GIS Taiwan
2013 July 8 - July 11
HS Program
Exceed the contempory value
Our Dream 全球集思論壇成立於2009年,至今已邁入第五屆,我們的夢 想是創造一個獨一無二的平台,並引入社會與學術界的資源, 藉由水平交流打造國際間的激盪,藉由垂直交流消除世代間的 不了解,並希望這群年輕人能用他們在這裡獲得的養分,改變 世界
High school student 高中生
U++ delegate 台灣大學生
international student 在台外籍生
delegate 國際學生
全球集思論壇 Global Initiatives Symposium
2013 July 8 - July 11
author of from cradle to cradle “Michael Braungart�
Keynote Speech The world of technology is moving forward at an astonishing speed. What should the technology company deal with the fierce competition? This year, we invited the chairman of Cyberlink to share its development from foundry to the strategy of brand maintaining in the opening speech. Global warming, deforestation, the loss of biodiversity and all the global challenges we face caused by human activities are in direct competition with Mother Nature. Do we really have to give up our economic growth to save the Earth? The blue economy concept proposed by Dr. Gunter Pauli will give you the brilliant answer during the closing speech. With this creative concept, entrepreneurs from all over the world are striving to set up sustainable business models, which would make economic development eco-friendly a possible phenomenon.
Keynote Forum This year’s topic is designed so that different perspectives from a variety of fields can be brought in together. To facilitate that there will be four forums covering the topics of education, media, diplomacy, and finance. Each forum will have two speakers and a host. At first, the speakers will have 30 minutes each in bringing forth their ideas to the audience. Then, it would be followed by 30 minutes of discussion between the speakers. At the end of the keynote forum, delegates will have 20 minutes for Q&A as well as interaction with the speakers.
GIS Taiwan 2011 workshop
Workshop In order to provide a greater depth and allow participating delegates to focus and examine the topic within one specific field, workshops will be held on the second and third day of the symposium. Specialists from different fields, such as economics, media and political science, will be invited to speak in a total of 16 workshops and share what “competition” means in their fields. They are going to provide delegates with the current developing trend and some actual cases to help illustrate the idea of competition. They will also demonstrate what “strategies” to implement in face of difficult situations one might face. The workshops include, but are not limited to, small group discussions, presentations, and direct interaction with specialists. The workshops consist of two afternoon sessions held on, respectively. Each session will feature 8 separate workshops running parallel with each other. Delegates are asked to attend one workshop per session.
GIS Taiwan 2011 delegate exhibition
Delegate Exhibition The Delegate Exhibition is the chance for delegates to share their own views and creativity on the topic this year, a chance for the different perspectives to come together. Delegates will stand by their posters. The delegates will be divided into two groups. During the first half of the exhibition, delegates from one group will be free to move around while those from the other stay by their posters and present their ideas, and during the second half the roles will be reversed. Delegates can listen, comment, and raise questions to the presenters, and are expected to score a number of presentations. Based on the scores from delegates and a committee of specialists, the top five essays with the highest scores will receive awards and have the opportunity to share their ideas during delegate presentation.
全球集思論壇 Global Initiatives Symposium
2013 July 8 - July 11
全球集思論壇 High School Program
會期資訊: 會期:7月7號-7月11號 活動地點:台灣大學總校區 住宿地點:台灣大學男生一號宿舍 台灣大學女生一號宿舍
7月7號集合地點與時間: 當天會有專員持海報於集合地點等候,若找不到位置會遲到, 請連絡專員 集合地點:公館捷運站二號出口 集合時間:13:00-14:00
會期活動簡述: 培訓日(7/7):認識平台、論文撰寫、沙龍 會期活動(7/8-7/11):請參考官網 官網:
建議攜帶物品: 個人身份證明:身份證、健保卡。 日用品:足夠的盥洗用具(牙膏、牙刷、洗髮精、沐浴乳)、 筷子(響應環保)、環保杯、雨傘、手電筒、防曬油、防蚊液、 拖鞋以及輕便雨衣等。 其他:文具、適合自身體質之藥品及暈車藥。 自備睡袋。 建議不必攜帶太多現金,會期間,重要物品請自行小心保管,
注意事項: 若學員有疾病或需特殊協助,請於會期開始時告知領隊。 如果家長有急事,請連絡高中生計畫負責人:邱柏鈞 貴重物品與電子用品(筆記型電腦)等,請家長與學員斟酌 情況是否攜帶入營,若有遺失或毀損,學員個人需自行負責 並承擔所有損失。 請勿攜帶大量金錢入營,營期間不會開放購買任何物品(除第 一天的車資外),請自行斟酌攜帶的金額,若有遺失,學員個 人須自行承擔。 可攜帶手機(宿舍內可充電),但演講及活動期間請關機。
會期間穿著: 為表示對講者的尊重,請大家搭配穿著商務休閒服裝(Smart cascual),上半身請穿著夏季襯衫或有領服飾,下半身則以休 閒長褲為佳,請勿穿著過短的短褲,或露指的鞋子,而會場 內多有空調,建議攜帶薄外套。
會期間連絡人: 總召-李冠億:0937-479681 高中生計畫負責人-邱柏鈞:0988-861318
We Are Waiting For You