2023WSJKorea Update 3 English Version

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"25th World Scout Jamboree Korea 2023 Candidate

Update Vol. 3 / Aug. 2017

Dear Scouting friends all around the world, I am delighted to send this warm greeting to our brother and sister Scouts from all over the world. The Scout Movement is a valuable force for connecting young people from across the globe, and to provide them with an opportunity to develop physically, intellectually and socially while contributing to their communities. When I look back on my own youth experiences as a Scout, I always had my own dreams for the future and I always had the confidence to do anything necessary to make my dreams a reality. The learning by doing experience as a Scout during my younger days was very important for me when I became an adult and helped me to achieve many of the accomplishments in my life. The lessons learned through Scouts have been great assets to me while holding the position of Secretary General of United Nations, and have helped motivate my contributions over the last decade towards making a more peaceful and secure world for the generations to come. I recognize with my own experience that the World Scout Jamboree is a lifetime experience for every participant and it will have a lasting impact on their future. The 25th World Scout Jamboree in 2023 will be another milestone in the history of world scouting toward Vision 2023 and beyond. The World Organization of Scout movement is dedicated to making Vision 2023 a reality, and as a member of the Korea Scout Association, I committed to ensuring their success. I can assure you that there is no better venue to host the 25th World Scout jamboree 2023 than SaeManGuem to help foster the dreams of young people from all over the world. SaeManGeum offers diverse geographical features, including mud flats, rocky mountains, green forest, fresh water streams and sea beaches, that will allow for a wide range of venturing and exploring activities and will help to integrate nature and technology together during the jamboree. The concept of “Smart Jamboree” will be introduced and on display throughout by taking advantage of Korea’s cutting-edge technology to make the jamboree more efficient and secure. This will offer a totally new and innovative experience for the participants and will enhance the value of the activities being offered. I stand witness from Korea to make the 25th World Scout Jamboree in 2023 will be by the young, to the young and for the young people from the all over the world. I put forward an appeal to all of you to come and join me in a better world through scouting. Former Secretary General of United Nations.

Ban Ki-moon

Advanced Jamboree Programme GDV(Global Development Village) Since the first GDV program was introduce in 17 th World Scout Jamboree in Korea, KSA has cherished affection for the program. Based on the results of 17 SDGs of the POST-2015 Development Agenda, the programmes and campaigns of 2023 will motivate the Scouts to take action to change the world. The development agencies and organizations such as KOICA, World Vision, Good Neighbors, ODA WATCH, etc will take part

- Dream Programme STEAMS The STEAMS stand for the concept of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Arts and Scout Methods. It is the part of the fusion education without border of the studies that we offer the new paradigm of the scouting. Young people can experience the new dimension of scout methodology to adapt the demand of society.

Dynamic Korea Programme Korean Traditional Culture Experience This is an opportunity that foreign participants experience Korean traditional culture and understand different cultures. The programme is composed in Talchum(mask dance), traditional wedding experience, traditional singing experience in Jeonju city, modern culture history in Gunsan city, traditional scholar experience in Jeongeup city and farming culture experience in Gimje city. Also the participants can learn Hanji (traditional paper) history and experience Hanji craft with the Hanji they make by themselves at the Hanji museum. More programmes, such as traditional natural dyeing, making fans, making traditional knots, ceramic art, etc. are planned.

- Peace for the peninsula Korea is the last divided country on the earth. 2023 will be the 70th Anniversary for break out of Korean War. To pray for the peace to the world, We offer the Peace tracking on DMZ(Demilitarized zone).

Special Programme World Religious Culture Festival A festival that connects various religious, cultural, historical and cultural resources of scout participants from all over the world with harmony. the world religion and culture festival can be interpreted as a step toward the fusion of various religions and indigenous cultures and a new spirit. Even during the jamboree, you can feel the spirit of dialogue and communication on the path created by each religious leader in the era of divisions and conflicts, which is an example of true dialogue and communication.

Peace for the Peninsula As the pre-WSJ Jamboree programme. We invite 1~2 representative young people from every NSOs to march the steps along the 155 miles of D.M.Z in Korea Peninsula. Korea is the only one divided country on the earth. 2023 will be the 70th Anniversary of breakout of Korean War. To pray for the peace in the world, We offer the Peace march on DMZ.

Draw our Future Renewable energy: New and Renewable Energy Village We dream of new and renewable energy that is not depleted together with our friends in the world. We experience the principle of energy and transform ourselves into an energy scientist through experiments and dream about the future.

GDV to Space Village It is a place where you can easily touch and enjoy cutting-edge space science. You can experiment with the principles of space science, and enjoy the experience at the Naro Space Centre where you can practically understand the principles. The story of World Scout Jamboree in Korea began in 1991 –when we hosted 17th World Scout Jamboree - we left behind a strongest path of GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT VILLAGE, even after 25 years the GDV is one of the most popular activities in all WSJ’s / Regional as well as National Jamborees. This proves how KSA is technically sound and plan in accordance with future of Scouting with true spirit and ethics. In 2023 KSA will make it one of the best ever WSJ held so far with SPACE SCOUTING with following concepts and world of realities.

Korean spirit inside during the World Scout Conference Welcome to Korea 2023 WSJ Bidding Promotion Booth You can join variety of activity in our promotion booth. Come to visit and enjoy your break time during the Conference. Experience the future Jamboree Spirit ahead !

Imagine your Korea! Feel the korean culture and Taste the Korean traditional Cuisine We cordially invite every WSC participants to Korea booth on 15th August 2017 during the International evening.

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