我為什麼設計 ?
What do I design for ?
為解決問題而設計 Design For Problems Solution
為 而設計
Design For Society Design For
hsinting - Chang
0931-851-005 pathlength@gamil.com @pathlength
新竹磐石高中資料處理科 - 2017 ST.Peter Senior High School
Data Processing
亞洲大學創意商品設計系 Asia University Creative Product Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects
Rhinoceros 3D Cinema 4D
Ultimaker Cura
- 2021
2017.9 - 2018.1
亞洲設計磁場工作坊 Asia university Talent Youth design workshop
來自亞洲的設計力量工作坊 The power of Asian design workshop
來自亞洲的設計力量研討會 The power of Asian design seminar
實習 Practice 2018.7 - 2018.9
上岳科技股份有限公司 EMG Technology Co., Ltd.
2019.1 - 2019.2
澳州 伍倫貢大學 University of Wollongong, Australia
參賽成果 Competition results 2019
大專生校院教學研究計畫 — 「韖」 College and University Teaching Research Project Competition
優選 Merit Award
全球仿生設計競賽台灣海選 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Taiwan Competition
特別獎 Special Award
AI Creative Design Competition
Honorable Mention
利用鐵窗花的製作工法結合化妝用品設計,讓窗花的意涵不僅止於建築上 ,使窗花文化融入我們的日常生活之中。
Combining the craftsmanship of Window Bars with the design of cosmetics makes the meaning of Window Bars not only on the building, but also makes the window decoration culture into our daily life.
Eyelash curler designed with Taiwanese Window Bars
2019/9 - 2019/11 Designer Lecturer
Hsin-ting, Chang Hung-wen, Hsu
Topic definition
Interesting hand tools
What i s h a n d t o o l s 我們定義了「手 工具」的範疇,並認 為手工具是為了手功 能的延伸而誕生的產 物:剪刀延伸剪裁、 槌子延伸敲打、夾子 延伸抓握。
因此我們認為— 刷、夾、塗抹的化妝 用具也是手功能延伸 的一種形式。
“ 手工具是為了手功能的延伸而產生的產物 ” Hand t o ols are pro duce d fo r th e e x te n s i o n o f h an d fu n c ti o n s
We defined the category of "hand tools" and believed that hand tools were born for the extension of hand functions: extended cutting with scissors, extended hammering, and extended gripping with clips.
Therefore, we believe that cosmetic appliances such as brushes, clips and smears are also a form of hand function extension.
How to make Implication 我們探索產品的「意義」將是會存在何處, 是使用時,帶給使用者的「有趣」;放置時,擺 放產生的「美感」;亦或是使用時,對於行為所 賦予的「意義」。
我們找尋了三種產品意義形式的產品,並 認為賦予行為意義是有趣的,並想以此延伸與 賦予化妝行為的意義。
We explore the "meaning" of the product will be where it will exist, the "interesting" it brings to the user when it is used; the "aesthetic feeling" when placed, or the "behavior" when it is used.
We searched for products in three forms of product meaning and thought it was interesting to give meaning to behavior, and wanted to extend and give meaning to makeup behavior.
Form thinking
des ign by “iThinking” Create fun while using 在使用時創造趣味
des ign by “Alessi”
Aesthetic when placed 擺放時產生美感
Cut the wedding cake
Ritual meaning of behavior 切開結婚蛋糕
Process development
Modeling Image 鐵窗花以黑鐵為材料,經由焊接、鍛造、彎折 等工法製作,其豐富多樣的圖樣,顯現出製作者的 製造技術,是過去鐵工匠們展示技術的角鬥場。
將鐵窗花鐵工的製造工法應用於同為鐵器的睫 毛夾之上。讓窗花的意涵不僅止於建築之上,使窗 花文化融入我們的日常生活之中。
The Window Bars is made of iron by welding, forging, bending and other methods. It’s various patterns show the maker's technology, and it is a battlefield for iron craftsmen to display their skills in the past. Applying the making method of Window Bars to the eyelash curler, which is also an ironware, Let the meaning of Window Bars not only stop on the building, but also let the culture be integrated into our daily life.
台灣鐵窗花 Taiwanese Window Bars
睫毛夾 Eyelash curler
鐵窗花的紋樣本身帶有意涵。以睫毛夾開 合組成完整的圖樣,用以給予化妝過程的意義 賦予。 The pattern of the iron grille has some meaning on it. Opened and closed the eyelash curlerto to complete pattern to give meaning to the makeup process.
為亞洲大學現代美術館所設計的紀念筆款,嘗試將設計師安藤忠雄在建築 上所做的設計元素融入其中。使用水泥做為筆款的材質,除了用以代表美術館 ,也利用水泥的特性讓使用者在使用的過程中留下自己的使用痕跡。
The commemorative pen designed for Asia University Museum of Modern Art ,try to incorporate the design elements made by Mr. Tadao Ando in the architecture. Using cement as the material of the pen, not only representing the Art Museum, but also using the feature of cement to allow users to leave their own traces of using.
Architectural concrete pen set
修改 Revise
Designer Lecturer
2017/9 - 2018/1
2019/1 - 2019/2 Hsin-ting, Chang Yen-ting, Chen Hung, Cheng
Han-ning Chang
Design target
Museum souvenirs
Designing Souvenirs for Asia University Modern
在2017年時我參與了「亞洲設計磁場設計工 作坊」,在學期間每週末參與額外的課程。其中 ,工作坊最終的一項專案目標,是為亞大美術 館設計紀念商品,並且在最後將由老師評選, 獲得商品量產在美術館販售的機會。 In 2017, Ijoin the "Asia university Talent Youth design workshop" and have the additional courses every weekend. Among them, the final project goal of the workshop is to design commemorative merchandise for the Art Museum, which will be selected by the teacher at the end to obtain the opportunity to mass-produce the merchandise for sale in the museum.
Art Museum
參與這項專案時我剛上大一,對於產品設 計還沒什麼觀念,因此在設計上有很多缺失。 隔年回顧作品時,認為自己技術與想法上的不 足在二年級時有了長進,因而想再自己喜歡的 產品類別上進行更深入的創作。
When I join this project I was just a freshman , and I don’t had much ability about product design, so there were many deficiencies in the design. When I reviewed my works in the next year, I thought that my technical and conceptual had improved in the second grade, so I wanted to create more in-depth creations in the product categories I liked.
產品目標是為亞大美術館設計具有代表性 的紀念筆款,我希望使用者在使用筆款時可以 連想到美術館,因此在設計上,針對亞大美術 館的外觀、細節做了更多的觀察與研究。 The goal of the product is to design a representative commemorative pen for the Art Museum, so I hope that users can think of the art museum when using the pen. Therefore, in terms of design, I have done a lot of observation and research on the appearance and details of the Art Museum .
Process development
Modeling Image
安藤忠雄先生在美術館加入了許多巧思, 除了體貼觀賞者與展覽者外也成為了獨特的造 型特點。因此我試著找出它的特徵,將它轉化 到紀念商品中。
最後,我以建築的主要型體三角型做為主 要的產品造型主軸,融入美術館獨有的設計特 點,嘗試進行100張草圖發想。
Mr. Tadao Ando has design a lot of detail in the art museum, and besides being considerate of viewers and exhibitors, it has also become a unique modeling feature. So I tried to find out its feature and transform it into souvenirs.
In the end, I took the triangle shape of the main building as the main product modelling axis, combined with the unique design features of the museum, and tried to make 100 sketches.
Form thinking
Architectural concrete
Triangular building
Derive functions from construction methods
Corner to prevent bumps
A hundred sketches
自由重量的訓練器材提供訓練者高自由度的訓練內容,但同時它卻也是相 當容易造成運動傷害的器材。利用AI與大數據技術,收集一次次的訓練數據, 幫助剛脫離教練的新手訓練者避免運動傷害。
Free weight training equipment provides trainers with high degree of freedom training content, but at the same time it is also relatively easy to cause sports injury equipment. Use AI and big data technology to collect training data again and again to help novice trainers who have just left the coach to avoid sports injuries.
智慧型訓練輔助者 Smart Work out Helper
2019/9 - 2019/11 Designer Lecturer
Hsin-ting, Chang Hsi-wen, Lung
Topic definition
Fitness and future technolo
Po p u l a r F i t n e s s t re n d 近年來臺灣健身 風氣漸盛,許多人開 始從事健身訓練。 但若新手未經學 習而不知道正確的訓 練動作,以錯誤的動 作進行訓練,除了無 法確實的訓練到目標 肌群,更容易導致運 動傷害。
“ 錯誤的訓練,無法得到好成果更可能受傷 ”
Get o n t h e wro ng t ra i ni ng, C an’t ge t re s u l ts an d m o re l i kely to b e i n ju re d In recently, the fitness trend in Taiwan has become more popular, many people starting join in fitness training.
However, If novices don’t know the correct training movements without learning, and train with the wrong movements. In addition to being unable to train to the target muscle group, it is more likely to cause sports injuries.
Coexist with Future technology 隨著科技發展,大數據、AI、5G等科技在 未來將融入我們的生活之中,生活的型態可能 因此產生改變,或許得到更好的生活品質,也 或許將導致社會衝擊。
對於「如何用未來科技輔助生活」進行發想 ,探索科技在未來如何幫助人類,讓人類的生 活更進一步的方法。
With the development of technology, Big Data, AI, 5G and other technologies will be integrated into our lives in the future, and the way of life may change as a result, perhaps to get a better quality of life, or it may cause social impact.
Consider about "how to use future technology to assist life", and explore how technology can help humans in the future and make human life more progress.
人類、大數據、AI人工智慧 三者共同建構未來社會
Human, big data, AI artificial intelligence Building the future society together
Process development
Problem definition
新手訓練者未經學習而不知道正確的訓練 動作,以錯誤的動作進行訓練,因而無法訓練 到目標肌群,亦導致受傷。
2 3
Novice trainers don’t know the correct training movement and train with the wrong movement, so they can’t train the target muscle group and cause injury.
Lack of knowledge and experience 不知道正確的訓練動作、無 法分辯動作正確與否、肌肉感受 度差而無法使用正確的肌肉發力 。
Te Reps mp o
Don’t know the correct training movement, Can’t judge the movement is correct or not, Can’t using the right muscle power and mind muscle connection poor .
Insufficient mastery of posture 訓練途中因疲憊而對身體控 制能力下降、發力過程不小心借 力進行而不自知。
Loss of control over the body due to fatigue during training, In the process of exerting force, I accidentally took advantage of the force without knowing it.
Everyone has different body proportions 每人身體比例不盡相同,因 此沒有絕對的標準姿勢,需要時 間經驗找到適合自己的姿勢,新 手難以靠個人掌握。
Everyone has different body proportions, so there is no absolute standard posture. It takes time and experience to find a posture that suits you. It is difficult for novices to rely on their personal grasp.
How to solve 目前的解決方法 Current solution
教練幫助 Coaching
學習與比較 Learn and compare
重複訓練 Repeat training
教練擁有專業知識,並 且能夠依個人不同指導
透過書本、影片等學習 訓練知識
透過不斷的重複訓練掌 握肌肉控制能力
Coaching profession is hard to replace
教練與人之間的互動、觀察、指導是難以靠科技來取代的。 The interaction, observation, and guidance between coaches and people cannot be replaced by technology.
It takes a long time to learn by yourself
自己摸索、學習需要花許多時間去練習、驗證,有時也難以確認正確與否。 It takes a lot of time to practice and verify by yourself, Sometimes it’s difficult to confirm the correctness.
The coach can't be there all the time
教練不是陪練員,教練費用也不便宜,無法永遠陪在學員身邊。 The coach is not a trainer, and the coaching fee is not cheap, he can’t stay with the students forever.
Process development
解決方法 Solution
Correct knowledge
Companion at any time
以三軸位移傳感器進行動態 補捉
Dynamic capture with Gyro
推測與搜集使用者的運動軌 跡與姿勢
Infer and collect the user's movement trajectory and posture
教練在授課時,搜集正確的 運動資料
The coach collects correct sports data when teaching
自主訓練時,產品依收集的 資料反饋
When self-training, the product feedbacks based on the collected data
量身打造 Tailored
Install the smart buckle on the barbell
Record correct actions
wrong actions are not recorded
When the coach teaches, teach and record correct sports information
將智慧型卡扣裝上 Install the smart buckle
Use the collected data to help training during self-training
Done the right movement, then will make a Bi sound
Done the wrong action, no sound