DI GI TALNATI VES Gener at i onZmember sar e‘ Di gi t alNat i ves’ whower ebor ndur i ngoraf t ert hegener ali nt r oduct i onofdi gi t alt echnol ogi est osoci et y .Thr oughi nt er act i ngwi t hdi gi t alt echnol ogyf r om anear l yage, t heyhaveagr eat ercomf or tl eveloft hei rusecompar edt oot hergener at i ons
I NSTANT/CONSTANTFEEDBACK GenZer sar ewi r edf orf astdel i ver yofcont ent ,dat a,andi magesf r om di gi t almedi ums.Theydemand/expectani nt er act i veexper i enceandf eedbacki nst ant l yi npl ayi ngandl ear ni ngenvi r onment s.
HOBBI ESTO CAREERS Havi ngaccesst ot hei nt er netf r om anear l yage,GenZer sar ewel lawar eoft heweal t hofknowl edgeatt hei rf i nger t i psanduset hei nt er nett of uelt hei rper sonali nt er est sandhobbi es.GenZer s f ol l owt hei rpassi onsf i er cel yandar ei nt er est edi npur sui ngcar eer st heywi l lenj oycompar edt oj obsecur i t y .
ENGAGEDWI THTHEWORLD Unl i kepr evi ousgener at i ons,wher emuchoft heengagementwi t ht hewor l dwasoneofpassi veobser vat i on,t hesedaysGenZer st akef orgr ant edt heabi l i t yt oi nt er actandshapet hewor l dwhi l et hey obser vei t .Leadi ngmanyt osuggestt hatGenZer swi l lbet hemostsoci al l yawar egener at i onever .
HEAL THRI SKS Al lt hatt i mei nf r ontofascr eenwi l lgi ver i set oheal t hr i sksduet oasedi ment ar yl i f est yl e.
LACKI NTERPERSONALSKI LLS GenZer st endt obemor ecomf or t abl ei nf r ontofascr eent hanwi t haper sonf acet of ace.Theyar emor el i kel yt osmi l ei nf r ontofascr eent hatt oaper sondur i ngconver sat i on
KEYFEATURESOFGENERATI ONZ iwi l lbei nvest i gat i ngt heGener at i onZmember si nt hei rear l yschooll i ves,navi gat i ngt hehi ghl yr egi ment edBr i t i shcur r i cul um.
Kevi nget supt ohi sphonepl ayi ng t her adi ooft hi sf avour i t ebr eakf astshow.
Overbr eakf ast ,hewoul dt exthi sf r i ends aboutt hedayahead.
yo. .haveyoudone t hehomewor k?
Kevi ngoest oschool vi abuswhi l el i st eni ng t ohi sf avour i t e podcast s
wel l . . .mostoft het i me. . .
Atschool ,Kevi ni sat t ent i ve
Ear l yyear s
Ol derki ds
5 Br eakt i mes,Kevi nwoul dpl aywi t hhi sf r i endsonl i ne vi aphone, Thepl aygr oundcanbevi si bi l yseent obe di vi dedi nt ophoneuser sandyoungerki dswhodonot havet hem.
6 AthomeKevi nf i ni sheshi shomewor k. Hei sexcept i onal l ygoodatf i ndi nganswer s onl i neont oughquest i ons.Hewoul dal so t exthi sf r i endsi fhei sst uck!
7 Kevi nspendst her estoft hi seveni ng sur f i ngt hewebandonsoci almedi a, i nt er act i ngwi t hhi sschoolf r i ends.
ROUTI NEOFAGENZER I magi ni ngar out i neofaGenzerat t endi ngpr i mar yschool .
Exampl esofi nt er act i vedi gi t ali nt er f aces
EMPOWERI NG PLAY-DI GI TAL/PHYSI CALI NTERACTI ONS Exampl esofi nt er act i vescr eenst hatGenZer sr espondwel lt o.
Jami eOl i veronTEDt al ki ngaboutchi l dhoodobesi t yandchi l dr en’ si gnor anceoff ood
Jami eOl i ver ’ sshowengagi ngGenZer saboutf r ui tandveg
ADI SCONNECTWI THNATURE Jami eOl i verhashost edaTEDt al khi ghl i ght i ngt heheal t hr i sksf acesbyGener at i onXandashowt hatshowst hel evelofi gnor ancet hatt heyhavewheni tcomest of oods,especi al l y f eshf r ui tandveg.
Pl aySt r uct ur ebyToshi koHor i uchiofI nt er pl ayDesi gnandManuf act ur i ngatFuj i HakoneI zuNat i onalPar k,Japan
TheSoci alPl aygr oundbyAber r antAr chi t ect ur e
PRECEDENTS Exampl esofpl aygr oundswi t hhi ghi nt er act i ons.
CONCEPTMODEL Todealwi t ht hedi sconnectbet weent heenvi r onment alconcer nsandknowl edgeofnat ur e,Ipr oposedi gi t algar denpl aygr oundwher eki dscoul dgr owt hei rownf r ui tandveget abl ewhi l e al soi nt er act i ngwi t ht hedi gi t alwor l d.