Business Administration Forum: Insights into the Business Trend 商業管理座談會:產業脈動─策略與執行
The Big Four are always the best partner and support for the entrepreneur. No matter listed planning, internal control consulting and even making serious strategy planning, the Big Four always provide the best service to the clients. This forum will start from helping those who have not know the role CPA acted inside commercial activities to understand how important it is. And then lectures will analyze the global economic situation and changeable business model from the vision of the Big Four.
四大會計師事務所一向是企業的好夥伴與支柱,舉凡企業上市上櫃規劃 、公司治理、內部控制諮詢,甚至是在企業做出重大策略規劃時,四大 會計師事務所是企業最佳諮詢顧問選擇。 從會計師事務所在商業活動中扮演的角色談起,而後以事務所的視角和 觀點,分享當今更迭不斷的商業模式、不同產業競爭情況,嘗試探討全 球商業脈動的走向及新興市場的興起等幾項議題。
Dr. Lai Chen Chan 賴振昌先生 President of National Taipei College of Business 台北商業技術學院 校長
Education and Degrees Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA. Doctor of Business Administration, National Taiwan University Position and Experience Taiwan Representative, International Union of Accountants (IFAC) President of Commercial Vocational Education Society Consultant, New Taipei City Government Copyright Review and Mediation Committee, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Mr. James Wang 王金來 先生 Chairman & CEO 董事長 Ernst & Young Taiwan Ernst & Young Management Advisory Service Inc Ernst & Young Business Advisory Services Inc. Ernst & Young Transaction Advisory Services Inc.
安永聯合會計師事務所 安永管理顧問股份有限公司 安永企業管理諮詢服務股份有限公司 安永財務管理諮詢服務股份有限公司
Education Master Degree in Accounting, National Chengchi University
Qualification & Membership Certified Public Accountant of Taiwan, USA, and China Director of Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Board member of Accounting Research and Development Foundation Vice chairman of Taiwan M&A and Private Equity Council Member of Council Committee, Taiwan CPA Association, R.O.C.
Experience James is currently the Chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young Taiwan. Ernst & Young Taiwan is the member firm of Ernst & Young Global as well as the management committee of the EY Greater China which is composed of Ernst & Young Taiwan, Ernst & Young China, Ernst and Young Hong Kong & Macau. James also actively participates in the formulation of government policies and regulatory changes related to accounting principles and issues. James joined Ernst & Young Taiwan in 1987 and Ernst & Young Toronto, Canada from 1988 to 1991. Throughout his career with EY, James has served many well-known listed companies and multinational clients.
Mr. Joseph Chou 周建宏 先生 Assurance Leader PricewaterhouseCoopers 資誠聯合會計師事務所 審計服務部 合夥人
Education Master degree in Accounting from University of Missouri
Qualification TW CPA, US CPA
Experience Leader, Assurance Services Partner, Capital Market and Accounting Advisory Services Partner, Financial Services Industry PwC New York GCMG partner PwC San Jose Assurance manager PricewaterhouseCoopers authorized reviewer for U.S. GAAP financial statements PricewaterhouseCoopers member of IFRS committee PricewaterhouseCoopers accredited IFRS instructor
Areas of Expertise Financial statements assurance services IFRS conversion consulting and training US GAAP conversion and SEC regulations consulting and training Gross-border transactions, including IPO, international offering and M&A Sarbanes Oxley consulting and training
Mr. Kenny Hong 洪國田 先生 Clients & Markets Leader Partner Audit
勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所 執業會計師
Education SooChow University, Bachelor SooChow University, Master University of Delaware, MBA
Qualification Certified Public Accountant, ROC Certified Public Accountant, California
Professional Exposure-Career Achievements Clients & Markets Leader Partner, Deloitte & Touche Lecturer SooChow University
Professional Exposure-Professional Organizations Member of Taipei City CPA Association Member of Taiwan Provincial CPA Association Member of Taichung City CPA Association Mr. Kenny Hong is currently the partner of DTT Taiwan, and also the Leader of Clients & Markets. He received Master degree in Accountancy from SooChow University in 1992, and he obtained the Certified Public Accountant License R.O.C. in 1989. Mr. Hong joined D&T in 1995 immediately after his graduation from University of Delaware, USA with a MBA degree. In 1997, Mr. Hong was seconded to Deloitte & Touche San Francisco office, California, USA for an eighteen-month on-the-job training under the Strategic Career Development Program. During his stay in the States, he passed the US CPA examination, and he was promoted as a partner in 2003. From then on, he was responsible for the practice of Audit, Tax, Consultation and Investments for High-tech and Manufacturing industry. He has various experiences in assisting clients’ domestic IPO, he also helps Taiwanese companies to issue ECB overseas. With his proficient knowledge and great experiences in the high-tech industry and the cross-boarder transaction, Kenny has attained absolute trust and reputation of the clients incessantly.
Business Administration Forum: Build Up Competitiveness under CC&S Trends 商業管理座談會:建立永續發展大趨勢下的競爭力 Global megatrends of climate change and sustainability Speaker: Mr. Kim, Sung Woo 氣候變遷及永續發展的全球大趨勢 講者:Mr. Kim, Sung Woo Under the trends of urbanization, climate change, energy and resource scarcity, population growth, ecological damage, and wealth in past years, ‘sustainability’ has been seen as the challenges and opportunities for all the enterprises, and this topic has rose to the top of corporate agendas. Not only the businesses themselves but their stakeholders care about the impacts of sustainability megaforces and how companies respond. Thus, worldwide leading enterprises have integrated sustainability issues into their operating strategies in order to effectively combine with and utilize their core competencies.
近年來因都市化、氣候變遷、能資源短 缺、人口成長、生態破壞、以及富有化 的趨勢,使得「永續發展」蔚為全球企 業所共同面臨之挑戰與契機,無論是企 業自身或利害關係人(stakeholder),皆 十分關注這些全球永續發展驅策力 (megaforce)對於企業的影響,以及企 業的因應。因此,全球眾多標竿企業早 已將企業永續發展議題整合至營運策略 中,以有效結合、發揮企業核心能力。
Our Future Is Now – Global Megatrends and Future Leaders 未來就是現在 – 全球大趨勢與未來領袖 講者:黃正忠 博士 The development of human civilization is constrained by carbon, resource, population, and poverty. New skills and competencies are needed for future leaders to deal with increasing social and environmental challenges, and a sustainability perspective will be essential to making changes and planning for the future.
人類文明的發展受到碳、資源、人口以 及貧困的限制。明日領袖必須具備新的 能力以處理日漸增加的社會、環境挑戰 ,而具備永續發展的觀點將是創造改變 以及規劃未來的關鍵。
Mr. Winston Yu 于紀隆先生 CEO of KPMG in Taiwan 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所 執行長
“Expect the unexpected and create true value in a changing world.”
Education Master of Business Administration – Accounting of National Cheng-Chi University
Function and Specialization Industrial and Consumer Markets Technology, Media and Telecommunications Government and Healthcare
Experience CEO of KPMG in Taiwan Board Member of KPMG in Taiwan Partner-in-charge of Markets & Brand, KPMG in Taiwan Director of Finance and Economics Research Education Foundation CFO of KPMG in Taiwan Partner of Audit Department, KPMG in Taiwan Instructor of KPMG in Taiwan Manager and senior manager in assurance service of KPMG in Taiwan Supervising senior in audit department of KPMG San Francisco, USA Staff and senior auditor in audit department of KPMG in Taiwan
Professional Service Experience Audit and attestation related service - Provide financial statement attestation, corporate income tax return certifications and due diligence reviews. Advisory services - Provide advisory services related to IPO, accounting systems, management control and internal auditing. Cross-border IPO services.
Mr. Kim, Sung Woo Head , CC&S(Climate Change & Sustainability) KPMG Asia-Pacific. KPMG氣候變遷及企業永續發展服務 亞太地區負責人 “Acknowledge global coming trends for your own future career“
Education PhD. of Business Administration, Seoul School of Integrated Science & Technology Master of Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Duke University Bachelor of Science, Geology, University of Louisville (Math Minor)
Experience : KPMG (2008~) Carbon Compliance Consulting : GHG MRV / Financial Impact / Reduction Plan (KEPCO, Hyundai, Doosan, SKT…) Green Investment Consulting: Feasibility Study and Financing Advisory (DSME, KOSEP, KEMCO…) Corporate Greenization Consulting : Green strategy on entire value chain for Consumer Market (Ottogi) CSR Report & Strategy Consulting : Assurance / Reporting / Strategy (Samsung, POSCO, LG, SK…)
Experience : Pohang Iron & Steel Co., LTD (POSCO)_(2000~2008) – Global Steel Maker Green House Gas business (CDM investment, Emissions trading, and energy efficiency project development) Carbon Fund (Structuring, Advising to fund manager) / Renewable Energy Business (Wind, Solar, Bio fuel, Fuel cell, etc) Conventional Energy Business (LNG Power Plant) / Environment related Business (Water/Air/Waste) Environmental Performance Evaluation connected to ERP / Environ. Investor Relations managing DJSI Life Cycle Assessment, Green Purchasing, and Environmental Management System / Environmental Report
Experience : Saman Engineering Consultants Co., LTD (SAMAN)_(1994~2000) Environment Impact Assessment / Comprehensive Plan for Environment Protection / Feasibility & Plan of Solid Waste Landfill Site & Incineration / Final Design of Sewage Treatment Plant & Tertiary Wastewater Treatment
Dr. Niven Huang 黃正忠 博士 General Manager, KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd 安侯永續發展顧問股份有限公司 總經理
“Dedicated to being a solution provider in a carbon-constrained age“
Dr. Niven Huang joins KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd as the General Manager on July 15, 2013 to lead KPMG’s Climate Change and Sustainability service team in Taiwan. Before that, he had been the Secretary General of the Business Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of China (BCSD-Taiwan) for 16 years. He is the pioneer in Taiwan for promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR), green innovation, environmental accounting, sustainability report, sustainable and responsible investment (SRI), resource productivity, green purchasing alliance, greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and strategy for carbon management. He is invited to give more than 100 lectures on sustainability yearly at domestic and international events. Before joining BCSD-TW, Dr. Huang worked for YFY Paper Company as a consultant, and a manager in Energy and Resource Dept. at Super Max. Dr. Huang received his doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU). He sits in the judge panels of several public and private Awards of CSR, Excellence in Environment, and Sustainability in Taiwan. Over the years, he is invited to be the part time associate professor on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development of four universities in Taiwan, including the most leading advanced MBA in Taiwan. He is also the first Chairman of the Advisory Group for Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia (ASrIA), which is located in Hong Kong and constituted by institutional investors.
EY 安永 Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory 審計 ︱ 稅務 ︱ 交易 ︱ 諮詢
About EY 關於安永
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization and/or one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit © 2013 Ernst & Young, Taiwan. All Rights Reserved. FEA no. 14000808 安永是全球領先的審計、稅務、交易和諮詢服務機構之一。我們的深刻洞察和優質服務有助 全球各地資本市場和經濟體建立信任和信心。我們致力培養傑出領導人才,通過團隊合作落 實我們對所有利益關聯方的堅定承諾。因此,在我們為員工、客戶及社會各界創建更美好工 作世界的過程中擔當重要角色。 安永會計師事務所是 Ernst & Young Global Limited所屬會員公司的全球性組織,各會員公司 均為獨立的法人個體。而 Ernst & Young Global Limited 是英國的一家擔保有限公司,並不直 接提供客戶服務。想要了解更多安永的資訊,請參考安永網站 © 2013 安永,台灣。版權所有。 FEA no. 14000807
安侯建業聯合會計師事務所 KPMG was founded in 1952 by Mr. Andrew A. H. Chang. In 1971, the firm entered into an association with Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co., making it one of the oldest internationally affiliated accounting firms in Taiwan. In 1986, KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd.(formerly KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.) was established to provide business and financial advisory services. At KPMG Corporate Finance Co.Ltd., the Financial Advisory Services group serves our clients with a wealth of financial advisory experience and international resources from a powerful knowledge infrastructure and extensive deal flows. KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. It operates in 156 countries and have 152,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.
KPMG台灣所主要包括安侯建業聯合會計師事務所、安侯企業管理股份有限公司及安侯國際財務 顧問股份有限公司。安侯建業聯合會計師事務所係張安侯會計師於民國四十一年創設,並於民國 六十年起加盟Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co.,成為我國歷史最悠久的國際性會計師及專業諮詢服 務組織之一;安侯企業管理股份有限公司則於民國七十五年創設,致力於提供企業之各項管理諮 詢服務;安侯國際財務顧問股份有限公司於民國九十四年創設,結合全球專業的財務顧問諮詢經 驗以及豐富的資源網路與資訊管道,發展出一套整合性的服務架構。KPMG是一個全球性的專業 諮詢服務組織,為客戶提供最專業的審計、稅務投資及顧問諮詢服務,會員事務所擁有152,000 名專業人員,在全球156個國家為客戶提供最專業的服務。
PWC 資誠聯合會計師事務所 PwC Taiwan was established in 1970 under the name Chen & Chu. The firm grew rapidly over the ensuing decades and now has 8 offices, 91 partners and more than 2,700 distinguished and dedicated business professionals. We provide industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value for our clients. PwC refers to the network of member firms of PwC International Limited. Across this network, more than 180,000 people in 158 countries share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. With PwC’s global resources at its disposal, PwC Taiwan follows the world’s major industries constantly, helping clients tap into the latest economic trends and industry developments.
資誠聯合會計師事務所係由朱國璋及陳振銑會計師於1970年所創立,四十多年來 業務不斷蓬勃成長,目前在台灣已有8個服務據點、91位合夥會計師、超過2,700 位專業人才。資誠提供產業專精的整合性專業服務,包括審計、稅務、投資理財 、價值管理、人力資源等服務,服務對象涵蓋跨國及國內企業,透過密切的互動 與合作,提供全面而完整的解決方案,以提升客戶的價值。 資誠為PwC在台灣之聯盟所。PwC集合158個國家中超過180,000名專業人士的 集體智慧與專業服務,在世界各地分享他們的思維、經驗及解決方案,以發展各 方面嶄新的見解。資誠長期以來深入觀察各種產業,運用PwC全球資源,協助客 戶精準掌握全球最新經濟產業趨勢。
About Deloitte 關於德勤全球 Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte's approximately 200,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence. Deloitte (“德勤”)泛指德勤有限公司(一家根據英國法律組成的私人擔保有限公司,以下稱 “德勤有限公司”) ,以 及其一家或多家會員所。每一個會員所均為具有獨立法律地位的法律實體。請參閱 中有關 德勤有限公司及其會員所法律結構的詳細描述。 德勤為各行各業的上市及非上市客戶提供審計、稅務、企業管理諮詢及財務諮詢服務。德勤會員所網絡遍及全球逾150個 國家,憑藉其世界一流和優質專業服務,為客戶提供應對最複雜業務挑戰所需的深入見解。德勤約200,000 名專業人士 致力於追求卓越,樹立典範。
About Deloitte in Greater China 關於德勤大中華 We are one of the leading professional services providers with 21 offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Hsinchu, Jinan, Kaohsiung, Macau, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Taichung, Tainan, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xiamen in Greater China. We have nearly 13,500 people working on a collaborative basis to serve clients, subject to local applicable laws. 作為其中一所具領導地位的專業服務事務所,我們在大中華設有21個辦事處分佈於包括北京、香港、上海、台北、重慶、 大連、廣州、杭州、哈爾濱、新竹、濟南、高雄、澳門、南京、深圳、蘇州、台中、台南、天津、武漢和廈門。我們擁有 近13,500名員工,按照當地適用法規以合作方式服務客戶。
About Deloitte Taiwan 關於台灣勤業眾信 Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms. Deloitte & Touche, the only member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited in Taiwan, is part of a broader network including Deloitte & Touche Consulting Co, Deloitte & Touche Tax Consulting Co., Ltd, Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory Co., and DTT Attorneys-At-Law. The professional services provided by Deloitte Taiwan include timely updates on regulatory changes, enterprise risk management, integrated financial advisory services, and solutions to enhance competitive strength. Deloitte Taiwan holds a significant position in the market and provides globalized services and resources to help its clients in overseas IPOs, fund raising, listing in Taiwan by foreign issuers, IFRS compliance, China investment services, etc. 勤業眾信係指勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所(Deloitte & Touche)及其關係機構,為德勤有限公司(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited)之會員。集團成員包括勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所、勤業眾信管理顧問股份有限公司、勤業眾信財稅 顧問股份有限公司、德勤財務顧問股份有限公司,及德勤商務法律事務所。 勤業眾信以卓越的客戶服務、優秀的人才、完善的訓練及嚴謹的查核於業界有著良好聲譽。透過德勤有限公司之資源, 提供客戶全球化的服務,包括赴海外上市或籌集資金、海外企業回台掛牌、IFRS導入服務、中國大陸投資等。