MPA Awards

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SPORTS: Broncos take on Frankenmuth 1-B

BUSINESS: Family Farm & Home comes to Almont 5-A

SUNDAY 2010-2011 General Excellence Award Winner

January 15, 2012

James Edmund Fitzgerald 1926 - 2012




Still no bond set; murder suspect remains in custody

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Grondin held in Andrea Eilber death

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Four-way stop signal on fast-track for installation

Jim Fitzgerald worked for 25 years at The Lapeer County Press.

Newspaper career spans 45 years

BY NANCY R. ELLIOTT 810-452-2601 •


im Fitzgerald, former editor of The Lapeer County Press and columnist for the Detroit Free Press passed away on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 in Lapeer. Fitzgerald’s formal obituary is on page 10. Fitzgerald, always the newspaperman, wrote his own obituary sometime ago. Following is an excerpt: “I was persuaded to write this by Jim Sherman, who said I should help write my obit. OK … “ I was born Aug. 5, 1926 to Edmund and Gertrude (Gleason) Fitzgerald in Port Huron, Mich. I had 4 wonderful sisters, even including Terrible Jean. The other 3 are Mary Lou, Nancy and Linda. I graduated from St. Stephen School, from which I moved quickly – by draft – into the Army for World War II. “When the war in Germany ended, I was there, in a hospital surrounded by wounded veterans. I was there because I had the flu. On Aug. 5, 1945, my 19th birthday, I left Europe by ship, promised a furlough in the U.S. before moving on to win the war against Japan. We landed in New York on Aug. 13, the day the Japanese surrendered. This proved the Japanese were smarter than the Germans because they obviously discovered I was coming. “Upon discharge, I began college because the government paid my tuition and all other expenses. That was the first time I was glad to be a veteran. I graduated from the MSU School of Journalism in 1951 and got my first newspaper job at The Lapeer County Press. One of my first assignments was to go to the publisher’s home and help his wife move a refrigerator. I married a wonderful, beautiful co-worker named Patricia. Twenty-five years and 3 children later, we moved to Detroit where I spent 19 lazy years writing stupid columns for the Detroit Free Press. “I spend retirement in a home in Lapeer, sitting in a big chair with a big footstool, next door to daughter Chris and her marvelous family, which is the smartest thing I ever did. “Now, I’m out of paper. Please forgive me this lousy typing. I love you all more than you could possible guess from my super silence. – Jim” — Jim Sherman, publisher emeritus of The Oxford Leader, Fitzgerald’s friend of many years SEE FITZ, PAGE 3A


Michigan State Police Trooper Brian Reece explains to the court how he processed a pair of sweat pants found at the Grondin home Nov. 16, the day Andrea Eilber’s body was found in the basement of her aunt’s home in Mayfield Township. No weapon has ever been recovered by police.

Attorney attacks police questioning since Nov. 16 when Michigan State Police (MSP) found his girlfriend shot to death in the basement of her aunt LAPEER — A 19and uncle’s Kings year-old youth Mill Road home in accused of killing Mayfield Township. his girlfriend at her Police were sent to aunt and uncle’s the home, where home in November Andrea Lorraine will have to wait at Eilber had been least another month housesitting, after before he learns if her father, Harold, he’ll be released told them he hadn’t from jail before his heard from the 20trial. year-old Otisville After listening to woman for more nearly three hours than a day. of testimony For a second Tuesday, and anothtime in as many er hour-and-a-half in months, defense December, District Court Judge Laura Photo by PHIL FOLEY attorney Michael Manley asked the Barnard decided she Defense attorney Michael Manley sug- court to “consider still didn’t have some sort of bail” enough information gested tether or house arrest for Kenneth Grondin III so the teen could for his client based to set bond for on a “lack of eviKenneth C. Grondin “go live with his mother.” dence” from the III and left it to prosecution. Along with the possibility Lapeer County Circuit Court Judge Nick of a bond, Manley suggested an elecHolowka, who won’t be back in court until Tuesday, to make that decision. SEE MURDER, PAGE 7A Grondin has been held without bond

BY PHIL FOLEY 810-452-2616 •



Almont on a roll

Vol. 174, Number 5 © 2012 County Press, Inc. Printed in the U.S.


See page 5A

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ATTICA TWP. — Concerns about the intersection of Lake Pleasant and Newark Roads in Attica Township have got the attention of the Lapeer County Road Commission. At the LCRC board meeting this week, highway engineer Bill Meinz said that improvements to the intersection could be implemented yet this year. The road commission will push ahead with changes rather than waiting for the lengthy approval and award process for a safety grant. Waiting for the grant would have pushed intersection improvements out to 2014. The intersection will become a four-way stop, with a red flashing light instead of the current yellow one. Rumble strips and stop ahead signs will also be part of the fix. “It’s going to take people a while to get used to that,” said chairman Doug Hodge. Meinz noted, “We had the same exact scenario at Lippincott and Hadley (in Elba Township).” After years of concerns at that intersection, a four-way stop was implemented last year. County commissioner Linda Jarvis paid a visit to the road commission Wednesday and was relieved to hear that the changes are being fasttracked. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am that they’re going to go ahead,” said Jarvis. She’s concerned about the dangers of the intersection, especially in the wake of a recent fatal accident there. Price tag for the project has yet to be determined. Meinz noted that a single rumble strip costs $750 to $1,000. The project could happen as soon as this summer.

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