1 minute read
Favorite Quote: "Wisdom begins in wonder "
Future Plans: I plan to attend Howard University and major in Sociology
Favorite 21CL Memory: Attending the Leadership exCHANGE at Morehouse College was impactful This summit gathered student leaders from various schools to discuss issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion The topics of discussion were insightful and it was great to meet students from other schools who are committed to making positive changes in the world
21CL Impact: 21CL has helped me discover and master different leadership competencies needed for success in college and the workplace It also instilled a sense of confidence that helped me become more self-assured The focus on development and problem-solving presented opportunities to solve a variety of challenges, and assisted me with applying those same skills to tackle some of the issues I faced in my personal life By networking with diverse professionals from a variety of industries, I cultivated my interpersonal skills and feel comfortable in a variety of settings