Ppt ka1 spain

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ERASMUS+ / KA1 Apply for school staff mobility funding GREECE ERASMUS+ / KA1 2014-2015 The title of the plan of our organization is"Implementation of innovative forms, methods and teaching and learning techniques in class: Teaching and learning in groups - Differentiated teaching / individualised learning� .  We intent to train our teachers in these new methodological approaches, that place the student in the centre of the learning process, so that they will be able to apply them in the classroom. We wish our teachers to be contemplators, facilitators and researchers, with a view to proper socialization of the students and development of their personality, and to minimize their role as mandators and educators of authority.

• They will have the opportunity to develop a more comprehensive and consistent view of the group and how it can work positively , but also to learn techniques to manage possible difficulties in it -acceptance of diversity and tolerance - , to also develop ability to highlight the advantages and benefits of group work and collaboration for students in the academic sector, social learning and the development of positive elements in their personality. • Furthermore, we believe that cooperation and exchange of experience and best practices with teachers from other countries in Europe ,will help the participants and the rest of our teachers, on academic level.

ERASMUS+ / KA1 Apply for school staff mobility funding The Beneficiary is the Organisation and NOT THE INDIVIDUALS. (the difference of Erasmus+ to Comenius in-service training)

STUDY THE EUROPEAN GUIDE FOR ACTION KA 1 NAMELY: 1/ The role of the organizations participating in the project.

2/ Eligibility criteria( to receive a grant) 3/ Funding criteria ( how much one may receive) 4/ Financing (funds shared in categories of costs)

2. The OBJECTIVE should be A COMPETITIVE suggestion A EUROPEAN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT HARMONISED WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ( which is part of the application) To successfully apply for funding for a Key Action 1 mobility project a school should be aiming to support the professional development of some or all of the school staff, as a part of the school’s EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN.. 3. STEPS: a. Inform the Headmaster and the T’s Assemply b. Identification of the school's needs in terms of quality and internationalisation. c. Priorities d. Selection of the content of Action Plan-ideas on how it may be supported with activities and mobilities. e. Reach an agreement ( Director and teaching staff)

3a / PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION!: THE TITLE OF THE ACTION PLAN is NOT identical with THE TITLE OF THE MOBILITY (e.g .a training course) The Action Plan is the general context, the vision, the goal of the school unit. The training is one of the tools to achieve this goal. OUR EXAMPLE: a / "Implementation of innovative forms, methods and teaching and learning techniques in class: Teaching and learning in groups - Differentiated teaching / individualised learning�. b / Building positive group dynamics 4 / Duration of the action plan : Overall, projects last from one to two years but for individuals or groups of staff this can mean a mobility of as little as two days or up to two months in duration. Mobility projects can cover one or more of the following: study courses, observation, job shadowing, training, and teaching. WHY? General reference to targeted actions and activities for the benefit of teaching stuff , and the support of school stuff and students (depending on the content of the action plan)

5 / Participants profile Professional position in the Institute Subject they teach Students’ age Special skills/qualifications IMPORTANT! SELECTION of the participants PROCESS: CRITERIA for the selection of the trainees’, who will be responsible along with the Headmaster for the implementation of the project, the dissemination of results, and sustainability. examples for criteria : teaching discipline, knowledge of a foreign language, familiarity with ICT , availability etc

6/ PREPARATION BEFORE A MOBILITY (virtually spending time abroad) a/ Decide on how to manage the Plan / Preparation of participants (the preparation may include study of bibliography, foreign language lessons , CVs, questionnaires, keeping activity logs and more). b/ Consider or decide on the mobility(ies) to support your plan. c/ Contact with the receiving institution, exchange of information, settling practical issues (duration of the mobility, application for and acceptance letter, informative material, details about travelling , accommodation, insurance.) The specification of mobilities (content and destination) as well as the selection of the participants are not obligatory in the application form. In case a school gets the grant, they can, then, decide on the above. BUT CAUTION! A / The action plan, B / the description of the needs of the institution the action plan will serve, C / consistency of the plan and mobilties must be pre-decided and stated in the application form! (We had chosen mobility and participants when we filled the applicationthis can help applicants to express their ideas in a clearer and more precise way)

7 / BEFORE AND AFTER THE MOBILITY Which is the key activity(ies) that will support the action plan? (not necessarily the mobilities) Which actions/activities will frame the action plan, benefit the institution and help the dissemination of knowledge? 8/ IMPORTANT! DISSEMINATION Of PROJECT RESULTS AND EXPECTED IMPACT !!! The European Union places great emphasis on these two sectors, which along with a well thought and organised action plan, they essentially support its 'vision' via the new European programme ERASMUS + and its financing.

OUR PRACTICES FOR DISSEMINATION: 1. Organising a training session-workshop on 07.12.2015. ERASMUS + / Action KA1 / 2015-2016 Educational Meeting and Workshops In the context of the diffusion of knowledge gained during the implementation of the Basic Action 1 of the European programme ERASMUS + School staff Mobility, and our mobility that took place at the University of Kent in Canterbury, the summer 2015, a training session was held at the 1st Secondary School of Gerakas, Athens, Greece, on Monday 07/12/2015 on: "Implementation of innovative forms, methods and teaching and learning techniques in class: Teaching and learning in groups - Differentiated teaching / individualised learning - Developing positive dynamics in the group�. The training session was attended by our colleagues at school and many teachers coming from other schools of Primary and Secondary Education in eastern Attika.

2. Updating the school website with texts, photos and videos.

3. Publications on the school f/b - photo albums of the mobility and the training session. 4. Update the eTwinning platform on actions and outcomes

5. LinkedIn. 6. press releases / newsletter. 7. Informing parents . 8. Posts in open group "Pilgrims",on the f /b, which was the training institution at the University of Kent. 9. Posts in the "Group Dynamics" on f/b, which members are the trainer and participants of training during the mobility. RESOURCE BANK: For Lesson Plans based on group work in the classroom (optional use of the theory of Multiple Intelligence) and other good practices.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Relevance of the project 30/30 (29/30)

Quality of the project design and implementation 40/40 (39/40) Impact and dissemination 30/30 (30/30) Total 100 pts (98/100) ………………………………………………………………………………. Financial support Main categories: a/ Travel costs (distance calculator) b/ Individual support (depends on the destination , amount/per day) c/ Fees (mobilities) (70 euros/day/ each participant-up to 700 euros) d/ Organisational costs 350 euros /person (fixed amount)

BEFORE THE MOBILITY Use of Mobility Tool – upload information about the mobility that is about to take place (the N.A. sends mails and links) Basic information referred in the application form is already registered on M.T. The project is then online on the Erasmus+ Dissimenation Platform (link) and the participants can view it. A description of your project will be published online at the following address: Project Card (link).

AFTER THE MOBILITY Fill in the PARTICIPANT’S REPORT ( in a week after the end of mobility) The N.A. sends a link, and the filled in and electronically submitted report is automatically uploaded on the M.T. AFTER THE END OF THE PROJECT ( AND within a two-month-period) Fill in the Final Report-Submit it electronically. Also the Declaration of Honour and send documents to the N.A. by post.

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