2515 OCTOBER 2015

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23/09/2015 1:08 pm

2515 CONTENTS NEWS 04 Paddock to Purl An all-Aussie alpaca yarn 06 Show time! Coledale school’s Unexpected Magic 14 Bush Fire Meetings Get ready with Austinmer RFS LIFESTYLE 08 Cover feature Austinmer Dance Theatre set to wow audiences 10 Dr Rip Gets into a bit of a hole. Plus, a dye release! 12 Gardening This spring, follow your nose 16 Real food Lemon bliss balls via Thirroul’s Co-op

18 Wild Swimming Take a dip in Stone Bridge Pool 20 Art Young achievers 21 How to help Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre 22 What’s On School fete BUSINESS 19 International Credit Union Day October 15 21 Hurrah! Tony Dribbus marks 30 years in real estate 23 Local Directory SPORT 27 Tides 28 Luke Wrice Coledale surfer off to world titles

Cover image by Anthony Warry Photography; www.anthonywarryphotography.com.au


is a retired English teacher of 35 years, who has lived and worked in the Illawarra, and completed three year-long overseas teacher exchanges (in Minnesota, Oxford and Cornwall). A wife and mother of three, she sees the life of a retiree as an evolution, something to be cherished, enjoyed. The Publicity Officer for Northern Illawarra University 3rd Age (U3A) her personal interests include travel, Letters-to-the Editor SMH, letterpress printing and film study. See page 14.

Dr Rob Brander

– aka ‘Dr Rip’ – is a coastal geomorphologist and Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. A resident of Stanwell Park, he’s been studying beaches for 25 years, starting in Canada where water temperatures convinced him to come to Australia to do his PhD. He is an international expert on rip currents and runs a beach safety education program called The Science of the Surf (www.scienceofthesurf. com). He wrote Dr Rip’s Essential Beach Book. Read his column on page 10.



is a freelance writer, blogger and social media organiser. With 40 moves in 40 years she is passionate about discovery and connecting and writes about it over on her blog nickywaywrites when she is pursuing her other interest for social media. She lives in the northern Illawarra where she is outnumbered four to one by her boys and a dog named Goliath. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at nickywaywrites.com. This month Nicky went to a Begin Bright parents workshop; see page 20.


is the founder of Life Wellness Co., an exercise physiologist, nutritionist, rehabilitation consultant, wellness coach and food writer. She is a happily married, mother of two, Thirroul resident, who is actively engaged in local activities including volunteering at the food co-op, running wellness workshops and delivering real food inspiration to the community through a variety of written mediums. She is passionate about creating a happier and healthier community. Find her lemon bliss balls recipe on page 16.





Genevieve Swart, Marcus Craft

Art director Brendon Wise

Regular contributors

Rob Brander, Sara Newnham, Anthony Warry


editor@2515mag.com.au Ph: 0411 025 910 2515mag PO Box 248, Helensburgh, 2508.


See 2515mag.com.au for rates, specifications and deadlines. Terms and conditions apply. Email editor@2515mag.com.au


Community participation is welcome. Please contact editor@2515mag.com.au with story ideas. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words. The editors reserve the right to edit submissions. Contributors should include contact details.


15th of the month prior to publication. 2515 is published by The Word Bureau Pty Ltd. ABN 31 692 723 477. 2508 Read our sister mag for the postcode around Helensburgh, 2508mag.com.au Disclaimer: All content and images remain the property of 2515: Coast News unless otherwise supplied. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in letters and other submissions do not reflect those of the editors.

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24/09/2015 6:53 am

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24/09/2015 6:59 am

2515 NEWS

Dr Terri Farrelly (right) can track her new alpaca yarn all the way back to a field in Victoria.

paddock to purl

Knitters can relax knowing their yarn comes direct from a happy Aussie alpaca. 2515 reports.

Thirroul’s Dr Terri Farrelly, owner of online store Knitting For The Soul, has a new, all-Australian artisanal yarn for sale. “Pure Soul” is the result of months of hard work. The super-soft alpaca wool is sourced from small farms, milled at Victoria’s Great Ocean Road Woollen Mill and sold in skeins of white, rose grey, fawn and dark brown. “Pure refers to the fact that it is undyed, using the natural shades of alpaca fibre,” Terri says. Pure Soul is a thick yarn classed as “extremely chunky”; it’s very much in vogue and knits up on 25mm needles. “Think broomstick handles,” Terri says. “In a two-hour beginners class you can actually walk away with a finished throw, because it knits up that quickly.” “The problem is no one had the machinery


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or the capacity to make it here in Australia. So I got onto these guys in Victoria that had just ordered all this mill equipment and convinced them to buy this extra piece …” The “extra piece” from Canada cost $10,000, Terri says, and only worked in conjunction with other mill equipment, so it wasn’t a viable option for her alone. “But between the two of us, it looks like we are going to be the first in Australia to be making our own all-Australian product. “We know exactly where it’s coming from, down to the actual alpaca ... we know exactly how it’s been treated, from being grown to being shorn to being processed, spun, to being in my hands ready to go.” Terri turned to knitting at age 33 for stress relief. She is a doctor of health science, a research consultant in indigenous health who specialises in Aboriginal suicide prevention. “I started knitting when I was pregnant with my son. To try and help myself to relax, I said to my mum, ‘Can you teach me how to knit?’ Once you know the basics, all you need is YouTube.” Now Terri has turned her hobby into a parttime business, selling high-quality supplies and knitted goods with a “Pro Love Anti Racism” label. “I do that as a social enterprise idea. I look at racism as being a core cause of Aboriginal suicide … that’s my way of trying to promote a culture that does not tolerate racism.” Terri definitely doesn’t fit the “granny” stereotype, nor do most of her clients. Today’s knitters are women and men of all ages, creative crafters who knit as “an indulgence”, Terri says. Her clients are looking for something special. “They’re not wanting to just spend $2 a ball on some acrylic stuff. They care about where has it come from, how has it been made, is it organic, how are the animals raised.” Indulge: a 1kg skein of Pure Soul is $180, 2kg is $360 at www.knittingforthesoul.com.au. 2515


24/09/2015 6:59 am

Lock in 3% Guaranteed




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24/09/2015 6:59 am

2515 NEWS

Magic rehearsals Coledale Public School students are preparing to perform their third annual Unexpected Magic show. Event Director Alicia Battestini said the show would include dance, music, acrobatics and much more. It will be held from 5pm on Saturday, October 10 at the school. Tickets are $15 each (adults) from the school or UnexpectedMagic2015.Eventbrite.com.au.


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23/09/2015 1:19 pm


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Photos by Anthony Warry Photography



Michelle Forte and her Austinmer Dance Theatre students are hard at work rehearsing for their next big performances. 2515 reports. As 2515’s photographer Anthony Warry readies his camera gear and lights for our cover photo-shoot, Michelle Forte is all quiet calm. She moves with a relaxed, assured grace as befits her role as artistic director for Austinmer Dance Theatre, the professional dance company. She knows all about precise movement and crisp direction and energy unleashed. Some of her charges – Jack Tuckerman, Amber Jackson, Saraphina Irvin and Mikayla Nangle – join us on a wind-swept Austinmer Beach for the shoot. Michelle kindly took time out of her busy day to have a chat with 2515.

Tell us a bit about the upcoming performances. It’s October 30 and 31st … and it’s at the Phoenix Theatre in Coniston. It’s called Uncoiled, it’s called the same thing every year but it’s new material every year. It’s called Uncoiled because it’s like an uncoiling of new choreographic talent. Uncoiled also stands for … I had an ex-student that I taught in Sydney who was tragically killed in Thailand – we were very close – so her name, Nicole, is in Uncoiled, it’s jumbled up, so that’s why we call it that every year but it’s always brand-new work that has never been seen. Left to right: Jack Tuckerman, Amber Jackson, Michelle Forte, Saraphina Irvin and Mikayla Nangle

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23/09/2015 1:46 pm



There are eight company members performing and there’ll be four pieces being performed. Can audiences expect to be surprised, entertained, challenged? They [audience members] can expect to be all of those … there’s some humour, there’s deep and meaningful. Each piece is very different, so it’s a good variety of contemporary dance. Where do you get your inspiration to manage these things, to sculpt these performances? I’m constantly looking for inspiration. I actually got some inspiration in New York for our May production next year. Inspiration is everywhere. Each choreographer works differently: some think of the concept and the idea first and they start with that and the music comes later; or some start with the music and that simply inspires them; some pieces are abstract, so it’s purely abstract contemporary dance; some pieces have quite a deep meaning to go along with it. Inspiration is different for everyone but I find inspiration in daily life. It’s just everywhere. I find when we get into the studio and we start discussing the work and the idea behind it, everyone has some input with their own thoughts and ideas and it just grows and it always becomes much bigger than what you originally thought that it could be and it’s really exciting. I always like my dancers to have some


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creative input into our works. It’s making them feel more a part of the work. It must be thrilling to be a part of that process, where you make something from nothing and you develop it into movement and something that has an impact on the performer and the audience. Oh, it is. It’s incredibly exciting. Our last piece in May, which was my concept and my idea; we had text in it also, so the dancers were speaking as well as dancing and that brought a whole other level to the work and it also broadened the audience appeal: we had young men in their early 20s coming up to me and just saying: “That was amazing, we really loved it.” I’m constantly trying to challenge the dancers and always doing something different so people … don’t know what to expect when they come to a show. I like them to be surprised by some new element we add into a show. Just to watch it unfold and to watch the dancers grow in the process is also incredibly rewarding. When we did our last piece and a lot of them had never spoken on stage before and they were very unsure about it but by …curtain up, they were just so confident. The growth in them is so exciting. I love that, that’s a huge part of it for me. n Uncoiled will be staged at Phoenix Theatre, Coniston on October 30 (8pm) and 31 (2pm & 8pm). Tickets are $35 (adults), $28 (students & pensioners). For bookings, visit the website at www. phoenixtheatre.net.au 2515


23/09/2015 1:46 pm


Dr Rip’s Science of the Surf Beach bars, bumps and holes can catch the unwary, writes Rob Brander. The other day at the beach, I decided I had to go swimming. Unfortunately I didn’t have boardies on, but decided my Bonds apparel would pass as budgie smugglers. But you can never be sure. So I sprinted* into the water and immediately fell down. I should have known better. Just seaward of the shoreline was a pronounced beach step, one of several morphologic features characteristic of every beach. Beaches have a surprising amount of bars, bumps and holes that may be the friend or foe of surfers, bathers, beach walkers or fishers alike. Beach steps are formed by a vortex created when the backwash rushing down the beach from a broken wave meets the next incoming wave at the shorebreak. The resulting turbulence scours out a “step” that migrates up and down the beach with the tide. The coarser the sand, the bigger the step. Most are just tens

of centimetres in height, but can be greater than a metre on gravel beaches. In this case, falling over the step can have dire consequences, particularly for little children who can quickly be out of their depth. Then there’s berms. Every wave carries sand and water with it when it rushes up the beach. On a rising tide, the water soaks into the dry beach and deposits the sand. This builds a distinct ridge running along the beach at the high-tide mark called a berm. If the waves are really small, the berm can mysteriously morph into semi-circular half-moon-shaped beach cusps that undulate at amazingly regular intervals along the beach. Alternatively, if a rip current sits in the same channel for a long time, it can start eroding a deep erosional embayment into the beach called a mega cusp. If we get really big storm waves, or just large waves after a long quiet spell, the berms and cusps can be carved out leaving a vertical erosional scarp, like a mini-cliff running along the beach. Storm waves take sand from the beach berm and dump it offshore into sandbars (i.e. banks). Most of the bars have deeper gaps between them (aka holes, gutters, troughs, channels) that are occupied by alongshore flowing currents or offshore flowing rips. Bars constantly adjust their position in response to changing wave directions, wave heights and periods, the behaviour of rips and the changing tide cycles. But one thing they all have in common is that they migrate back towards the beach with smaller waves after the storms. How long it takes is anyone’s guess because it all depends on the waves, which depend on the weather, which as we know is totally screwed up! *in my own mind. It may have appeared more like a shuffle. 2515 Visit www.scienceofthesurf.com.

Can you see the mega cusp rip embayment at Stanwell Park?

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24/09/2015 7:49 am

2515 NEWS

AUSTI visit a ripper A visit from Dr Rip is something special, writes Austinmer Public School’s Emily Player. Dr Rob Brander (aka Dr Rip) visited Austinmer Public School on August 24 to give a Surf Science presentation, as well as specific area knowledge, to the students in years 3 to 6. He was a thoroughly engaging speaker. He related really well to the students with great use of humour, pictures and videos. He taught the students (and teachers) some history on how far back we can date our beaches, how beaches form, how the water moves, how waves occur, different types of

Above: a photo of one of Dr Rip’s dye releases at Tamarama. Photo: Rob Brander

waves and the highlight was what rips are, how they occur and how they move. The presentation ended with students walking to the beach to watch Dr Rip release purple dye into the water to show where the rip current was. It was amazing to see how the rip reached a certain spot out the back of the waves and then curled back round with the waves. It came back around within minutes. Dr Rip’s Surf Science presentation was a thoroughly worthwhile and enjoyable experience for all. 2515

Get summer ready at Boho Chic Boutique & Boho Emporium Cool cottons, luxurious bamboo fabrics and divine silks in sizes 8 to 18 plus. And if you’re looking for something different for children and men see our great range of fair trade and natural fibre clothing, accessories & gifts in store now.

Shops 1 & 2/111 Lawrence Hargrave Drive Stanwell Park NSW 2508 Ph: 42943111 Open from 10 am Fri Sat Sun Mon & Most Public Hols 2515

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24/09/2015 7:49 am


Gardening with sara

Sydney rock orchids.

Sara Newnham finds a hidden treasure in Kenthurst.

Spring is in the air – you can not only feel it, you can smell it! Follow your nose and fill the garden with native beauties this month. For garden design inspiration I like to visit the spring open gardens around Sydney. Bowral held its Tulip Time Festival in September, the Leura Garden Festival is on this month from October 3-11 in the Blue Mountains, home to many amazing open gardens. All the botanic gardens are worth checking out and are especially stunning in this peak flower season. A few weeks ago I stumbled across a hidden treasure in Kenthurst. The Boongala Native Gardens and Rainforest (boongalagardens.com) is a 4.5-hectare property, former farmland that has been transformed to showcase native plants of all shape and sizes. As soon as I got out of the car, I was nose-led down flower-filled pathways of Philotheca (aka Eriostemon) and Prostanthera (native mint bush). They are some of my favourites in the garden as their foliage smells good all year round. They are dense shrubs that fill 1m, do well throughout our district and don’t mind dappled shade to full sun. A glossy canopy of native frangipani, Hymenosporum flavum, gave a fragrant backdrop of yellow and cream. I was also delighted to find a few plants I’d never seen before. Native frangipani.

Native mint bush.


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Backhousia anisata is a large, glossy tree with pungent aniseed leaves and interesting Backhousia angustifolia is a smaller bush with curry-scented leaves. Both very different to Backhousia citriodora, which I love to plant as a hardy screen; it has citrus-smelling foliage and masses of yellow flowers. The heaviest scent in the native garden this time of year come from mass-flowering Sydney rock orchids, Dendrobium speciosum, and the dainty Dendrobium kingianum. Both are epiphytic orchids that love to grow clinging to rocks, filling hollow logs, put on walls or tied to trees. They are easy to grow, require little water, enjoy liquid fertiliser (such as Seasol) throughout the growing season and an all-purpose organic pellet safe for natives or orchid food every six months. They do best in dappled light, protected from harsh sun. Snails and slugs love the flowers as much as I do, so start scattering animal-safe snail pellets around them from winter to summer. When spring fills the air, get out and see where it leads you – there is so much to discover in any garden. Happy gardening! 2515 For design ideas or garden advice, call Sara on 0451 196 646 to arrange a consultation.


29/09/2015 11:05 am


award winners!

Jo Fahey, of Glenbernie Orchard in Darkes Forest, shows off the farm’s award-winning ciders: Darkes Cider Howler (alcoholic) and Little Blue (non-alcoholic). The ciders – which beat Apple Isle makers at their own game to scoop a Silver (for Little Blue) and Bronze (for Howler) at the 2015 Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards in Tasmania in July/August this year – are available at select bottle stores or at the Apple Shack, Glenbernie Orchard, 259 Darkes Forest Road, Darkes Forest. 2515



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29/09/2015 11:05 am

2515 NEWS The RFS at Austinmer beach last month.

ready yet? Bush Fire season is coming.

Austinmer Rural Fire Brigade will hold six street meetings as a follow-up to the RFS “Get Ready” weekend on September 12 and 13. The free information sessions for local residents will focus on personal bush fire survival plans, including what to consider when preparing one; what to do if there’s a fire (leave early, or stay and defend); and how to implement your bush fire survival plan.

Austinmer RFS will hold three meetings on Saturday, October 10: from 10am at Armagh Parade, Thirroul; from noon at Sylvan Way, Thirroul; and from 2pm at Foothills Road, Austinmer. There’ll also be three meetings on Sunday, October 11: from noon at Cokeworks Road, Coledale; from noon at Morrison Avenue, corner Denmark Street, Wombarra; and from 2pm near 14 Dam Road, Wombarra. Can’t attend? Download a copy at the NSW Rural Fire Service website, www.rfs.nsw.gov.au More info: Illawarra Fire Control Centre, call 4230 8200 or Illawarra.Zone@rfs.nsw.gov.au. Thanks to Ross Leonard for supplying the information for this article. 2515

U3A’S TRIVIA FUNDRAISER By publicity officer Janice Creenaune

Question 1: What is the best way to raise money and have a fun social occasion at the same time? Hold a trivia night, of course. Northern Illawarra University of the 3rd Age (NIU3A) recently held a very social trivia night as a fundraiser at Thirroul Bowling Club. Organiser and compere Dennis Hardy held the night together, ably assisted by a hardy crew. Many began the evening with dinner and brought families and friends, including some from as far off as the Gold Coast. Trivia has a vital component for older citizens’ continuing development, learning and memory.


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Trivia teamwork … Rick Thompson, Steve Creenaune and Keith Allen ponder the questions.

The “Use it or Lose it” motto is well-used by the NIU3A. “It is vital to keep learning, it is vital to keep practising and it is vital to keep enjoying everything you do,” says NIU3A president Peter Wolfe. More info: janicecreenaune@gmail.com


24/09/2015 6:53 am


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24/09/2015 6:53 am



Real food with Steph Stephanie Meades would like to introduce you to our local co-op. Thirroul’s Flame Tree Community Food Co-Operative, or ‘The Co-op’, as most locals call it, is a treasure trove of locally sourced, organic, fresh and bulk produce. This unassuming little shop is on the western side of Thirroul at 1/374 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, nestled between Samuels restaurant and the little Italian Trattoria. You have probably driven past countless times and not realised it is there. Next time: drop in. It is seriously worth it and everyone is welcome. The Co-op was created about five years ago by a small group of community members who shared a common interest in acquiring good quality, locally sourced organic products in bulk to reduce the costs involved. Today the Co-op is a haven for foodies young and old, stocking deliciously fresh fruits, vegetables and eggs sourced from local farmers, whole-food treats made by northern suburbs locals, organic dairy products and fresh, crunchy berry sourdough bread. The walls of the quaint and quirky shop are lined with organic dried fruit; loose-leaf teas and organic Fair Trade coffee beans supplied by local roasters; bulk-dried foods such as flours and grains, seeds and nuts, legumes and spices, and an array of oils and vinegars. Walk in and you’ll be engulfed by the delicious aroma of spices. There aren’t many pre-packaged items, instead you are encouraged to take your own containers or bags. Local volunteers staff the shop; it is a not-for-profit organisation run for the community, by the community. One of the best things about the Co-op is the fresh produce that arrives every Tuesday and Thursday. I am often inspired by the colours that greet me as I enter. Recently, we’ve had an


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Citrus snacks … Steph’s lemon and coconut bliss balls.

abundance of lovely yellow, juicy lemons. I like to grab a handful and create citrusy bites to have in the freezer for unexpected guests or little ones with the munchies. The recipe below is a winner for young and old. The little balls are full of nutritional goodness, free of nasties and, with only five ingredients, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3: add, blitz and roll. Lemon and Coconut Bliss Balls Makes 10 bite-sized balls. Ingredients: 1 cup raw cashews 1 cup desiccated coconut Zest of one large lemon* Juice of half a lemon (optional) 1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla extract or vanilla powder Pinch of salt 2 tablespoon maple syrup Extra desiccated coconut for rolling in * Double the lemon if you like a bit more tang Method: Place ingredients in your processor in the order listed above and pulse at high speed until the mixture is smooth and the nuts and coconut have broken down. Using your hands, shape the mixture into balls. Roll in coconut and place in the fridge to firm up a little. Eat and enjoy! n For more whole-food inspired recipes, visit realfoodbites.wordpress.com. Stephanie runs monthly Wholefood Workshops at the Co-op. Visit www.lifewellnessco.com 2515


23/09/2015 2:47 pm

Dance Academy Dance classes in our purpose built studio! Musical Theatre, Acrobatics, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, and Hip Hop From Tiny Tots to Adults, we have just for fun classes plus we have competition classes so all levels and interests are catered for Private technique lessons and Private eisteddfod lessons are available. Our eisteddfod students compete throughout the year. All students perform in our concert each December at Anita's Theatre in Thirroul.

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23/09/2015 2:47 pm

2515 NEWS

STONE BRIDGE POOL Welcome to our new series on the best wild swimming spots in the Illawarra. First up, author Sally Tertini recommends a dip in Stone Bridge Pool. A natural bridge spans the creek above this lovely pool in Barren Grounds Nature Reserve, creating a charming, sun-drenched spot to spend a lazy day. Far from being barren, the surrounds are a rich mix of heathland and open forest, with a reported 180 species of birds and a profusion of wildflowers in spring. Lamonds Creek flows cool and slow under the old creek bed before cascading into the pool. Pretty slopes, thick with bracken and ferns, fringe its earthy-tasting, dark orange water. There’s also a remarkable 2m-deep pothole in the old creek bed, which makes a perfect pool for one... or two.


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Need to Know

Seclusion: Average Navigation: Easy Descent: 50m Walk-in: 35 mins, 2.1km, easy. From Jamberoo, travel west for 9.2km on Jamberoo Mountain Rd, then turn sharp left into Barren Grounds Nature Reserve. Park in the picnic area and take locked Griffiths Trail gate ahead. Continue along fire trail, following signs to Stone Bridge. After 1km, turn left at signpost marked Stone Bridge 1km. After 2.1km you arrive at a turning circle. Take path left, it’s just another 30m. -34.6863, 150.7190 Wild Swimming Sydney Australia: 250 Best Rock Pools, Beaches, Rivers and Waterholes, by Sally Tertini and Steve Pollard ($32.99, www.wildthingspublishing.com) is out now. 2515


23/09/2015 2:43 pm

2515 NEWS

day to donate Balloons and banners will be flying high at Horizon Credit Union on Thursday, October 15.

That’s your signal to pop in and wish branch manager Marie Brewer a happy International Credit Union Day. The Thirroul branch on Lawrence Hargrave Drive will also celebrate with customer giveaways and a charity drive. Putting into practice this year’s theme, “People Helping People”, staff will be collecting non-perishable food and hygiene items for Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre’s Community Pantry program. The special day publicising credit unions as customer-owned alternatives to banks has been held annually on the third Thursday of October since 1948. Worldwide, there are 57,000 credit unions, serving more than 217 million members in 105

Horizon’s Marie Brewer, left, with member Lynda Witheridge.

countries, according to Horizon. “Banks’ aim is to make a profit from their customers for their shareholders, whereas Horizon returns profits to our customers in the form of great rates, competitive products and fair fees,” Marie says. “Horizon’s main focus is our customer’s financial betterment because we’re owned by them.” 2515

The ‘Otford Valley Sanctuary Day Spa’ opens its additional treatment room at Bulli. Same great service, brand new location, specialising in pampering facials and relaxation massage (for ladies only).

Bookings: 0403 091 338 @ KLM Styling Boutique | 247 Princes Hwy, Bulli


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23/09/2015 2:43 pm

2515 NEWS

great work by young artists By art teacher Pamela McKinlay At the recent annual Kiama Art Society Art Exhibition, held at Kiama Leagues Club, northern suburbs entrants won five of the six awards on offer in the High School Students’ section. Aimee Jeffries, Grace Agnew, Hannah Carlon, and Samantha Houston were awarded first place, third place, a special award, plus a highly commended, and another special award, respectively. Emma Singh, a high school student from Helensburgh, was awarded a highly commended. Saffron O’Neill contributed some beautiful work. Helensburgh’s Rebecca Robinson, who has previously won awards at Kiama and the Scarborough Art Show, entered landscapes in the primary school section.

attention, parents

Learning is not just for kids, writes Nicky Way. In January, newly married couple Nanu Remy and Shaun Cooper launched Thirroul’s Begin Bright centre for preschool and primary school children. Now they’re appealing to parents too. “The parents have given us some great feedback and from that we’ve recently held a parents’ reading workshop and school readiness workshop and we’re also going to have a healthy living, healthy lunches workshop [for parents],” Nanu says. Nanu has created a colourful, cosy space in an upstairs office at 1/3 Raymond Road for


2515-OCTOBER-p020-21_NICKY, RW, TNC.indd 20

Well done: from left to right, Aimee Jeffries, Grace Agnew, Hannnah Carlon and Samantha Houston.

Local beach scenes from Grace, Hannah and Saffron featured, with two finely detailed animal paintings from Samantha and several lovely portraits from Aimee. The Kiama Art Exhibition is one of the rare adult exhibitions that have sections specifically for young adults and primary school students. All the girls are friends and have a infectious enthusiasm for their art. They attend Pamzart classes each week at Coledale where they enjoy experiencing various art techniques in developing their own style. 2515

Begin Bright franchisees … Nanu Remy and Shaun Cooper.

their school readiness and primary tutoring programs. Originally from Argentina, where she practised as a lawyer, Nanu retrained to follow her dream of working in child care and education. “I’ve always wanted to follow my passion to work with children and I’m so excited that we have the opportunity to see the kids’ eyes sparkle when they learn something new or when something just ‘clicks’ with them,” she says. “We have been really warmly welcomed and we love being part of the community.” BeginBrightThirroul; 0400 999 981. 2515


23/09/2015 2:55 pm

2515 NEWS


Well-known real estate agent, Tony Dribbus of Ray White Thirroul, will celebrate 30 years in the local industry this month. 2515 reports.

On October 25, Tony Dribbus will celebrate a significant career milestone: he will have worked in local real estate for 30 years. Tony worked at AM Rutty Real Estate for 21 years before he joined Ray White Real Estate where he has worked since. “I’ve seen the area change,” he tells 2515. “I think all of Wollongong – whether you live in Thirroul or wherever you live here – we’re all just lucky that we live so close to Sydney, to a great city, and yet we don’t live in the city. “I think our beaches, from Stanwell Park to Eden, are equal to anything in the country; there are no better beaches than what we have – except for the temperature of the water,

a helping hand By Emily Messieh, of Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre

Visit our new website at thirroulnc.org to read our latest news, blog, activities and programs. You can still donate to the centre online: go to mycause.com.au and search Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre. Help us reach our $15,000 target and become a Friend of TNC. Community Pantry is still on a roll! In recent weeks, we’ve seen some very generous local people donate food and hygiene packs for those


2515-OCTOBER-p020-21_NICKY, RW, TNC.indd 21

Tony Dribbus. Photo: Sally Dribbus maybe [laughs].” Tony reckons “being trusted” is the number one quality of a successful real estate agent. “I think I have got that. As one person said to me: ‘You’re a straight arrow.’ “You’ve got to have a lot of patience; you’ve got to have good people skills; you’ve got to be a good listener … and having local knowledge, for me, is a real benefit.” 2515

in need, but we’ll always accept more! Non-perishable foods, toothpaste, toothbrushes and soap are never turned down here at TNC. Youth project participants have been busy with crazy games; generous trainers have shown them basic boxing moves, and we’ve even had archery. In September, we got our bling on, designing and blinging up bras for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. From October 1 to 31, the decorated bras will be on display in the TNC/Library building. The September Community Lunch was devoured with relish and the next one will be on Friday, October 2. Remember: it is free so if you, or someone you know, would like to join us in the centre to enjoy a good feed and make good friends, the doors will be wide open then, and on the first Friday of every month. Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre has a great variety of social and activity groups available, including Opt to Shop, our resident clothing store that has you covered, and Tax Help. If you have any donations, please bring them to the centre on Wednesdays and Fridays. 2515


23/09/2015 2:55 pm

2515 NEWS

catch up

On what’s been happening in our district.

DOG trainer wins award

Well done to one of our regular advertisers, dog behavioural therapist Philip Comans, on winning Bark Busters’ “Bah Key” Award for an Exemplary Client Testimonial. “I was thrilled to receive the prestigious award,” Philip said. “The client was ready to euthanise her cattle dog due to terrible behaviours. With just one session Diesel was transformed and his owner was totally thrilled.” Philip, the franchisee trainer for Bark Busters Illawarra & Southern Highlands, received the award at Bark Busters’ Australian & New Zealand Annual Conference, held at the Sebel Harbourside in Kiama last month. He is pictured with Val Edwards, master franchisee for Bark Busters Australia and New Zealand.


Last month Wollongong City Libraries and the Friends of Wollongong City Library

what’s on

SCARBOROUGH PUBLIC SCHOOL ART SHOW 10am-4pm, October 3-4, scarboroughartshow.com THE NAPPY COLLECTIVE KICKS OFF The first Illawarra Nappy Collective of unused disposable nappies from October 16 to 30 will benefit the Wollongong Homeless Hub and SAHSSI: Supported Accommodation & Homelessness Services Shoalhaven Illawarra. Find a list of dropoff points at thenappycollective.com GARDENING WORKSHOPS 2515 advertiser Narelle Happ, of A Garden For Life, leads a “How to grow a Bushtucker Garden” workshop on October 17 at Sydney Wildflower Nursery (9548 2818) and a citrus workshop with Shellharbour Council on October 24 (4221 6111). UNREAL FRUIT Wombarra Sculpture Garden will host ‘Unreal fruit: An Exhibition of Garden Sculpture’ by Gaby Porter (our March 2015 cover star) from October


2515-OCTOBER-p022_CATCH UP.indd 22

DANCE STARS: Thirroul Dance Academy (TDA) is celebrating the achievements of two senior students. Zoe and Zippy (pictured) have gained places in the NSW Public Schools Aboriginal Dance Company, an initiative in partnership with Bangarra Dance Theatre to foster the development of talented Aboriginal students. “Over 1000 students auditioned from all over the state and with less than 30 dancers chosen, we are so very proud to have two TDA dancers in the group,” TDA teacher Katie Reid said. 2515 launched a competition for history writers with a $5000 prize. Deadline for entries in the Wollongong Library Local History Competition is May 31, 2016. Work must be original and unpublished. The minimum word limit is 10,000 words. More info: 4227 7111. 2515 17 to 19, 11am-5pm. “This exhibition is inspired by the wonderful shapes of fruit and vegetation,” says Gaby, “but these particular specimens are a little unreal, and a lot larger than life.” During the exhibition, entry is free to the garden at 57 Morrison Avenue, Wombarra. ST MICHAEL’S SCHOOL FETE A fun family day of fairy floss, face painting and fabulous rides on October 17 from 10am-3pm at the school on Station Street in Thirroul. Enjoy cakes, lollies, a petting zoo, cake stall, show bags, trash and treasure, laser skirmish and water tubes. WALK FOR JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH The JDRF One Walk is from 9.30am on November 8, from Thirroul Beach Reserve to Sandon Point and back. Live music, BBQ, jumping castle and more. www.jdrf.org.au/walk/2015. 2515


24/09/2015 8:19 am

business directory





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Design, drafting and rendering plans excelsabuild.com.au


CHILDREN’S services Star Kids Tuition Centre After school tuition for primary & high school Students in Helensburgh, Thirroul and Figtree

Reading Support School Readiness Essay Writing Mathematics HSC Selective School Prep 4268 0020 www.starkidstutoring.com


School Readiness & Primary Tutoring Centre

Janet Tobin 0432 506 423 Bookkeeping & Business Services

Level 1/3B Raymond Rd

BAS | PAYG | Payroll | XERO | MYOB Premium

Thirroul Fax. 4294 9879 | janettobin@bigpond.com PO Box 382 H’burgh NSW 2508 | ABN. 30 620 423 742


BOOK AN AD TODAY! From $39 per month. Go to www.2515mag.com.au 2515

2515-OCTOBER-p023-26_BIZ DIRECT.indd 23


24/09/2015 8:17 am


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24/09/2015 8:17 am




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24/09/2015 8:17 am



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2515-OCTOBER-p023-26_BIZ DIRECT.indd 26

BESPOKE CAR DETAILING SERVICES: See your car like you never have before. Hand detailing only (no machines), premium products, complimentary pickup/delivery from Helensburgh to Bulli. References provided. Prices from $220 per vehicle. Call today for a free quote on 1300 991 181. www.bespokedetailing.com.au ART CLASSES: Pamzart Studio, Coledale. Enjoy being creative and learn various art techniques such as acrylics, oils, watercolour and mixed media, etc. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Join anytime and progress at own pace. School student and adult classes. Enquiries: Pam (0418 201 587) or email pmckinlay25@gmail.com RAELEEN’S FANCY FACES: Face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon twisting, special effects makeup, helium balloons and pregnancy belly art. Ph. Raeleen 0413 291 843. 2515 2515


24/09/2015 8:17 am

1.19 and 0047Low 0.40Waters 0. 0440 0301 1.20 1.40 1.36 0114 053 1.13 and 0419 1.12 Heights 1.25 0611 0449 of High 9 0541 24 OCTOBER 24NOVEMBER 21 0835 6Times 6 0538 6 114 21 1044 1118 0.52 0.63 1022 0.50 0.629 0659 1207 0.40 0.529 0738 1.29 0.63 1. 0952 1129

0110 1.12 1.16 0656 0.59 0.53 WE MO 1333 1.38 SU 1446 1.50SEPTEMBER 2140 0.47 Time Time m 2025 0.53

6 0221 0811


1745 1.54 1.42 1.57 1.44 1.59 1.46 0.51 1.32 0. FR 1249 MO 1353 TH 1649 SA 1820 WE 1504 TU 1620 FR 1732 SU 173 SA 1653 1.44 0.43 1. 0.27 0.40 m 2314 0.44 Time 1900 m 2359 Time 1948 m 234 Time 2331 m 2202 Time m 2323 0.26

0.37 1.16 1.31 1.18 0.37 1.33 0. 0.18 1.48 0337 0027 0.35 0524 0432 0124 0.41 0622 0524 0147 0.51 062 0406 0535 0.210413 0038 0046 1.260545 0350 0.070220 1.09 1.13 10 0626 10 0735 10 0812 25 25 16 0.60 1 0.61 16 0.59 1 0.57 16 0.43 7 0338 7 1100 22 7 1224 22 7 124 1.25 1.36 1. 1.53 0.39 0951 1.46 1055 1.56 1151 1.62 1024 1122 1.740950 0614 0701 0.491153 1000 22 1.620802 09171 0.56

0.48 0.45 0. 0.28 1.67 1559 0.40 1722 0.35 1839 0.32 1650 0.17 1239 1.65 1603 0.19 TH 1207 FR 1745 SA 1333 TU 1432 SU 1305 WE 1.41 TH 1.41 FR 1.47 SU 1.33 MO 1.48 TU 1.49 MO 1554 WE 1722 SA 1822 MO 183 TU 1440 TH 1615 SU 1757 2027 1. 2204 1830 1.41 1.56 2257 1.452302 0.33 2323 1941 1.28 1.46 1931 1915 0.30 1.63 2217 1.722135 0.48 2247 0.45 0436 0446 1.14 1050 1021 0.56 1700 WE 1.51 TU 1654 2311 2342 0.41

8 2

2515 TIDES

0.34 0.43 0.17 1.28 0408 0103 0.39 0005 0453 0019 0.320515 0507 0.150335 1.12 0704 0625 1.44 0.51 1027 1.46 0615 1115 1.69WALES 1132 1.630915 0.57 1102 PORT KEMBLA –1.31 NEW1.22 SOUTH 1250 0.44 1217 0.28 1639 0.43 1750 0.25 1806 0.251548 0.57 FR SA SU TH 1.47 FR SA 1.53 WE TH29ʼ1200 FR 1720 LAT 34° LONG 150° 55ʼ 1909 1.58 1837 1.75 0.25 2242 1.34 2354 1.31 1.572238 0.38 1815 1.42 2357 Times and Heights of High and Low Waters

0.35 0.41 0.13 0.23 0. 0.46 0038 0137 0134 1.190015 0044 0220 1.20 002 26 11 0845 2 1.41 17 1.61 23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11 0158 8 0701 23 8 070 0810 1.42 1.66 1. 1.54 0707 0749 0.580638 0613 0.55

2015 port kembla tidal chart 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9





1413 0.41 0.18 0.W 0.38 1331 1.541256 1239 1.58 MO 1401 WE 1510 MO 0.50 TU 0.32 SU 1311 TU 133 MO 2017 1907 1.46 Local 1. 2009 1.64 1.48 2030Time 0.381857 1932 2105 0.34 191 1.34 DECEMBER

0137 0.32Low 0.34 0253 0105 0.10 0220 0.12 0442 0.43mand 0544 0.43 0006 1.22 0240 Time 1.15m0103 0140Time 1.19 0524 0.25 0541 1.19 0047 0114 0440 0611 1.40 0.22 Time m1.20 Time0.40 mWaters Time 0229 m Time Time m Time m0.39 Timeand m Times Heights of High Local 0739 1.3504321.29 0843 1.47 1.55 0836 1.76 1.73 1104 0406 1.440.210659 1209 1.61 0546 0.51 0738 0808 0028 0.65 0709 0918 0.59 1143 1.611022 1118 0.52 0.50 1207 1.48 0728 0337 0.35 0.41 0712 0524 0.51 1.27 0038 1.26 0.40 0108 1.20 0350 0.07 11353 1 1024 16SA 1 0614 16 0600 11.54 0951 1.46 10550.51 1.56 1312 1151 1.62 1.741249 0.49 16 0635 0.59 1000 1.62 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER MBERWE 1745 1330 0.41 0.37 0.19 1456 0.11 1724 0.47 1854 0.34 1214 1.51 1429 1.44 1333 1.53 1802 0.32 1649 1820 0.43 1354 SA MO 1450 TH 1548 SU TU FR 1.57 SU 1.59 TU1.56 WE 0.22 TH TU FR MOTU WE TH16 SA TU0.50 1256 1603 0.19 WE 1559 0.40 TH 1650 0.17 FR 1722 0.35 SU 1239 1.65 MO 1839 0.32 WE 1223 1.67 1949 0.37 2217 1.72 2204 1.41 1.28 1928 0.25 2257 19311.78 0.30 1945 1.5823231.44 2053 1.45 2145 2101 1.61 2324 Time 1.261.451900 1855 Time 0.42 1948 2129 1912 0.43 2030 Time 0.34 2331 0.27 1.35 1953 1.48 Time m m m Time m Time m Time m Time M Time M Time M Time M

9 3


0436 1050 WE 1700 2311

0.15 1.63 0.25 1.57

0408 1027 TH 1639 2242

0.39 1.46 0.43 1.34

0453 1115 FR 1750 2354

0.32 1.69 0.25 1.31

0507 0.46 1132 1.54 SA 1806 0.38

0137 0707 MO 1331 2030

1.19 0.58 1.54 0.38

0044 0613 TU 1239 1932

1.20 0.55 1.58 0.34

0201 0729 WE 1344 2038

1.18 0.66 1.45 0.42

0122 0656 TH 1315 2004

1.27 0.53 1.59 0.27

0. 010 1. 074 0. 141 1. 200 m

170535 17 0.37 2 0046 17 0305 0208 0.31 0259 0.34 0.38 0.06 0327 0. 0.15 051820432 0.49 0.41 0056 0150 1.20 0243 0028 1.20 1.2 0007 0406 1.41 0345 1.150151 0056 0524 1.17 2 0027 2 0.37 0147 014 0124 0.21 1.31 0038 1.26 17 0108 1.20 0.22 131055 131151 28 28 130600 19 0.39 4 1.36 19 0.18 19 1.82 4 1.54 10 0.35 25 10 1.56 10 0.51 10 0.5 25 25 1 16 0337 1 16 1 16 16 0813 1.39 0915 1.52 0759 1.65 0924 1.83 0953 1. 1146 1.42 0739 0.530701 0815 0.61 0631 0.56 0614 0.361122 0915 0.680816 0735 06264 1.25 0812 081 1.53 0951 1.46 1.62 1024 1.74 0614 0.49 0635 0.59 0.39 0.45 0.34 0.38 0.12 0.28 0.08 0.14 0. 1815 1406 0.51 1333 1408 1404 1.531305 1435 1627 1.48 145 1301 1527 1.48 1432 1239 1.571745 1.67 1531 1549 1.371448 1207 0.48

1256 SU1722 TU1839 FR1223 SA0.43 FR MO MO TH WE WE1.18WE TH 0.40FR 0524 FR 0.17 TH 1.6 SU02401.65 WE1.30 1.56 0442 0544SA 0.430.35 0006 MO 1.22 1239 1.15 0140 1.19TU 0.32 0257 0.25 TU WE 1559 TH 1650 SU 18 1.45 32323 18SU 3 08081915 32027 18 0220 31.56 1104 1.44 1209 1.611941 05461.46 0.51 2018 0.65 18 0709 0.59 0829 0.70 0800 0.56 1143 1.61 2019 1.56 2129 1.43 1.76 2155 1.54 1.45 2225 1. 2102 0.41 2130 1912 0.33 0.2 1951 0.44 TH 1910 0.40 2224 0.46 1830 TH 1.35 204 1.63 2048 2204 1.41 1.28 2257 1931 0.30 1949 1436 1.35 FR 1413 1.51 0.37 1802 0.32 FR 1724 0.47 SA 1854 0.34 SU 1214 1.51 TU 1429 1.44 WE 1333 1.53 2324 1.26

1855 0.42

2129 0.43

2030 0.34

2059 0.29

2127 0.46

0238 0.3100560.35 0.07 0329 0.35 0351 0.21 0012 0507 0306 1.13 0154 1.13 1.20 0109 1.270019 0445 0321 1.19 0103 0.34 0.17 0158 0134 0220 0.38 0239 0201 1.18 0408 0.39 0.32 0137 1.19 0007 0453 1.41 0518 0.49 0056 1.17 0235 0243 0044 1.20 1.35 1.15 0.13 0353 1.21 190625 19 06311.42 19 0912 4 0345 1146 1.42 0739 0.56 0846 0815 0613 0.61 0.56 0915 0.68 19 0936 0.71 0614 1115 0.36 0845 1.42 1.72 0946 1.55 1012 1.85 060141132 0.540.531.54 0843 0.60 0727 0.61 4 0709 0.46 1025 0.68 0704 4 1.31 1.44 0810 0749 1.66 0845 1.60 0905 0729 0.66 1027 1.46 1.69 0707 0.58 0.55 FR 1239 1.57 SA 1815 0.51 SU 1408 1.53 MO 1301 1.48 WE 1531 1.37 TH 1435 1.48 FR 1535 1.28 SA 1518 1.43 1443 0.38 0.10 1603 0.33 1644 0.09 1235 1.39 1512 1.46 1358 1.45 1340 1.53 1634 1.33 1250 1413 1401 1510 0.33 2224 0.46 2215 1910 0.40 2102 0.410.38 19510.41 0.44 1459 2130 0.33 1344 1.45 0.25 1331 1.54 SU 0.28 MO TU 0.18 SA 0.44 TH0.47 FR MO1806 TU WE1239 TH 2156 FR 0.43 SA 1217 SU MO WE 1.58 TH0.311542 WE TH 1639 FR 1750 SA MO TU 1915 0306 0.541.132017 2211 0.44 2056 0.44 0.34 2024 0.451837 2314 0422 0.45 2053 1.5301541.46 1.70 2205 1.39 2248 1.45 1909 1.58 1.75 2009 2105 1.34 2141 2038 0.42 2242 1.34 1.31 2030 0.38 0012 1.18 1.13 2110 0109 2354 1.27 0445 1.19 1.64 0448 1.27 0347 1932 1.26 1.43

0402 0. 0347 0122 1.26 1.2 022 14 11 5 292 26 20 17 14 11 5 292 26 20 0.25 140656 11 0.5 17 11 5 2 26 20 17 17 1030 1. 0930 0.59 1.87 085 0. 1544 1708 1.46 153 0.11

SA1315 FR 1.5 TH 2229 2004 0.30 0.2 2307 1. 1.41 212

1637 1.25 SU 1629 1.37 1340 1.53 SU 1235 1.39 MO 1512 1.46 TU 1358 1.45 TH 1634 1.33 FR 1544 1.46 0110 1.120.441.22 0301 1.13 SA 0221 1.160105 0419 1.12 0538 2252 1.25 0307 0.3220560.34 0.12 0400 0.38 0437 0.29 0137 SA 0.32 0229 0253 0.39 0.10 0220 0326 0442 0.43 0.43 0006 0240 1.15 1.19 0257 1.18 1915 0.54 2211 0.44 0320 2314 0.45 0.12 2303 0.47 2024 0544 0.45 2229 0140 0.30 0.32 0656 0.59 0835 0.62 0811 0.53 0952 0.63 1129 0522 0.63 0917 1.44 0935 1.75 1020 1.56 1100 1.82 0952 0739 1.35 0843 1.47 0918 1.64 0712 1.55 0836 1.76 0829 0.70 1104 1.44 1.61 0546 0.59 0110 1.12 0221 1209 1.16 0419 1.120.51 0301 1.13 0808 05380.65 1.25 0449 0709 1.36 0538 1.34 1.53 21TU 60.41 61214 6 11291456 61.53 21 1142 1044 0.52 0656 0.59 08350.37 0.62 1553 0811 1854 0952 0.631.51 0.63 21 1148 0.63 1333 1.38 1504 1.44 1446 1.50 1620 1.42 1732 1.32 1520 0.38 0.12 1642 0.34 1738 0.14 1330 1450 1548 1312 1436 1.35 0.34 1.44 TU WE TH1333 FR MO 0.19 WE 0.11 SUSU FR 0.30 SA SA 0.47 MO THSU SU21 TU FR0.451632 FR 1724 SA 0.53 SU TU 1429 WE 1446 1.50 1736 1.23 TH MO 1333 1.38 TU 1620 1.42 WE 1504 1.44 FR 1732 1.32 SA 1653 1.46 MO 1738 1.34 2128 1.4822021.45 1.58 2243 1.34 2343 1.35 2140 0.471928 2314 0.44 2359 2346 0.43 2025 1855 0.530.440.42 2202 0.40 0.34 2233 1945 1.58 2053 2145 1.32 1.78 2101 2323 2030 0.26 0.32 2025 0.53 0.40 2202 2140 0.47 2314 2359 0.43 1.61 2347 0.46 2127 0.46 2324 1.26 2129 0.43

SU1413 SA 1.5 FR 2353 1. 2323 2059 0.26 0.2 1.36 220

220150 22 09500.34 7 12240305 22 1249 0917 0056 0.56 0802 0.60 1100 0.59 0345 0.57 22 1153 0243 0.43 1244 0.56 0.36 0525 0.39 0338 1.13 0524 1.16 0622 1.33 022070056 1.090.611.17 0413 1.18 7 0208 7 0.31 0259 0.06 0412 0.15 0327 0.41 0518 0.49 1.20 1.20 1.15 0353 1.21 1554 1.49 TU 1440 1.41 1830 1.24 TU 1844 1.33 WE 1722 1.41 TH 1615 1.47 SA 1822 1.33 SU 1757 1.48 1.75 0917 0.560759 1100 0.61 1224 1149 0.571039 0802 0.60 0.56 0950 0815 0.59 MO 0813 MO 1.39 091523021.52 1.65 0924 0953 1.66 1146 1.42 0.53 0631 0.61 0.68 1.83 0936 0.71 2247 0739 0.45 2135 0.48 0.33 0915 1834 0.22 1554 1.491404 1722 1.41 1822 1.33 1440 1.41 1615 1.47 1406 1527 0.12 1549 1627 0.29 1.53 1.37 1535 1.28 SA MO 0.39 WE SA0.44 TU1.12 TH 0.08 SU SU 0.51 TU MO SA0.321723 WE FR 1.48 0446 1408 1.14 0335 0005 0.431.48 05150.34 1.28 1531 0038 0.41 0029 0015 1435 0.23 SA 1815 SU MO 1301 TH WE FR 0039 232018 23 11021.43 8 07012155 23 0711 1021 2102 0.56 0615 1.41 23 0703 1.50 0638 2130 1.61 0915 0.57 0.51 2224 2247 0.45 213581951 0.481.220.44 2302 0.33 8 2019 8 1.56 2129 1.76 1.54 2225 1.29 0.41 0.33 0.46 22151.732325 0.47 1654 1.51 1200 0.57 1311 0.50 1331 0.48 1256 0.32 1349 0.27 1548 1.47 1720 1.53

SU 1.4M SA 1518 1.30 2156 0.3 225

5 0709


20 0601


5 0843


20 0727


5 1025


20 0930


5 1045


20 1029


0449 0220 1.36 1.3 0442 0. 030 15 12 6 303 27 21 18 15 12 6 303 27 21 0.30 150800 12 0.5 18 12 6 3 27 21 18 18 1044 0.52 1109 1. 1.89 093 1653 1751 1.46 161 0. 0.11 0338 1.13

0220 1.09

0524 1.16

0413 1.18

0622 1.33

0545 1.48

0622 1.42

0618 1.63

0545 0321 1.48 1.3 034 13 0.5 19 13 7 4 28 22 19 13 7 4 28 22 19 13 7 314 28 22 0.37 19 1153 0.43 1.85 101 0912 1757 1.48 165 0.15 TU

2342 0.41


2238 0.38


1815 1.42


2357 0.25


1907 1.34


1857 1.48


1917 1.25


1943 1.33

0446 1.140235 0335 0154 1.12 0329 0.35 0005 0.43 0515 1.28 1.26 0038 0130 0.41 0015 0422 0.23 1.4 0238 0.31 0.07 0351 0.21 0402 0.43 0459 0.44 042 0012 1.18 1.13 1.19 0448 0541 0306 1.19 0047 0.401.13 0611 1.40 0445 0.39 0107 0.43 0440 1.20 0103 0347 0.22 0.32 1.27 240846 24 1207Commonwealth 9 0114 24Bureau 1118 0843 0.52 1022 0.50 0.40 1025 0728Australia 1.73 0801 1.81 0659 0738 1.48 24 0741 1.57 90727 Copyright of 2014, of Meteorology 1021 0.56 0915 0.571.290.61 0615 1.22 1102 0.51 9 0701 1.41 0638 1029 1.61 0.5 0845 9 1.42 1.72 0946 1.55 1012 1.85 1030 1.67 1125 1.78 105 0601 0.54 0.60 0.68 0930 0.59 1045 0.69 1745 1.54 1649 1.57 1820 1.59 1354 0.22 1443 0.20 1249 0.51 1353 0.43 1414 0.40 WE FR MO WE TH SA TU TH 1654 1.51 1548 1.47 1200 0.57 1720 1.53 1311 0.50 1256 0.32 1443 0.10 1603 1708 0.29 173 1.46 1358 1.45 1.33 1544 1637 1.25 2331 1953Astonomical 1.48 1900 1.44 1.35 2000 TU 0.38 WE0.27 TH 0.33 FR 0.09 SU1.26 MO 0.21 MO 1.39 TU 1459 WE TH1948 SA 1.46 SU1.331813 MO 1.3 SU 1235 MO 1512 TU TH 1634 FR SA 2037 SU 1629 Datum of Predictions is1644 Lowest Tide 2342 0.412110 2238 2056 0.380.370.44 1815 1.42 2357 0.25 0.30 1907 0218 1.34 1.48 0.3 2053 1.53 1.70 220500461.39 2248 2307 1.26 233 1915 0.54 0.44 0.45 2303 0027 2211 0.37 0535 1.31 0124 0.18 2314 0147 0.38 1.45 0151 2229 0.22 0145 0.42 0.33 0.47 1857 2252

8 5 29 23 20 14 8 5 29 23 20 14 8 5 29 23 20 14 20 14 PORT KEMBLA – NEW SOUTH WALES 10 0626

1.25 TH 1207 0.48 1830 1.56


LAT LONG 150° 55ʼ 10 10 25 25in0701local 112234° 0.39 29ʼ 0735 1.36 1.53 0812 1.54 25 0816 (UTC 1.82 10+10:00) 0817 1.64 25 1.86 Times are standard time or0849daylight savings time

0541 1.190320 0440 0301 1.20 0047Low 0.40Waters 0611 0449 1.40 1.36 0114 0538 0.390016 0103 0.22Tim 0307 0.32 0.12 0400 and 0.38 0437 0442 0.47 051 0110 1.12 1.13 0419 1.12 Heights 0538 1.25 0.29 1.34 0522 1.5 Times and ofPhase High Local New Moon First1.25 Quarter Moon Symbols 24 24 24 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 21 21 6 6 6 21 21 1118 0.520935 1022 0.50 0659 1.291100 1207 0.40 0738 1.480546 0728 1.73 09179 1.44 1.75 10209 1.56 1.82 11099 1.66 0.52 113 0656 0.59 0835 0.62 0952 0.63 1129 0.63 1148 0.63 1044 0.52 1142 0.4 261553 0.12 11 1.57 1642 26 0.34 26 26 0.431210 DECEMBER OCTOBER EPTEMBER 1745 1.54 1649 1249 11 0.511738 NOVEMBER 1820 1.59111751 0.30 1353 1354 0.22 182 1520 11 0.38 0.14 1.68 FR 1745 1.67

SA 1333 0.45 1941 1.46

SU 1305 0.28 1915 1.63

TU 1432 0.38 2027 1.35

WE 1448 0.14 2048 1.45

TH 1453 0.34 2043 1.27

FR 1532 0.16 2129 1.33

0019 0.17

0158 0.35

0134 0.13

0220 0.38

0239 0.25

0221 0.42

0305 0.36

0103 0.34

1.31 0810TH 1.421.44 1.60 0854 0625 0749 1.66 1732 1.87SU 1.46 1.32 1736 1653 WE FR 0704 TH1.44 SU1504 FR SA 0905 MO1.70 SU 0935 TU MO 1738 TU 1.38 WE 1.42 FR0845 MO1.86 1.23 TU 1.3W MO 1333 TU 1620 FR WE 1250 0.44 SA 1217 0.28WE 1413 0.41 MO 1401 0.18 1510 0.33 THSA 1542 0.11 FR 1531 0.28 SA 1619 0.15 2331 0.271.460.40 1900 1.44 1948 1.35 1953 1.48 0.3 2128 2202 1.58 2243 2343 2353 1.23 1901 0.44 0.43 2347 0.46 0.26 1909 2314 1.58 2017 2105 1.34 1.35 2124 1.28 1.31 1837 1.64 2359 2141 1.41 Time 1.48 m Time m 2216 Tim Time 0.29 m 2346 Time1.75 m 2202 Time20091.34 m Time m 2323 m 2025 0.53 0137 0739 SA 1330 1945

0.32 1.35 0.41 1.58

0105 0712 SU 1312 1928

0.10 1.55 0.19 1.78

0229 0843 MO 1450 2053

0.34 1.47 0.37 1.45

0220 0836 TU 1456 2101

0.12 1.76 0.11 1.61

0253 0918 TH 1548 2145

0.39 1.64 0.30 1.32

0326 0952 FR 1632 2233

0.30 1.89 0.11 1.36

0300 0931 SA 1612 2206

0.42 1.74 0.24 1.28

0351 1019 SU 1703 2302

0.39 1.83 0.18 1.29

27 1.16 120413 27 0.41 12 27 0622 0337 12 0.35 0524 0524 0.51 002 0108 0151 1.200618 0406 0535 0.21 0432 003827 1.260545 0.070220 1.09 0027 0.37 0124 0622 0.370525 0147 0.38 1.42 1.31 1.18 0046 0.1812 0.22 1.6 0.39 1.33 16 0.60 1 0.61 16 0.59 11149 16 1.48 1 0.56 16 0.3 10 10 10 1 25 25 25 31 22 7 22 7 22 7 22 0951 1.46 1151 1.62 060 1055 1.56 0635 0816 0.591249 1024 1122 1.740950 0614 1.75 0.491153 1.620802 0626 1.25 0735 1.36 0812 1.54 0.39 0701 1.53 1.82 1100 1224 0.57 0.43 1244 1559 1207 0.40 0.48 1650 1745 1.56 0.14 122 0.17 1.67 1722 0.35 1239 0.22 1.65 0.28 1839 0.32 0.19 1333 0.451834 1432 0.38 1256 1448 1305

1830 WE 1.41TH WE SU TU WE 1.3 SA 0.15 TU0.42MO 0435 FR0.06 TH 1615 SU SU WE TU 1844 SA TU 1440 SA 1822 0208 1722 0.31 TH 1.41 0259FR 0.341.47 03271.33 0.41 0412 1757 0.37MO 1.48 0340 0.44 1.24 28 0150 132302 28 11011.35 28 0305 0813 1.39 0915 1.520.33 0759 09241.28 1.83 13 0953 1931 1.66 28 1039 1.85 1.76 1949 2048 2204 13 1.41 2323 0.37 1.45 191 22571.65 1.45 0.30 1.722135 0.48 1830 1.56 1941 1.46 1915 1.6313 1011 1.762027 1406 0.39 1527 0.34 1404 0.12 1549 0.08 1627 0.29 1723 0.15 1653 0.22 1745 0.23 SU

2019 1.56


2018 1.76


2129 1.43


2155 1.54


2225 1.29


2325 1.30


2251 1.28


2347 1.27

0201 0239 1.180039 0408 0103 0.39 0453 0019 0.320515 050703510.46 0137 0134 1.19 0044 1.20 012 0.150335 1.12 0.34 0.43 0158 0.35 0220 0519 0.38 0.17 1.28 0.13 0.23 0.25 0.3 0005 0038 0.41 0015 0029 0.44 0.50 0238 0.31 0235 0.07 0329 0.35 0.21 0402 0.43 0459 0.44 0423 0.44 29 1.22 141102 29 10121.54 14 29 1142  Copyright of Australia 2014, Bureau of 0729 0905 0.660711 1027 14 1.46 11151.72 1.69 1132 0707 0.58 0613 0.55 065 1.630915 1.67 1.50 0845 Commonwealth 1.42 0846 0946 1.550.51 1.85 1030 1.67 29 1125Meteorology 1.78 1052 1.76 0704 1.31 0810 1.42 0845 1.60 0625 1.44 0749 1.6614 1.87 1.7 0.57 0615 0701 1.41 0638 1.61 0703 1443 0.38 TU 1459 0.10 0.09 0.29 SU 1813 0.21 1736 0.22 TU 1825 0.29 MO WE 1603 0.331806 TH 16440.38 SA 1708 1331 MO 1344 1.45 1639 0.43 1750 0.25 1.54 1239 1.58 131 0.251548 1250 0.44 1413 0.41 1510 0.33 1217 0.28 1401 0.18 1542 0.11 1.47 1200 0.57 1720 1.53 1311 0.50 1256 0.32 1331 0.48 1349 0.2 WE TH FR SA MO TU TH FR SU WE SA MO TH 2053 1.53 2110 1.70 2205 1.39 2248 1.45 2307 1.26 2337 1.27 WE TH FR SU MO TU WE Datum of1.34 Predictions is Lowest Astonomical Tide 2038 0.42 1.41 1.3 2242 1909 2354 1837 1.312357 2030 0.38 1932 0.34 200 1.572238 0.38 1.58 1.42 1.46 2105 0031 1.34 1.750.380.25 04372017 2009 1.64 1.48 1917 1.24 1.25 2141 1943 0307 1815 0.32 0320 0.12 0400 0.29 1907 04421.34 0.47 0016 1857 1.25 0510 0.46

23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 1

Times and Heights of 15 0917 30 1100+10:00) 0603 0.56 1.44 30 standard 0935 1.75 15time 1020 1.56 1.82 15 1109 1.66 30 0546 savings 0.52 15 1136 1.73 30 Times are in local (UTC or daylight time (UTC +11:00) when in eff

1.57 1520 0.38 WE 1553 0.14 0.30 MO1.15 1210 1.68 1822 0.23 WE TH 1642 FR 17381.22 SU 1751 0240 high and1221 low waters 0257 0326 1.180130 0442 TU 0.43 05440.12 0.43 0006 0140 1.19 022 0.250440 1.20 0137 0.32 0.40 0105 0.100.34 0.34 0220 0.12 TU 0253 0.39 0.30 0.3 0107 0.43 0611 0.22 1904 0.36 2128 0047 1.48 2202 1.58 2243 1.341.40 23430229 1.35 0114 23530.39 1.23 1901 0103 0.29 Full Moon New Moon First Quarter Moon Symbols 0 0829 0.700801 1104Phase 1.44 0659 1209 0712 1.611207 0546 0.51 0808 0.65 0709 0.59 080 1.611022 0739 1.35 1.29 1.55 0843 1.47 0836 1.76 0918 1.64 0952 1.89 1.8 0738 1.48 0741 0.50 0.40 0728 1.73 0115 1.23 1.57 0525 0.39 lat 34 29’ 31 0649 31MO 1436 1.35 1724 0.47 1854 0.34 1214 1429 1.44 1333 141 0.32 11491.51 1.75 1353 0.41 0.19 1450 0.37 0.11 1548 0.30 0.11 1414 1354 1443 TH FR 1.57 SA 0.51 SU 1.59 TU 0.43 WE 0.22 FR 0.2 00.62 0.40 SA 1330 SU 1312 TU 1456 TH 1.53 FR 1632 FR 1249 MO WE TH 1649 SA 1820 TU TH long 150 55’ 1301 1.46 1834 0.22 TH SA 2127 2233 0.462037 2324 1945 1.26 1900 0.42 2129 2101 0.431953 2030 0.34 205 1.58 1.44 1928 1.78 1855 2053 1948 1.45 1.35 1.61 1.48 2145 1.32 1.36 1.3 2000 2331 0.27 1944 0.41 1.26

24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 1

0518 0208 0.49 0124 0056 0150 1.200046 0056 1.17 0243 1.20 032 1.410535 1.31 0345 0305 1.150151 0353 0412 1.210218 0.31 0.37 0.06 0.18 0259 0147 0.34 0.38 0.15 0.22 0327 0145 0.41 0.42 0.37 0.3 19 0.39 4 1.36 19 1.53 19 1.82 19 1.8 4 1.54 4 1.64 13 28 13 28 1 28 13 25 10 10 10 25 25 25 1146 1.42 0739 0759 0.530701 0631 0.56 0815 0.61 091 0.361122 0915 0924 0.680816 0936 1039 0.710849 0813 1.39 1.65 0915 1.52 1.83 0953 1.66 1.85 0735 0812 0817 1815 1406 0.51 0.39 1408 1404 1.53 0.12 1301 1.48 1.57 1.37 0.08 1435 1.48 1.28 0.15 151 1527 0.34 1531 1549 1627 0.29 1535 1723

 Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2014, Bureau of Meteorology Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astonomical Tide in SU local0.45 standard time 1305 +10:00) or daylight savings (UTC +11:00) when effect 1333 1432 0.38 0.28TU 1448 SA 1.67SU Times MO THin0.14 SA 0.1 WEtime FR 0.34 MO SU (UTC WE FR TH 1453 SA FR 1532 FR 1745 SAare TU WE Full Moon Moon Symbols New1.76 Moon 1951 0.44 First Quarter Last Quarter 2102 2018 0.41 0.40 0.46 0.47 1.30 215 2019Phase 1.56 2129 1.43 2224 2155 1.54 2130 0.33 2225 1.29 2215 2325

1941 1.46

1915 1.63

2027 1.35

2048 1.45

2043 1.27

The Bureau of Meteorology gives no warranty of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise in respect to the availability, accuracy, currency, completeness, quality or reliability of the information or that the information will be fit for any particular purpose or will not infringe any third party Intellectual Property rights. The Bureau’s liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from use of, or reliance on, the information is entirely excluded.

2129 1.3

0012 0238 1.18 0158 0306 0235 1.130134 0154 1.13 1.270019 0.17 0445 0351 1.190239 0448 0459 1.270305 0347 1.26 042 0.31 0.35 0.07 0.13 0329 0220 0.35 0.38 0.21 0.25 0402 0221 0.43 0.42 0.44 0.3 20 1.44 5 1.42 20 1.66 5 1.60 20 1.87 5 1.70 20 1.8 14 29 14 29 14 29 1 26 11 26 11 26 11 26 0601 0.54 0843 0846 0.600749 0727 0.61 0.460625 1025 1012 0.680905 1045 1125 0.690935 0930 0.59 102 0845 1.42 1.72 0946 1.55 1.85 1030 1.67 1.78 0810 0845 0854 1235 1443 1.39 0.38 1512 1459 1.46 0.10 1358 1.45 1.53 1.33 0.09 1544 1.46 1.25 0.21 162 1603 0.33 1634 1644 1708 0.29 1637 1813

0.33 SU 0.28 MO 0.41 TU 0.18 TH27 SA 0.28 FR 0.11SA FR 1531 SU 0.1M MO SU 1413 TU MO 1401 WE 2515 TH TH 1542 SU SA 1619 SA 1217 WE 1510 1915 2053 0.54 2017 2211 2110 0.442009 2056 0.44 0.451837 1.75 2314 2248 0.452141 2303 0.472216 1.3 2229 0.30 225 1.53 1.46 1.70 1.64 2205 2105 1.39 1.34 1.45 1.41 2307 2124 1.26 1.28

0110 0307 1.12 0229 0301 1.13 1.160105 0.10 0419 0320 1.120220 0538 0437 1.250326 0538 0016 1.340351 0449 1.36 052 0.32 0.34 0.12 0.12 0400 0253 0.38 0.39 1.25 0.3 0.29 0.30 0442 0300 0.47 0.42 21 1.55 21 1.76 6 1.47 6 1.64 6 1.74 21 1.89 21 1.8 15 30 15 30 15 30 1 12 12 27 27 27 12 27 0656 0.59 0835 0.62 0.530712 0952 0935 0.630836 1129 1100 0.630952 1148 0546 0.631019 1044 0.52 114 0917 1.44 1.75 1020 1.56 0.52 1.82 1109 1.66 0843 0918 0931 1333 1520 1.38 0.38 1620 1553 1.50 1.42 0.12 1504 1.44 1.32 0.14 1653 1.46 1.23 1.68 173 1642 0.34 1732 1738 1751 0.30 1736 1210 2515-OCTOBER-p027_TIDAL CHART.indd 27

23/09/2015 1:21 pm

MO 0.19TU MO 1450 WE 0.11TH TH 1548 TU 0.37 FR 0.30 SU 0.24 SA 0.11SU SA 1612 MO 0.1 WE TU 1456 MO SU 1703 FR FR 1632 SU 1312 2025 2128 0.53 2053 2202 0.40 0.471928 1.78 2314 2202 0.442101 2359 2343 0.432233 2347 1901 0.462302 2323 0.26 234 1.48 1.45 1.58 1.61 2243 2145 1.34 1.32 0.29 1.2 1.35 1.36 2353 2206 1.23 1.28

2515 SPORT

luke takes on world Coledale surfer Luke Wrice is heading to the World Junior Surfing Championships.

Above and below: Luke Wrice carving in Indonesia. Photo: Island Eye Photography

Luke, 16, will compete in the U16s International Surfing Association (ISA) World Junior Surfing Championship. The comp is being held in Oceanside, California from October 11 to 18. The Bulli High School student is one of four Australians, including Stanwell Park’s Kalani Ball, who will compete in the event. Luke hails from Coledale and is a member of the Sandon Point Boardriders Club. His past successes have included a second place in the 2014 Billabong Occy’s Grom Comp. Luke’s sponsors include Byrne Surfboards, Rip Curl, Electric Visuals and Future Fins. 2515




23/09/2015 2:40 pm

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