Renew 2020: European creative waste recycling course

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Do you want to become a next level upcycling entrepreneur? Take part in The first European Creative Waste Recycling course! S

Get trained in upcycling

Build your network

Develop your entrepreneurial skills

Completely free*


During 2017 a group of 25 enthusiast Upcyclers will be traveling across Europe to visit best practices in design, entrepreneurship, remanufacturing and waste management. There will be on-site classes as well as an online learning environment on: new business models, networks and partnerships, eco-design methods, current recycling processes and new production techniques with waste materials.



European countries

RENEW2020 is a youth training course for creative waste recycling. The project promotes and supports the development of specific and professional skills in the New Economy and Up-cycling sector, creating a strategic partnership between European organizations with specific expertise in the field of youth training, auto-entrepreneurship, design creativity and waste management. RENEW2020 is an european project funded under the Erasmus+ programme (KA2 strategic partnership for Youth).

Superuse Studios has 4 participant tickets to give away! Conditions for applying •

We are looking for 4 participants with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Based in The Netherlands.

With a maximum age of 30 years.

Who can commit for 4 weeks training during 2017.

Can demonstrate a passion for upcycling, reuse, recycling, redesign, remanufacturing, etc. Possible backgrounds can be product design, fashion, architecture, engineering, business management or other fields of study.

Calendar January 2017 – October 2017 The course consists of an online training path and 4 offline training weeks: •

1st week: January (23 – 27) 2017 Italy, Treviso – at INTESA-CCA and CONTARINA.

2nd week: April (24 – 28) 2017 Croatia, – at HUMANA NOVA.

3rd week: July (3 – 7: to be confirmed) 2017 The Netherlands, Rotterdam – Superuse Studios.

4rd week: October (23 – 27) 2017 Spain, – at AIDIMME

How to apply •

Send a video message with why you would like to participate in this training course. +/- 1 minute.

Accompanied with a .pdf file of max 2 A4 pages with CV and/or portfolio work.

Deadline of application is 18th of November.

EXTEND PERIOD: 2 DECEMBER Email your admission to with the subject line: [your name] application for renew2020 training course.

For questions email, or call Superuse Studios +31 10 4664 444. Ask for Maria.

Selected participants will be notified by the 1st of December 2016.

*Participating is free, your travel costs will be reimbursed 50% after submitting your travel tickets. Remaining 50% will be reimbursed after finishing the course, regardless of your course results. Other costs such as food or materials will be covered by the host organisations.



The project leader is the Provincial Consortium “INTESA-CCA”. Founded in 1986, the Consortium has more than 50 cooperatives (for a total of about 1000 employees), either type A and type B, in various social sectors and business (health, green economy, manufacturing, professional training, educational, social inclusion, etc.) and operates in the province of Treviso and in the North-East of Italy. The Consortium INTESA-CCA, has a considerable experience in planning and management of national, European and international projects with companies (profit and nonprofit), multinational corporations, cooperatives and social enterprises.


CONTARINA is a European leader in waste management and best-performing districts in Italy. Joining the Zero Waste Europe network, is responsible for an area covering approximately 1,300 square km with about 554,000 habitants, through a waste management integrated system involving collection, treatment and recovery. The company has a leading role in the waste collection system implementation, waste disposal through land filling, special and hazardous waste recovery, recycling systems research and application. CONTARINA has been leaders in Europe in recycling and it’s an high profile business model in terms of services and results, developing cutting-edge performances in the Green Economy sector.


AIDIMA is a Technology Institute on Wood and related industries, a non-profit association with national and international scope, with a solid base of knowledge, information and technology transfer skills, provided by a long experience in high level research, technological development and innovation work. AIDIMA has been participating in activities related to the creation and development

of a national system of professional qualifications with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour, and coordinating and participating in national and European projects. It also develops an important activity of distance training, with the support of innovative information and communication technologies.


SUPERUSE STUDIOS is a pioneer in the field of sustainable design, renowned nationally and internationally for its innovative design approach as well as for providing ‘open source’ methods and tools to the design community, to make effective use of frequently wasted resources and energy. Their design approach is flexible and easy to apply at different scales and to concepts such as social design, urban farming, circular and the blue economy. SUPERUSE STUDIOS researches, designs, builds innovative products, interiors and buildings, and develops strategies for smart urban transformations.


HUMANA NOVA is a non profit company that encourages the employment of the disabled and other socially-excluded persons through the production and selling of quality and innovative textile products made from ecological and recycled fabrics for the needs of the domestic and the foreign markets. The Cooperative is a leader of the social entrepreneurship and has been recognized in the wider regional scope, contributing actively and directly to support the self-reliability of the socially excluded persons and their families.


RREUSE (Reuse and Recycling Social Enterprises in the European Union) is a European non-governmental organisation (NGO) and the first European umbrella organisation of social enterprises with activities in the reuse, repair and recycling sector. The very specialised European network puts the three pillars of sustainability at an equal level: environmental protection, social equity, and economic viability. RREUSE’s mission is “to lobby at European level for stronger policies in favour of repair and reuse of end-of-life products to avoid that products become waste too early”. Additionally, RREUSE also participates on social economy legislation with a specific focus on green employment linked to social inclusion and training initiatives for those most removed from the labour mainstream market.

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