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Relationships: Forever Friends by Laura Lusa � � � �
Lay Leadership Academy by John Naser, Lay Leader This may
This congregation is proud to say that this key has been used to open the door to multi-generational church leadership�
In our 2013 strategic planning effort we recognized that many church members saw church leadership as a locked door� It seemed that church direction was, intentionally or by tradition, the purview of the oldest church members� You know, the “Q-tips”, the white haired folks who were in leadership in most ministry positions� No one on the committee saw that as a positive strategy for the church. So, how does a congregation open that door to younger leaders?
Our solution to this problem was the creation and development of a leadership training program; we called our program the Lay Leadership Academy� The concept was to offer leadership training to younger but committed members of the congregation� We wanted to fast-track qualified and active Christians to church leadership through an interactive educational experience where these talented future leaders could interact with, and be informed about the church by, our pastors, staff members, and current lay leaders�
After some fits and starts, our first “cadre” of twenty intended future leaders began their training in January 2018� The process to identify these leaders for admission to the academy focused special emphasis on the 20 -50 year old church members� If we want younger leaders, we need to train younger leaders�
Those first twenty enthusiastic Christians were followed by another twenty in 2019 and by another twenty in 2020� Beginning this month, January, 2022, the Lay Leadership Academy will welcome its 4th cadre of approximately twenty active church members to learn about the ministries of this congregation in preparation for taking leadership roles here at First United Methodist Church� At the conclusion of their training members of each cadre have self-identified where he or she wanted to serve� Almost universally each person has been placed in a leadership role in a ministry of their choosing� What does that look like in actual practice?
Our more youthful graduates of the Lay Leadership Academy are serving this church on the Staff Parish Relations Committee, (with two having served as the chair of the committee), Trustees, Finance Committee (one as the chair), Youth Council (one as the chair), Congregational Care (one as the chair), Church Council, Children’s Council, Preschool Council, Outreach Funding, Adult Council (one as chair), Adult Ministry, Permanent Endowment, Neighborhood Ministry, Scholarship Committee, etc., etc., etc.
Our investment in the Lay Leadership Academy has made a major impact in developing younger leaders for our church� We have intentionally established a new tradition here at First United Methodist Church of Lakeland; we will continue to encourage young church members to leadership roles in our missions and ministries� We have found a key that works, one that unlocks the door to a successful future for our church�
This key is available to you� If you are reading this article and thinking, “I want to participate in the leadership of this church but I don’t know where to start,” then please remember this key� It is anticipated that the Lay Leadership Academy will be offered each year, to maintain the youthful and energetic lay leadership of our congregation�
Today our Lay Leadership Academy needs your help� The current cadre and academy leaders needs your prayers and encouragement� If you know of someone who is participating in this year’s academy, thank them and pray for them� After all, they represent the future of this church�