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PORTFOLIO SHIH MENG-HSIN Architecture+Landscape Architecture 2015-2017

Personal Name



Chung Yuan Christian University


Landscape Architecture

Experience 2015 community participation 桃園中壢功學社區 2016 internship--- 鄭宇能建築師事務所 2017 internship---NGL 新綠主義規畫設計公司

Interests Nature




Contents 01

Concept Design Ridge




Oil Sump Regeneration


Waterfront Urban Waterfront Space Planning


Clustered housing




01-1 I never ever thought the idea otherwise which about the relationship between architecture and nature. Harmonious architecture in natural environment is the most perfect landscape. Taiwan is a very beautiful country with many mountains. by doing so, from the architectural form to The directions of urban development. All design go with the law of nature and conform to terrain.


Traditional Taiwan Urban fabric : We work in congested area Live at the edge of the city. Even so, our real life is always far from the city. How to combine architecture, urban planning, activity is the chief problem.My concect is to soften the outline of city and imbibed the spirit from the 99 peaks.to achieve a balance between the soft and hard, And then put in human activity to give a further reflection on it.

The idea of this multifunction architecture is from the 99 peaks which located at Nantou County. One of the characteristic features of the ridge is its replicability.but the shape of these ridges are organic,it is very fair that all the sides are sunkissed. Comparing with our Urban planning, the biliding get higher and we even can not see the sky, let alone enjoy the sunshine.So I try to combine work,live,relax and transform into a multifunction architecture.







The design goal is to follow the natural shape of 99 peaks. Not only that. This project will be created to be a self-sufficient city that each building combine your basic necessities of living, such as food, clothing, daily-use articles and housing. I compare one ridge to be a simple society,and when many ridges are connected,The whole mountain is the sensuous plane. In new system of my architecture. I try to soften the outline of building, and each interior space gets sun. Human relations become more greaat and life is more interesting.

Program 99 peaks is nature reserve,so this project site in a little settlement that next from nature reserve.This project just continued



the concept of 99 peaks. There is poten-

residential district

tial settlement that very simple. I try to give everything human need for daily routine,no more,no less.This urban structure divide into three forms, and all


of the space is communicated with another space,Large area of green space each interior space. Residential district is facing east, people enjoying sunshine in every morning, and the way go to work passing some food shop, school and you can send your children to school conve-




nient.The best thing is that the settlement is surround by greenland and trees.

Nantou County ,Tazutuen - Stadtplan





Hsinchu the Sixth Navy Fuel Plant During the Japanese Government 新竹 日治時期海軍第六號燃油場

Oil Sump Regeneration The Sixth Navy Fuel Plant During the Japanese Government which remains unknown and mysterious. When I went to this oil sump firsttime ,I'm surprised that there was such a quiet and secluded place.Very attractive military installations . The government will plan ecological park here. To me,There is not only a park ,but also a place close relationship with the

submerged oil tank is covered by soil

community. I found many residential areas and cultural district nearby.The design goal is creat some classroom, restaurant, Exhibition hall,library in these beautiful sumps.Ourside these oil sumps is simple urban park.

open some space to approach

PLAN Changing terrain in this project is very apparently.In past terrain, the whole space is separated from the city.In spite of this base is located in the city center.Reorganize the terrain. And give thie forgotten historical area some new usable value---Community College .The space of the four oil sumps will be created in different activity places.






Public space

Program The forms of four oil sumps are diffrent restaurant





How to get into this space

Public space is as important as architecture.The oil sumps are set off by this public space.

Pavement / Green land

The pavement guide people walk into and get more close . Oil sumps are created for Interior classroom and library,but also

people / forest

some open space for semioutdoor restaurant, exhibition.







The shape of the pavement

Detail Design There are 69 sticks of steel structure each oil sump .Reserve some structure to preserve the original form.

When you walk into this Community College. You can enjoy the unique space when you finish your art classes or aerobics. You can eat lunch in the restaurant,Or bring your own lunch and sitting on grasslan under the tree. If you doesn't have to go to class, Spending a day to hang around the library.is also great choice.Tourists from a distance can enjoy the exhibition that draw or paint on any picture, painting or artwork from student. Students, full - time workers, or active retirees can learn new things in this fantastic space.


Waterfront 03-1 Jongli City ----Lao-Jie River Urban Waterfront Space Planning 桃園中壢老街溪水岸設計----A22捷運站 Waterfront space is very attractive in the city.But very few waterfront parks are really well controlled, Some weeds are everywhere, some water is dirty. Waterfront in city does not make human happy This is very strange, Water is amazy that people like to get close,When water spray in a plaza .everyone want to go closer to see the water and even play the water.The waterfront is a beautiful oasis in city. So precious resources in Taoyuan Jongli city which people called Lao-Jie river.This city is importance of commerce and traffic, site in a important relaying stationa .imformation comes everywhere ,make Jongli colorful and rich. People living in this city need some relax space, and this river park can also let people healthy more.

Waterfront planning Lao-Jie river flow across this city center. It is collective memory,Design goal is to create this Urban river park to be a green lung of Jhongli city.Let naturally return to reward humans.

river is important urban context. Lao-Jie river was besieged in concrete. in recent year,people attention to ecology more.and we start to create a nice living city.

The design step starts from the green space.and broke the concrete around the river.We calculate the amount of water over the years. And we found the river's land enough for us to do some wetlands.

Airport MRT is ready for service in 2 year, so we also need to creat some plaza for people dispersion.Because MRT ,Lao-Jie river is more easy to get. May attract some tourists.We will design some river fun facilities, or cafe for people to enjoy.

03-2 Clustered housing around the pond 忠義埤塘簇群住宅設計案 Clustered housing For the past few years,Sharing space with your neighbors is more popular.Human beings are social animalsl . Our living environment chnge so quickly. Along with the change in times and social structure. Living alone is boring.We started living together.This project is a little community that Included three different forms of clustered hiuse. the design goal is to purified water and created many kinds of houses to provide for different user

External Benefit

Constructed Wetlands

Domestic Wastewater

PLAN This project is major in urban greening The public green space has increased two times . And increase the number of rainwater gardens. When you walk out MRT station A22, you will see this beautiful waterfront garden.









Oriental cherry House Pine House

Clustered housing

This project can be divided into three forms of clustered housing .These houses are built surround the pond.nuclear family /joint family can live near by. People take care of each other more easy. From the entrance to the depths of this community. Oriental cherry House/Pine House/Bamboo House are fall into place. Bamboo House

Constructed wetlands

Oriental Cherry House This project is mainly for extended family. Planting design by cherry blossom trees. The building looked like a geometrical pattern, but changing with the sunshine.The building is very close to the lake.People can enjoy outdoor activities. And even can have a picnic outside their house.








Pine House This project is four cottages surrounded by Pinus elliottii. A small social space enclosed by cottages.People can spending time to communicate with your neighbours. Especially suitable for retired family or someone needed privacy. This Pine house will be the best choice.








Bamboo House This project is the main construction plan for people who want to enjoy an idyllic life in a little household farm. Four small three storied house surrounding a farmland, Bambooland were interspersed among trees. There is unique because it is so well situated to be near society but not quite in it .

04-1 As previously mentioned, the main idea is to design with nature. Perhaps because I majored in landscape architecture.To me, balance between nature and artificial elements is important. To my way of thinking, we really need some elements to recombination between man and nature. Creating blur edge and bring nature into architecture. During this process, find out local characteristic and reflect in design. So many people get comfortable in their situation,but sometime people refused to face the facts. the social problem comes up to the people.In the near future, We could not make a living that without nature. I enjoy landscape architecture that improving the environment.The better way is to combine with the architecture. I try to explore the landscape of Taiwan,although it is still in infancy.The varied terrain and diversity climate of Taiwan with great potential that is precious.Carefully absorb every landscape and then you can image something really suitable to reorganization a new proprietary landscape of Taiwan.

I choose five forms of landscapes that Included the country to the cities. From the mountain to the sea.Careful examination of human and nature,and create the best architecture to suitable for the environment. the most important is a fine circle state which comes into being as environmental system,economic system and all factors of each system cooperate and couple with each other.

Most people live in crowded cities .But the interaction between people and environment is the least.


Urban is rich in resources,

Add some natural landscapes

Developed local characteristics

medical treatment, public transport , education resource.This is the reason that why people move into city.But as the population increases,urban green spaces are reduced that not suitable for living. The landscape of city is crowded and immutable. Rural is rich in natural resources.How to attract people to leave for the rural is challenge work.

Stitching urban with rural

In 2030, The architecture is a futuristic steel and glass structure.City's buildings are very saturated. These parts of buildings are connected to form a unit. Green spaces are connect all parts.People can walk on and cars steel at the bottom.

Conceptual Framework


Sustainable operation

Circular Economy

Improving the quality of life

rural depopulation that fewer jobs buildings is that they lack personality

urban congestion existing energy waste problems broken green areas


Central city is not enough for more green areas. Vertical development green areas that is attached to the side of buildings as a wing or an extension.

I respect the cultural and local characteristics of the area. When I put something in,it must inquire more deeply into the area and reflect on my architecture.Something really useful and is attractive to people,It won ' t be easy , but I am going to make it .

Natural environment



Give back to nature

To increase the per capita possession of green land is the first desing goal, in fact Modernization and urbanization .Large area of green space usually In the suburbs. Urban green spaces are fragmented,So we tried to development a new form green space which desing in a saturated city.


To be continued......

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