1 minute read
DSBA –Our Benefits
by 256 Content
The Dublin Solicitors Bar Association (“DSBA”) is the largest bar association in Ireland, having been established in 1935. It is a representational and not a regulatory organisation, existing to promote the welfare and interests of its members who are solicitors. The DSBA aims to promote a vibrant and up-to-date profession and collegiality amongst solicitors. The DSBA offers the following benefits to members:


DSBA CPD Events – Preferential rates for members for top quality CPD [Continuing Professional Development] events held all year round. The DSBA is committed to providing a series of conferences and seminars in the next 12 months to meet the ongoing educational and information needs of its members.
DSBA Precedents – Precedent publications area available on topics including solicitors’ partnerships, residential tenancies, share purchase and sale agreements and family law and separation agreements. All of these are in constant and daily use by practitioners.
DSBA Parchment Magazine – Our award-winning quarterly magazine which will keep you up to date with the profession and practice.
DSBA Sports Events – Golf, tag rugby, soccer, cricket, tennis – events to promote collegiality and friendship amongst solicitors.
DSBA Social Events – Events for solicitors throughout the year and our notto-be-missed annual conference.
DSBA Submissions – Our committees and council work hard to represent solicitors and their interests; there is a current DSBA taskforce on the Legal Services Regulation Act.
The Consult a Colleague Helpline is available to confidentially assist every member of the profession nationwide with any problem whether personal or professional free of charge. The volunteers on the panel who provide the service are all solicitors of considerable experience, www.consultacolleague.ie.
DSBA Younger Members’ Committee represents the interests, both professionally and socially, of the younger and most recently qualified members of our profession, from newly qualified up to five years PQE. The Younger Members’ Committee of the DSBA organises low-cost CPD events, lectures and other events for young solicitors.
DSBA Management Tools such as – CORT – Computerised Objections and Requisitions on Title.
DSBA Website – www.dsba.ie. See our regularly updated website for information on all of the above.

For renewal and new membership please complete the form (right) in full and return it together with a cheque/bank draft/ postal order for the appropriate fee to Maura Smith, DSBA, Unit 206, The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7; DX 200206 Capel Building or call 01 6706089 to pay by credit/debit card.
One member
2nd to 5th members
6th to 10th members
11th to 20th members
21st to 50th members
51st to 100th members
101st to 150p members
151 plus members
€105 each
€100 each
€95 each
€85 each
€80 each
€75 each
€70 each
Firm name:
Firm address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
DX number:
Email address:
Year admitted to the roll:
Enclosed please find *cheque/bank draft/postal order for € for * new membership/renewal