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第八十六期 2012 年 4月 1日發行
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2012全球學術研討會 Symposium Series Italy 2012
2012年 BioHorizons 全球學術研討會臨床案例發表比賽,目的是藉由分享使用 BioHorizons 產品的臨床經驗,使更多的醫師與研究人員了解如何取得最佳的臨床結果。 獲選作品將會在2012年10月18日至10月20日 BioHorizons 羅馬義大利國際年會中的講台上 展出,入選名額有限,敬請把握報名時機。 Submission Requirements 文章標題 標題簡潔 (須在15字以內) 作
者 姓名(請用全名)
類 植牙、生物學、贋復學等相關手術類別。 • 簡介:簡短的文獻回顧,其中包含文章背景或
摘 要 含括以 下範圍 (600字 以內)
• 目的:說明該案例的目的。 • 方法:使用的產品和治療過程。 • 結果:情況討論和治療結果。 • 結論:依據手術成果論證研究目的。 • 圖片:圖片必須為高解析度的JEPG或者TIFF檔
(每張檔案大小介於1MB到5MB之間),每 篇文獻最多可採用8張圖像/片子,每 張圖/片子皆需加註說明文字。 • 圖表(可選用):圖表最多不超過兩個,每張圖 皆要標記清楚。
請將發表文章於2012年9月3日下午6點前(台灣時 交件方式 間),透過電子郵件傳至 rrmeily@biohorizons. com,並請將副本寄至聯雄公司 implant.com@ msa.hinet.net以備查。
Submissions must meet these requirements: • Title: Concise title (should not exceed 15 words) Authors: Complete names • Category: Implants, Prosthetics and/or Biologics • Abstract: Include the following sections ( should not exceed 600 words) - Introduction: Brief literature review, include back ground or relevant details concerning the case - Objective: Clearly state the purpose of the case abstract - Methods: Product(s) used and treatment provided - Results: Discussion of case and treatment findings - Conclusion: Summary of abstract emphasizing results based on the objective • Images (clinicals, x-rays, and/or histologies): Images must be high resolution JPEG or TIFF (1MB to 5MB each), submit no more than 8 images and provide captions for each • Graphs & Tables (optional): Submit no more than 2 graphs and/or tables and provide captions for each
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學 術 文 章
Preparation of porous Si-incorporated hydroxyapatite II 作者: Y.H. Kim, H. Song, D.H. Riu, S.R. Kim, H.J. Kim, J.H. Moon 出處: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15671739/5/5
For the first step, natural 2 M (NH4)2HPO4 in the Teflon lined hydrothermal bomb and heated for 16 h at 180 °C. After the treatment of first step, X-ray powder diffraction of the sample shows a mixture of phases of aragonite, tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite (Fig. 3a). As a second step, then block of mixed phases was transferred into silicon acetate saturated acetone solution and heated for 24 h at 180 °C in Teflon lined hydrothermal bomb. After the treatment of second step, X-ray powder diffraction data of the sample still remains as a mixture of phases of aragonite, tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite (Fig. 3b). Silicon concentration of the sample analyzed with EDS ranges from 0.12 wt% to 0.19 wt% and concentration at the surface is much higher than that in the interior. When only hydrothermal treatment was applied to the natural coral in 2 M(NH4)2HPO4 in the presence of silicon acetate, EDS analysis shows only Ca, P, O and trace of Mg but silicon peak is not appeared. Normally, coral is known to contain trace amount of Mg ion since Mg content in seawater is quite high. However, the sample after repeated hydrothermal and solvothermal treatments contains small amount of silicon beside Ca, P, O, Mg and it is confirmed by EDS analysis (Fig. 4). For final step, block of coral was immersed in 2 M (NH4)2HPO4 and treated for 24 h at 200 °C hydrothermally again. After the treatment of final step, X-ray powder diffraction data of the sample confirmed that coral block converted mostly into hydroxyapatite phase (Fig. 3c). The silicon-incorporated hydroxyapatite prepared from natural coral possesses uniformly permeable micropores and uniform pore volume measured by Archimedes method was about 70%. At the 70% porosity level, compressive strength of silicon-incorporated hydroxyapatite prepared from natural coral was 5.5 MPa. The prepared porous hydroxyapatite block is quite hard, which is not able to brake by pressing using a hand. At the same porosity, compared to compressive strength of 1.3 MPa of previously reported hydroxyapatite porous block which prepared using a polyurethane sponge technique, a substantial increase instrength has been obtained (Table 1). Fig. 4. EDS analysis of the samples after (a) hydrothermal treatment only, and (b) repeated treated of hydrothermal and solvothermal treatments.
Full Scale 2781 cts Cursor 2.489 keV(32 cts) Spectrum processing: peaks possibly omitted: 8.042, 8.924 keV Processing option: All elements analyzed (Normalised) Number of iterations=10
Full Scale 3519 cts Cursor: 4.415 keV(10 cts) Spectrum processing: peaks possibly omitted: 4.410, 8.039, 83898 keV Processing option: All elements analyzed (Normalised) Number of iterations=9
Table 1.
Mechanical properties of bone and several porous bioceramics Compressive strength (Mpa) Materials 2-12[12] Cancellous bone 1.3[12] Porous HA Si-incorporated coralline HA 5.5 Uncertainty: ±2%, relative standard deviation. Conclusions Both Ca and P ions in hydroxyapatite structure can be incorporated with various ions and isomorphous incorporation at each of this site is governed by ionic radii limits. Due to their ionic sizes, it is generally accepted that silicon substitutes for P site and exists as silicateion. To obtain porous hydroxyapatite block having an improved biocompatibility, Si-incorporated hydroxyapatite has been prepared using natural coral as a starting material. From the XRD, EDS analysis, they were confirmed that the single-phase hydroxyapatite with silicon level 0.19 wt% was synthesized. The Si-incorporated hydroxyapatite derived from natural coral exhibits a porous structure with all pores interconnected throughout the skeleton and structure resembles that of trabecular bone. Pore size distributions are ranged from 200μm to 300μm. Silicon incorporated porous hydroxyapatite material developed in the present study is expected to be a biomaterial having a good biocompatibility.
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Misch study group 讀書會
4月 13日
矯正釘尺寸(mm) 報名專線: (02) 2731-5229
講師學經歷: 高雄醫學院牙醫學士 高醫牙科總校友會監事 NYU植牙專科醫師 ICOI會員
How to deal with severely atrophic maxillary ridge using either PRP, PRF or combination 2012北區讀書會年度課程表
Hard tissue management: Bone split technique
劉致遠 醫師
6月 8日
Update of treatment in peri-implantitis
高宇鋒 醫師
黃斌洋 醫師
9月 7日
Mandibular implant overdenture with attachment
賴俊憲 醫師
Consideration of prosthesis in esthetic zone (暫定)
常預德 醫師
11月 9日
Socket preservation ridge augmentation-rationale Technique,and clinical application
曾世昌 醫師
12月 7日
溫世政 醫師
主辦單位: 中山醫學大學牙醫學系校友總會 協辦單位: 聯雄健康事業股份有限公司
地 備
點: 台北市大安區光復南路102號5樓 註: 課程費用 100元/場
間: 每月第一或第二週
2012年7月24日-31日 地 認
點: 美國西雅圖 Seattle Science Foundation 證: 完成本課程者,將授予 華盛頓大學(University of Washington)證書
台灣繼續教育學分 27 學分 美國CE學分 23 學分
西雅圖 人 頭顱課程 coming soon
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