Werarble Data_Research Paper

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Jiyeon Kang / Fashionable Technology 2016

Wearable Data A costume as an interface. A 3D-printed data that can be wearable or processed in real time. A wearable art that expresses self identity. Idea 1

I would like to create a garment as an interface that ​visualize s a wearer’s emotional and physical state in an artistic way by using e-textile that changes its color and pattern ​by researching relationship between color, pattern and emotion.

Build a paper prototype to convey. Idea 2​ (the previous concept) I had developed an idea of “wearable data” which is fashion as an interface of self-data dashboard or an interactive e-textile that reacts to a wearer’s physical state, social networks. By combining all the data that represents an entire self-data in real time, it will show a whimsical representation of quantified-self in the age of internet of things.

Research Papers 1) Pattern changing clothing (E-textile) Kwon, Yong, "Pattern changing clothing" (2013). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. PDF Link: ​http://scholarworks.rit.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6750&context=theses When this E ink clothing displays different pattern, users will be able to make various styles with just one garment. In addition, Pattern Changing Clothing will help wearers enjoy expressing their individuality through the activity of changing or creating styles and patterns as individual customization. 2) Wearable Data Visualization Kurbak, Ebru, and Mahir M. Yavuz. "News Knitter." ​ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Gallery on SIGGRAPH '09, 2009. doi:10.1145/1667265.1667298. Project Link: ​http://casualdata.com/newsknitter/index.html ​ Ebru Kurbak created “News Knitter” as a wearable data visualization project which focuses on knitted garments as an alternative medium to visualize large scale data that is gathered from the daily political news.

3) Quantified Self Movement Marcengo, Alessandro, and Amon Rapp. "Visualization of Human Behavior Data." ​Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics: 236-65. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4309-3.ch012. PDF Link: ​http://quantifiedself.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/QS_Camera_Ready-Rapp-final.pdf ​

This journal articulates what is the rising quantified self movement in the contexts of the history of the development of self-knowledge and evolving technologies in self-tracking.

4) Relationship Between Color and Emotion Sagiv,​ Noam, and Lynn C. Robertson. ​Synesthesia: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, 2005. ​ To investigate on the relationship between color and emotion, I need to look at studies on synesthesia. This book explores the overall concept of synesthesia in the context of cognitive science such as perception, attention, consciousness, memory and learning, language and thought.

3 movies 1) Quantified Self https://vimeo.com/128543690 When well-meaning parents turn the self-tracking into a family religion, the consequences fall outside the quantifiable.

2) Ex Machina A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a breath-taking humanoid A.I.

3) The Avengers https://vimeo.com/126618429 (​Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron UI Reel​)

With a creative approach that brings emotive depth to their work, Territory crafted technology, UI and tools that expressed each individual’s unique characteristics in digital form. And, by referencing research into state of the art clinical diagnostic technology, and the latest thinking in military, robotics and avionics technology, the team was able to bring a fresh level of authenticity to the Marvel universe.

Other Precedents (Related Projects)

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"Mapping Emotions On The Body: Love Makes Us Warm All Over." NPR. Accessed September 27, 2016. http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/12/30/258313116/mapping-emotions-on-the-bo dy-love-makes-us-warm-all-over.

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