2022 WGFD Elk Hunting Guide

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D x o n

H a r v e

G a n g e r

E d g e o n

G u e n s e y H a n n a

C o w e y

C e m o n C o k e v e

F a n n e G e n d o E n c a m p m e n

46 | 2022 wgfd.wyo.gov P A R K P A R K C A M P B E L L A M B E L C R O O K C R O O K S H E R I D A N H R I A T E T O N T J O H N S O N N S O N W E S T O N W W A S H A K I E W A S H A K I E H O T S P R I N G S H O T S P R I N G S F R E M O N T F M O N A T R O N A R A C O N V E R S E C O N V E R S E S U B L E T T E B L I N C O L N L C O L N P L A T T E P L A T T E C A R B O N C A O N A L B A N Y A L B A N Y S W E E T W A T E R S W E E T W L A R A M I E A A E U I N T A U I N T A B I G H O R N B R N B u f a o C a s p e r C h e y e n n e C o d y D o u g a s E v a n s o n G l e t e G e n r o c k G r e e n R v e r G r e y b u J a c k s o n K e m m e e r L a n d e r L a r a m e L o v e l L u s Nk e w c a s l e P n e d a e P o w e l R a w l n s R v e r t o n R o c k S p r n g s S h e r d a n S u n d a n c e T h e m o p o l s T o r r i n g t o n W h e a t a n d W o r l a n d P H E L P S L A K LE E G H L A K E J E N N Y L A K E L O S T C R E E K L A K E F L A M N G G O R G E R E S E R V O R E D E N V A L L E Y R E S E R V O R B O U L D E R L A K E F R E M O N T L A K E F O N T E N E L L E R E S E R V O R H A W K S P R N G S R E S W H E A T L A N D R E S W H E A T L A N D R E S 2 L O N G L A K E C O O P E R L A K E G L E N D O R E S E R V O R P A T H F N D E R R E S E R V O R D E S M E T L A K E Y E L L O W S T O N E L A K E S H O S H O N E L A K E L E W S L A K E H E A R T L A K E J A C K S O N L A K E B O Y S E N R E S E R V O R B U L L L A K E O C E A N L A K E R E D L A K HE A Y R E S E R V O R B G S A N D Y R E S E R V O R W L L O W L A K E H A L F M O O N L A K E G R E E N R V E R L A K E S A L C O V A R E S E R V O R L A K E H A T T E S E M N O E R E S E R V O R K E Y H O L E R E S E R V O R B U F F A L O B L L R E S E R V O R F a m n g G o g e N R A B g h o n C a n y o n N R A S h o s h o n e N F B g h o r n N F B a c k H s N F B a c k H s N F B r d g e r T e o n N F T a g h e e N F C a b o u N F S h o s h o n e N F M e d n e B o w N F M e d c n e B o w N F A s h e y N F M e d c n e B o w N F M e d c n e B o w N F W a s a c h C a c h e N F A o n A b n A p n e B a g g B o B a r N u n n B n B g P n e y B u n g o n B u n s B y o n C h u g w t r

E k M o u n a n

F o L a m e

D u b o s

D a y o n D v e r D a m o n d v e

H u d s o n H u e


a y c e K r b y L a B a g L a G r a n g e L n g e L o t S p n g s L m a n M a n d e s o n M a n v e M r b e o n M e d c n e B o w M e e e e s e M d w e s M o o r c o M o u n t n V e w O p a P v o n P n e B u s P n H e n R a n c h e s e R v d R o c k R v e r R o n g H s S a a o g a S h o s h o n S n c r S u p e o T e n S e e p T h a y n e U p o n V a n T a e W m u t W g h Y o d e Thom p rCnos rCpeehS WindRiver Po wder Ri ver neerG R iver H o r s e C r reviRnrohgiB HamsFk retawteewS iR ev r viRllubyerG e r lC rCrae B lacks Fk Bitter C r reviRekanS reviReimaraL reviRdoowoN Pois o n C r Lo dgep o le C r iRehcruoFelleB v e r Dry Cr ShellCr Fivemile Cr kcoR C r kFshtimS A n e o p e C r Dry Fk H e n ry s Fk reviRredwoPkFhtuoS Muddy Cr Lamar River RawhideCr G r a ss Cr M us kratCr reviRydnaSelttiL rCreeD C o t t o n w ood C r Be a v e r C r P a s s Cr CcificaP r reviRraeB S h u t e C r B e a r Cr klE C r kFklE Hhsesro eo C r La BargeCr reviRiruossiMelttiL Bates Cr reviRydnaSgiB B g D r y C r Mush Cr C o w Cr F o n ten le l e C r rCredlExoB No r t h L a r a m e R v e r rCellibyS M e d i ic n e B o w R iver rCraguS rCegaS rCnamoWyzarC KirbyDr eltsaC C r F e n c h C r HayCr rCnoitarapeS AlkaliCr Yellowstone River iL t t e B e a Cr r rCnamoWdlO No r t h Piney Cr Cab a l o C r BlackThu n der Cr Lit t le M u d dy Cr L i ttle Wind Rive r SaltCr P io s o n S p d e r C r CrepsaCkFelddiM r L eimaraLeltti reviR rCnooC rCtsoL rCelimytnewT S l ta e C r Ki r by Cr BuffaloCr aE s t reviRkF rCtacdliW O bs enro rD Ttuor rC nottuD C r htuoS kF C a s p e r C r RavenCr rCelerPaL Fa l ls R v e r C va e Gu l hc WillowCr H eo C r iRnobbiG v e r rCeloC PorcupineCr ooC rCrep S n dyre C r C r e s t o n D r Little Thu n d e r Cr BhtroN e ra C r LXBarCr rCtopaeT boB C r Barrel Sp r ing s D rhcluGnagoL ekaLlluB C r South F k opoPhtroN A g e R v e r T w i rCn rDnottartS V e r m illion Cr yeniPyrD C r rCnitsuA rCgnirpSdnaS rCrewoT Fortification Cr lanaCkFskcalB rChtimS wodaeM irpS n g s W ash Sp r e a d C r Coug a r Cr reviRnrohgiBelttL reviRsiweL reviRrelhceB dliW woC C r kFhtroN L i t e W i n d R iver Blackrock Cr Gal i t in River rCgninthgiLelttiL PeltonC r Htnuno C r rCwolliW Horse C r S a eg C r GreenRiver Cottonwoo d C r rCraeB BeaverCr raeB C r rCydduM Dry Cr rCilaklA B fu f la o C r M u d d y C r rCllukS rCkcoR rCwoC D r y C r rCegaS S a n d Cr S a eg C r YellowstoneRiver rCesroH rCyrD A kal Cr FivemileCr Deer Cr Can y o Cn r edihwaR C r kanS e Rive r B rae C r dnaS C r Beaver Cr rD y C NorthPlatteRiver North Platte River Greys River reviRehcruoFelleB O w l C r dduM y C r G o o sebe r r y C r F f e e n m e Cr Crow Cr Little Powder Riv er Salt Wel ls Cr T reviReugno N o w a er Cr sniggiW kF rCkcaJ klaW e r C r Arch C r NewFkRiver SreviRenohsohSkFhtuo D r enneyehCkFy reviR RtniaP o c k C r WildHorseCr rCetnoBaL NorthFkPowderRiver Inor C r S o u t h P ine y C r rCrekceplliK rDkcuB N o t h F k S h o hs no e R v e r rCneHegaS WillowCr rCtreblA S htuo B eave r C r BlackB utte Cr lddiM e F k P o w d e R i rev Blaffu o F k rCyrevaS Meeteetse C noynaCnrohkcuB F o urmile Cr HorseCr rCeromlliF reviRtnempmacnE L i t t e Sag e C r D eep C r MorrowCrrCtniaP FosterCr noynaCelimneehgE No r h Horse Cr s h a w o ao C r Selimneve C r egdoLenicideM C r NorthBarrel Sp r i n g s Dr rCgnirpShtuoS daeD rCnaidnI No r th Fk L i ttle Grey s R rev E a s t F k N ow a t e r C r Beartrap Cr S o u t h C o t t o n w o o d C r rCilaklA Pu mpkin Cr N o r t h F k M a d i s on R i ev r rCesooG rDsgnirpSdnomaiD Mid d l e F k Cdnarla l C r RedFk Ti m b e r Cr Midd e Fk NorthFk S o u h kF North Fk CottonwoodCr Nhtro kF Bxo C r Otte r C r rColaffuB B e rCra dnaS C r S a g e Cr rColaffuB D u c k C r ificaP c C r Sand Cr rCwolliW Horse Cr BeaverCr rCdoownottoC dduM y Cr Alkali Cr § 8 0 § 2 5 § I 9 0 § ¨ 8 0 § 2 5 § ¦ 2 5 § ¨ 8 0 § ¨ 2 5 § 9 0 § ¨ I 9 0 £ 2 6 £ ¤ 1 9 1 £ 1 8 £ ¤ 1 6 £ 8 5 £ ¤ 1 8 9 £ 8 9 £ ¤ 2 8 7 £ 1 4 £ ¤ 8 5 £ 8 9 £ ¤ 1 6 £ 2 0 £ ¤ 3 0 £ 1 4 £ 2 0 £ ¤ 1 6 £ ¤ 2 6 £ ¤ 1 9 1 £ ¤ 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o n 2 0 2 2 E L K H U N T A R E A S T h u n d e B a s n N G T h u n d e r B s n N G T h u n d e B a s n N G N o t e : W l d e r n e s s a r e a , n o n r e s d e n t s m u s t h a v e g u d e s 2022 ELK HUNTING SEASONS ELK

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 47 ELK Seasons.HuntingElk2.Section limitations.anddatesseasonareas,Hunt 1 2 3 4 5 Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens ELK CHARACTERISTICS Body1.-Tendstobereddishandlighterbrownwithdarkerlegs. Neck2.–Theneckisusuallyachestnutbrown,darkerthanthebody. Snout3.–Theirnosesareslender. Rump4.–Paleyellowincolor. Antlers5.–Onbulls,two(2)yearsandolder,theantlershavevisible beam.mainaoffcomingtinesbrown 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.11Nov.30100Anyelk 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.41Nov.3075Antlerlesselk 20Oct.1Oct.30Sep.20Sep.Gen2Anyelk 21Oct.Gen2Nov.15Antlerlesselk calforCow1Oct.62Nov.15100 14Oct.15Sep.14Sep.1Sep.Gen3Anyelk 26HighwayU.S.ofsouthvalidelkAny15Oct.Gen3Jan.31 calforCow20030Nov.63Aug.15 26HighwayU.S.ofsouthvalidcalforCow31Jan.63Dec.1 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen6Anyelkvalidoffnationalforest Gen6Nov.1Dec.31Antlerlesselkvalidoffnationalforest 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6175Anyelk 31Jan.61Nov.1Antlerlesselk 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.64Jan.3150Antlerlesselk forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow110031Jan.66Aug.15 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.17Nov.201500Anyelk 31Dec.21Nov.17Antlerlesselk eitheronlessorpoints(5)fiveelkAntlered35031Dec.21Nov.27 CountyConverseinvalidantler; 14Oct.15Aug.471200Antlerlesselkvalidonprivateland;validin CountyPlatteofall 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.47Dec.31Antlerlesselkvalidintheentirearea allinvalidland;privateonvalidcalforCow14Oct.67Aug.152250 CountyPlatteof areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.67Dec.31 calforCow30Sep.1Sep.77Jan.1Jan.3150 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.81Jan.31150Anyelk calforCow20031Jan.68Aug.15 landprivateonvalidcalfandCow10031Jan.87Aug.15 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen9Anyelk Elk

48 | 2022 wgfd.wyo.gov ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.96Dec.31250 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow109,7Aug.15Jan.31350 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen10Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.610Dec.31100 1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.111Nov.30200Anyelk Wytheforest;nationaloffvalidelkAny31Jan.1Dec.111 WickCommission’sFishandGameoming ofsouthAreaManagementHabitatWildlife closedbeshall80Interstate 1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.411Nov.30300Antlerlesselk theforest;nationaloffvalidcalforCow25031Jan.611Aug.15 Commission’sFishandGameWyoming AreaManagementHabitatWildlifeWick closedbeshall80Interstateofsouth 30Sep.1Sep.91175Anyelk,archeryonly 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen12Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.612Nov.14200 andforestnationaloffvalidcalforCow31Dec.612Nov.15 HabitatWildlifeMountainPennockoff AreaManagement 12, 13, 15, 110 landprivateonvalidcalforCow30031Jan.15Aug.7 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen13Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.613Nov.14100 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow31Dec.613Nov.15 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen15Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.615Nov.14150 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow31Dec.615Nov.15 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.161225Anyelk 31Jan.161Dec.1Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.216Nov.1Nov.3075Anyelk 31Jan.216Dec.1Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.164300Antlerlesselkvalidonprivateland;also ofmile(1/2)one-halfwithinoronvalid DrawHannatheonandlandirrigated permission(HMAAreaManagementHunter required)slip 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.164Jan.31Antlerlesselkvalidintheentirearea validalsoland;privateonvalidcalforCow30Sep.616Aug.15300 irrigatedofmile(1/2)one-halfwithinoron HunterDrawHannatheonandland slippermission(HMAAreaManagement required) areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.616Nov.30 calforCow20031Jan.167Dec.1 14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.191150Anyelk 191Dec.1Dec.14Anyelk 191Dec.15Jan.31Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.192Nov.1Nov.20175Anyelk 192Dec.1Dec.14Anyelk 192Dec.15Jan.31Antlerlesselk 14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.194125Antlerlesselk 194Nov.21Jan.31Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.195Nov.1Jan.31125Antlerlesselk calforCow14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.196225 calforCow196Nov.1Jan.31 Gen-21 Youth only 31Oct.13Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Anyelk;youthonly 17Oct.15Oct.Gen21Antleredelk 31Oct.18Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen21Anyelk Gen21Nov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk calforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.621Nov.15300 landprivateonvalidcalforCow2531Dec.217Aug.15 31Oct.8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.22160Anyelk 221Nov.15Dec.15Anyelk;alsovalidinArea111

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 49 ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 31Dec.16Dec.221Antlerlesselk CreekMuddytheinvalidcalforCow31Oct.8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.62250 Drainage areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow31Dec.622Nov.1 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.231150Anyelk 231Nov.15Dec.15Anyelk 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.234175Antlerlesselk 128Areainvalidalsoelk;Antlerless234Nov.15Dec.15 calforCow31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.623200 calforCow623Nov.15Dec.15 14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.241175Anyelk 30Nov.241Nov.1Antlerlesselk 14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.24475Antlerlesselk 128Areainvalidalsoelk;Antlerless30Nov.244Nov.1 30Sep.1Sep.245Nov.1Nov.30175Antlerlesselk 25, 27 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1150Anyelk 31Oct.11Oct.30Sep.1Sep.25475Antlerlesselk 31Oct.21Oct.30Sep.1Sep.25575Antlerlesselk SweetwatheofnorthvalidelkAntlerless10Nov.255Nov.1 Riverter SweetwatertheofnorthvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.625Nov.1Nov.20100 River 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.274Nov.2075Antlerlesselk 14Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen28Anyelk 22Oct.15Oct.Gen28Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.284Nov.1Nov.20175Antlerlesselk 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.30150Anyelk 8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.304Nov.15100Antlerlesselk 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.31175Anyelk 8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.314Nov.15200Antlerlesselk 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.32150Anyelk 8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.324Dec.3175Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.93225Antlerlesselk,archeryonly 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.331200Anyelk 31Dec.331Nov.1Antlerlesselk 30Sep.334Aug.15150Antlerlesselkvalidonprivatelandeastof (B.L.M.RoadCBartheandCreekBuffalo 6214)Road 9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.334Dec.31Antlerlesselkvalidintheentirearea calforCow30Sep.1Sep.633Nov.1Dec.31300 9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.341Nov.15800Anyelk 31Dec.16Nov.341Antlerlesselk oronlandprivateonvalidcalforCow8Oct.634Aug.15700 landirrigatedofmile(1)onewithin forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.634Dec.31 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.351Nov.5150Anyelk 31Dec.6Nov.351Antlerlesselk 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.354Dec.31250Antlerlesselk landprivateonvalidcalforCow14Oct.635Aug.15350 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.635Dec.31 30Sep.1Sep.93575Anyelk,archeryonly 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.Gen36Nov.5Antleredelk 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.364Dec.31300Antlerlesselk northforestnationaloffvalidcalforCow14Oct.1Oct.636250 CreekRockof areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.636Nov.5 30Sep.1Sep.93650Anyelk,archeryonly 31Oct.10Oct.30Sep.15Sep.Gen37Anyelk Gen37Nov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.637Dec.31500 30Sep.1Sep.937150Anyelk,archeryonly

50 | 2022 wgfd.wyo.gov ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 31Oct.10Oct.381400Anyelk 381Nov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 1Oct.384Nov.15550Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.938250Anyelk,archeryonly 10Oct.391Nov.4200Anyelk 391Nov.5Nov.30Antlerlesselk 1Oct.394Nov.30150Antlerlesselk forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow1Oct.396Nov.475 areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow396Nov.5Nov.30 30Sep.1Sep.93975Anyelk,archeryonly 15Oct.401Nov.4225Anyelk 30Nov.401Nov.5Antlerlesselk 15Oct.404Nov.30125Antlerlesselk 10Oct.1Oct.405125Antlerlesselk 15Oct.405Nov.30Antlerlesselk forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow1Sep.640Nov.4100 areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow30Nov.640Nov.5 30Sep.1Sep.940100Anyelk,archeryonly 15Oct.141Nov.4200Anyelk 20Nov.241Nov.5175Anyelk 14Oct.1Sep.34175Anyelkvalidoffnationalforestnorthof CreekTrapper 10Oct.1Oct.441350Antlerlesselk 15Oct.441Nov.20Antlerlesselk calforCow35021Dec.641Dec.1 northforestnationaloffvalidcalforCow14Oct.1Sep.741150 CreekTrapperof 30Sep.1Sep.941150Anyelk,archeryonly 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.145Nov.4350Anyelk 15Oct.30Sep.15Sep.445Nov.30250Antlerlesselk 10Oct.1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.545200Antlerlesselk 30Nov.5Nov.545Antlerlesselk forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow22530Nov.645Aug.15 calforCow20021Dec.1Dec.745 30Sep.1Sep.945150Anyelk,archeryonly 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.147150Anyelk 30Nov.1Nov.147Antlerlesselk calforCow9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.647Nov.3050 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.481400Anyelk 481Nov.7Dec.15Antlerlesselk 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.484125Antlerlesselk 484Nov.7Dec.15Antlerlesselk calforCow31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.648700 calforCow648Nov.7Dec.15 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.491350Anyelk 491Nov.7Dec.21Antlerlesselk 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.494100Antlerlesselk 494Nov.7Dec.21Antlerlesselk calforCow31Oct.15Sep.14Sep.1Sep.496850 calforCow496Nov.7Dec.21 ForkClarkstheofwestandsouthelkAny31Oct.1Oct.151100 River ForkClarkstheofeastandnorthelkAny31Oct.1Oct.25140 River 10016Nov.451Dec.15Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.95170Anyelk,archeryonly 31Oct.1Oct.53110Anyelk ShoshoneForkNorththeinvalidelkAny3530Nov.253Nov.1 DrainageRiver 1Oct.534Dec.1525Antlerlesselk ShoshoForkNorththeinvalidcalforCow15Oct.653Dec.2175 DrainageRiverne landprivateonvalidcalforCow1Sep.537Dec.2125

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 51 ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 30Sep.1Sep.95310Anyelk,archeryonly RiverForkClarkstheofsouthvalidelkAny1Oct.154Nov.3050 RiverForkClarkstheofnorthvalidelkAny31Oct.1Oct.25425 ofeastorlandprivateonvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.654150 120HighwayWyoming areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow31Oct.1Oct.654 calforCow30024Nov.1Nov.754 HighwayWyomingofeastvalidcalforCow21Dec.25Nov.754 RiverForkClarksofnorthor120 30Sep.1Sep.95435Anyelk,archeryonly 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.15550Anyelk 30Sep.1Sep.95525Anyelk,archeryonly 30Sep.1Sep.Gen56Anyelk 21Oct.1Oct.Gen56Antleredelk 30Sep.1Sep.561Nov.1Dec.710Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.656Dec.21100 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.567Dec.21100 30Sep.1Sep.95630Anyelk,archeryonly 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.581Nov.3035Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.658Dec.2175 30Sep.1Sep.Gen59Anyelk 21Oct.1Oct.Gen59Antleredelk 30Sep.1Sep.591Nov.1Nov.1510Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.596Dec.21125 areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.597 WashakiethewithinvalidcalforCow1Oct.597Nov.1550 Wilderness 30Sep.1Sep.95925Anyelk,archeryonly 19Sep.1Sep.Gen60Anyelk 22Oct.20Sep.Gen60Antleredelk 30Sep.1Sep.96020Anyelk,archeryonly 30Sep.1Sep.611Anyelkvalidintheentirearea,alsovalidin Washakiethewithin62Areaofportionthat CreekAvalancheofsouthWilderness 31Oct.1Oct.611150AnyelkvalidwithintheWashakieWilder 62Areaofportionthatinvalidalsoness, ofsouthWildernessWashakiethewithin CreekAvalanche 7Oct.30Sep.1Sep.261Nov.1550Anyelk 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.614Dec.21200Antlerlesselk calforCow30Sep.1Sep.661Nov.7Dec.21400 one-halfwithinoronvalidcalforCow1Sep.617Dec.21500 andofnorthorlandirrigatedofmile(1/2) DrainageCreekRawhidetheincluding one-halfwithinoronvalidcalforCow617Jan.1Jan.15 andofnorthorlandirrigatedofmile(1/2) DrainageCreekRawhidetheincluding 21Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.621125Anyelk 21Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.62475Antlerlesselk 62, 63 22Oct.30Sep.1Sep.5Dec.21150Antlerlesselk 63, 64 21Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1200Anyelk 63, 64 21Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.225AnyelkvalidwithintheWashakie Wilderness 63, 64 30Sep.1Sep.3Nov.1Nov.1575Anyelk 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.634Dec.21100Antlerlesselk northforestnationaloffvalidcalforCow31Oct.663Aug.15200 CreekGooseberryof areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.663Nov.1Dec.21 theofportionthatinvalidcalforCow1Sep.664Nov.14200 downstreamDrainageCreekCottonwood Drainage,21-Creektheincludingandof DrainageCreekGrassthewithinvalidalso GrassCreek/LittleGrasstheofdownstream confluenceCreek areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.664Nov.15Dec.21

v REQUIREDPERMITMANAGEMENTSPECIALELK v Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens theincludingandofsouthvalidcalforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.647Dec.21300 DrainageCreekCottonwood 21Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen66Anyelk calforCow100666Aug.15Jan.15 30Sep.15Sep.Gen67Anyelk 10Oct.1Oct.Gen67Antleredelk 31Oct.11Oct.Gen67Antleredelk,spikesexcluded 30Sep.15Sep.674Nov.1Dec.15350Antlerlesselk ForkWigginstheofwestvalidcalforCow30Sep.15Sep.667Nov.15Dec.15700 downstreamForkEasttheofwestand ForkWigginsthewithconfluencethefrom 67, 68, 69 30Sep.1Sep.9150Anyelk,archeryonly 30Sep.15Sep.Gen68Anyelk 10Oct.1Oct.Gen68Antleredelk 31Oct.11Oct.Gen68Antleredelk,spikesexcluded calforCow30Sep.15Sep.668Nov.1Nov.3050 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.Gen69Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.15Sep.696Nov.3025 70 v 19Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 70 v 31Oct.20Sep.GenAntleredelk,spikesexcluded 71 v 19Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 71 v 31Oct.20Sep.GenAntleredelk,spikesexcluded Closed72 19Sep.1Sep.Gen73Anyelk 25Oct.20Sep.Gen73Antleredelk,spikesexcluded areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow19Sep.1Sep.673 landprivateonvalidcalforCow3531Jan.673Aug.15 75 v BottomRiverSnaketheelk;Antlerless5020Nov.5Nov.4 thatinvalidalsoclosed;beshallportion Shadowtheofwest81Areaofportion 30340)Road(U.S.F.S.RoadLoopMountain 75 v andBottomRiverSnaketheelk;Antlerless21Nov.4Dec.11 closedbeshallportionsFlatsAntelope 75 v BottomRiverSnakethecalf;orCow42520Nov.6Nov.5 closedbeshallportion 75 v andBottomRiverSnakethecalf;orCow21Nov.6Dec.11 closedbeshallportionsFlatsAntelope 77 v quotalimitedunusedandlicenseGeneral25Oct11Oct. orcowquotalimitedexcludinglicenses, elkanyforvalidlicenses,calf 77 v quotalimitedunusedandlicenseGeneral26Oct.Nov.23 elkantlerlesslicenses; 77 v Youth only issuedbeshallpermitsRefugeElkNational26Nov.24Nov. pricefullaofpossessioninthoseforonly onlyyouthelk;anylicense,elkyouth 77 v quotalimitedunusedandlicenseGeneral16Dec.27Nov. elkantlerlesslicenses, 78 v 25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelkvalidintheentirearea 78 v 31Oct.GenAug.15Antlerlesselkvalidonprivateland 78 v 25Sep.15Aug.150Anyelkvalidoffnationalforest 78 v 26Sep.1Jan.31Anyelkvalidintheentirearea 78 v 31Oct.2Aug.1550Anyelkvalidonprivateland 78 v forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow25Sep.6Aug.15175




hunttorequiredisPermitManagementSpecialElkanthatremindedarehuntersElk inareashuntelkmostincludeswhichfeedgrounds,elkwithassociatedareashuntelk Specifically,regions.PinedaleandJacksonthe

PermitManagementSpecialElkan 80-98.and7877,75,71,70,AreasHuntElkinelkhunttorequiredis These DepartmentHeadquarters,Cheyennethefrom$15.50forpurchasedbecanpermits agents.sellinglicensedesignatedandwebsiteDepartmenttheoffices,Regional

91 v calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Dec.31250 91 v area.entiretheinvalidcalforCow31Jan.6Jan.1

shotgunorfirearmmuzzleloadingArchery, ofsouth91Areaofportionthatinonly RoadStringMuddyofeastandCreekCedar Lostofnorth117),RoadCounty(Lincoln and120),RoadCounty(LincolnRoadCreek forestnationaloffCreek,Lostofnorth

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 53 ELK v REQUIREDPERMITMANAGEMENTSPECIALELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 78 v areaentiretheinvalidcalforCow26Sep.6Jan.31 Closed79 80 v 31Oct.26Sep.25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 80 v calforCow15Oct.25Sep.1Sep.6Nov.20300 80 v CanyonCurtistheofsouthvalidcalforCow30Nov.21Nov.6 Road(U.S.F.S.RoadsCreekSheepand 30445)and30440 81 v 25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 81 v 25Oct.26Sep.GenAntleredelk,spikesexcluded 82 v 25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 82 v 25Oct.26Sep.GenAntleredelk,spikesexcluded 82 v 10Sep.9Sep.1Sep.4Nov.1540Antlerlesselk 82 v 31Jan.16Nov.4Antlerlesselkvalidonprivateland;also 81Areainlandprivateonvalid 83 v 30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 83 v 25Oct.1Oct.GenAntleredelk,spikesexcluded 84 v 25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 84 v 31Oct.26Sep.GenAnyelk,spikesexcluded 84 v GenNov.1Nov.7Antlerlesselk 84 v U.S.ofwestlandprivateonvalidelkAny2031Jan.1Nov.1 theofeastandnorthand191Highway ParkSouththeatstartingRiverSnake Bridge 84 v east84Areaofportionthatcalf;orCow26Sep.25Sep.1Sep.6Nov.20300 HobackthetoCreekGraniteofsouthand 31OctoberafterclosedbeshallRiver 84 v, 85 v 84;AreainlandprivateonvalidcalforCow25031Jan.15Aug.7 oron85Areaofportionthatinvalidalso ofnorthlandirrigatedofyards200within CreekFall 85 v 25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 85 v 31Oct.26Sep.GenAnyelk,spikesexcluded 85 v calforCow31Oct.26Sep.25Sep.1Sep.6100 86 v 31Oct.26Sep.25Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 86 v GenNov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 87 v 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 87 v GenNov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 87 v DellofeastandsouthvalidcalforCow31Jan.6Dec.175 ForkNorthofwestandCreek, CreekFisherman 87 v calforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.7Nov.15100 88 v 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.140Anyelk 88 v LanePetersonofsouthvalidelkAntlerless31Jan.1Nov.1 WildRiverGreystheofwestandsouthand FenceElkAreaManagementHabitatlife 89 v 19Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 89 v 25Oct.20Oct.GenAntleredelk 90 v 19Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 90 v 25Oct.20Oct.GenAntleredelk 90 v calforCow25Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.650 91 v 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 91 v 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1100Anyelk 91 v 31Dec.1Nov.1Antlerlesselk 91 v 31Jan.1Jan.1Antlerlesselkvalidintheentirearea.

shotgunorfirearmmuzzleloadingArchery, ofsouth91Areaofportionthatinonly RoadStringMuddyofeastandCreekCedar Lostofnorth117),RoadCounty(Lincoln and120),RoadCounty(LincolnRoadCreek forestnationaloffCreek,Lostofnorth

54 | 2022 wgfd.wyo.gov ELK v REQUIREDPERMITMANAGEMENTSPECIALELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 91 v 89HighwayU.S.ofwestvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.7Nov.1Jan.31100 239HighwayWyomingofsouthand 92 v 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 92 v GenNov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 92 v calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Nov.25250 92 v WyomingofnorthvalidcalforCow31Jan.26Nov.6 RoadCountySubletteand354Highway and115,RoadCountySubletteofeast112, CreekBeaverSouthofsouth 93 v 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1175Anyelk 93 v 30Nov.1Nov.1Antlerlesselk 93 v calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Nov.30275 94 v 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 94 v GenNov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 94 v calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Nov.25400 94 v PineyMiddleofnorthvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.7Nov.1Nov.30100 Creek 94 v ofnorthlandprivateonvalidcalforCow31Jan.1Dec.7 CreekPineyNorth 95 v 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1Nov.5200Anyelk 95 v DrainRiverGreenthewithinvalidelkAny1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.2Nov.530 Lowerofoutletthefromupstreamage portionthatincludingLake,RiverGreen CreekMillofsouthandeast 95 v 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.4Nov.5150Antlerlesselk 95 v RiverGreenthewithinvalidelkAntlerless1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.5Nov.525 LowofoutletthefromupstreamDrainage portionthatincludingLake,RiverGreener CreekMillofsouthandeast 95 v calforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Nov.525 96 v 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 96 v GenNov.1Nov.15Antlerlesselk 96 v 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1250Anyelk 96 v 30Nov.1Nov.1Antlerlesselk 96 v andfenceelktheofwestvalidelkAny2031Jan.2Dec.1 Road.LakeForkNewtheofsouth 96 v 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.4Nov.30150Antlerlesselk 96 v calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6Nov.30150 96 v andfenceelktheofwestvalidcalforCow2531Jan.1Dec.7 RoadLakeForkNewtheofsouth 97 v 15Oct.1Oct.19Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 97 v 16Oct.GenNov.15Antlerlesselk 97 v 31Oct.20Sep.19Sep.1Sep.1225Anyelk 97 v 30Nov.1Nov.1Antlerlesselk 97 v calforCow20Sep.19Sep.1Sep.6Nov.30175 98 v 15Oct.1Oct.19Sep.1Sep.GenAnyelk 98 v 16Oct.GenNov.15Antlerlesselk 98 v 31Oct.20Sep.19Sep.1Sep.1350Anyelk 98 v 30Nov.1Nov.1Antlerlesselk 98 v CreekScabbetweenvalidelkAntlerless31Jan.1Dec.1 RiverForkEasttheand 98 v 20Sep.19Sep.1Sep.4Nov.3075Antlerlesselk 98 v CreekScabbetweenvalidelkAntlerless31Jan.1Dec.4 RiverForkEasttheand 98 v calforCow20Sep.19Sep.1Sep.6Nov.30300 98 v andCreekScabbetweenvalidcalforCow31Jan.6Dec.1 RiverForkEastthe 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.991150Anyelk 991Nov.1Nov.20Antlerlesselk 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.994Nov.20175Antlerlesselk 31Oct.8Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1001200Anyelk eitheronlessorpoints(5)fiveelkAntlered22Oct.30Sep.1Sep.2100Nov.11100 Farson-Edenthewithinvalidelkanyantler; ProjectIrrigation 31Jan.12Nov.2100AnyelkvalidwithinwithintheFarson-Eden ProjectIrrigation

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 55 ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1004Nov.11175Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.1005Nov.12Dec.31200Antlerlesselk SweetwaterofeastvalidcalforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6100Nov.3025 Sweetwaterofsouth19,RoadCounty Sweetwaterofeast82,RoadCounty Sweetwaterofsouthand21RoadCounty 20RoadCounty 191,HighwayU.S.ofeastvalidcalforCow31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1007100 and17RoadCountySweetwaterofsouth ofwestand15,RoadCountySweetwater 19RoadCountySweetwater 24Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen102Anyelk 31Oct.25Oct.Gen102Antlerlesselk calforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6102Nov.30200 calforCow30Sep.1Sep.1027Dec.15Jan.31100 24Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen103Anyelk 31Oct.25Oct.Gen103Antlerlesselk quarteronewithinoronvalidcalforCow15031Aug.6103Aug.15 landirrigatedofmile(1/4) calforCow31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6103 calforCow31Jan.6103Dec.15 24Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen104Anyelk 31Oct.25Oct.Gen104Antlerlesselk in105AreainvalidalsoCalf,orCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6104Nov.30300 CountyLincoln quarteronewithinoronvalidcalforCow15031Aug.1047Aug.15 landirrigatedofmile(1/4) Lincolnin105Areainvalidalsocalf,orCow30Sep.1Sep.1047Dec.15Dec.31 County 30HighwayU.S.ofwestvalidcalforCow31Jan.1047Jan.1 or207RoadCountyLincolnofeastand CreekTwinthewithinCreekRockofeast Drainage 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen105Anyelk 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen106Anyelk Gen106Nov.1Nov.14Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.1061Nov.15Jan.3150AnyelkvalidwestoftheBlack’sForkRiver also410;HighwayWyomingofnorthor RiverBeartheofwest105Areainvalid 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1064Dec.31100Antlerlesselk 31Jan.1064Jan.1Antlerlesselkvalidonprivatelandor ofnorthorRiverForkBlack’stheofwest 410HighwayWyoming ofwestorlandprivateonvalidcalforCow35031Jan.1067Aug.15 WyomingofnorthorRiverForkBlack’sthe 410Highway 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen107Anyelk Gen107Nov.1Nov.14Antlerlesselk 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1074Dec.31150Antlerlesselk forestnationaloffvalidelkAntlerless31Jan.1074Jan.1 DrainageRiverForkHenry’sthewithin CountySweetwaterinvalidcalforCow5031Aug.1077Aug.15 withinforestnationaloffvalidcalforCow30Sep.1Sep.1077Dec.15Jan.31 DrainageRiverForkHenry’sthe 31Oct.11Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1081100Anyelk 31Jan.1081Nov.1Antlerlesselk 11Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1084Jan.3175Antlerlesselk calforCow11Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6108Dec.31250 TwentymiletheofwestvalidcalforCow31Jan.6108Jan.1 N)605RdCounty(CarbonRoad 31Oct.15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen110Anyelk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6110Nov.14200 forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow31Dec.6110Nov.15 31Oct.10Oct.30Sep.1Sep.111170Anyelk 22Areainvalidalsoelk,Any15Dec.15Nov.1111 31Dec.16Dec.1111Antlerlesselk 10Oct.30Sep.1Sep.4111Dec.3175Antlerlesselk calforCow30Sep.1Sep.6111Nov.1Dec.31200

56 | 2022 wgfd.wyo.govPleaseseeImportantHuntingInformationSectionofthisbrochureregardingChronicWastingDisease.ELK Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens Hunt Area License Type Special DatesArchery Regular DatesSeasonQuotaLimitations ClosesOpensClosesOpens eitheronlessorpoints(5)fiveelkAntlered30Sep.1Sep.2113Nov.5Nov.30100 elkantlerlessorantler 30Sep.1Sep.1134Nov.5Nov.30100Antlerlesselk 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen116Nov.10Anyelk Gen116Nov.11Nov.30Antlerlesselk 30Sep.1Sep.1161Nov.11Dec.31100Anyelkvalidoffnationalforest forestnationaloffvalidcalforCow30031Jan.1167Aug.15 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1117Nov.30400Anyelk 31Jan.1Dec.1117Antlerlesselk eitheronlessorpoints(5)fiveelkAntlered15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.2117Jan.31200 elkantlerlessorantler 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.4117Jan.31150Antlerlesselk calforCow15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6117Jan.31250 alsoforest;nationaloffvalidcalforCow50031Jan.15Aug.7117 grasslandnationalonvalid 22Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1181Nov.1240Antleredelk 22Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1184Nov.3030Antlerlesselk XMineraltheofsouthvalidcalforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6118Nov.3060 and63RoadCounty(SweetwaterRoad 3206)RoadB.L.M. 31Oct.9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1201150Anyelk 1201Nov.1Dec.15Antlerlesselk 9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1204Dec.15100Antlerlesselk calforCow9Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6120Dec.15100 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1221Nov.30125Anyelk 31Dec.1221Dec.1Antlerlesselk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6122Dec.31300 eitheronlessorpoints(5)fiveelkAntlered1Sep.2123Nov.3050 elkantlerlessorantler 1Sep.1234Nov.3075Antlerlesselk calforCow1Sep.6123Nov.3075 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1241Nov.3070Anyelk 15Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1244Nov.30100Antlerlesselk SweetwaterofeastvalidelkAntlerless31Dec.1244Dec.1 ofeastandnorthand19,RoadCounty ofwestand4411,and4409RoadsB.L.M. CountySweetwaterand3310RoadB.L.M. 23SRoad 1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.1251Dec.31250Anyelk 31Jan.1251Jan.1Antlerlesselk calforCow1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.6125Jan.31300 validalsoCounty;WestoninvalidelkAny30Sep.1Sep.Gen126 Raventhewithin123Areaofportionthatin 117AreaofportionthatanddrainageCreek 16HighwayU.S.ofsouth 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen126Anyelkvalidintheentirearea;alsovalid U.S.ofsouth117Areaofportionthatin 16Highway Gen126Nov.1Nov.30Antlerlesselkvalidintheentirearea;also U.S.ofsouth117Areaofportioninvalid 16Highway ofportionthatinvalidalsocalf;orCow20031Dec.6126Aug.15 16HighwayU.S.ofsouth117Area 31Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen127Anyelk Gen127Nov.1Jan.31Antlerlesselk 7Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen128Anyelk 14Oct.8Oct.Gen128Antlerlesselk 14Sep.1Sep.Gen129Anyelkvalidoffprivateland 14Sep.1Sep.Gen129Anyelkvalidonprivateland 31Oct.15Sep.Gen129Anyelkvalidintheentirearea Gen129Nov.1Nov.30Antlerlesselk ofportionthatinvalidalsocalf;orCow1Sep.1296Dec.15650 CountyJohnsonwithin2Area 23Oct.1Oct.30Sep.1Sep.Gen130Anyelk


(d) That portion of Hunt Area 75 beginning at the Lost Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30340) at U.S. Highway 191; easterly along said road to the Grand Teton National Park boundary; southerly along said boundary to the intersection with the Shadow Mountain-Kelly Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30340) and the Antelope Flats Road at Carpenter Draw; southerly and westerly along said road to U.S. Highway 191; northeasterly along said highway to the Lost Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30340) shall be known as the Antelope Flats portion of the hunt area.

(b) Successful completion of a hunter safety course is required, regardless of a hunter’s age, prior to hunting in Grand Teton National Park and a hunter safety certificate shall be in possession when hunting elk.


in possession while hunting elk in Grand Teton National Park or the National Elk Refuge.

(a) Any person qualified for and in possession of a Hunting Season Extension Permit issued by the Department in accordance with Commission regulation may hunt elk five (5) days prior to the earliest opening regular season date in the hunt area(s) for their license type and is restricted to the limitations of their license type for the earliest opening regular season date as specified in Section 2 of this Chapter, excluding hunt areas within Grand Teton National Park (Hunt Area 75) and the National Elk Refuge (Hunt Area 77).

with a General elk license shall only hunt in those hunt areas open to hunting with a General license and are restricted to the limitations associated with the special archery season dates for that hunt area as specified in Section 2.

Youth hunters who possess a full price youth elk license valid for the taking of an antlered elk may take either an antlered elk as specified in Section 2 of this Chapter or may take an antlerless elk during an antlered elk season in the hunt area(s) where their license is valid. Hunt areas within Grand Teton National Park (Hunt Area 75) and the National Elk Refuge (Hunt Area 77) are excluded from this provision.

The Department’s elk feedground program is a special management program that requires additional expenditures for the feeding of wildlife. An Elk Special Management Permit shall be required of any person who hunts elk in the hunt areas identified in subsection (a) of this section. The Elk Special Management Permit shall be in possession of any person while hunting elk in those hunt areas and shall be immediately produced upon request from an authorized Department representative. The permit shall be available at Cheyenne Headquarters, Department Regional Offices and at designated license selling agents.

Section 3. Special Archery Seasons.

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 57 ELK

Section 7. Regulations Governing Elk Hunting in Grand Teton National Park (Hunt Area 75) and the National Elk Refuge (Hunt Area 77).

(c) A Park or National Elk Refuge Permit is required prior to hunting elk and shall be

(b) Hunters participating in a hunting season extension shall be in possession of a Hunting Season Extension Permit which shall be immediately produced for inspection upon request of an officer authorized to enforce this regulation.


(d) Archers with a limited quota elk license shall only hunt in the hunt area(s) where their license is valid and are restricted to the limitations associated with the special archery season dates as specified in Section 2.

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(e) That portion of Hunt Area 75 beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses Ditch Creek; northerly along said highway to the Deadmans Bar Access Road; westerly along said road to the eastern most bank of the main channel of the Snake River; southerly along said river to the confluence of Ditch Creek and the Snake River; easterly along said creek to U.S. Highway 191 shall be known as the Snake River Bottom of the hunt area.

(f) An area one-quarter (1/4) mile wide along either side of U.S. Highway 191 shall be closed to all elk hunting within Grand Teton National Park.

(a) Elk Hunt Areas 70, 71, 75, 77, 78, 80-98.

(h) An area one-quarter (1/4) mile wide along the north side of the Gros Ventre-Kelly Road from the Mormon Row Road easterly to the town of Kelly is closed to all public entry.


(g) An area within one-half (1/2) mile of buildings as indicated on the detailed Hunt Area 75 hunt area map provided with a park permit shall be closed to elk hunting in Grand Teton National Park. Structures excluded from this closure include those within the Gros Ventre Campground, all stand-alone toilets or well houses, all buildings within the McCollister Historic District and the historic Luther Taylor (“Shane Cabin”) and the historic Cunningham Cabin.

(b) Archers shall possess a limited quota elk license or a General elk license and an archery license in order to hunt elk with archery equipment during any special archery

Section 5. Youth Elk Hunters.

(i) Legal firearms include rifles with a barrel bore diameter of at least .24 caliber that fire a cartridge that is two (2) inches or more in length. The use of handguns and archery equipment for hunting are prohibited in Grand Teton National Park.

Section 6. Elk Special Management Permit.

(e) Type 9 limited quota elk licenses are valid for “archery only” and do not require a separate archery license.

Section 4. Hunting Season Extension Permits.

(a) There shall be special archery elk hunting seasons on the dates specified in Section 2. Special archery hunting seasons are specific to individual hunt areas by license type. During the special archery hunting seasons, archers are restricted to the limitations associated with the special archery season dates for a hunt area and license type.

Area 11. Medicine Bow River. Beginning where Inter state Highway 80 crosses Rock Creek at Arlington; south westerly up said creek to Deep Creek; southwesterly up said creek to Sheep Lake Trail 389; southeasterly along said trail to the divide between the Laramie River and the Medicine Bow River; southwesterly along said divide to Medicine Bow Peak and the divide between the Medicine Bow River and Brush Creek; northwesterly along said divide to U.S.F.S. Road 103; northwesterly along said road to the North Brush Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 100); northerly along said road to the Sand Lake Road (U.S.F.S. Road 101); northwesterly along said road to the Cedar Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 261); southwest erly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 115; northerly along said road to the Pass Creek Basin Road; northerly along said road to the Pass Creek Road (Carbon County Road 404); northerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 72; northwesterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 30-287; southeasterly along said highway to Lower Dutton Creek-Laramie River Canal; southwesterly along said canal to Dutton Creek; southwest erly along said creek to Interstate Highway 80; northwesterly along said highway to Rock Creek.

Area 23. Rattlesnake. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 220 intersects the Dry Creek Road (Natrona Coun ty Road 321); northwesterly along said road to the Gas Hills Road (Natrona County Road 212); northeasterly along said


Area 21. Baggs. Beginning at the junction of Wyoming Highway 789 and the Wyoming-Colorado state line; northerly along said highway to Muddy Creek north of Dad; easterly up said creek to the Muddy Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 3306); east erly along said road to Miller Hill Road (B.L.M. Road 3328); southeasterly along said road to the McCarty Canyon Road (Carbon County Road 503); northeasterly along said road to the Sage Creek Road (Carbon County Road 401); southerly along said road to the Continental Divide at Middlewood Hill; southerly along said divide to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 789.

Area 13. Encampment River. Beginning where the Continental Divide crosses the Wyoming-Colorado state line;

Area 3. Rawhide. Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Highway 20 and U.S. Highway 85 in the town of Lusk; east erly along U.S. Highway 20 to the Wyoming-Nebraska state line; southerly along said line to the Colorado state line; westerly along said state line to U.S. Interstate 25; northerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 26; easterly along said highway to the North Platte River; northerly and westerly up said river to Interstate Highway 25; northerly along said In terstate to U.S. Highway 20; easterly along said highway to the intersection of U.S. Highway 20 and U.S. Highway 85 in the town of Lusk.

Area 9. South Snowy Range. Beginning at the city of Laramie and Wyoming Highway 230; southwesterly along said highway to Woods Landing and Wyoming Highway 10; southerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 230; northeasterly along said highway to U.S.F.S. Road 512; northwesterly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 543; northerly along said road to Douglas Creek at Keystone; northerly up said creek to the divide between the Laramie River and the North Platte River; northerly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 130; easterly along said highway to Wyoming High way 230.

Area 10. Rock Creek. Beginning at the city of Laramie and Wyoming Highway 130; westerly along said highway to the divide between the Laramie River and the North Platte River; northerly along said divide to the divide between the Medicine Bow River and the Laramie River at Medicine Bow Peak; northeasterly along said divide to Sheep Lake Trail 389; northwesterly along said trail to Deep Creek; northeast erly down said creek to Rock Creek; northeasterly down said creek to Interstate Highway 80 at Arlington; southeasterly along said highway to Dutton Creek; northeasterly down said creek to Lower Dutton Creek-Laramie River Canal; northeast erly along said canal to U.S. Highway 30-287; southeasterly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80; northwesterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 130.

Area 7. Laramie Peak. Beginning at the confluence of Deer Creek and the North Platte River in the town of Glen rock; easterly and southerly down said river to the town of Guernsey and U.S. Highway 26; westerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 25; southerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 34; southwesterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 30-287; northwesterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 487 at the town of Medicine Bow; north erly along said highway to; the Little Medicine Bow River; northeasterly and northerly along said river to the Shirley Ridge Road (Carbon County Road 2E); northwesterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 487; northwesterly along said highway to the Lone Tree Road (B.L.M. Road 3141); northerly along said road to the Spring Creek Road; easterly along said road to the Bates Creek Road (Natrona County Road 402); northeasterly along said road to the Squaw Springs Trail Road; northeasterly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 660; easterly along said road to Curry Creek; northwesterly down said creek to Deer Creek; northerly down said creek to the North Platte River at the town of Glenrock.

Area 15. Spring Creek. Beginning where Sage Creek Road (Carbon County Road 401) crosses the Continental Di vide; northerly along said highway to Sage Creek; easterly down said creek to the North Platte River; southerly up said river to Wyoming Highway 130; southerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 230; southeasterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 70; westerly along said highway to the Continental Divide; northerly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 71.

Area 6. Pole Mountain. Beginning at the city of Laramie and U.S. Highway 30-287; northerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 34; northerly and easterly along said high way to Interstate Highway 25; southerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to U.S. Highway 287; northerly along said highway to the city of Laramie and U.S. Highway 30-287.

Area 19. Muddy Mountain. Beginning at the confluence of Deer Creek and the North Platte River at the town of Glen rock; southerly up said creek to Curry Creek; southeasterly up said creek to U.S.F.S. Road 660; northwesterly along said road to the Squaw Springs Trail Road; southwesterly along said road to the Bates Creek Road (Natrona County Road 402); southwesterly along said road to the Spring Creek Road; westerly along said road to the Lone Tree Road (B.L.M. Road 3141); southerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 487; northwesterly along said highway to the Bates Hole Stock Trail (Natrona County Road 403); northwesterly along said road to the Bolton Creek Road (Natrona County Road 404); northwesterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 220; southwesterly along said highway to the North Platte River at Government Bridge; northeasterly down said river to Deer Creek in the town of Glenrock.

Area 1. Black Hills. Beginning where the north boundary of the Black Hills National Forest crosses the Wyoming-South Dakota state line; southerly along said line to U.S.F.S. Road 807; northwesterly along said road to Moskee; northerly along the Moskee Road to its junction with U.S.F.S. Road 863; northerly along said road to the Black Hills National Forest boundary marker and one-quarter (1/4) mile south of Ranch A; easterly along said boundary to the Wyoming-South Dakota state line.

Area 16. Shirley Mountain. Beginning at the junction of Interstate Highway 80 and the North Platte River; north easterly down said river to Wyoming Highway 220 at Govern ment Bridge; northeasterly along said highway to the Bolton Creek Road (Natrona County Road 404); southeasterly along said road to the Bates Hole Stock Trail (Natrona County Road 403); southeasterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 487; southerly along said highway to the Shirley Ridge Road (Carbon County Road 2E); easterly and southerly along said road to the Little Medicine Bow River; southerly and south westerly along said river to Wyoming Highway 487; southerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 30-287 at the town of Medicine Bow; southwesterly along said highway to Inter state Highway 80; westerly along said interstate to the North Platte River.

Area 22. Ferris. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 287 intersects Wyoming Highway 220 at Muddy Gap Junction; northeasterly along Wyoming Highway 220 to the Buzzard Road (Natrona County Road 410 Carbon County Road 497); southerly along said road to the South Ferris Road (Carbon County Road 100); westerly along said road to U.S. Highway 287; northerly along said highway to Muddy Gap Junction.

northerly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 70; easterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 230; southeaster ly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to the Continental Divide.

Area 12. Kennaday Peak. Beginning at the junction of the North Platte River and Interstate Highway 80 at Fort Steele Bridge; easterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 130 at the Saratoga interchange; southerly along said highway to the Pass Creek Road (Carbon County Road 404); easterly along said road to the Pass Creek Basin Road; southerly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 115; southerly along said road to the Cedar Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 261); northeasterly along said road to the Sand Lake Road (U.S.F.S. Road 101); southeasterly along said road to the North Brush Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 100); southerly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 103; southeasterly along said road to the divide between Brush Creek and the Medicine Bow River; southeasterly along said divide to Medicine Bow Peak and the Laramie River-North Platte River divide; southerly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 130; westerly and norther ly along said highway to the North Platte River at Saratoga; northwesterly down said river to Interstate Highway 80.

Area 2. Fortification. Beginning where the Wild Horse Road (Sheridan County Road 38) crosses the Powder River at Arvada; easterly along said road to the Echeta Road (Sheri dan County Road 293); southeasterly along said road to the Montgomery Road; westerly along said road to the Kingsbury Road; southerly along said road to Interstate Highway 90; westerly along said highway to the Powder River; norther ly down said river to the Wild Horse Road (Sheridan County Road 38).


Area 8. Boulder Ridge. Beginning at the city of Laramie and U.S. Highway 287; southerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to Wy oming Highway 10; northerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 230 at Woods Landing; northeasterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 287 at the city of Laramie.

Area 37. Goose. Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 14 and Interstate Highway 90 east of the town of Ranchester; southerly along said highway to Piney Creek; westerly up said creek to South Piney Creek; southwesterly up said creek to the divide along the Bighorn Mountain range; northwest erly along said divide to the Woodchuck Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 226); northerly along said road to the Goose (Red Grade) Road (U.S.F.S. Road 26); northwesterly along said road to the Black Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 16); north easterly along said road to U.S. Highway 14; easterly along said road to Interstate Highway 90.

Area 39. Deer Creek. Beginning where U.S. Highway 14A crosses the Bighorn River; northerly down said river to the Wyoming-Montana state line; easterly along said line to the Sheep Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 11); southerly along said road to the Devils Canyon Road (U.S.F.S. Road 14); souther ly along said road to U.S. Highway 14A; westerly along said highway to the Bighorn River.

Area 32. Pine Mountain. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 430 crosses the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to the Wyoming-Utah state line; westerly along said line to U.S. Highway 191; northerly along said highway to the Ramsey Ranch Road (Sweetwater County Road 34); easterly along said road to the Clay Basin Pipeline Road (Sweetwater County Road 71); northeasterly along said road to the Aspen Mountain Road (Sweetwater County Road 27); northerly along said road to the Mud Springs Road (Sweetwater County Road 32); northeasterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 430; southerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line.

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 59 ELK HUNT AREA BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONS

road to U.S. Highway 20-26 at the town of Waltman; easter ly along said highway to Poplar Street in the city of Casper; southerly along said street to the North Platte River at the city of Casper; southwesterly up said river to the Kortes Road (Natrona County Road 407); northerly along said road to Wy oming Highway 220; westerly along said highway to the Dry Creek Road (Natrona County Road 321).

to French Creek east of the town of Buffalo; westerly up said creek to the North Fork Ditch; westerly up said ditch to the North Fork of Clear Creek; westerly up said creek to the di vide along the Bighorn Mountain range; northerly along said divide to South Piney Creek; northeasterly down said creek to Piney Creek; easterly down said creek to Interstate Highway 90.

Area 35. Hunter Mesa. Beginning where U.S. Highway 87 business loop crosses French Creek; southerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 196; southerly along said high way to the Crazy Woman Canyon Road (Johnson County Road 14); westerly along said road to U.S. Highway 16; westerly along said highway to the divide along the Bighorn Mountain range at Powder River Pass; northwesterly along said divide to North Clear Creek; easterly down said creek to the North Fork Ditch; easterly down said ditch to French Creek; easterly down said creek to the U.S. Highway 87 business loop.

Interstate Highway 80.

Area 38. Tongue. Beginning where Interstate Highway 90 crosses the Wyoming-Montana state line; southeasterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 14; westerly along said highway to the Black Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 16); southerly along said road to the Goose (Red Grade) Road (U.S.F.S. Road 26); southerly along said road to the Wood chuck Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 226); southerly along said road to Woodchuck Pass and the divide along the Bighorn Mountain range; northwesterly along said divide to U.S. Highway 14 at Granite Pass; northerly along said highway to the Hunt Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 10); northwester ly along said road to U.S. Highway 14A; westerly along said highway to the Devils Canyon Road (U.S.F.S. Road 14); north erly along said road to the Sheep Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 11); northerly along said road to the Wyoming-Montana state line; easterly along said line to Interstate Highway 90.

Area 45. Paint Rock Creek. Beginning where U.S. Highway 16 crosses the Bighorn River in the town of Wor land; northerly down said river to Wyoming Highway 31 at the town of Manderson; easterly along said highway to the Cold Springs Road (B.L.M. /U.S.F.S. Road 344); northeasterly along said road to the divide between Medicine Lodge Creek and Paint Rock Creek at Upper Medicine Lodge Lake; easterly

Area 25. South Pass. Beginning where U.S. Highway 287 crosses the south boundary of the Wind River Reserva tion; easterly along said boundary to Wyoming Highway 135; southerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 287 at Sweet water Station; easterly along said highway to the Bison Ba sin Road (Fremont County Road 281 and B.L.M. Road 3221); southerly along said road to the Rocky Crossing Road (B.L.M. Road 3214); westerly along said road to the Red Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 3219); northerly along said road to the Three Forks-Atlantic City Road (B.L.M. Road 2317); northwesterly along said road to the Sweetwater River at Phelps-Dodge Bridge; westerly up said river to Wyoming Highway 28; northeasterly up said highway to U.S. Highway 287; north erly along said highway to the south boundary of the Wind River Reservation.

Area 40. Horse Creek. Beginning on the Bighorn River in the town of Greybull; northerly down said river to U.S. High way 14A; easterly along said highway to the Hunt Mountain Road (U.S.F.S. Road 10); southeasterly along said road to U.S. Highway 14 at Granite Pass; southwesterly along said high way to the Bighorn River at the town of Greybull.

Area 36. Rock Creek. Beginning where Interstate High way 90 crosses Piney Creek; southeasterly along said high way to Interstate Highway 25; southerly along said highway

Area 24. Green Mountain. Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 287 and Wyoming Highway 220; southerly along U.S. Highway 287 to Wyoming Highway 73; westerly along said highway to the Bairoil Road (Sweetwater County Road 22); westerly along said road to the Wamsutter Crooks Gap Road (Fremont County Road 318 and Sweetwater Coun ty Road 23); southerly along said road to the Osborne Road (B.L.M. Road 3212); westerly along said road to the Bison Ba sin Road (Fremont County Road 281 and B.L.M. Road 3221); northerly along said road to U.S. Highway 287; easterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 220.

Area 41. Medicine Lodge. Beginning where U.S. High way 14 crosses the Bighorn River in the town of Greybull; easterly along said highway to Granite Pass and the divide along the Bighorn Mountain range; southeasterly along said divide to the divide between Medicine Lodge Creek and Paint Rock Creek; southwesterly along said divide to the Cold Springs Road (U.S.F.S. Road 344) at the Upper Medicine Lodge Lake; southwesterly along said road to the Alkali Road (U.S.F.S. Road 338-B.L.M. Road 1111); southerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 31; westerly along said highway to the Bighorn River at the town of Manderson; northerly down said river to U.S. Highway 14 in the town of Greybull.

Area 28. Cony Mountain. Beginning where U.S. High way 287 crosses the south boundary of the Wind River Reservation; southeasterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 28; southwesterly along said highway to Willow Creek; northwesterly up said creek to the divide between the Sweetwater River and Popo Agie River drainages at Granite Peak; northwesterly along said divide to the Continental Di vide; northwesterly along said divide to the south boundary of the Wind River Reservation; easterly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 287.

Area 30. Aspen Mountain. Beginning where Interstate Highway 80 crosses the Green River; easterly along said highway to the town of Rock Springs and Wyoming Highway 430; southeasterly along said highway to the Mud Springs Road (Sweetwater County Road 32); southwesterly along said road to Aspen Mountain Road (Sweetwater County Road 27); southerly along said road to Clay Basin Pipeline Road (Sweetwater County Road 71); southwesterly along said road to the Ramsey Ranch Road (Sweetwater County Road 34); westerly along said road to U.S. Highway 191; westerly along said highway to the Ramsey Ranch Road (Sweetwater Coun ty Road 34); northerly along said road to Sage Creek Road (Sweetwater County Road 36); westerly along said road to Sage Creek; westerly down said creek to Flaming Gorge Res ervoir; northerly along the east shore of said reservoir to the Green River; northeasterly then northwesterly up said river to

Area 27. Upper Sweetwater. Beginning where Wyo ming Highway 28 crosses the Sweetwater River; northwest erly up said river to the divide between the Sweetwater River and the Popo Agie River drainages at Sweetwater Gap; southeasterly along said divide to Granite Peak and the head of Willow Creek; southeasterly down said creek to Wyoming Highway 28; southwesterly along said highway to the Sweet water River.

Area 34. Upper Powder River. Beginning at the junc tion of the Trabing Road (Johnson County Road 13) and Inter state Highway 25; southerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 191; westerly along said highway to Wyoming High way 190; westerly along said highway to the town of Barnum and the Barnum Mountain Road; westerly along said road to the Hazelton Road (Washakie County Road 81-Johnson Coun ty Road 3); northerly along said road to the Gold Mine Road (U.S.F.S. Road 452); northerly along said road to the Canyon Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 25); northerly along said road to U.S. Highway 16; easterly along said highway to the Crazy Woman Canyon Road (Johnson County Road 14); easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 196; northerly along said highway to the Trabing Road (Johnson County Road 13); easterly along said road to Interstate Highway 25.

Area 31. Little Mountain. Beginning where the east shore of Flaming Gorge Reservoir crosses the Wyoming-Utah state line; northerly along the east shore of Flaming Gorge Reservoir to its confluence with Sage Creek; easterly up said creek to the Sage Creek Road (Sweetwater County Road 36); easterly along said road to the Ramsey Ranch Road (Sweetwater County Road 34); southerly along said road to U.S. Highway 191; southerly along said highway to the Wy oming-Utah state line; westerly along said line to the east shore of Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

Area 33. Middle Fork. Beginning at the Kaycee inter change on Interstate Highway 25; southeasterly along said highway to the Midwest interchange and the Smoky Gap Road (Natrona County Road 115); westerly along said road to the Dead Horse Road (Natrona County Road 114); south westerly along said road to the Wild Horse Trail Road (Na trona County Road 113); westerly along said road to the 33 Mile Road (Natrona County Road 110); northwesterly along said road to the Hazelton Road (Washakie County Road 81); northerly along said road to the Barnum Mountain Road; easterly along said road to the Barnum Road (Johnson Coun ty Road 78) at the town of Barnum; easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 190; northeasterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 191; easterly along said highway to Inter state Highway 25.

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Area 56. Wapiti Ridge. All of the drainage of the North Fork of the Shoshone River below and including the drainage of Sweetwater Creek and above the drainage of Jim Creek; all of the south drainage of the North Fork of the Shoshone River below and including the drainage of Elk Fork Creek; all of the north and west drainage of the South Fork of the Sho shone River below and including the drainage of Ishawooa Creek.

Know your target and what lies beyond

Area 53. Trout Peak. All of the drainages of Elk Creek, Dead Indian Creek, Jim Creek, Trout Creek and Rattlesnake Creek.

Area 54. Bald Ridge. Beginning where Wyoming High way 212 crosses the Wyoming-Montana state line on the Beartooth Plateau; southwesterly along said highway to the Morrison Jeep Trail (U.S.F.S. Road 120); southeasterly along said road to the Clark’s Fork River; westerly along said river

Area 64. Owl Creek. Beginning where the divide be tween Gooseberry Creek and Grass Creek crosses Wyoming

Area 51. Sunlight-Crandall. Beginning at Wyoming Highway 212 where it crosses the Wyoming-Montana state line east of Twin Lakes; southwesterly along said highway to Morrison Jeep Trail (U.S.F.S. Road 120); southeasterly along said road to the Clark’s Fork River; all of the south drainage of the Clark’s Fork River north of and including the Sunlight Creek drainage, but excluding the Elk Creek drainage; north erly up the Yellowstone National Park border to the Wyo ming-Montana state line; easterly along said line to Wyoming Highway 212 line east of Twin Lakes.

Area 55. Grinnell. All of the north and west drainage of the North Fork of the Shoshone River down to but excluding the drainage of Sweetwater Creek; all of the south drainage of the North Fork of the Shoshone River down to but exclud ing the drainage of Elk Fork Creek.

Area 49. Otter Creek. Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 16 and the Bighorn National Forest Boundary approximately nine (9) miles east of the town of Ten Sleep; easterly along said boundary to the Gold Mine Road (U.S.F.S. Road 452); southerly along said road to the Hazelton Road (Bighorn Divide Road-Johnson County Road 3); southerly along said road to the Cherry Creek Hill Stock Drive Road; southwesterly down said road to Lost Creek; northwesterly down said creek to Deep Creek; northwesterly down said creek to the Upper Nowood Road; southwesterly along said road to the Nowater Stock Drive (B.L.M. Road 1404); westerly along said road to the Murphy Dome-Mud Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 1409); southerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 172 (Black Mountain Road); westerly along said highway to the Bighorn River; northerly along said river to U.S. Highway 16; easterly along said highway to the Bighorn National For est boundary.

Area 47. Copper Mountain. Beginning where the Big horn River intersects Wyoming Highway 172 (Black Mountain Road); easterly along said highway to the Kirby Creek Road (Hot Springs County Road 7); southerly along said road to the Bridger Creek Road (Fremont County Road 259); southerly along said road to the Badwater Road (Fremont County Road 117); southeasterly along said road to the Lysite-Moneta Road (Fremont County Road 176); southerly along said road to U.S. Highway 20-26; westerly along said highway to the town of Shoshoni; northerly along U.S. Highway 20 to the Wind River Reservation boundary; north and west along said boundary to the Bighorn River; northerly down said river to Wyoming Highway 172.

Area 58. Sage Creek. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 120 leaves the town of Cody; southerly along said highway to Meeteetse Rim; westerly along said rim to the divide between the Greybull River and the South Fork of the Shoshone River; westerly along said divide to the west fork of Belknap Creek; northwesterly down said creek to the South Fork of the Shoshone River; northeasterly down said river to the town of Cody.


Area 60. Thorofare. All of the drainage of the Yellow stone River upstream from Yellowstone Lake outside of Yel lowstone National Park.

along said highway to the Bighorn River; northerly along said river to the Wyoming-Montana state line; westerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 212 on the Beartooth Plateau.


Area 61. North Greybull River. All of the north and west drainage of the Greybull River west of Wyoming Highway 120.

to the divide between Dead Indian Creek and Dead Indian Gulch; southerly along said divide to the divide between Dead Indian Creek and Paint Creek; southerly along said di vide to the divide between Rattlesnake Creek and Pat O’Hara Creek; southerly and easterly along said divide to the divide between Rattlesnake Creek and Trail Creek; southeasterly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 14-16-20; easterly

Area 63. Wood River-Gooseberry Creek. All of the south and east drainage of the Wood River; all of the south and east drainage of the Greybull River located east of the mouth of the Wood River; all of the drainage of Gooseberry Creek located west of Wy oming Highway 120.

Area 48. Upper Nowood. Beginning at the town of Mo neta and U.S. Highway 20-26; northerly along the Lysite-Mo neta Road (Fremont County Road 176) to the Badwater Road (Fremont County Road 117) at the town of Lysite; westerly along said road to the Bridger Creek Road (Fremont County Road 259); northerly along the Bridger Creek Road to the Kir by Creek Road (Hot Springs County Road 7); northerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 172 (Black Mountain Road); easterly along said road to the Murphy Dome-Mud Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 1409); northeasterly along said road to the Nowater Stock Drive Road (B.L.M. Road 1404); easterly along said road to the Upper Nowood Road; northeasterly along said road to Deep Creek; southerly up said creek to Lost Creek; southerly up said creek to the Cherry Creek Hill Stock Drive Road; northeasterly along said road to the Hazelton Road (Washakie County Road 6215); south westerly along said road to Natrona County Road 109; southwesterly along said road to the North Fork of Buffalo Creek; southwest erly along said creek to the divide between the Middle Fork and North Fork of Buffalo Creek; westerly along said divide to the di vide between Badwater Creek, Deep Creek and Buffalo Creek; southwesterly along said divide to Badwater Creek; southwesterly along said creek to Natrona County Road 101; southwesterly along said road to Natrona County Road 102; southerly along said road to Natrona County Road 103; southeasterly along said road to Natrona County Road 104; southerly along said road to Waltman and U.S. Highway 20-26; westerly along said highway to the town of Moneta.


Area 59. Boulder Basin. All of the south and east drainage of the South Fork of the Shoshone River, west of the west fork and mainstream of Belknap Creek; down to the South Fork of the Shoshone River; all of the north and west drainage of the South Fork of the Shoshone River, above the drainage of Ishawooa Creek.

along said divide to the divide along the Bighorn Mountain range; southeasterly along said divide to U.S. Highway 16 at Powder River Pass; westerly along said highway to the Can yon Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 25); southerly along said road to the Gold Mine Road (U.S.F.S. Road 452); southerly along said road to the Bighorn National Forest boundary; westerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 16; westerly along said highway to the Bighorn River in the town of Worland.

Area 62. South Greybull River. All of the south and east drainage of the Greybull River located west of the mouth of the Wood River; all of the north and west drainage of the Wood River.

Area 78. Wilson. Beginning where the Caribou-Targhee National Forest boundary crosses Wyoming Highway 22 at Teton Pass; northerly along said boundary to the Grand Teton National Park boundary; northerly and southerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 191; southerly along said highway to its junction with Wyoming Highway 22; westerly along said highway to Teton Pass.

Area 71. Pacific Creek. Beginning where Pacific Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30090) crosses the Grand Teton National Park boundary; northerly and westerly along said boundary to the Targhee National Forest boundary; northerly along said boundary to the southern boundary of Yellowstone Na tional Park; easterly along said boundary to the Gravel Creek Trail (U.S.F.S. Trail 042) at Fox Park; southerly along said trail to Pacific Creek Trail (U.S.F.S. Trail 036); southwesterly down said trail to Pacific Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30090) at the Pacific Creek Trailhead; southwesterly down said road to the Grand Teton National Park boundary.

Area 69. Whiskey Mountain. Beginning where U.S. Highway 287 crosses the west boundary of the Wind River Reservation; southerly along said boundary to the Continen tal Divide; northwesterly along said divide to Jakey's Fork Creek; northeasterly down said creek to U.S. Highway 287; southeasterly along said highway to the Wind River Reser vation boundary.

Highway 22 crosses the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along said line to the southern boundary of Yellowstone Na tional Park; easterly along said boundary to the Caribou-Tar ghee National Forest boundary; southerly along said bound ary to Teton Pass and Wyoming Highway 22; westerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Idaho state line.

wgfd.wyo.gov Wyoming Hunting Regulations | 61 ELK HUNT AREA BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONS

Area 68. Warm Springs. Beginning where U.S. Highway 287 crosses Jakey's Fork Creek; southwesterly up said creek to the Continental Divide; northwesterly along said divide to U.S. Highway 287 at Togwotee Pass; southeasterly along said highway to Jakey's Fork Creek.

Area 83. Fish Creek. Beginning where Kinky Creek en ters the Gros Ventre River; northerly down said river to Fish Creek; northeasterly up said creek to the North Fork of Fish Creek; northerly up said creek to the Moccasin Basin Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30750) at Calf Creek; northerly up said road to the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to the Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600); southwesterly along said road to the Darwin Ranch Road (U.S.F.S. Road 620); westerly along said road to Kinky Creek; westerly down said creek to the Gros Ventre River.

Area 85. Fall Creek. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 22 crosses the Snake River; southerly and westerly down the Snake River to the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 22; easterly along said high way to the Snake River.

Area 66. Basin. All of the area west of the Bighorn River; south of U.S. Highway 14-16-20 and U.S. Highway 14, east of Wyoming Highway 120 and north of Broadway Street in the town of Thermopolis.

Area 67. Wiggins Fork. All of the drainage of the Wind River that lies north of U.S. Highway 287 and west of the Wind River Reservation and those areas of the Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Management Area east of the East Fork of the Wind River.

Area 86. Monument Ridge. Beginning at the head of Cliff Creek; northerly down said creek to the Hoback River;

between the Gros Ventre River and Flat Creek east of Kelly.

Area 81. Spread Creek. Beginning where the Grand Teton National Park boundary crosses the Gros Ventre River east of the town of Kelly; northerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 26 287; easterly along said highway to Tog wotee Pass and the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to the Moccasin Basin Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30750); southerly down said road to the North Fork of Fish Creek at Calf Creek; southerly down said creek to Fish Creek; south easterly down said creek to the Gros Ventre River; westerly down said river to the Grand Teton National Park boundary.

Area 70. Buffalo Fork. Beginning where U.S. Highway 26 287 crosses the western bank of the Buffalo Fork River at the private land boundary at the Pinto Ranch; southerly, westerly and northerly along said boundary to the Grand Teton National Park-Bridger Teton National Forest bound ary; northerly along said boundary to Pacific Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30090); northeasterly up said road to Pacific Creek Trail (U.S.F.S. Trail 036) at the Pacific Creek Trailhead; northerly up said trail to the Gravel Creek Trail (U.S.F.S Trail 042); northerly along said trail to the south boundary of Yellowstone National Park at Fox Park; easterly along said boundary to the Continental Divide; southerly and easterly along said divide to U.S. Highway 26 287 at Togwotee Pass; westerly along said highway to the easternmost boundary of Grand Teton National Park; northerly and westerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 26-287 at the western bank of the Buffalo Fork River.

Highway 120; southeasterly along said highway to the Big horn River; southerly up said river to the Wind River Reserva tion boundary; westerly, then northerly, then westerly along said boundary to the divide between Owl Creek and the South Fork of the Wood River; northeasterly along said divide to the divide between Cottonwood Creek and Gooseberry Creek; northeasterly along said divide to the divide between Gooseberry Creek and Grass Creek; easterly along said divide to Wyoming Highway 120; in addition, all non-Indian fee title lands in that portion of Hot Springs County within the exterior boundaries of the Wind River Reservation.

Area 75. Snake River. Beginning at the southern bound ary of Grand Teton National Park at the Gros Ventre River and U.S. Highway 191; northerly along said highway to Ditch Creek; westerly along said creek to the Snake River proper; northerly along the easternmost bank of the main channel of the Snake River to the northernmost channel of Spread Creek; southeasterly along said creek to U.S. Highway 191; southwesterly along said highway to U.S.F.S. Road 30310 at the Cunningham Cabin; southerly along said road to the Grand Teton National Park boundary; southerly along said boundary to the southernmost intersection with the Shadow Mountain-Kelly Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30340); southwesterly along said road to the junction of the Teton Science School Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30350); northeasterly along said road one and one-quarter (1-1/4) miles to a marked boundary; easterly one (1) mile to the Grand Teton National Park bound ary; southerly along the Grand Teton National Park boundary to the Gros Ventre-Kelly Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30400); south westerly along said road to a posted boundary approximate ly one-half (1/2) mile west of the Gros Ventre Campground; southerly along said boundary to the southern boundary of Grand Teton National Park and the Gros Ventre River; wester ly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 191.

Area 77. National Elk Refuge. Beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses the Gros Ventre River at the northwest corner of the National Elk Refuge boundary; easterly up said boundary to the Bridger Teton National Forest and National Elk Refuge boundary; southerly along said boundary to the town of Jackson and the National Elk Refuge boundary; west erly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 191; northerly along said highway to the Gros Ventre River at the northwest corner of the National Elk Refuge.

Area 79. Teton Park. Beginning where U.S. Highway 26-287 crosses the western bank of the Buffalo Fork River at the private land boundary of the Pinto Ranch; southerly, westerly and northerly along said boundary to the Grand Teton National Park-Bridger Teton National Forest boundary; northerly and westerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 191; southerly along said highway to U.S.F.S. Road 30310 near Cunningham Cabin; southerly down said road to the Grand Teton National Park boundary; easterly, northerly and westerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 26-287 at the western bank of the Buffalo Fork River.

Area 80. Sheep Creek. Beginning where the National Elk Refuge boundary crosses the divide between the Gros Ventre River and Flat Creek east of Kelly; southeasterly along said divide to the divide between Flat Creek and Granite Creek at Pyramid Peak; southwesterly along said divide to the divide between Cache Creek and Flat Creek at Cache Peak; northwesterly along said divide to U.S.F.S. Trail 018; southwesterly along said trail to Cache Creek; northwesterly along said creek to the Bridger-Teton National Forest bound ary; northerly along said boundary to the National Elk Refuge boundary; northeasterly along said boundary to the divide

Area 84. Lower Hoback. Beginning where U.S. High way 191 crosses Flat Creek at the north edge of the town of Jackson; due east to the National Elk Refuge boundary; east erly along said boundary to the Bridger Teton National Forest boundary; southerly along said boundary to Cache Creek; southeasterly up said creek to U.S.F.S. Trail 018; northeaster ly along said trail to the divide between Flat Creek and Cache Creek at Cache Peak; easterly along the divide between Flat Creek and Granite Creek to Pyramid Peak; southerly along the divide between the Gros Ventre River and the Hoback River to Steamboat Peak; southerly and westerly along the divide between Shoal Creek and Dell Creek to the Riling Draw Road; southerly along said road to the Dell Creek Road; westerly along said road to the Hoback River; westerly down said river to Cliff Creek; southerly up Cliff Creek to the divide between the Greys River and the Hoback River; northwesterly along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and Willow Creek; northerly along said divide to the divide be tween the Bailey Creek and Willow Creek (Greyback Ridge); northerly along said divide to Dry Wash Draw; westerly down said draw to Bailey Creek; northwesterly down said creek to the Snake River; northerly up said river to Wyoming Highway 22; easterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 191; easterly along said highway to Flat Creek at the north edge of the town of Jackson.

Area 73. Targhee-Alta. Beginning where Wyoming

Area 72. Berry Creek. All of the drainages of Berry Creek, Owl Creek and Webb Canyon Creek and that area north of Berry Creek to the Grand Teton National Park bound ary.

Area 82. Crystal Peak. Beginning where the Gros Ven tre River crosses the National Elk Refuge boundary near the town of Kelly; easterly up said river to Kinky Creek; easterly up said creek to the Darwin Ranch Road (U.S.F.S. Road 620); easterly along said road to the divide between the Green Riv er and Gros Ventre River; southwesterly along said divide to the divide between the Gros Ventre River and Hoback River at Hodges Peak; northwesterly along said divide to the di vide between Granite Creek and Flat Creek at Pyramid Creek; northwesterly and northerly along the divide between Flat Creek and the Gros Ventre River to the National Elk Refuge boundary; northerly along said boundary to the Gros Ventre River.

Area 90. Upper Greys River. Beginning at the point where Blind Bull Creek runs into the Greys River; easterly up said creek to the divide between the Greys River and the Green River; southerly and westerly along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and the Smith Fork Creek; northerly along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and Salt River; northerly along said divide to the head of Meadow Creek; easterly down said creek to Greys River; northerly down said river to Blind Bull Creek.

southerly up said river to the South Fork of the Hoback Riv er; due east to the Hoback Rim and the divide between the Hoback River and the Green River; southwesterly along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and the Hoback River; northerly along said divide to the head of Cliff Creek.

Area 89. Lower Greys River. Beginning at the conflu ence of Greys River and the Snake River near Alpine; easterly up the Snake River to Bailey Creek; southeasterly up said creek to Dry Wash Draw; easterly up said draw to the divide between Bailey Creek and Willow Creek (Greyback Ridge); southerly along said divide to the divide between Willow Creek and the Greys River; southerly along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and the Hoback River; southerly and easterly along said divide between the Greys River and the Green River; southerly along said divide to the head of Blind Bull Creek; westerly down said creek to Greys River; southerly up said river to Meadow Creek; westerly up said creek to the divide between the Greys River and the Salt River; northerly along said divide to the ridge between the Squaw Creek drainage and the Greys River; northeasterly along said ridge to the confluence of Squaw Creek and the Greys River; westerly down said river to the Snake River.


Area 94. South Piney. Beginning where LaBarge Creek enters the Green River; westerly up said river to the divide between the Green River and the Greys River; northerly along said divide to the head of the South Fork of South Cotton wood Creek; easterly down said creek to South Cottonwood Creek; easterly down said creek to Cottonwood Creek; east erly down said creek to the Green River; southerly down said river to LaBarge Creek.

Area 88. Greys Feedground. Beginning at the Wyo ming-Idaho state line on the Snake River; easterly up said riv er to the Greys River; easterly up said river to the confluence of the Greys River and Squaw Creek; southwesterly from said confluence to the ridge between the Squaw Creek drainage and the Greys River; southerly up said ridge to the divide be tween the Greys River and the Salt River; southerly along said divide to the Stewart Sheep Trail; westerly along said trail to the Stewart Creek Road; westerly and southerly along said road to U.S. Highway 89; northerly along said highway to the McCoy Creek Road; westerly and northerly along said road to the Wyoming-Idaho state line; north along said line to the Snake River.


Area 98. Boulder. Beginning where U.S. Highway 28 crosses the Green River; northerly up said river to Wyoming Highway 351; easterly along said highway to the New Fork River; northerly up said river to Boulder Creek; easterly up said creek to the Middle Fork of Boulder Creek; easterly up

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Area 99. Big Sandy. Beginning at the junction of Wy oming Highway 28 and U.S. Highway 191; northerly along said highway to the Big Sandy Reservoir Road (Sweetwater County Road 28); easterly along said road to the Big Sandy River at the dam; northerly up said river to the Continental Divide; southeasterly along said divide to Mt. Nystrom; east erly from Mt. Nystrom to Sweetwater Gap and the headwa ters of the Sweetwater River; southerly down said river to Wyoming Highway 28; southwesterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 191.

Area 105. Carter Lease. Beginning where Interstate Highway 80 crosses the Wyoming-Utah state line; northerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 89 west of Sage Junc tion; easterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 30; east erly then southerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80; westerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Utah state line.

Area 106. Uinta. Beginning where Interstate Highway

Area 93. Waterdog Lakes. Beginning where U.S. High way 191 intersects with Wyoming Highway 352; northwester ly along U.S. Highway 191 to the divide between the Hoback River and the Green River (Hoback Rim); northerly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and the Gros Ventre River at Hodges Peak; northeasterly along said divide to the Darwin Ranch Road (U.S.F.S. Road 620); easterly along said road to the Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600); south erly and easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 352; southerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 191.

Area 95. Green River. Beginning where Wyoming High way 352 meets the Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600); northerly and easterly along said road to the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to Mt. Helen; westerly to Summit Lake and the divide between the Green River and Pine Creek; northwesterly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and the New Fork River; northerly along said divide to the head of Jim Creek; westerly down said creek to Wyoming Highway 352; northerly up said high way to the Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600).

Area 92. Piney-Horse Creek. Beginning where the East Green River Road (Sublette County Road 23-110) intersects

Area 91. Salt River. Beginning at the point where the McCoy Creek Road crosses the Wyoming-Idaho state line; easterly and southerly along said road to U.S. Highway 89; southerly along said highway to the Stewart Creek Road; northerly and easterly along said road to the Stewart Drive way Trail; easterly along said trail to the divide between the Salt River and the Greys River; southerly along said divide to the divide between the Bear River and the Salt River; west erly along said divide to the Wyoming-Idaho state line; north along said line to the McCoy Creek Road.

Wyoming Highway 351; westerly along said highway to the Green River; northerly up said river to Cottonwood Creek; westerly up said creek to the South Cottonwood Creek; westerly up said creek to the South Fork of the South Fork of Cottonwood Creek; westerly up said creek to the divide between the Greys River and the Green River; northerly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and the Ho back River; easterly along said divide (Hoback Rim) to a point east of the confluence of the South Fork of the Hoback River; due west to the Hoback River; northerly down said river to U.S. Highway 191; easterly and southerly along said highway to the East Green River Road (Sublette County Road 23-110) at Cora Junction; southerly along said road to Wyoming High way 351.

Area 96. New Fork. Beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses Pine Creek in the town of Pinedale; westerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 352; northerly up said highway to Jim Creek; easterly up said creek to the divide between the New Fork River and the Green River; southerly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and Pine Creek; southeasterly along said divide to Summit Lake and Pine Creek; southerly down said creek to U.S. Highway 191.

Area 97. Pinedale. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 351 intersects the East Green River Road (Sublette County 23-110); northerly along said road to Cora Junction and U.S. Highway 191; easterly along said highway to Pine Creek; northerly up said creek to Summit Lake; easterly to Mt. Helen and the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to the Middle Fork of Boulder Creek; westerly down said creek to Boulder Creek; westerly down said creek to the New Fork River; southerly down said river to Wyoming Highway 351; westerly along said highway to the East Green River Road (Sublette County Road 23 110).

said creek to the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to the Big Sandy River; southerly down said river to the Big Sandy Reservoir Road (Sweetwater County Road 28); westerly along said road to U.S. Highway 191; southerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 28; southwesterly along said highway to the Green River.

Area 100. Steamboat. Beginning at the junction of Interstate Highway 80 and Wyoming Highway 372; north westerly along Wyoming Highway 372 to U.S. Highway 28; northeasterly along said highway to the Sweetwater River; easterly down said river to the Three Forks-Atlantic City Road (B.L.M. Road 2317) at Phelps-Dodge Bridge; southeasterly along said road to the Red Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 3219); southerly along said road to the Rocky Crossing Road (B.L.M. Road 3214); easterly along said road to the Osborne Road (B.L.M. Road 3212); easterly along said road to the Wamsut ter-Crooks Gap Road (Sweetwater County Road 23); southerly along said road to Interstate Highway 80; westerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 372.

Area 103. Raymond Mountain. Beginning where the Bear River crosses the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along said line to the divide between the Salt River and Bear River; easterly along said divide to the divide between the Salt River and Smiths Fork; northeasterly along said divide to the head of Smiths Fork Creek; southerly down said creek to the Bear River at the town of Cokeville; northwesterly down said river to the Wyoming-Idaho state line.

Area 104. Lincoln. Beginning where U.S. Highway 30 crosses the Ham's Fork River; westerly along said highway to Sage Junction and Wyoming Highway 89; southwesterly along said highway to the Wyoming-Utah state line; northerly along said line to the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along said line to the Bear River; southeasterly up said river to the town of Cokeville and Smith’s Fork Creek; northerly up said creek to the divide between Smith’s Fork and Greys River; southeasterly along said divide to Commissary Ridge; southerly along said ridge to the head of Ham’s Fork River; southerly down said river to U.S. Highway 30.

Area 102. West Green River. Beginning at the junc tion of Interstate Highway 80 and Wyoming Highway 372; westerly along Interstate Highway 80 to U.S. Highway 30; northwesterly along said highway to the Ham’s Fork River; northerly up said river to Commissary Ridge; northerly along said ridge to the head of LaBarge Creek; southeasterly down said creek to the Green River; southerly down said river to U.S. Highway 28; southwesterly along said highway to Wy oming Highway 372; southerly along said highway to Inter state Highway 80.

Area 87. Raspberry Ridge. Beginning where U.S. High way 191 crosses the divide between the Green River and the Hoback River on the Hoback Rim; westerly and northerly along said highway to the Dell Creek Road; easterly along said road to the Riling Draw Road; northerly along said road to the divide between Shoal Creek and Dell Creek; northeast erly along said divide to the divide between the Gros Ventre River and the Hoback River at Steamboat Peak; southeasterly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and the Hoback River at Hodges Peak; southerly along said divide to U.S. Highway 191.

80 crosses the Wyoming-Utah state line; easterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 414; southerly along said high way to Wyoming Highway 410 at the town of Mountain View; southerly along said highway to the Stateline Dam Road (U.S.F.S. Road 072, Uinta County Road 283); southerly along said road to the Wyoming-Utah state line; west then north along said line to Interstate Highway 80.

Area 108. South Rawlins. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 71 crosses Interstate Highway 80 at the city of Raw lins; southerly along said highway to the Sage Creek Road (Carbon County Road 401); southerly along said road to the McCarty Canyon Road (Carbon County Road 503); south westerly along said road to the Miller Hill Road (B.L.M. Road 3328); northwesterly along said road to the Muddy Creek Road (B.L.M. Road 3306); westerly along said road to Muddy Creek; westerly down said creek to Wyoming Highway 789; northerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80; east erly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 71.

Area 129. Non-Herd Unit. All of Campbell, Crook, John son, Natrona, and Sheridan counties, excluding lands within other described and numbered elk hunt areas.

Area 126. Lost Springs (non-herd unit). All of Con verse, Weston and Niobrara counties, excluding lands within other described and numbered elk hunt areas.

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Area 130. Bolten Rim. Beginning where Wyoming High way 71 crosses Interstate Highway 80 at the city of Rawlins; easterly along said Interstate to the North Platte River; south erly up said river to Sage Creek; southwesterly up said creek to the Sage Creek Road (Carbon County Road 401); northerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 71; northerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80.

Area 113. Rochelle Hills. Beginning at the junction of Wyoming Highway 59 and Wyoming Highway 450; easterly along Wyoming Highway 450 to the Lynch Road (Converse County Road 39, Weston County Road 7A); southerly along said road to the Dull Center Road (Converse County Road 38); easterly along said road to the Converse-Niobrara County line and the North Lance Creek Road (Niobrara County Road 14); easterly and southerly along said road to the Slagle Road (Niobrara County Road 4); southerly along said road to the Cow Creek Road (Niobrara County Road 3); westerly along said road to the Converse-Niobrara County line and the Cow Creek Road (Converse County Road 45); southerly along said road to the Converse-Niobrara County line and the K-Field Road (Niobrara County Road 50); southerly along said road to the Converse-Niobrara County line and the Walker Creek Road (Converse County Road 43); westerly along said road to Dry Creek; westerly up said creek to the Iberlin Ranch Road; northerly along said road to the Thunder Basin National

Area 120. Buffalo Creek. Beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 25 and the North Platte River in the city of Casper; southwesterly up said river to the bridge at Poplar Street; northerly along said street to U.S. Highway 20-26; westerly along said highway to Natrona County road 104 at Waltman; northerly along said road to Natrona County Road 103; northwesterly along said road to Natrona County Road 102; northerly along said road to Natrona County Road 101; northeasterly along said road to Badwater Creek; northeast erly along said creek to the divide between Badwater Creek, Deep Creek and Buffalo Creek; northeasterly along said di vide to the divide between the Middle Fork and North Fork of Buffalo Creek; easterly along said divide to the North Fork of Buffalo Creek; northeasterly along said creek to Natrona County Road 109; northeasterly along said road to Washakie County road 6215; northeasterly along said road to the 33Mile Road (Natrona County Road 110) at Kidd Flat; southeast erly along said road to Natrona County Road 113; easterly along said road to Natrona County Road 114; northeasterly along said road to Natrona County Road 115; easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 387; easterly along said high way to Wyoming Highway 259 in the town of Midwest; south erly along said highway to Interstate 25; southerly along said highway to the North Platte River in the city of Casper.

Area 116. North Black Hills. Beginning where the Mon tana-Wyoming state line crosses the Rocky Point Road (Crook County Road 145); easterly along said line to where the Mon tana, Wyoming, and South Dakota state lines meet; southerly along the Wyoming-South Dakota state line to Interstate Highway 90; westerly along said Interstate to Wyoming High way 116 at the town of Sundance; southwesterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 16 at the town of Upton; northerly and westerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 90; westerly along said Interstate to the D-Road (Crook County Road 68); northerly along said road to the Rocky Point Road in Campbell County (Campbell County Road 85); northerly along said road to the Wyoming-Montana state line.

Area 117. South Black Hills. Beginning where Inter state Highway 90 crosses the Wyoming-South Dakota state line; southerly along said line to the Black Hills National Forest boundary; westerly along said boundary to the Sand Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 863) at the boundary marker and one-quarter (1/4) mile south of Ranch A; southerly along said road to the Moskee Road; southeasterly along said road to Moskee and the Deer Creek Road (U.S.F.S. Road 807); south easterly along said road to the Wyoming-South Dakota state line; southerly along said line to the Dewey Road (Weston County Road 2); northwesterly along said road to U.S. High way 85; northerly along said highway to U.S. Highway 16; northwesterly along said highway to the town of Upton and Wyoming Highway 116; northeasterly along said highway to Interstate Highway 90; easterly along said Interstate High way to the Wyoming-South Dakota state line.

Area 122. Pine Ridge. Beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 25 and Wyoming Highway 259; norther ly along Wyoming Highway 259 to U.S. Highway 387 at the town of Midwest; northeasterly along U.S. Highway 387 to the Ross Road (County Road 31 in Converse County); south easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 95; southwest erly along said highway to the North Platte River at the town of Glenrock; westerly up said river to Interstate Highway 25 in the city of Casper; northerly along said highway to Wyo ming Highway 259.

Area 125. Elk Mountain. Beginning at the junction of In terstate Highway 80 and U.S. Highway 30 at the Saratoga in terchange; northeasterly along U.S. Highway 30 to Wyoming Highway 72 at the Hanna interchange; southeasterly along Wyoming Highway 72 to the Pass Creek Road (Carbon County Road 404) west of the town of Elk Mountain; southerly and westerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 130; northerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80.

Grassland boundary and U.S.F.S. Road 958C; northwesterly along said road to the East Bill Road (U.S.F.S. Road 958); westerly along said road to the Dull Center Road (Converse County Road 38); westerly along said road to Wyoming High way 59; northerly along said highway to the junction of Wyo ming Highway 59 and Wyoming Highway 450.

Area 127. Crowheart Butte. All non-Indian owned fee title lands within the exterior boundaries of the Wind River Reservation, and all lands within the Bureau of Reclamation’s Riverton and Boysen Unit boundaries, and those lands within Boysen State Park south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Boy sen Reservoir, and south of U.S. Highway 20-26; excluding those areas of the Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Manage ment Area that lie east of the East Fork of the Wind River, and excluding those lands within Hot Springs County.

Area 111. Seminoe. Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 287 and Interstate Highway 80 at the city of Raw lins; northerly along said highway to the South Ferris Road (Carbon County Road 100); easterly along said road to the Buzzard Road (Carbon County Road 497 Natrona County Road 410); northerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 220; northeasterly along said highway to the Kortes Road (Natro na County Road 407); southerly along said road to the North Platte River; southerly up said river to Interstate Highway 80; westerly along said Interstate to U.S. Highway 287.

Area 107. Hickey Mountain. Beginning where the Flaming Gorge Reservoir crosses the Wyoming-Utah state line; west along said line to the Stateline Dam Road (U.S.F.S. Road 072, Uinta County Road 283); northerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 410; northerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 414 at the town of Mountain View; north erly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80; easterly along said highway to the Green River; southerly down said river to Flaming Gorge Reservoir; southerly along the east shore of said reservoir to the Wyoming-Utah state line.

Area 124. Powder Rim. Beginning at the junction of Wyoming Highway 789 and the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 430; northerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80; easterly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 789; southerly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line.

Area 128. Muskrat. Beginning where U.S. Highway 2026 crosses the east boundary of the Wind River Reservation; easterly along said highway to the town of Waltman and the Gas Hills Road (Natrona County Road 212); southwesterly along said road to the Dry Creek Road (Natrona County Road 321); southeasterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 220; southwesterly along said highway to U.S. Highway 287; westerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 135; northerly along said highway to the south boundary of the Wind River Reservation; easterly and northerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 20-26.

Area 118. Shamrock Hills. Beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 287 and Interstate Highway 80 at the city of Rawlins; westerly along said Interstate to the Wamsutter Crooks Gap Road (Sweetwater County Road 23); northerly along said road to the Bairoil Road (Sweetwater County Road 22); easterly along said road to Wyoming Highway 73; east erly along said highway to U.S. Highway 287; southerly along said highway to Interstate Highway 80.

Area 110. Upper Platte River. Beginning where Wy oming Highway 130 crosses the Laramie River North Platte River Divide; southerly along said divide to Douglas Creek; southerly down said creek to U.S.F.S. Road 543 at Keystone; southerly along said road to U.S.F.S. Road 512; southeaster ly along said road to Wyoming Highway 230; southwesterly along said highway to the Wyoming-Colorado state line; westerly along said line to Wyoming Highway 230; north westerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 130; east erly along said highway to the divide between the Laramie River and the North Platte River.

Area 123. Black Thunder. Beginning where the High light Road crosses the Belle Fourche River; northeasterly down said river to the mouth of Raven Creek; southeasterly up said creek to the Raven Creek Road; southerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 116; southerly along said highway to Wyoming Highway 450; westerly along said highway to the Highlight Road; northerly along said road to the Belle Fourche River.

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