MPA Awards

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SPORTS: East soccer players ink letters 1-B

BUSINESS: Elite Feet sprints to new location 5-A

SUNDAY 2010-2011 General Excellence Award Winner

February 12, 2012

Almont fires long-time treasurer Sally McCrea had served in dual position as clerk since 1989 BY PHIL FOLEY 810-452-2616 •

ALMONT — Almont village officials are being tight lipped about specifics, but the village council voted unanimously Tuesday night to sack long-time village clerk/treasurer Sally McCrea.




Village president Steve Schneider said the unanimous vote came after nearly two hours of closed sessions with the village’s auditor, King & King, and McCrea. Village manager Oliver Turner said McCrea, who has been the village’s clerk/treasurer since 1989, was suspended Friday afternoon.

INSIDE Firefighters rescue deer after it falls through ice See Page 2A

In a terse press release issue Wednesday, Turner said, “The employment action was preceded by an internal investigation and audit which revealed Ms. McCrea received compensation and benefits which were not authorized by SEE ALMONT, PAGE 6A

Downtown ideas See Page 4A

State legislation takes aim at road commissions See Page 11A

TOP CASH GOLD Come See For Yourself FOR YOUR

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Photo by Nancy R. Elliott

County officials provided on overview of county government last week at a meeting of the Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots. Above, commissioner Ian Kempf addresses the assembly as county controller/administrator John Biscoe (left) and commissioners Dyle Henning, Dave Eady and Linda Jarvis look on.

Lake Nepessing Road

County officials provide primer on local government at Tea Party meeting BY NANCY R. ELLIOTT 810-452-2601 •

LAPEER TWP. — Lapeer County commissioners took their show on the road Tuesday night, paying a visit to the Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots at its meeting in Maple Grove Church in Lapeer Township. Tea Party director Larry Leidlein said the forum was designed to look at the roles and responsibility of local gov-

Imlay City backs bid to become fund manager

ernment, “the government that touches us daily and is visible to us.” Participating in the forum were four of the seven county commissioners, Dave Eady, Dyle Henning, Linda Jarvis and Ian Kempf. County controller/administrator John Biscoe also brought his strong fiscal perspective to the forum. Commissioners Cheryl Clark and Lenny Schneider were SEE COUNTY, PAGE 6A

Fundraiser benefits food pantry

BY PHIL FOLEY 810-452-2616 •

IMLAY CITY — And then there was one. Imlay City Commission members voted unanimously Tuesday to turn control of the city’s Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funded revolving loan funds over to a new entity the I-69 Regional Development Corporation. Last year the state announced it planned to replace Michigan’s 42 local revolving fund programs with nine regional programs. In Lapeer County the Lapeer Development Corporation (LDC), headed by Patricia Lucas, manages four loan funds and Imlay City has two loan funds. Monday the Corunna City Council over in Shiawassee County voted unanimously to back Lucas’ proposal for the I-69 Regional SEE MANAGER, PAGE 8A

Photo by Jeff Hogan

Dick Mortiny and Gary Schroeder, better known as Elm (Easy Listening Music) Street, performed Thursday evening during a benefit for the Stone Soup Food Pantry in Lapeer. See story and more photos on page 3A.



Business to sprout Sunday

See page 7A

INDEX Vol. 174, Number 13 © 2012 County Press, Inc. Printed in the U.S. Newspapers VIEW published by JAMS MEDIA

Business . . . . . . . . .5A Calendar . . . . . . . .12A Classifieds . . . . . . .5B Obituaries . . . . . . .11A Opinion . . . . . . . . . .4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . .1B

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Roadwork on track for June BY NANCY R. ELLIOTT 810-452-2601 •

LAPEER— Things are on track for construction on Lake Nepessing Road in Elba Township to start in early summer. The work will span the section from the railroad tracks to John Conley Drive. Lapeer County Road Commission highway engineer Bill Meinz said at Wednesday’s meeting of the road commission that a start date of June 15 was set. The plan is that the road will open to traffic again by the third week in August. A center left turn lane will be added from the railroad tracks south. Assistant highway engineer Ryan Doyle said he’s working on funding through the state’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program for a pair of projects. One would involve right turn lanes at the north and east legs of the Meyers and Imlay City Road intersection. The other would provide for a passing flare at Roods Lake and Bowers. The road commission will be revamping a crossing at SEE PROJECT, PAGE 6A

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