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Meet a councillor

A public letter to Lee Evans MP

The Helensburgh heritage listed Courthouse and residence site (c1902) is looking very neglected. We have taken a series of photos this morning and cropped them to show how much damage is evident. These photos are only taken from the roadside as we do not have access to the back or western side of the building.


The grass/weeds are nearly as high as the front fence and remarkably the grass is mowed outside the currently used police demountable.

There is a lot of questions regarding if the roof is secure as the flashing appears to be deteriorating and concrete piping is crumbling. What appeared from a distance of broken tiles was actually when we zoomed in was insecure flashing.

The guttering at the residence side is full of weeds and rusted out.

Most of the timber work including the wooden windows have the paint peeling off exposing the wood.

A closer inspection inside and out is urgently needed and we request that this be done by the authorising bodies.

We should not have to remind the authorities that this is a heritage building they are responsible for which is of great concern by the community of Helensburgh.

We would be pleased if you would follow up and reply in due course.

– Jenny Donohoe, concerned Helensburgh resident

‘Arlo’: Sequel to ‘An ode to Daisy’

On a dull and cloudy day

Daisy’s Cousin came to play

They sniffed and licked and jumped around

Then suddenly Arlo hit the ground

A bindi in his foot was to blame So Ady removed it with great precision

And at this point Daisy got this vision:

‘I’m a working dog and round up sheep

You look close enough, this will be neat’

Arlo wasn’t moving fast so Daisy made it last ‘I’ve had enough I’m going home

But you will have to carry me,’ Arlo moaned ‘This meeting has worn me out

And it’s Cousin Daisy’s fault no doubt

When I get old I might be able to compete But for now just let me sleep.’

– Kevin Carter

Re: Sparrows in Backyard Zoology

Sparrows are not natives so are not protected. However, they were decimated by the Indian Mynas and it is wonderful to see them recovering as we continue to control Indian Mynas.

They are so little and perky and fun and do no damage (so far as I am aware) to the natives.

Love your Backyard Zoology.

– Lindsey Smith

Funding for new ‘Penguin Shores’ exhibit at Symbio

Symbio Wildlife Park has received a $150,000 grant to develop an eco-friendly Little Penguin Experience, known as ‘Penguin Shores’.under the NSW Government’s Tourism Product Development Fund. Pictured at the funding announcement in December are Member for Heathcote Lee Evans and Symbio’s Beth Beckwith and Kevin Fallon. Photo supplied

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