5 minute read

Philosophical Model Sociological Research

Much of the fertility news demonstrates that women's reproductive rights are somehow not fully liberated. At the same time, the process of human colonization is breaking through into the future and the universe. By reading these news stories, we find a correlation between the two.

The Soviet Space program and the Cosmic Oasis 1957-1991


How long can organisms live in space? From Leica, the first dog in space, to the wheat in the space incubator, the search for life in

New settlement----International Space Station 1998-2024

Massive international joint Space Program: The International Space Station is completing one unmanned space mission after another, and due to its outstanding

Tourism new era ----Trip around the moon 2023--?

The birth of the first test-tube baby

With the birth of Louise Joy Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, assisted reproduction technology is benefiting more and more families. Now there are 4 million test-tube

The strictest abortion law in history

The state of Alabama passed a law requiring women not to have an abortion at the start of pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest,

Taiwan intends to legalize surrogacy these spheres begins with the basic di erence between mammals and other animals: the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

Spheres deals with "spaces of coexistence", spaces commonly overlooked which conceal information crucial to developing an understanding of humanity. The exploration of these spheres begins with the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

Peter Sloterdijk —— “Spheres Trilogy”


Tool of colonialism

Spheres deals with "spaces of coexistence", spaces commonly overlooked or taken for granted which conceal information crucial to developing an understanding of humanity. The exploration of these spheres begins with the basic di erence between mammals and other animals: the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

Uterus Patriarchy


Jacques Derrida —— “Post Structuralism”

Outside Inside ConqueredConquer NurtureSuppress

Tool of colonialism

Patriachy Colonialism

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present di erent critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-su iciency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, post-structuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Patriarchy

Elon Musk has unveiled SpaceX's first passenger to orbit the moon, and if it's no surprise that the Japanese billionaire is about to embark on a fabulous journey in

The draft of the Artificial Reproduction Law was passed by the Legislative in Taiwan. But people are also concerned about whether the illegal surrogacy

Events about Colonialism

Concept Generation

Reproduction Rights

Jacques Derrida —— “Post Structuralism”

Uterus Individual Society

Clothes Architecture Country

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present different critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-sufficiency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, poststructuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Clothes Architecture Community Country Globalization Cosmology

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present di erent critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-su iciency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, post-structuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Individual Society

Clothes Architecture Country

Uterus Clothes Architecture Community Country Globalization Cosmology

In this philosophical model, " s " as the ontology produces a mirror image of "a", and as the object that "s" wants to achieve or have a relationship with, "A" also produces a mirror image of "a ". Therefore, the two mirror images are related to each other, and "S" and "A" are always in a state of being close and never reachable. Form

Starting from the basic unit of the sphere, we use the hexagon as a single unit, and after repetition, constitute the outer shell of our space birth station. The inner core is the planet as a new colony. The inner core and outer shell are connected to the building through colonial facilities.

Feminist Production Right Colonialism Architecture

Maritime hegemony

SiAfter Columbus discovered the New World, European countries began to expand overseas colonies, opening the Asia-Africa-Europe portal through ships and artillery.

As mentioned before, reproduction and colonization are inextricably linked, and as a means of colonization, architecture has also left many marks in the history of human colonization. We also listed several landmark colonial buildings in the important colonial stage and used them as the source of our form


On the basis of the looting of territories, raw material production areas, and labor, the colonies were further subjected to capital invasion by Western powers.


Colonialism in the new era is manifested in the invasion of culture, minds, and ideology.

Space colonization Thanks to the development of space technology, human colonization began to develop into space.





In 1798, the British economist Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population", which clearly opposed the classical view of population under patriarchal politics and proposed methods such as late marriage and abstinence to birth control. Ancient Egyptian women tried contraception with drugs.

In Florence , women often gave birth to 5 to 10 children. Once they were pregnant, they had to write a will. According to the law of the Roman Republic, when a husband feels that he has a sufficient number of children, he can transfer his wife to others at will. It can be seen that women are only tools for family r eproduction.

In the Middle Ages, people used a torture instrument called Pear of Anguish to torture women, which would damage the genitalia and even kill them.

In 16C, a small town in Boston executed many women under the pretext of "witch hunting".

In 1798, the British economist Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population", which clearly opposed the classical view of population under patriarchal politics and proposed methods such as late marriage and abstinence to birth control.

status has been further improved, and the feminist movement and the movement for the right to reproductive rights have also ushered in a climax. With the end of the two world wars, women's social status has been further improved, and the feminist movement and the movement for the right to reproductive rights have also ushered in a climax.

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