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Troy Steward
Favorite Quote: "Be so good they can't ignore you. ” - Steve Martin Future Plans: I plan to attend Middle State Tennessee University and major in Business Studies, Film and Video Production. I hope to benefit the community at MTSU in many ways: simply by being a good steward, by participating in local events, and by encouraging others in the community to do the same. After college, I would like to work as a live director in sports, news, and other live TV events.
Favorite 21CL Memory: I really enjoyed the Georgia Youth Leadership Award ceremony. It was impressive to hear about the wonderful things other students my age are accomplishing. They are already changing their communities for the better. It was very inspiring!
21CL Impact: 21CL has definitely opened my eyes to the many different job opportunities I could have in the entertainment industry. I learned from everyone -- from fellow students, my mentor, the production assistants, to the heads of high-ranking departments at Warner Bros. Discovery. I improved my leadership and professional skills that will certainly help me in my journey to make a positive impact on my community
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. " tend Wesleyan College and major in History, Politics, and Global Studies. ue legal studies and become a juvenile lawyer so I can have a role in justice-I aspire to specifically help black kids. I must attend college so I rsue my dreams.
emory: Talking to 21CL alumni is one of my favorite 21CL memories. CL has helped me to communicate more effectively! I play soccer and the helped me to participate in the description of my team's objectives, understand the preferences of my team members and also helped in resolving disagreements.

Ndall Summerour
Quote: "Find a way or make one. " Plans: I plan to attend Southern University Baton Rouge and major in Political I aspire to become an attorney and possibly a politician too.
21CL Memory: My favorite 21CL memory is attending the SYLI@Gouizeta al summer leadership institute at Emory University. pact: 21CL has shown me that we all have unique qualities that can be tapped one ' s personal leadership role You don’t have to always be out front to lead!