8 minute read

Our New Leadership � � � � � � � � � �

Patience and Faith by Carolyn Lindsey

It was during the first week of March 2020 when the Lawton M� Chiles Center for Florida History under the directorship of Dr� James Denham had scheduled a lecture at FSC by Professor Douglas Brinkley, the prominent presidential historian from Rice University� I was very enthused and hopeful that the plans for a post lecture supper would be enjoyable and that everything would proceed accordingly� Not far from that thought, I noticed the phone ringing with a message from Dr� Denham relaying that the lecture had been cancelled due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel from Texas� Having worked with Delta Airlines upon graduation from FSC, I understood how flights could be cancelled� While I was quite disappointed with this turn of events, I could never have imagined the feelings that would result from the emergency with which the world would be forced to contend and how patience and faith would play on the world stage of this historic moment� This letter hopes to explain the Biblical connection between patience and faith as well as to describe the role letter-writing serves not only as my favorite mode of communication but, more importantly, the all-importance of the impact the “Letters of Apostle Paul” had on the Galatians, the Corinthians, and many other followers of Jesus Christ�

Returning to March 2020, I recall my emotions of disappointment over the cancellation rapidly skipped on to a feeling of isolation and sorrow over the inescapable change that everyone would experience going forward: the whisper of lockdowns, mandates, the passing of many of one’s friends and family members, and, of course, the financial blow that would assume some place in the still small voice of humankind� Reading on preparedness during this time of isolation preoccupied my time, yet daily moments of quiet reflection on my blessings along with the remarkable sermons offered by our Pastors helped me so much. Speaking of their own sentiments of the challenge of change facing their own families as well as our congregation, their care and expression of the wisdom of following God’s lead with patience and faith offered such hope—FUMC provided a dwelling place for our hearts to begin to heal� Even though I recognized the level of patience that our church leaders were revealing, I became uncomfortable with the impatience I was feeling and displaying� Recognizing that patience was not my strongest asset, and even though I am not a Biblical scholar, I took a dive into the “Letters of Apostle Paul” where I initially found mention of the terms patience and faith as Paul wrote letters to communities who were experiencing challenges in their daily lives� Because patience and faith are stated among the “Fruits of the Spirit” referred to in Galatians 5:22-23 (The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Augmented Third Edition, 318), I am reminded: “If we live in the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit” Galatians 5:25 (318)� In the October 10, 2021 sermon, Rev� Taylor notes that patience reveals the quality of “endurance, persistence, a time of activity while waiting” (Taylor, Sermon). The sermon continues: “Seek God and pray; do something in the positive in the waiting” (Taylor, Sermon). As I read and re-read the Letters of Paul to the Romans, the Corinthians, as well as to Peter and Timothy, it became clear how frequently the image of patience and faith was found in these passages� In

I Thessalonians 5:12-24, Paul appeals to those followers living in northern Greece to warn those who are idle, encourage the timid or frail, and be “patient with all of them” (344). Subsequently, in scripture 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4, despite persecution and suffering of the followers, Paul gave thanks to God for these people because their “faith [was] growing abundantly, and the love of everyone of [them] for one another [was] increasing” (346)� To these Biblical passages, I add the reminder offered by Rev� McEntire before we departed from the November 7, 2021 service: “We are called to leave the darkness of ourselves, and [accept] hope, love, and wholeness” (McEntire, Sermon).

In consideration of the numerous letters the Apostle Paul penned to the historic communities, one can glean the impact these remarkable letters had and how letter-writing is a very personal and enduring form of communication� Just as the historic followers of Christianity read, shared, and re-read the words of Apostle Paul, you and I return to letters we have received and have written to recall intimate conversations�

Finally, as Advent commences and memories of the birth of Jesus Christ surface in song, Christmas cards, and conversation, may I send my wishes for Joy and Peace in this Christmas Season.


Our New Leadership

Have you ever thought about all our leadership? Who and what committees keep this wonderful church running like it does? Who keeps us able to keep all our outreach going?

First United Methodist is so blessed to have many people willing to serve in different ways and areas� Take a look at the next pages to see who is serving this next year� Thank them when you see them and let them know how much we appreciate their time and efforts�

This is how we designate what area a committee should fall under� Worship; Invite; Grow; Serve and Ministry Support. All of this comes from our mission Worship Plus 3�


Rev David McEntire, Ministry Area Pastor ALTAR GUILD: Beverly Lindsey, Alisa Rawdow, Co-Chairpersons


(appointed by Senior Pastor)


Linda Gainer, INVITE Ministry Chair; Martha Gay Duncan, Vice Chair Diana Russell, Staff Liaison; Rev Nicki Taylor, Ministry Area Pastor

FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY: Bill Moore, Chair Diana Russell, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Amy Agee, Emily Corl, Kyle Lawton, Bill Moore, Bruce Strayer Class of 2023: Cindy and Terry Caldwell, Joe Echols, Laurie Johnston, Fred Stanton Class of 2024: Perry Brokaw, Susan Cornell, Sally Short



Muriel Kuhn, Chair; Diana Russell, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Paula Graham, Barbara Gunter, Skip Stevenson Class of 2023: Elaine Clemens, Claudette and Jimmy Dillard, Bob and Muriel Kuhn, Jean Anne Reed, Bonnie & Ed Seifert, Kim Stickovitch Class of 2024: Janet Earls, Joan & John Garrett, Russ Klise, Nan Lee, Wes & Marilyn Crist, Becky Slivestre


Ann Skellenger, GROW Ministry Area Chair Grow Ministry Staff: Age Level Directors (Preschool, Children, Youth, Adult); Rev Andy Whitaker Smith, Ministry Area Pastor

PRESCHOOL COUNCIL: Joleen Golden, Chair; Cherry McClellan, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Blair Allen, Stephanie Bowes, Delia Crowder Class of 2023: Jillian Capper, Debbie Edmiston, Joleen Golden Class of 2024: Christine Harris, Judi Morris, Laura Verplanck, Parent/Teacher Organization Chairperson

CHILDREN’S COUNCIL: Angela Shanks, Chair; Cristi Moore, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Kevin Fullenkamp, Kristen Lisenby, Lynsey Pippen, Ann Skellenger Class of 2023: Bev Lindsey, David O’Steen, Sam Portwood, Angela Shanks Class of 2024: Mike Dammer,Sharon Diaz, Moe Hassler, Sam Joyner YOUTH COUNCIL: Larry Young, Chair; Emily Felgenhauer, Staff Liaison Youth: Shelby Hallman, Nathan Offut, Aubrey Warren Adults: Angela Bowne, Scott Bowne, Kim Cassidy, Sam Joyner, Ron Kaufmann, Kim Mayes, Molly McEntire, Larry Young, Marc Zimmerman Members serve one year term that can be extended

ADULT COUNCIL: Amy Tyner, Chair; Warren Pattison, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Amy Tyner, Keith Warren Class of 2023: Roy Cannon, Sarah Hester, Michael Pippen Class of 2024: Amanda Blount, Marilyn & Wes Crist, Rick Jeffries

SCOUTING: Rev David McEntire, Staff Liaison Church Liaisons and Representatives: Al and Carole Christenson


Alison Lyons, SERVE Ministry Chair Sean Hults, Forrest White, Staff Liaisons Rev David McEntire, Ministry Area Pastor


Julie Roberts, Chair; Rev David McEntire & Rev Andy Whitaker Smith, Staff Liasons Class of 2022: Julie Roberts, Alice Ray Overstreet Class of 2023: Danita Farnsworth, Lucy Heath Class of 2024: Kelly Hurley, Angela Hurst Moments of Care: Angela Bowne Ex Officio: Rev Betty Batey, Rev Dale Golden, Visitation Pastors

FIRST TEAM: Joe Dionisi, Team Leader; Forrest White, Director of Missions

JUSTICE & PEACE: Betsy Grizzard, Angie Pattison, Co-Chairs; Rev Nicki Taylor Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Angie Pattison, Betsy Grizzard Class of 2023: Terry Heck, Karl Olexa, Gwen Pipkin Class of 2024: Anna Clare Green, Larry Young, Christi Wright MIGRANT STUDENT MINISTRIES: Forrest White, Staff Liaison, Gian Carlo & Ivelisse Monticello, Alice Ray & George Overstreet, Rev Larry Rankin, Ex Officio: Dani Higgins, Organizational Liaison MISSION COUNCIL: Laura Lusa, Chair; Forrest White, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Laura Lusa, Alison Lyons, Marty Standifer Class of 2023: Julie Jones, Harold and Sue Maready, Gwen Pipkin Class of 2024: Cynthia Aqui, Dan Fowler, Shawn Wilson

MISSION TRIPS: Jecssie Arman, Trisha Warren, Co-Chairs; Forrest White, Staff Liaison

NEIGHBORHOOD MINISTRIES COUNCIL: Keith Spoto, Chair; Sean Hults, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Cindy Arndt, JoAnn Jackson Class of 2023: Don Skellenger, Kathie Southern, Beth Verplanck Class of 2024: David Caldwell, Debbie Klise, Steve Jones

OUR GIVING TREE: Barbara Cavanah, Carol Marsh, Co-Chairs; Forrest White, Staff Liaison OUTREACH FUNDING MINISTRIES: Lee Farnsworth, Chair; Rev David McEntire, Forrest White, Staff Liaisons Class of 2022: Gary Cleveland, Charlie Davis, Sam Joyner, James Previte Class of 2023: Lesley Chambers, Gary Morris, Jennifer O’Steen, Donna Rininger Class of 2024: Karyn Cabrera, Jo Fickes, Samantha Rogers, Shane Weaver


Skip Stevenson, Chair; Rev David McEntire, Staff Liaison Class of 2022: Alisa Anderson, Kate Boney, Kyle Fedler, Chad Magnuson Class of 2023: Ben Coppolo, Betsy Filipkowski, Nan Lee Class of 2024: Lisa Berry, John Curtis, Judi Morris, Karen Pollard, Mia West


Donna Swygert, Chair; Rev David McEntire, Staff Liaison Committee Members: Rick Brock, Martha Gay Duncan, Joe Emory, Emily Hutchings, Andrea Bailey


UMW PRESIDENT: Elected by UMW Unit


Frank and Darcy Shinn


Rev David McEntire, Ministry Area Pastor


Betsy Filipkowski, Chair; John Naser, Vice Chair, Mary Hinson, Recording Sec; Rev David McEntire, Harriet Mayes, Staff Liaison Members at Large: Class of 2022: Tim Parham, Todd Parrish, David Yeary Class of 2023: Bob Hughes, Tim Marsh, Chris Willis Class of 2024: Susan Ehrhart, Charlie Hicks, Barbara Whetton Representatives of Other Areas: Chairpersons of Worship, Invite, Grow, and Serve Ministry Areas (Continued) Chairpersons of all Ministry Area committees: (Invite) Fellowship, Newcomers/Welcome; (Grow) Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adults; Scout Coordinator (Serve) Congregational Care, First Team, Missions Council, Missions Team, Neighborhood, Our Giving Tree, Outreach Funding, Scholarships, Volunteer (Reps to) Children’s Clothes Closet, Community Ministries, FLUMCH, UMW (Ministry Support/Administrative Committee Chairpersons) Communications, Finance, SPRC, Trustees, Permanent Endow�, Planned Giving 6

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