1 minute read
Benjamin Harper
CHARTER SCHOOL | DEKALB COUNTY others is the rent you pay for your room on earth." end Morehouse College and major in Economics. I aspire to ker working on Wall Street. favorite 21CL memory is being surprised with the Warner Award during 2023 GA Youth Leadership Awards. acted me as a leader! I have gained the leadership skills of tion, and that is in addition to the lifelong friendships that I

RTHA YALAVARTHI SCHOOL | FULTON COUNTY hours you put in, it's the days you put in one hour " rsity of Georgia and major in Finance I aspire for a career in sector! avorite memory is the capstone project presentations! e me become more outgoing and better at presenting myself
OPHER HICKMAN GH SCHOOL | COBB COUNTY the fullest! " nd Morehouse College and major in Business Administration. I ger in the field of Information Technology. avorite 21CL memory is meeting new people from across the w I could combine my career interests.
Leaders has helped me gain communication and networking aracteristics for outstanding leadership!