Steve Azzara (RIP) President/Editor in Chief/MFIC
Pamela Haven Co owner/President/Writer
Matt Sellers Writer/Creative director/Editor

Cypress Bates Video Journalist/Writer Santelmo (Saint) Vazquez
Rebecca Perry (interviewer)
Cover- @dannylepore cover made by- Danny Lepore
Special Thanks to...
Daniel Kearney, Santelmo (Saint) Vazquez, Mark Lawrence, Shawn Alexander, Tommy’s Supplies, New England Tattoo Expo, Sellers Ink Tattoo, Sean Hightower, Walt Anderson, Carnival of Ink, The Most famous studio, Urbans edge tattoo after care. New England tatoo expo
Pro Team
Lydia Bruno, Pammy Sellers, Pepe Carire, And Jimmy Dalessio, Ninetoes, Nikko Gould, Josh Paul, And Mike Geyer

You are currently located in New Jersey, are you originally from there, tell us a little bit about yourself and what was it like growing up?
- I grew up in Jackson, New Jersey. I was real fortunate to live within walking distance to Pine Park. I spent most my time there, whether i was walking around or riding my bike. It was nice getting lost in the pines. Looking back I really enjoyed having a healthy balance of alone time and socializing. My mom got me an art desk at 14 and I swear I never really left my room when I was home. Most of my time was spent drawing/playing video games/walking around with my close friends. There are times I wish I lived somewhere I could wander like that again.
What originally got you into the idea that you wanted to become a tattoo artist?
- When i was 17 the thought of going to college really weighed heavy on me. I saw what my brother was going through and I knew it wasn’t for me. I knew from a young age I wanted a career in art. Tattooing was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn’t change it for the world. May I die with a machine in my hand.

How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey been for you?
- I started my apprenticeship in 2012. I was a senior in high school during that time. I graduated early and was able to work at the tattoo shop full time. The beginning was hard. My first four years I was really trying to find myself. I bounced around learning what I could. Since I was young I wanted to take advantage of the ability to travel and see the world. That’s my favorite part about tattooing. The connections I’ve made along the way, and the places I get to experience.
As of right now it seems like you specialize in black work and similar, what for you in to that certain style? Do you ever get to or want to work with colors?
- When I first started my work was centralized around color. I felt kind of pigeon holed into it at the time. Since I was young I’ve always worked with black/black and grey. It’s nice to get back to my roots. I’ve always been influenced by manga/concept art/comic art. I really pull from there. My goal is to make my clients look like they’ve walked out of a video game.

What are some of your biggest inspirations in the tattoo and art industry?
- First off I have to mention my friend Pain McLain, she’s one of the most talented people I know. Her work inspires me everyday. To name a few others, Black symmetry (Louis), Eddie Rise, Beto Servian, and Pest have been inspirations as well. Shepard Ferry was my favorite artist as a teenager. I see a lot of his influence in my work as well.
What are some of your biggest achievements and accomplishments in your career?
- Being able to work with my talented friends. I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by the people in my life. Every connection I’ve made has brought me closer to where I want to be in my career. I was lucky enough to be on an Inked video back in 2018 with my best friend Brittany Beware. Her and I have some crazy stories.
Do you have any big plans for the new years?
- to be honest, I’m trying to slow down and produce. I feel like I finally have focus. I’m ready to hit the ground running. This year will be my first year at Hell City. I’m honored to be apart of it. I’ve waited my whole career for this opportunity.

7. Next question is sensitive and I’m sorry but what was it like when you caught Jimmy dalessio working on Kate? Once a cheater always a cheater? - Listen, it’s my fault for catching feelings for a stud like that.

Let’s start off with a little about yourself tell us where you are from and what was it like growing up?
I’m originally from West Long Branch, NJ but grew up in Raleigh, NC. Like most of us, I actually come from a very conservative family so anything related to tattoos and piercings was frowned upon. Although Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina and is decently diverse, I really stood out everywhere I went, even before having a lot of body art. I’m biracial (Italian and Puerto Rican) and I didn’t come from a traditionally southern family so I always felt different as a kid. To this day I think this is why I never cared what people would think of me if I had a lot of tattoos and piercings because I was always going to be considered different regardless.
At what age did you realize you wanted to be A veterinarian? And tell us a little bit about that? How has that journey been?
I actually didn’t know I wanted to be a vet until I was 19. I was always obsessed with animals so as a kid I was always hearing “you’re gonna be a vet some day.” Believe it or not, I actually always hated school so I never thought being a vet was a realistic option for me. I ended up getting a job at a vet clinic at the end of my freshman year of college and on my second day of work I decided it was awesome and I should try to push myself through all the schooling. The journey was extremely difficult. It was 8 years of rigorous schooling after high school. I’ve been out of school for almost 6 years and sometimes I still feel like I’m healing and learning how to live beyond that time of my life. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unless it’s absolutely unequivocally the only thing you can see yourself doing.
You are also a professional piercer and body modification artist. How did that become? What got you into that and how long have you been doing it?
Body art was always the only other thing I was passionate about besides animals and I always thought it would be amazing to be a piercer. Once my career in veterinary medicine calmed down I found myself hanging out in shops more than ever and decided I should try to pursue piercing. I did a piercing workshop in San Francisco called the fakir intensives and after that, my mentor offered me an apprenticeship. I’ve been an apprentice for almost 2 years and I’ve been actually doing piercings for about a year.
What is a piercing you haven’t yet gotten to do that you hope to accomplish in the near future?
Since I’m still an apprentice I’ve only done lobes, helixes, nostrils, eyebrows, conches, and flats so far. I’m really looking forward to learning surface piercing (dermals and surface bars). In my opinion, as long as you know surface piercings aren’t permanent, they can be really fun and exciting.

what/ who were your early inspirations when discovering the body mod community?
I would definitely say the lizardman (Erik Sprague) was my earliest inspiration. I remember seeing pictures of him in Ripley’s believe it or not books (I think?) and thinking he looked so cool. I never found his mods scary or weird. I was just fascinated.
What is your favorite animal and why?
Definitely the aye aye. They’re just so unique and everything about them is interesting. They also have very important history and actually almost went extinct due to legends of them being demonic.
Favorite modification and why?
My tongue split is definitely my favorite mod. As far as mods I have a coinslot, a conch punch, one scar, fangs, and my tongue. I love my tongue split because I had to conquer a lot of fear and anxiety to even go through with getting it and I really felt more like myself once I finally did it. I barley even remember it’s split and I can’t imagine having a regular tongue again. My fangs are probably a close second because despite how they look, they were super easy and low-key to get and they can be removed at any time.

How do your skills as a doctor help you better navigate the world of body piercing?
I would definitely say understanding sterility has been the most helpful thing from my medical knowledge. Sterile technique is so much more in depth than just washing your hands and that would have been a massive learning curve if I didn’t already know that from surgery. It’s really nice to know that this has helped me perform safer piercings.


Tell us a little bit about where you’re from and what was it like growing up?
My name is Fernanda Chizuko, I’m from São Paulo - BRAZIL.
I have grown up in the country side of São Paulo, close to my family and nature and dreamed of traveling the world.
What kind of apprenticeship did you have a tough one or an easy-going one?
I was an apprentice in a big studio on São Paulo, it was an easygoing apprenticeship, I had really good people by my side that supported me through. The way to become a tattooed is not easy, but it gets better when you have good people around you.
How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey treated you?
I’ve been tattooing for about 6 years now. Every day I fell I’ve made the right choice. I really love what I’m becoming in the tattoo world.

You specialize in fine line and delicate tattoos what originally got you into that certain style?
Although I’m not a fan of having small tattoos on my body, I like to make them small. I know this may sound contradictory, knowing my personal taste, but I really like to see the face of my clients when I make tiny and super delicate tattoos
What other styles of tattooing do you have an interest in?
Do you ever get to do color?
I think all styles are necessary when you want to become a good artist, but fine line was the one who Got into my heart. If done a few things with colour but it didn’t got me
What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the tattoo industry?
My biggest accomplishment in the tattoo industry would it be to travel the world with my work. Knowing other artists, countries and studios throughout my work.

Do you ever get to travel for work and if so, where are some of your favorite locations?
Yes, I do travel a lot for work and I love it! My favorite country to work is Germany but Vietnam also surprise me a lot
What do you like to do for fun outside of work hobbies, etc.
Beside work I love to do motocross , go to the gym, stay close to my friends and family and also to know other places in the world

Danny Lepore USA

You are currently located in New Jersey, are you born and raised there and what was it like growing up?
I honestly love New Jersey. I’ve always caught so much crap for being such a fan, but there’s something about the grit in the state that is so appealing to me . Growing up I was just a gothy suburb kid running around in the woods and on our bikes , or at home drawing !
Can you remember when you first started getting into art? Was it something that came early on?
Ive been drawing and painting as long as I can remember. Its always just been a comforting place for me in the chaos . Everything seems to go quiet when I’m making art .

How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey been treating you?
I have been tattooing for 15 years now , and it’s crazy to even think about how much the journey has changed along the way. I started working in a New York street style shop and was just doing walk in flash off the walls with coils , to now owning my shop with all the artists making custom designs daily . The industry has grown and changed in a million ways , some good / some bad . I am just happy to have been able to make it my career successfully for so long . I hope to do it forever .
You own and operate Grave tattoo located in North Brunswick New Jersey, how is that going for you tell us about the shop. Grave Tattoo was a dream of mine for a long time but I always told myself I would wait to be tattooing for 10 years to open my own shop . Even with so many years of tattooing , owning a tattoo shop has been amazing but also very difficult . There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly but It’s extremely rewarding and i am very happy with how far the shop has come and the amazing people who have done tattoos there for so long now!

You seem to specialize in all categories of black and grey! What got you into those styles?
I originally always wanted to work with color , but when I saw how challenging black and grey was I started to really fall in love with it. After a while I was booked up with only black and grey tattoos and I just haven’t looked back since . I’ve gone through different eras where I liked the darker evil stuff more , but nowadays I just try and find new ways to mix in different subject matter and just keep it fresh .
I got to meet your incredible family at an art show you hosted at Grave tattoo how do you balance family and work?
Balance seems to be the hardest part about life . These days if I’m not tattooing I am almost definitely with my wife and kids just being a dad . Fatherhood has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me , and the universe has blessed me with 2 little boys . If im not tattooing I am probably exploring or pretending with those little monsters . So much of my tattoo career has been traveling insane amounts and truly dedicating my life to the craft . Having kids forced me to see other sides of life besides tattooing , and I am grateful to have been forced to slow down and take life in the moment .
What’s the best way to book with you and your shop?
Gravetattooshop.com and fill out the form on the website !
What are some of your biggest achievements in your tattoo career?
There are many things I could list that to others may seem like achievements . I’ve been on TV , some magazines , some features , made some money, bought some houses, tattooed in a bunch of countries ... But all of that stuff never seems to fill my soul or make me feel like I achieved something . I’ve been focusing more on the art and just trying to support growing artists and hosting art events , and I love bringing people together . And if after say they feel inspired is when I feel the most accomplished . I just want to leave a message of self growth and love . This tattoo journey isn’t a race against anyone besides yourself , and I hope to continue growing and learning forever .


100% Female-owned: two years of growth and innovation at urban’s edge tattoo care

So from previous experience what does it feel like from sharing a small booth with us at a convention to ha ving some of the biggest booths at conventions around th e usa and now with a whole pro team alongside of you? Is this a taste of success?
The past two and a half years have been an absolute whirlwind of growth. I’ve been pushing myself to excel in every aspect—booth staging, marketing, branding, and formulating our products. A few months ago, I stumbled across a photo from my first setup with you at Villain Arts Wildwood. I also found a picture of the air mattress I slept on in the kitchen of the hotel, where you so kindly let me stay. That moment hit me hard—it reminded me just how far I’ve come in only two and a half years.

A kitchen air mattress with strangers... just to make it to my first villain arts show.
When I launched Urban's Edge, I couldn’t have imagined the challenges ahead. I originally tried to start the company a year earlier, but on the very day of my planned launch, my dad suffered a massive heart attack that required a 5bypass surgery.

2 .5 years ago

While he recovered, I put the business on hold to c are for him. Only 1.5 months later, both of my parents contracted COVID p neumonia. Over 12 days, my dad lost 70 pounds, my husband and I worked tire lessly to help him walk and write again, taking on his rehabilitation with love and determination. Meanwhile, my mom was intubated in the hospital sti ll fighting, and 11 days later, she passed away.

THE Next 6 months weren’t about the business- They were about family. Rebuilding the company after such a profound loss has been both challenging and transformative. I’ve felt the weight of trying to rebuild my once-successful business while branching into a new area of the tattoo community. I’ve been so laser-focused on the direction I’m heading that I hadn’t taken a moment to truly reflect on my journey until now.

Looking back,
I realize that delay in Urban's Edge’s tattoo launc h was necessary.

It gave me time to focus on what mattered most —my family— and ultimately placed me exactly where I needed to be. As I move into 2025, I can finally appreciate how those early moments— sharing a booth with strangers who are now friends—laid the foundation for something incredible.

Do you have any big plans for some new products in the near future?
I’m always focused on formulating and refining products that truly elevate the experience for both artists and clients.

Right now, I have at least three new products in deve committed to using only natural and organic ingredien challenges. Sometimes, there simply isn’t a natural alt the effectiveness of a synthetic ingredient. It can be incredibly frustrating— especially when a formula I’ve been perfecting for nine months only needs 0.5% of a synthetic ingredient to work, but I have to abandon it because it doesn’t align with Urban’s Edge’s brand philosophy.

With That said, two of the three products have successfu lly passed testing and are nearly ready for production in our Urban's Edge manufacturing lab. I’m excited about how close they are to becoming part of the Urban’s Edge lineup!

Do you all have a big travel plan this year? And what are some of your favorite locations?
I’m always up for being somewhere warm During the offseason, we spend time in Florida preparing for our next year’s tour. In 2025, we’re planning a mid-season trip to Hawaii, which I’m really looking forward to.
Some of my favorite shows are the ones where we hav e a large group of our artist team with us. There’s nothing quite like the energy that comes from seeing them all together, working their magic in on e massive 8-booth endcap. It’s such an incredible experience to watch them do what they do best!

What will urbansedge be
offering the industry this year for 2025?
This year, we’re excited to sponsor roughly 40 show s across the country and travel with our Award-Winning URban’s edge Artists! Our nationwide product specialists will also be joining us at conventions, ready to support artists and shops with some of the best products available.

2.5 years later

In addition to traveling coast-tocoast, we’ll also be expanding our product lineup. Plus, we have a few major company announcements planned throughout the year, so be sure to keep an eye out. Your not going to want to miss it! INTERVIEWER:

You are currently located in Florida are you originally from there? And tell us and the readers a little bit about where you’re from and what was it like growing up?
I am currently located in Saint Augustine Fl, but originally from South Florida! I grew up in a town called Loxahatchee, surrounded by the Florida wetlands. Most of my childhood consisted of playing outside with a vivid imagination.
At what age can you remember getting into art? Where did it all start?
I’ve been interested in art for as long as I can remember! Especially in elementary school - that’s when the constant doodling began. I remember in first grade my painting was selected to be in an art show to represent my school! After that I just continued to create in all sorts of mediums.
Can you remember the moment you decided you Wanted to become a tattoo artist and why?
I actually didn’t know I wanted to become one until the opportunity presented itself! My old boss offered the job because he saw my art online- and I rejected the offer initially because I had an idea of what tattooing might be vs what it really was. I thought a lot about what my life would be like if I had taken him up on his offer and what tattooing would look like logistically. A few months later I ran into him in person and he offered it again, and that’s when my journey began.
How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey been for you?
I’ve been tattooing for over 6 years now! This journey has had its ups and downs, testing and rewarding moments. But more positive than anything else. Tattooing has been so healing, for me and my clients. The biggest piece of advice I live by is ‘progress isn’t linear’ and to not be so hard on myself. Artists are their own worst critics.

I see you mostly specialize in fine line and delicate tattoos. What got you into that style?
I definitely didn’t start off doing this style! I actually tattooed more heavily outlined tattoos when I was first starting out, likely with a 7 round liner! I shifted into using a bugpin 3 liner and rely more on shading than any linework now! I think I just started obsessively looking at scientific illustrations, and started to render my own work in a way that would lend itself to sensibility and softness that the vintage illustrations.
What are some of your biggest accomplishments?
I am proud of completing a few large scale back pieces and multiple arm and leg sleeves. I feel like my biggest accomplishment is having the ability to heal people through tattoos and helping them reclaim their bodies and loving parts of their bodies again that they may have been self-conscious about.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations In the tattoo and art industry?
My biggest inspirations in the art would have to be Pierre-Joseph Redoute & John James Audubon. Both 1700/1800’s illustrators had a soft but detailed touch to their works, and it’s what has inspired me the most. I am also a big fan of Stephanie Brown’s work (@feralcatbox), Eleanor Gander (@eliluciitattoos) & Rebecca Habing (@land.of.sky)’s work.
Do you have any big plans in the near future?
Lots of guest spots! I want to take advantage of the beautiful fact that we can travel with this kind of job! Seeing new places and meeting new people. I think just seeing where tattooing takes me!

2024 Flint Michigan Tattoo City Convention

The 4th annual Tattoo City Convention 2024 was held this August in Flint, Mi. The air was electric with the world of ink and artistry colliding in a spectacular three-day event. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Travis and Amber Crossley, Owners of Millennial Ink -Flint, Mi, the convention was a haven for tattoo enthusiasts, artists, and vendors alike. From the buzzing needles to the vibrant displays, it was a celebration of creativity, craftsmanship, and community. The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the $10,000 Best of Show prize, which drew submissions from some of the most talented tattoo artists from around the globe. The show has hosted many notable names in past events like Marshall Bennett, Big Ceeze, JD Delaparra, Jero Garza, Emanuel Fortunado, Kyle Dunbar, and Koral Landa, showcasing their unique styles and pushing the boundaries of tattoo artistry.
The convention was a melting pot of cultures and ideas, with tattoo companies like Eternal Ink, Pro Source, Extreme Ink, and TattCom supporting the event. The presence of these industry favorites added an extra layer of excitement, offering attendees a chance to explore the latest in tattooing technology and supplies. Beyond the ink, the Tattoo City Convention was packed with entertainment. Attendees were thrilled by the NGN suspension shows, mesmerized by the Miss Tattoo City pageant, and delighted by the pinup competition, hosted by the fabulous Candy Dunbar. The variety of events ensured there was never a dull moment, making it a truly immersive experience.

Tattoo-related vendors of all kinds added to the vibrant atmosphere. From Ink Therapy clothing and Bullet Jewelry to Sullen Clothing, there was something for everyone. The vendors brought a variety of unique products, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.
As the convention wrapped up, the excitement didn’t end. We are thrilled to announce the second annual Tattoo City Lansing, set to take place in April 2025 in Lansing, Michigan, and Tattoo City Flint, set to take place in Flint MI August 2025. These upcoming events promise to be even bigger and better, continuing the tradition of celebrating the art of tattooing in all its forms. --- For more details and to stay updated on future events, keep your eyes peeled. Until then, keep the ink flowing and the creativity alive! For information go to tattoocitytatcon.com or look us up on Facebook or instagram. Maybe you could be the next proud winner of $10,000 and hold the title Tattoo City Best Of Show!!!
Write-up by: Travis Crossley
Images by: Inked Photography and Dawn Bennett

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Yes located in Latrobe pa, born and raised but did travel around . I’ve always been into tattoos but didn’t start actually tattooing til my 30s, i never had an apprenticeship I’m self taught but along the way i was fortunate enough to work beside some amazing artists and pick up some techniques. This December 15th will be 9 years professionally even tho i had acple years of not really being able to tattoo from a car accident and a motorcycle accident. So getting back into full swing over this past year has been great. I own kings and myths tattoos. Sold the one tattoo shop after my accidents and opened this one up just alittle bit over a year ago. People can book thru the website , kings and myths business oage, my personal page tattu A-Aron or my instagram tattu_aaron. While most people know me for black n grey realism i honestly like tattooing all styles from black n grey to Neo and new school color it keeps it interesting and exciting for me. I have won multiple best of shows and tattoo of the days. Including winning in 16 different tattoo award categories . From best of shows, tattoo of the day bng, tattoo of the day color infused, new school, small color, small, medium and large bng, coverup, portrait, collab, biomech, color infused, lettering, most unique ,horror and acouple more. I’ve been published in multiple international magazines and looking forward to this one especially in 247.
I’ve been fortunate enough to have some amazing sponsors gratitude tattoo supply, tts body balm , and rockstar that I’ve been able to travel with around the states to past conventions to hang out with other artist and do some cool tattoos on great clients. My wife Carmella is a huge supporter of the business helping with behind the scenes and taking care of our family and her man child of a husband so i can draw on people for a living. Favorite food is anything i can get my hands on in between appts and on breaks lol, but honestly the home cook meals my wife makes all the time. Spicy i think would be the good word choice

Tell us a little bit about yourself, where are you from and what was it like growing up?
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela.. in 1979, growing up in those decades 80’s and 90’s was special because I lived the changes from all kind of point of view, from the way people used to be, to the technology advances, from classics things, to modern things… music, tv, cassettes, Walkman Music Devices, from vinyl records, to compact disc, from diskettes to pen drives… I mean, it has been a bunch of different changes in different king of things that makes me feel it has been great and interesting journey.. very dynamic, and lucky to had the chance to see all of it.
At what age did you start getting into art?
Well, I had the luck, that art has been in my life since I have the use of consciousness, the art runs in my blood because my father, he is the real artist in the family, he used to paint, draw, and create works of art in different kinds of ways even music… All learn by himself, so since I was born I think I was surrounded by art.. my favorite toys were my father brushes and paints…
How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey been going for you?
I started tattooing in 2001.. so is been more than 20 years since I bought my first tattoo machine and start to learn how to become a tattoo artist.. because I started in early 2000… there was no good internet, or YouTube tutorials, or even smart cellphones where to get information about how to tattoo.. so my journey has been a little long, I lived the transition of technology, because I’m from the coils tattoo machine times… and there was no social media.. now a days, all has changed.. so, there was a point that I had to forget all that I knew and start all over again to keep updated with all the information and stuff that is usual today.
Who are some of your biggest inspirations in the tattoo and art industry?
Here, I can mention a lot of artists that has been an inspiration for me.. world famous artist like Bob Tyrel, Guy Aitchinson, Paul Booth, Jeff Gogue has been the artists that inspired me the most, Stefano Alcantara, Darwin Enriquez, I have the luck to see them work closely and learn from… that has been a great inspiration..

You specialize in black and grey, realism, and cover ups, what originally got you into those certain styles?
For me, realism represented the most difficult style in tattooing, create a piece of art that looks realistic in the skin of someone was in my opinion the most difficult level in the art of tattooing, so I wanted and still want to get in that level. black and Grey also is a little more difficult than people think, is not just two tones, is create an image with shapes and volume with just one color, and flow between all the different tones and shapes and shades.. so that’s what kept me interested and loved that style… in the case of cover ups, it was by consequence, in the last decade I think more than the 50% of the customers I had, were for tattoo cover ups… people that at young age got simple or maybe not to good tattoos and now they wanted better ones, people that by ignorance got a not to good tattoos made by inexperienced tattooers.. and now the wanted to fix it… at the beginning I didn’t like it.. because I thought it was difficult to work with something that was already there, but I took it and embraced like a challenge.. no body wanted to do it.. so, Also is because is like giving back the hope to people that thought it was impossible… it took me time to mastering that technique but now is one of the things I like to do the most..

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in your career?
In my career, I have the great privilege to attend to many tattoo events and conventions.. travel around many countries.. and I have the satisfaction of winning in many competitions.. one of the biggest accomplishments was to win best of the day in one of the most popular conventions in Perú, the country I’m currently living.. in many of the tattoo events that I have attended, I have been awarded with 1st place in realism, and others styles… and last year I was invited to one of the best tattoo conventions of Latin America, the Art Tattoo Bolivia Convention, as Jury… were even I was awarded by the Deputies Chamber of the Government of Bolivia for Help to Develop and Promote the Art in the Country… so, that is a great honor.
Where would you love to travel to tattoo and why?
Currently I’m traveling across Europe… I’m in the middle of a tour, but of course I would like to keep going to new places and meet new artists to feed and make grow my sense of style and culture to apply it in to my art. But definitely I would like to visit United States, because of the great tattoo conventions, and also Asia… because of the Asian Tattoo Culture.. there is a lot to see and learn..

To our beloved friend Steve Azzara your legacy and hard work will be rememberd and continued through your magazine and memories. We all think about you everday until we meet again ol friend.

Steve Azzara Owner/ Founder / Mfic