To Mr Marty J Jackley South Dakota States Attorney General. 1302 E – Hway 14 Pierre SD, 57501-8501 .: Dated 04/09/2015 Time. 1452 PM CDT. .: Re 13-1798 N0021598K2008 MLR : 0023878994 :. From the Offices of Natsumi Katou Apointed to Mr Marty J Jackley. Upon the final reveal of the cause between your State of South Dakota and the United States Government. Stated the fallowing aligatgions. The Fallowing is in outline, and is noted as such. 1. The pending charges upon you and your state of (South Dakota) vs My offices here at Multilingual Radio Network via the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Media has been noted via the Federal Courts. 2. Discrimination along with being Genderla Bias along with making false reports and aligations against me and my staff, Is cause for much of the Law suits against you and your state. 3. The Case of: 13-1798 of which Multilingual Radio Network had applied to your offices for the case between the Cyber-Stalkers and Wesley Kari. Was brought to your attention. Your offices has not fallowed through, when your offices were told to stop. Along with your state and your state workers. 4. That case has since been given to the Federal Athorities, for further investigations on you and your state. Mr Jackley of South Dakota. You along with Broadcast Music Inc. are going to be sent to Trial for Discrimination, being Gender Bias. And having State workers Spying on people in the shower. That lawsuit is in awaiting experditing of the Charges. And is sitting in HQ via Denver Co. Further more being Broadcast Music Inc. did play a role in this crime. They have been sumins to Sioux Falls to await the charges and and Trial of the Discrimination Lawsuit. Richard Garza and Charlie Feldman are being charged with Money Laundering, Bank Fraud, and Tax ID Fraud. This case is with a Federal Judge in Sioux Falls, along with Several Restraining orders on you, and several State Employees. The unpaid royaltes added up to $ 200,000.00 for the last two years. .:Multilingual Radio Network -
- World Public Media:.
To Mr Marty J Jackley South Dakota States Attorney General. 1302 E – Hway 14 Pierre SD, 57501-8501 .: Dated 04/09/2015 Time. 1452 PM CDT. .: Re 13-1798 N0021598K2008 MLR : 0023878994 :. The case that sat in your offices awaiting for your reply, was never noted. After the further Federal Investigators and Prossicuters came in. Made you and your state aware what is going on. Mr Jackley. You had violated your terms and conditions. Set forth when you tooken oath on behalf of the state of South Dakota. The case of 13-1798 is no longer your case. It is now a Federal Case. Of which you and your state no longer has control of. This letter is in a response to the case of the cyber-stalkers, you, your state, and Broadcast Music Inc. Multilingual Radio Network reserves the right to investigate any further wrong doing. Including any medical melpractice, and other aligations. The Record of “Wesley Harris Kari” Has been obtained. The full Investigation involved the fallowing. 1. Obtaining Wesley Kari’s Social Security Records. 2. Obatining Wesley Kari’s Medial Records. 3. Obtaining Wesley Kari’s GPA, and High School Records. 4. Obtaining Wesley kari’s State Records including his adoption Terminations. 5. Obtaining Wesley Kari’s Marital Status. 6. Obtaining Wesley Kari’s Original Birth Record including his Birth Name. 7. Obtaining Wesley Kari’s Living Situations and is current home. All of the situations above is what was obtained for further prosicution if Wesley Kari so chooses to do so. You and your state were told that Wesley Kari is infact alive. And lives in Buffalo Grove and Elk Grove Illinois. You and your state had lied to have Wesley Kari Commit Sucide. His suicide was staged. Being that many of the people whom knew him, wanted Wesley Kari Dead. These Aligations are being broght fourth on you, your state, Broadcast Music Inc. and the Kari and Harris Families, including seveal former and current state workers. .:Multilingual Radio Network -
- World Public Media:.
To Mr Marty J Jackley South Dakota States Attorney General. 1302 E – Hway 14 Pierre SD, 57501-8501 .: Dated 04/09/2015 Time. 1452 PM CDT. .: Re 13-1798 N0021598K2008 MLR : 0023878994 :. There are Several Charges pending on behalf of You, Your State, the Kari and Harris Families along with Broadcast Music Inc. of Cyber-Stalking and Cyber-Bullying. Under the Federal Code of: 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts. Of which much of the evidence was presented to your state and to you for what was going on. You Mr. Jackley had completely ignored the allegations. And in return, you have you, your state, the Kari and Harris Families, along with Broadcast Music Inc. Major Federal Trouble. Charges are currently pending on Broadcast Music Inc. for not paying the Royalties to Multilingual Radio Network. Charges are pending on you, Mr. Jackley, for not taking the case in consideration, Miss Use of powers, for Discrimination. Charges are pending on the Kari and Harris Families for violating the trust and the contract from 1998 legal case of the Department of Social Services. The Charges has been passed to the (The Honorable Lawrence L. Piersol) of Sioux Falls for the Restraining orders of Marty Jackley, Richard A Garza, and Charlie F Feldman. Other restraining orders are on other several former and current state employees including the fallowing. April Ivy, Cris Guyman And Kathy Willson Allen Harris, and AJ Harris, There is more but there will be no further discloser’s or names. You need to take this in consideration as a Wake up call. My People will be in touch with you if they havn’t done so already. -Sincerely Natsumi Mieko Kimi Katou CEO – COO Multilingual Radio Network
.:Multilingual Radio Network -
- World Public Media:.