also add Parmesan cheese or shredded feta cheese in combination with the sour cream, and also serve with fried eggs on top.
Mamaliga Ingrediente: 4 cesti de apa 1 lira mălai la sol (o versiune gonaci va face o Mamaliga mai tradițională) sare 1 linguriță Mod de preparare: Se aduce la fiert apa intr-un vas mare cu sare, apoi se fierbe și se toarnă cu un flux constant mălaiul. Se agită constant timp de aproximativ 20 de minute cu o lingura de lemn, până când observați că mămăliga pauze departe cu ușurință de pe marginile vasului.
Mămăliga fierte ar trebui să fie suficient de gros pentru a sta în loc pe o farfurie de lemn. In mod traditional, Mămăliga este tăiat cu un șir de caractere, dar bucătari moderni vor folosi cel mai probabil, un cuțit. Se serveste intr-un castron adanc cu lapte cald, sau smântână. Puteți adăuga, de asemenea, branza parmezan sau branza telemea tocata in combinatie cu smantana, si, de asemenea, servi cu ouă prăjite pe partea de sus.
Banitsa is a traditional Bulgarian food prepared by layering a mixture of eggs and cheese between filo pastry. Banitsa is served for breakfast with plain yoghurt, ayran, or boza. It can be eaten hot or cold. Ingredients: 2 eggs White cheese (200 g) 1 egg yolk Filo pastry Preparation: 1. Mix the cheese with the eggs. Set aside. 2. Separate the egg yolk from the white, whisk it and add a bit of vegetable oil. Set aside. 3. Open the packet of filo pastry and prepare one sheet of the pastry for use. 4. Grease the sheet of filo pastry; put two spoons of the egg and cheese mixture at the beginning of the sheet. 5. Fold the sheet at both sides and roll it into a tight roll. 6. Grease a pan and arrange the rolls accordingly, then grease them with the yolk and oil mixture. 7. After having done that, bake at a preheated 250 oven.
Баница е традиционно българско ястие, приготвено от смес от яйца и сирене върху точени кори. Баницата се сервира за закуска с кисело мляко, айран или боза. Може да се яде топла или студена. Съставки: 2 яйца Бяло сирене (200 г) 1 яйчен жълтък кори за баница
Sangria (Adults) Ingredients: 3 1/4 cups ( 26 fl. oz) dry red wine 1 tablespoon sugar Juice of 1 large orange Juice of 1 large lemon 1 large orange, sliced thin crosswise 1 large lemon, sliced thin crosswise 2 medium peaches, peeled, pitted and cut into chunks 1 cup (8 fl. oz) club soda Preparation: 1. Combine all the ingredients except for the club soda in a large punch bowl or serving pitcher, mixing well. 2. Refrigerate overnight. 3. Immediately before serving, mix in the club soda for added fizz. 4. Ladle into cups with ice cubes.
Sangria (Adultos) Ingredientes 3 1/4 tazas de vino tinto seco 1 cucharada de azúcar El jugo de 1 naranja grande El jugo de 1 limón grande 1 naranja grande, cortada en rebanadas delgadas 1 limón grande, cortado en rebanadas delgadas 2 melocotones medianos, pelados, sin semillas y cortado en trozos 1 taza de soda Preparación: 1. Combine todos los ingredientes excepto la soda en una jarra grande, mezclándolos bien. 2. Refrigerar durante la noche. 3. Inmediatamente antes de servir, mezclar lo de la jarra con la soda. 4. Sírvalo en copas con hielo.
Tulumba (Fried Pastry with syrup) Ingredients: ● 400g flour ● 1/2 liter of water ● 5 eggs ● 6 tablespoons oil ● 1 baking powder For the syrup: ● 1 kg of sugar ● 1/2 liter of water
Preparation: Step 1: Put water and oil to boil. Then, remove the pot from the fire and add the flour. Allow to cool. Step 2: When the mixture cools nicely, add the eggs one by one and then mix with a mixer until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Step 3: In the meantime prepare the syrup. Put the sugar and water to boil. Step 4: Use a tulumba syringe or an icing bag with a special nozzle, fill with the mixture and put them to fry in hot oil. Remove when golden. Once tulumbas are coolen, pour them with previously prepared syrup (cold). Allow to soak for couСостојки: ● 400g брашно ● 1/2 литар вода ● 5 јајца ● 6 лажици масло ● 1 прашок за пециво За сирупот: ● 1 кг шеќер ● 1/2 литар вода Подготовка: Чекор 1: Ставете вода и масло да се вари . Потоа, отстранете ја тавата од оган и додадете брашно. Дозволете да се излади. Чекор 2: Кога смесата ќе се олади убаво, да додадете еден јајца по еден, а потоа се меша со миксер додека смесата е мазна и хомогена.
Чекор 3: Во меѓувреме подготви сируп. Стави шеќер и вода да се вари. Чекор 4: Користете tulumba шприц или торба мрежести со посебен додаток, пополнете ги со смесата и ги стави да СРЈ во врело масло. Отстрани кога златни. Откако tulumbas се coolen, истурете ги со претходно подготвени сируп (ладно). Се остава да се впие за неколку часа.
Fruit Dumplings Ingredients: 1 cube of cheese (no tub) 1 egg (you can add 1 egg yolk extra), pinch of salt 1 tablespoon sugar grit Fruit according to the season - apricots, strawberries, plums, blueberries or currants (which should be mixed with a little sugar) Preparation 1 Mix the eggs with the cream cheese, sugar and salt, pour a mixture of meal, until you get non-sticky dough. Create it rolling pin, roll or sheet; roll cut into pieces corresponding to the fruit, dough sheet is cut into squares. 2 Do wrap the dough pieces of fruit (we chose blueberries). Wrap dumplings still semolina, throw them in boiling water, wait for it to float to the surface, and then for about 1.5 minutes (depending on size) boil. Serve sprinkled and greased.
Ovocné knedlíky Ingredience 1 kostka tvarohu (ne ve vaničce) 1 vejce (můžete přidat 1 žloutek navíc) dětská krupička podle potřeby špetka soli 1 lžíce krupicového cukru ovoce podle sezony – meruňky, jahody, švestky, borůvky nebo rybíz (ten je vhodné smíchat s trochou cukru) Příprava jídla 1 Smíchejte vejce s tvarohem, cukrem a solí, ke směsi sypte krupičku tak dlouho, až získáte nelepivé těsto. Vytvořte z něj váleček nebo vyválejte plát; váleček nakrájejte na kousky odpovídající použitému ovoci, plát těsta nakrájejte na čtverce. 2 Do kousků těsta zabalte ovoce (my jsme si vybrali borůvky). Knedlíky obalte ještě v krupici, vhoďte je do vroucí vody, počkejte, až vyplavou na hladinu, a pak je ještě cca 1,5 minuty (podle velikosti) provařte. Podávejte posypané a omaštěné.
Fruit salad Ingredients: 1 can (600 g) pineapple particles - drain the juice into a separate bowl 1 orange, peeled and divided into segments 1 kiwi fruit - peeled, sectioned in half and sliced 160 g seedless grapes 170 g strawberries cut into quarters 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon peel 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon poppy
Preparation In a large bowl, gently mix the pineapple chunks, orange, kiwi, grapes and strawberries. In a small cup or bowl, mix the lemon zest of lime juice, honey, poppy seeds and 1/4 cup pineapple juice (canned). Mix well and add to the fruit. Gently mix the salad.
Orzeźwiająca sałatka owocowa Składniki 1 puszka (600 g) ananasa w cząstkach - odsączyć sok do osobnej miseczki 1 pomarańcza, obrana i podzielona na cząstki 1 kiwi - obrane, przekrojone na pół i pokrojone w plasterki 160 g winogron bez pestek 170 g truskawek pokrojonych w ćwiartki 1/4 łyżeczki startej skórki z cytryny 2 łyżki soku z limonki 1 łyżka miodu 1 łyżeczka maku Sposób przygotowania W dużej misce delikatnie wymieszać kawałki ananasa, pomarańczy, kiwi, winogron i truskawek. W małym kubku lub misce wymieszać skórkę z cytryny z sokiem z limonki, miodem, makiem i 1/4 szklanki soku ananasowego (z puszki). Dobrze wymieszać i dodać do owoców. Delikatnie wymieszać sałatkę.
Love cookies Ingredients: 3 eggs 4 egg yolks 250 g sugar Zest of a lemon 150g flour Preparation: In a bowl, place the eggs, egg yolks and sugar. Mix it with electric mixer for 20 minutes without stopping, to get a very soft dough. Add the lemon zest and sifted flour, wrap until dough is well connected. Preheat oven to 200 ºC Grease a tray, cover with parchment paper and grease again. With a tablespoon, place small pieces of dough in the pan, separating them from each other (the dough will spread, should leave a good gap between them but stick) Bake for 10 minutes. Over time, remove from the oven and with a spatula move them immediately. Leave them to cool. For the icing, beat the sugar with the white egg and lemon juice with a wooden spoon until you can lift the spoon and the icing comes with it. Brush the cakes with a thin layer of frosting, run your fingers over circular in shape, to get marked. Let it dry.
Bolinhos de Amor
Ingredientes: 3 ovos 4 gemas 250 g açúcar Raspa de 1 limão 150g farinha Preparação:
Cobertura 150g açúcar em pó 1 clara Sumo de 1 limão
Num recipiente, coloque os ovos inteiros, as gemas e o açúcar. Bata durante 20 minutos sem parar, para a massa ficar fofa. Adicione a farinha peneirada e envolva até a massa ficar bem ligada. Unte um tabuleiro e cubra com papel vegetal. Com uma colher de sopa, coloque pequenas porções de massa no tabuleiro. Coza durante 10 minutos a 200º. Retire-os do forno e deixe arrefecer. Para a cobertura bata o açucar com a clara e o sumo de limão com a colher de pau até formar glace.
Basic Panettone (Cozonac)
Ingredients: 1 kg bread flour 6 eggs 300 g sugar 250 g butter, 2 cups (1/2 l ) milk 1 pinch salt 6 teaspoons dry yeast 100 g raisins grated lemon peel rum extract, vanilla extract Preparation: For best results, all the ingredients must be kept at the room temperature at least 3 hours before preparing the panettone. Beat 3 eggs + 3 yolks with sugar, salt. Add grated lemon peel, rum extract and vanilla extract. Let it rest for 15-20 minutes. If you use fresh yeast, mix the yeast with 2 tablespoon sugar. Melt it in a 1/2 cup milk and mix everything with 2-3 teaspoons flour. Let it rise. Mix the flour kept at the room temperature with the raised yeast. Alternatively, if you use dry yeast, just mix it with the
flour. Pour luke-warm milk into the eggs' composition and then pour the resulting mixture over the flour mixed with the yeast. Add slowly the melted butter and knead the dough until it can easily separate from the hands. Add the raisins and knead some more. Cover and let it rest in a warm place until the size of the dough doubles. Put a piece of dough in a baking form (fill the form only at the bottom - leave plenty of space for the dough to rise). Cover and let it rest and rise in a warm place, until the dough reaches the top edge. Brush the dough with beaten egg mixed with two teaspoons water. Preheat the oven and bake it on the medium heat (350F) for 50-60 minutes. Let it cool about half an hour before flipping the loaves on a serving plate. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar.